loarlovestv-blog · 7 years
Hey folks, if you still want to follow me (loarlovestv) follow my new blog on my new account (mx-loar-tev). Xo. ~Loar
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loarlovestv-blog · 7 years
Chapter 2 of Coming Home is up! Or the one where Sanvers lives happily ever after. 
CW: slightly NSFW. Minor smut for a paragraph. Also death of old age for a couple of sentences. 
They fell back into their old dynamic pretty quickly, playful banter flowing easily between them as if no time had passed. Maggie was surprised; she had expected at least some awkwardness, a time of adaptation. But it seemed they were still just as much in sync now as they were when they first met. Maggie didn’t believe in fate, but now she was tempted to; there was just something extraordinary about them, something she could never describe but was very real.
Alex gulped the dregs of her drink - a very non-alcoholic root beer, Maggie noticed - and gestured at the pool tables. “Fancy a game? For old time’s sake?”
“Sure. But be warned though, I got a lot better.”
“Bring it on, Sawyer.”
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loarlovestv-blog · 7 years
Summary: Maggie’s life after the break-up and how Sanvers got back together. 
It had been 25 years, give or take a few months. Two decades and a half. A quarter of a century. Since the last time she laid eyes on one Alex Danvers.
Maggie Sawyer isn’t one to have the memory of a girl who had broke up with her keep her down, but what a girl she had been! Despite the fact that her time with Alex had made her stronger and had healed some of her biggest wounds, losing her had felt like losing a limb. Like losing half of her soul.
They had tried staying friends at first; that was the plan anyways. But seeing each other without being able to be together? They quickly had found out that it was torture and that time wouldn’t ease the pain.
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loarlovestv-blog · 7 years
Summary: What if Alex and Maggie had met when Alex and Hank were at the precinct to talked to detectives Warner and Draper?
Notes: This is slightly crack-ish.
Alex turned around to see a brunette woman sprawled on the floor, soaked with a brown liquid that must be coffee, holding an empty cardboard tray and glaring dejectedly at four empty Starbucks cups on the stained floor. An man was standing beside her, snickering unapologetically. Alex noted they were both sporting detectives badges at their belt.
“Are you alright?”
The woman looked up, wide-eyed. “I- um- I- Yeah, yeah, I’m fine…” she stammered. She gulped loudly, still staring at Alex.
“Don’t mind her. She’s a useless lesbian,” the man told Alex.
She frowned. “Doesn’t seem very polite to out someone to a stranger like that.”
“Oh no, it’s okay. McCoy here is an asshole, but he’s not That bad. Don’t worry, I’m out and proud.”
Alex nodded tersely. She offered her hand to the petite cop, since her collègue wasn’t looking very obliging. The woman looked at it a few seconds too long before accepting the help and stood up. She looked down at her ruined clothes.
“Was it hot?” Alex asked.
“Wha- Excuse me?” The stranger blinked owlishly at her, looking stunned. (Alex chose to ignore the “That’s gay.” comment from her male friend.)
“Hum, the coffee? Was it hot? Did you get burned?”
“Why, are you a doctor or something?” Alex blinked. Did that woman just flirted with her?
“Actually, yes. I have a M.D.”
“Bet you look good in a white coat.” It was Alex’s turn to be stunned silent. That woman was definitely flirting with her. And smirking at her. Tilting her head. And she had dimples. Why were a stranger’s dimples relevant?
“Agent Danvers!” she heard Hank calling for her.
“Coming!” Again, she ignored the male cop’s comment - “I’m sure Sawyer would love to make her come.” - though she couldn’t help the blush warming her face. “Here’s my card, if you want me to pay for the, hum-” She gestured widely at the cop’s - Sawyer’s - stained clothes. “-since apparently I’m the reason you…” she trailed off again.
“The reason I ran into a wall and splashed myself with coffee?”
“Hum, yeah, that. Sorry, gotta gay… Go! I gotta go!”
“Yeah. See you around, Danvers.”
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loarlovestv-blog · 7 years
Hey folks, if you still want to follow me (loarlovestv) follow my new blog on my new account (mx-loar-tev). Xo. ~Loar
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loarlovestv-blog · 7 years
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Maggie Sawyer might not like Valentine’s Day but she sure loves Christmas (x)
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loarlovestv-blog · 7 years
Fic: Impulse
Fandom: Supergirl
Pairing: Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer
Word Count: 2.6k words
Rating: M
“In Maggie’s arms, she could let go of control. She could blindly submit to impulse, and now everything in her was trying to get closer to Maggie.”
Maggie and Alex make out. Maggie is patient. Alex isn’t. Set between 2x08 and 2x09.
Read on AO3
Alex was getting used to this.
In Maggie’s arms, she could let go of control. She could blindly submit to impulse, and now everything in her was trying to get closer to Maggie as they made out on her couch.
They’d dragged one another to this spot immediately after returning from their date, tripping out of their shoes in their haste to take what they needed from each other—lips and hands and heat.
God, the heat.
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loarlovestv-blog · 7 years
Feeling Human
A little bit of ruminations from Kara’s POV on Supercarp sex, featuring Cat, sensory-issues!Kara, and ESP!Lena.  Hope you enjoy.
If she thought hard, Kara could remember what it was like to just feel things.  
She remembered being a child on Krypton and looking at the way the red sun’s light caught in her mother’s hair.  She remembered holding Kal-El when he was a baby and feeling his downy head cradled against her cheek.  She remembered the smell of the ripkala that their favorite cook Mora used to make, spicy and perfect.  The way the gel of her bed fitted itself to her shape perfectly at night.  The impossible softness of the fabric of her dresses.  She remembered feeling those things, without having to think about them, without having to concentrate on them to make sure that she could feel them at all, or to keep herself from feeling too much.  
To just feel things.  What a distant memory that was.
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loarlovestv-blog · 7 years
You know how Winn fanboys over superman can you do a prompt of Alex fangirling over Wonder Woman. I think I'd be interesting to see cool Alex freaking and also Wonder Woman is so worthy.
“Sotechnically, she’s not an alien,” Maggie read through the file inthe middle of the DEO command center. She dropped the page she waslooking at. “But she is super strong and has weapons that areobviously not of this world.” She looked over at Alex who wasdistracted by her favorite alien gun in pieces on the table. She hada soldering iron in one hand and some kind of alien version in herother hand.
Maggielooked toward the entrance to the DEO when the door opened. She heardKara talking and knew their special guest with the mystery file hadarrive.
“SoKal-El is your cousin?” an elegant voice asked that was bothpowerful and comforting.
“Yeah,”Kara smiled. “My little baby cousin.”
“Alex,”Maggie poked Alex’s arm.
“Holdon,” Alex grumbled. “Can’t believe it got smashed.”
Maggiedidn’t look away from their guest as she hit Alex with the back ofher hand. “Alex, look.”
“Alex!”Maggie finally moved her hand up Alex’s head, her hand pattingAlex’s face. “Alex, look.”
“What?”Alex looked up from her beloved gun to the approaching group. Atfirst all she saw was J’onn and Kara, then she saw her. The lightcoming in the glass door lit up their visitor like a halo, making herface seem like a dream. A smile lit up her face as she steppedforward out of the light and Alex’s eyes adjusted.
“You’reWonder Woman,” Alex blurted out. The tools in her hand clatteredonto the table and she walked quickly around the table.
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loarlovestv-blog · 7 years
Something Other Than This Mess That I Am (Director Sanvers, but Maggie/Lucy-centric) T
Whoa boy, I haven’t written actual fic in a long, loooooong time. I don’t even know how to do this anymore. So, if it’s a mess, I apologize. I don’t even know how to format this anymore! I’ll give it my best shot. Title: Something Other Than This Mess That I Am (yay, DEH reference)
Pairing(s): Maggie/Alex/Lucy, though this one is Maggie/Lucy-centric
Rating: T for talk of violence, TW for brief mentions of child abuse.
Notes: Post-ep for 219 Alex, obviously slightly AU in that Lucy is around. A few days after things calm down, Maggie deals with her own fallout.
It takes a few days, before Maggie and Lucy are ready to let her go. They know Alex isn’t theirs (well, not only theirs), that the threat wasn’t only to their blissful little triad. So when Kara requests a night alone with Alex, Maggie and Lucy let her go.
And in Maggie’s brain, she imagines a night of the eight millionth Friends marathon with Thai food and wine, but almost as soon as Alex is gone, Lucy turns off the TV and squares her attention on Maggie.
“Talk to me,” she says, though it’s more of a request than a demand. Maggie should’ve known she wasn’t getting out of this one. She sighs and shrugs, pulling her knees up to her chest, picking at the edge of the blanket draped across her lap.
“I’m fine,” she says eventually, the rest of her thoughts failing to organize. Even if she wanted to talk, she’s not sure she could just now. And for a second, she wonders if Lucy’s going to push her–she can all but feel Lucy’s eyes narrow–but instead, Lucy nods.
“I know,” she says. “But…when you want to talk, I’m here.”
Maggie nods and scoots a little closer to Lucy. Things aren’t quite as fluid between them without Alex here as a buffer. They work, and it’s getting better, but neither of them are used to letting people take care of them, so things jar a little, from time to time. But four days is a long time to hold everything together, and Maggie’s slipping, even though she really is fine. Alex is fine. They’re all fine.
“Come here,” Lucy coaxes, reaching out in invitation. Maggie hesitates only briefly before obliging, sinking into her arms. And they stay just like that for a while. Longer than it’s comfortable to do so. “Hungry?” Just as Maggie’s about to shift because she’s stiff and sore, Lucy speaks.
“Maybe,” Maggie agrees, stretching, breathing, her chest a little lighter than it was before.
“Thai?” Lucy says, reaching up to brush the hair out of Maggie’s face. Just short of the threshold where Maggie would flinch, where she’d find it a little harder to breathe, Lucy stops, her hand dropping, her lip catching under her teeth in silent apology.
“Yeah,” Maggie whispers, reaching for Lucy’s hand, bringing it to her cheek, leaning into it. “That sounds good.”
She watches Lucy breathe again, watches her key the number into her phone and place their usual order (Alex hates Thai food, so it’s always just them).
“Kay,” Lucy says.It’s not until the food comes and Maggie’s halfway through her pad pik king that the words fall into place somehow.
“It was…his mom used to hit him,” she says. To her credit, Lucy merely nods, swallowing her pad thai. “Hearing him talk about it…about what it was like to hide, to not have anyone notice…for a minute, I felt sorry for the guy. I actually understood where he was coming from. Because that was me,you know. I got it.”
Lucy sips her wine and lets Maggie’s words settle before she says anything. “You know, he’s not you, Maggie. Just because parts of you are the same, because your stories overlap, it doesn’t make you like him.” She thinks of her father, of her sister, of the fear that builds in her chest sometimes when she catches glimpses of them inside her. “And we…we got Alex back because of you. Your compassion and levelheadedness, your ability to really see him, not just as the guy who kidnapped Alex, but as a person with a backstory and a motive. You are excellent at what you do, Maggie, and maybe that has something to do with your childhood. But maybe it doesn’t. And you know what, it doesn’t matter. What matters is who you are now.”
Maggie nods and wipes her eyes, a little mad at how easy it is for her to cry these days. “It’s just really hard to forget that when everything comes back so easily…I feel like I haven’t gotten anywhere at all.”
“Come here,” Lucy says, for the second time that evening, forgetting about dinner for the time being. And Maggie is grateful for the invitation, because she needs it, but she’s terrible at asking. And Lucy gets that, so they’re learning. “You’re here,” Lucy says, wrapping her arms carefully around Maggie, pressing a kiss to her temple.
“I’m here.” And right now, ‘here’ feels about as far away from hidden bruises and screaming matches as she can get.
“Thank you,” Lucy says, her lips grazing Maggie’s hairline. “For talking to me. For letting me in. And for saving her.”
Maggie knows, can imagine, how difficult it is for Lucy. She’d had no idea what was going on until it was over. She gets it now, why Lucy hates being away so much, why the days leading up to her departure are always a little dark and fraught with tension. She makes a mental note to be extra aware in the future.
“I’d do it for you too, you know,” Maggie says, stroking her hand over Lucy’s arm where it’s safely anchored around her waist.
“You know, Sawyer, I think that’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever said to me.” Maggie can hear the affection bleeding into Lucy’s voice, and this is ground she’s familiar with. The last vestiges of tension ebb from her.
“Yeah, well, get used to it, Lane. I’m not going anywhere.” And Maggie can’t quite explain it, but it feels like a new version of ‘home’. This, she could get used to.
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loarlovestv-blog · 7 years
Realizations || Alex - Part 1
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AN: I’ll be using the pronouns she/her for Alex on this first part, because she’s still figuring herself out, and hasn’t given pronouns a thought yet.
Also, shout out to @queergirlwriting for being so inspiring!
Coming to terms with her sexuality hadn’t exactly been easy, but Alex thought that it had gone well enough and she knows how lucky she is to have so many special people in her life who were nothing but supportive of her.
But most of those people simply accepted her, while Maggie knew exactly what she was going through. “Read up on LGBT+ issues, it’ll be good, Danvers. You’ll see that you aren’t the only one who’s going through all this. You aren’t alone.” Maggie had said, making Alex roll her eyes.
“I know that, Maggie, you’re here. I’m not alone.” she had replied.
“I know, babe, but you need to know that there’s an entire community out there who will support you. You might not feel like it now, but you need more than one person as your safe-net, okay?”
Alex had crossed her arms and huffed stubbornly. “I’m gay, Maggie, I know there are a bunch of other people like me out there… J-Just look at how big our Pride Parade is…”
Maggie had mirrored Alex’s stance, crossing her arms, and narrowing her eyes at her girlfriend. “Okay… But being part of this community is more than just being gay, lesbian, or bi. Babe,” Maggie sighed, “You lived your entire life trying to fit in a box, and now you’re just starting to peek out of it. There’s a whole world of concepts and issues that you probably haven’t even heard of, okay? Just- just read up, educate yourself, and I guarantee you’ll find clarity for things you hadn’t even given too much thought about, alright??”
Reluctantly, Alex had nodded in agreement.
And that’s how she had found herself up until four AM, three nights in row, reading up on sexuality and gender. It felt good; some stories had made Alex cry, others had filled her with hope and joy, and she really did feel a connection with people she had never even met.
A couple of months had passed since then; life had been going as well as you could expect when you deal with bad guys and evil organizations on a daily basis, but everything was worth it, because Alex got to go home to Maggie every night.
“Tough day, babe?” Maggie asked, handing Alex a glass of wine, and giving her a sweet kiss.
Alex kissed Maggie back, and gladly accepted the drink. “Just the usual stuff.” she said, trying to shrug it off.
“C’mon, Ally, you know you can tell me anything.” Maggie said with a smile, but it soon disappeared when she saw Alex frowning at her. “What? Did something really bad happen?” She was getting worried.
“Uh…no… you just…” Alex worried her bottom lip, trying to make sense of her discomfort. “You just…y-you called me Ally…”
Maggie tilted her head, frown still in place, “You don’t like it?”
“I…” God, why was she being so annoying about a nickname? Alex mentally chastised herself, but her stomach had dropped at the new name, and that feeling was just too damn familiar… “It just… It makes me feel the same way when my mother calls me Alexandra… I’m sorry, Maggie, I’m just being a pain. Forget I sai-”
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loarlovestv-blog · 7 years
Space Pirate Alex Masterpost
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Lost our love, she lost her land, don’t lose the last place, we must stand. by @change-the-rules
The Chronicles of the Starship DEO by @sandstonesunspear
Krypton; Sol; Year 1 by NerdsbianHokie
Mix of Colors by @beifonglover
Alex Tattoos by @beaniesnapbacks
Moodboards: General Director Sanvers
Playlist: Space Pirate Alex by @roguekniightone (Spotify) She’s Made of Outer Space recommended by @crimsoncat21 (8tracks)
Tattoos: Text Concepts Image Concepts Other: X  X
General HCs: Sky surfing 2
Sad HCs by @beifonglover​: Aging 1 (in which the crew ends up aging slower) Aging 2 (in which Alex returns home and hasn’t aged nearly as much as everyone on Earth) Struggling with Feelings
Non-Binary Space Pirate Alex! Determination
@yokothetypo asked for a Master Post, so here it is.  It’s still a rough draft, but I wanted to get something up, as it has been a few days.  I am going to continue to edit it.
If anyone has anything they posted about Space Pirate Alex, and want it included, just message me.  I promise I haven’t left anything off intentionally, I most likely just haven’t gotten to it yet.
Edited 6/17/17
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loarlovestv-blog · 7 years
AU where Dumbledore’s Army uses the Chamber of Secrets instead of the Room of Requirement
Ultimate security as Harry is the only one capable of opening it. 
Myrtle proudly spending her time acting as a guard/lookout. 
Later, Harry diligently teaching Ron, Hermione, and a few choice others, like Neville, how to mimic parseltongue so that they can open it too. 
Muggleborns experiencing vicious satisfaction that they’re using this chamber as a place of education and defense, reclaiming the very space Slytherin built to rid the school of their presence. 
Hermione methodically dismantling the basilisk’s corpse, covertly selling the priceless ingredients to potion masters, using the funds to continue their work - buying books and battle robes and new wands for those who can’t afford it. 
(Hermione saving a portion of those ingredients for her own research, straightening in triumph when she learns what basilisk venom does to horcruxes, knowing she has vials of it hidden up in her room). 
Harry reverently adding the Chamber of Secrets to the Marauder’s Map, proudly continuing his family’s work and reveling in the difference they’re making. 
These students - these kids - choosing to train in a dark, horrifying place that was never meant for them. Learning spells amongst shadows, growing stronger in inches of murky water, the smell of a decomposing corpse in their noses, memories of all that had happened here haunting them. They know this is what war is really like and it helps to push them forward.  
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loarlovestv-blog · 7 years
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If there are any Riverdale viewers out there, who have recently been disappointed by the show for its queerbaiting, poor treatment of POC characters, and self-harm joke, etc. then I would strongly recommend Class.
Yes, Class is a Doctor Who spin-off. If you don’t like DW then don’t worry, Class is separated from it. It’s about a group of high schoolers who fight aliens. The show consists of six main characters. Why should you watch it? 
Well for starters, in the first episode a romantic queer relationship is established between two 17 year-old boys named Charlie and Matteusz. They attend prom together and share a kiss. In tonights episode “Nightvisiting,” there is even a scene where the two boys are intimate. The relationship is extremely healthy and loving. These two boys are not side characters, they are mains!
It is worth nothing that Matteusz is a POLISH IMMIGRANT!
There are two leading POC characters as well. One of them is a 14 year-old black girl named Tanya. She is a genius! She skipped ahead three grades because she is so smart. The other character is a 17 year-old Sikh boy named Ram. The show has let Ram, and the other male characters, show emotion. All three male characters have openly cried in the show. There isn’t any toxic masculinity. 
The other two characters are badass women. One of them is named April. She is an abuse survivor who does not let her past experiences dictate her life. She makes sure she is in full control. The other woman is the student’s teacher named Miss Quill. She used to be a freedom fighter. 
Two episodes have already premiered. If you wish to watch them then you can watch it on BBC America’s website (http://www.bbcamerica.com/shows/class). A new episode will be premiering tonight on BBC America at 10/9c.
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loarlovestv-blog · 7 years
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loarlovestv-blog · 7 years
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I’m sorry that I was busy defending your honor!
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loarlovestv-blog · 7 years
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sanvers + their notes to each other (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
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