lobotomypress · 4 months
"Eh? Hajime and Bonkichi? Aren't you two supposed to be in class? Did something happen?"
- Nagito
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Heey! You probably wanted a response from Haggymen, since you, well, go to his school and not mine, so you dont really know me- but it seems haggymen hasnt responded yet due to being tired? I'm not in class because I don't care, and for Hajime, I dont know about him. -bonkichi
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lobotomypress · 4 months
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Kage has been talking more about danganronpa lately, something about something that has to do with something- I never pay attention to what he says, I js want him to straighten his back. But I guess we can't have nice things can we? No. No, of course I have to walk around the school with a question mark. -bonkichi
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lobotomypress · 4 months
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haggymen the one girl with a red bow and orange strawberry lookin-hair is back.
(assuming you're who I think you are.)
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lobotomypress · 4 months
*throws 35 bagels each at both of you and runs away*
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... Well now some of the bagels have been wasted, way to go. I hope you feel self fulfillment. Did you seriously expect us to catch all of that? ..our parents are going to be angry at this mess.
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lobotomypress · 4 months
on a scale of 1-10 how gay are you
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a decent 7 .
- hajime
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lobotomypress · 4 months
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why is there traps in my room .. bon did this didn't he ?
- hajime
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lobotomypress · 4 months
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i don't really know my classmates well ,, there is this one kid , he's not in my class, he's in the main course, he likes to make fun of me , annoying .. but he's interesting
- hajime
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Who’s your favorite and least favorite classmate?
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Haggymen's at the hospital rn, so if u want his response too I'll get him 2 reblog this and answer! As for my answer, they all suck. (if i had to choose tho then i guess kage is ok.) -bonkichi
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lobotomypress · 4 months
Who’s your favorite and least favorite classmate?
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Haggymen's at the hospital rn, so if u want his response too I'll get him 2 reblog this and answer! As for my answer, they all suck. (if i had to choose tho then i guess kage is ok.) -bonkichi
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lobotomypress · 4 months
"an eye for an eye, a leg for a leg... a shot in the heart doesn't make it unbreak..."
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She really didn't wanna make it messy!! She really, really didn't, but the girl gone cray!!
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lobotomypress · 4 months
Monomi monomi monomi monomi monomi monomi monomi monomi monomi monomi monomi monomi monomi monomi monomi monomi - 🔍
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Monomi, like that one danganronpa character? kage knows more abt her than me. . . He always rants to me abt that stuff, but I always seem to zone out,
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lobotomypress · 4 months
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it seems haggymen's going to the hospital, while they're away im going to put traps in his bedroom, (im going to prank him, then blame the neighbor's kid, even though the neighbor's kid can't even get in nor is allowed in). then I'm going to sneak out, trust me! I can make the time.
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lobotomypress · 4 months
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my parents are taking me to the doctors today ,, to check up on me , they said i've been acting unusual lately . i'm suprised they even care
- hajime
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lobotomypress · 4 months
i just want a talent ..
- hajime
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lobotomypress · 4 months
Kage keeps giggling over my text messages, i know because he tells me he is. then he tells me people look at him when he does. I dont know why what I say makes him laugh,, id be looking at him weird too. -Bonkichi
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lobotomypress · 4 months
sometimes i feel weird , like im not myself and my emotions don't match , sometimes i hear people talking to me .. weird , the human brain is very strange ..
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lobotomypress · 4 months
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hello ! i'm hajime hinata ,, i'm apart of the reserve course . you can call me nata but for this blog you would probably call me hajime instead !,, i'm new to this so i'm sorry if i seem like a old grandpa ,, i might seem a little mean at times but i promise im not trying to be , i also might not respond to messages or respond late depending on if i have enough motivation to get out of bed
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hii,, im bonkichi. im a student at the academy for gifted juveniles. i really like tricking people, its rlly fun. also im a danganronpa fan, i dont know all too much abt it, i js see it on tv ever so often. it does sound fun though, to be in,,!! i dont rlly have a fav chr, but i like celeste & chihiro. for me, ill be able to respond 2 u guys since i dont rlly do much!
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lobotomypress · 4 months
my friends trying to go five minutes without diagnosing me with autism
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