localnonbinarypal · 4 years
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We are excited to announce the release of the prologue to Side Quest the Game!
Download the game here
Credits here
The game works on all windows platforms. For macOs, please follow the instructions here
Join our group discord here
Holy shmokes, our first release. There is no amount of words that I can use to express how proud I am of all the work everyone has put in to make this possible. Honestly, this project would be nothing without our amazing team of artist/writers/composers. Thank you!
-Dream’s Shadow
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localnonbinarypal · 4 years
King Creativity
Thomas: Okay so How exactly did this happen?
King: Not sure exactly, we- uh.. I? Fused?
Thomas: Fused?
King: ... Yeah... If I can be blunt I have no fucking clue how this happened.
King: Hmmm no, I'm older than you.
Patton: *splutters*
Virgil: Is that Roman or... Remus talking?
King: It's ME talking! You fearful spiderling.
Virgil *blushing*: DON'T CALL ME THAT!
King: But you love that nickname~
Virgil: *HISSES*
King: So cute. Anyway Thomas, my man, the best explanation is fusion. Unless.. Logan! Got a better explanation you big beautiful brain! You're so SMART!
Logan *startled preening*: I- well.. I think fusion is the best explanation yes.
King: YES!
Thomas: Oh my god, I can feel a headache coming on. You, are A lot.
King: Weeeeeeeeeeell, it is the first time in yeeeeeeaaaaars that you have your full creativity here.
Thomas *groans*: Ugh, True...
Logan *to himself*: Oh, I know who needs to see this. Deceit? can you come here for a moment?
Deceit *appears*: Why Logan I got things to deal... with....
King: *beaming smile growing*
Deceit *drops the notepad and pen he was holding*: Wha- wha- what? How- how is-
King: LOVE! It's been so long!
Thomas & Virgil: Love?
King: Oh look at you my little garden snake. Even more charming than when I last laid my eyes upon your beautiful face.
Patton *whispering*: What is happening?
Virgil: We... got the same face..?
Logan: *looking proud of himself*
Deceit: How- how long! How long will you stay?
King: Well, depending on how fair Thomas will be fearing with his growing headache, probably not for long, but I'm glad I got to see you again my little noodle. Oh! But now i know I can come back to you! Oh I will drown you in love when we meet again! *starts to glow bright white before growing red and green*
Remus and Roman: *Yelps as they are split apart and crashing to the floor, almost tipping the TV over*
Remus: Oww...
Roman: Get off me!
Patton: You two okay?
Remus: Yeah!
Virgil: And the chaos returns... Ugh.
Thomas: I am so going to need to lay down once this video is over... ugh my head.
Logan: You okay Deceit?
Deceit *sniffles*: ... Thank you...
Logan: No problem, none at all.
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localnonbinarypal · 4 years
TW: Cutting, suicide.
Drip drop,
Drip drop,
The crimson spreads,
The crimson pluses,
The crimson grows.
The crimson shines,
The crimson pluses,
The crimson stops,
And it fades to black.
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localnonbinarypal · 4 years
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Happy transgender day of visibility!!!!
There’s been a lot happening this year a lot we’ve had to adapt to but i hope you’re all doing well and I give everyone my best wishes <3
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localnonbinarypal · 4 years
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iCarly, iSaw Him First (S02E04) [ incorrect quotes / source ]
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localnonbinarypal · 4 years
Dear imaginary reader,
I finished typing my first post today, and I apologise for how long it was. But, it felt good to type, I understand why people use this app.
This website, or app, or however you use it, was recommended to me by a close friend. A place where I can talk to others like me, post random crap, and like a bunch of cool artwork and edits. Also Tumbler is known to be used by all the fellow angst ridden kids.
Jokes aside, I’m glad that I have a close friend like them. Someone that makes the rainy days feel less dark. If you don’t have someone like that in your life, whether it be romantic or platonic, best friend or new acquaintance; trust me, their is someone like that out there. Someone who can make you feel safe, someone you can talk end to end with, or just sit together in comfortable silence. You just have to wait a bit longer to find them.
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localnonbinarypal · 4 years
TW: Dysphoria mention.
My name is Alex. And the first thing you want to know is, am I a boy or girl?
I get that, I’ve been dealing with that question my entire life. Everyone wants to know the answer, even if I’m standing right in front of them. Some of them won’t say it out right, and others will. But even if they don’t ask, I can tell they’re thinking about it, by the way they narrow their eyes or tilt their heads. At best, it’s invasive curiosity, at worst it’s open condemnation. Either way, they want to know. Boy or girl.
The answer dear reader, is not that simple, and yet it is. Gender isn’t something you can control, it’s like a a dial. It’s not a dial you can get your hands on, it turns and spins by itself, until it finds a setting it’s comfortable with. Or maybe you were always comfortable with it. The dial turns without your permission or approval.
“But,“ people say, “you were born one way or the other. Like biologically. Either you have boy parts or girl parts.“
As if they have a right to know! What is in my pants, is my business, and no one else. That’s just human rights. I’m Non Binary, not stupid.
But no matter where my internal compass points, no matter what gender I identify as, my body remains the same. And some days, possibly most of my life, I feel strange, alien in my body. Like I was born in the wrong body. It’s a horrible, disgusting and crushing feeling, called dysphoria. It makes focusing on simple things like homework, class, and cleaning nearly impossible, especially when you suffer from anxiety.
And my dysphoria gets worse whenever someone uses the wrong pronouns for me, whenever they label me as a ‘boy’ or ‘girl’. But I just can’t tell them that, “Hey, I actually use they/them pronouns, and I’m Non Binary.” That’s how people get taunted, bullied, ridiculed, and even abused. I know because I’ve seen it happen again, and again. And that’s just at things like work, and school. What about parents? I haven’t even told mine, because I can’t. My father is one of the most homophobic and genderphobic people I know, and my mother doesn’t understand what Non Binary means. I’m just not ready to tell them yet.
So I have to settle with what I’ve got. Wear thick layers of clothing so no one can tell if I have or haven’t a chest, talk in a deep voice so they can’t tell if I’m a male or a female with a deep voice, and deal with the misgendering every day. I don’t even remember when I was last comfortable in my own body.
And yeah, I guess it can be confusing, there are so many different genders and terms that people aren’t used to; from Non Binary, to Genderfluid, to Transgender, to Demiboy to Demigirl, on and on they go. I’m not the first person to deal with this issue, their are thousands out their just like me or similar. That’s why I feel like I need to type this, too show you’re not alone.
I understand why people give me weird looks when I walk down the street, and ask me invasive questions. But the thing is, people do a whole more than just ask questions and give glares. People can be cruel.
People can be very cruel.
So, dear reader, I’m sure you wondered what is in between my legs, and you wouldn’t be the first person. But maybe this blog can be a place where I don’t have too address that particular issue. A place where my identity is not constrained by my anatomy, or by the labels preset by society. A place where I am free to be who I am.
If that exists.
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