lo-fi-ana · 4 years
yeah p much 
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I forget where I got this template from but...
Hand him over
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lo-fi-ana · 5 years
omg if i lost 40 pounds in a month id kms
You know what would suck? If i just woke up tomorrow 30lbs lighter. HahAhA that’d be horrible! I’d hate for that to happen!!
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lo-fi-ana · 5 years
esplain plehs.
Why do us anas keep looking at porn for no reason. Why is that one of our things. It's true but what kind of psychological f u c k e r y is this
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lo-fi-ana · 5 years
reblog if you plan to be THAT bitch™ after you lose weight
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lo-fi-ana · 5 years
want some good lo-fi beats? 
go on spotify and search steven universe. it’s great for scrolling through thinspo posts
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lo-fi-ana · 5 years
no more waiting
i’ve been procrastinating this for weeks now. I’m going to stop eating until i get to 150 pounds, have a good full meal, then 130 pounds, a good meal, then to 115 at the end. I’m probably going to go down to 95-110. I want to look like an angel. Im not waiting any longer. I need meanspo. repost if youll follow this with me
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lo-fi-ana · 5 years
Weightless: a concept
Imagine being at school with your bottle filled up with water. You are back from the bathroom, with your black high wasted jeans and your loooong oversized vintage cardigan. You enter to the classroom, while you walk delicately and you know someone is seeing your thin legs and thing gap. You are dainty. You are skinny. You sit on you chair and you contemplate the sun through the window. It’s a cold winter afternoon when you see yourself, realizing that you are FINALLY skinny, finally perfect, finally you have a flat stomach and collarbones, now you have the dainty arms and legs you have always wanted. You know everyone notices it. Everyone knows you have lost weight and you aren’t that invisible fat lazy girl anymore. Now everyone notice that you are special, skinny and beautiful. Was it difficult to reach all of that? Did you have to work that hard? No. You only sticked to a fucking calorie limit and did your exercises. GET YOU GOALS DONE! (sorry for my bad English and yes wtf is this)
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lo-fi-ana · 5 years
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lo-fi-ana · 5 years
wait it keeps going us 
my sexual fantasies be like
scale: *drops number*
me: mMMMmmM
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lo-fi-ana · 5 years
i wish i could stop eating
Reblog if food stresses you out?!?!?!
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lo-fi-ana · 6 years
ed culture is watching mukbangs or anorexia documentaries or porn at 2 am there’s no in between
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lo-fi-ana · 6 years
The truth
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lo-fi-ana · 6 years
Reblog if 3+ apply to you
Are 14+
Don’t fat shame
Support recovery
Are 5'2 or below
Goal weight of <90lbs
Support lgbt+
Want to get better
Want your followers to get better
Still live with your parent/s or guardian/s
Still in highschool
I’ll follow as many as I can :)
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lo-fi-ana · 6 years
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lo-fi-ana · 6 years
Please help me be anorexic. I'm so tired of being fat. Please help me.
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lo-fi-ana · 6 years
so fuckin tired of being the “before” picture
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lo-fi-ana · 6 years
I’m so disgusted with myself. I tried eating in front of a mirror to stop myself, but it wasn’t working. I’ve eaten too many calories today, i’ve gained 4 founds since i became ana, and i think if i try to fast, my mom will know. please give me tips
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