logicspirit · 3 days
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Unpopular opinion but I’m delighted that Paris is starting to look more like this -> 🍂☕️📚🕯️ and less like -> 🏅☀️👫🗣️
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logicspirit · 8 days
Out of context academia:
White middle aged professor with a heavy Polish accent and a three-piece suit: "It is not only Britney Spears who can be killed by loneliness"
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logicspirit · 11 days
Le plus dur dans une thèse, c'est de savoir se vendre soi-même et pas juste ses résultats.
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logicspirit · 16 days
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first day back on campus
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logicspirit · 1 month
The worst part is: "yes you paid us to get this peer review that is done by volunteers! And later on if you want to have access to your article you'll have to pay again!"
Peer review is really just
"Two strangers read what you wrote and have a lot of opinions, please comply with all of them. No you don't know who they are. Yes THEY will know who you are in the end. No you can't argue with their suggestions. No you will never know what their credentials are. If you don't comply you will not get the publication on which your entire career hangs. Yes it took 6 months for us to et back to you, please change 60% of this article in the next 3 weeks."
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logicspirit · 1 month
The German language has quite a few animalistic verbs:
fuchsen ("to fox") = to annoy
hechten ("to pike") = to dive
reihern ("to heron") = to puke
dackeln ("to dachshund") = to walk slowly
aalen ("to eel") = to bask
vögeln ("to bird") = to have sex
einigeln ("to hedgehog in") = to curl up
hamstern ("to hamster") = to hoard
schlängeln ("to snake") = to wriggle
stieren ("to bull") = to goggle
unken ("to toad") = to gripe, augur doom
tigern ("to tiger") - to walk tigerishly
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logicspirit · 1 month
we need to have software updates but for like people and education.
like I remember being taught that the tongue has 5, or whatever, distinct taste zones. like the tip of your tongue is for detecting saltiness, the back sides are for sourness, and some other shit which didn't make sense at the time but we were just forced to ROTE learn it anyway. Just be a parrot.
Anyway it was only yeeeeeears later that I, by sheer luck, came across a video on the internet that said that "oh yea that's been debunked". it was probably Michael, Vsauce here.
and I just wonder how many other things have been 'updated' since we learnt about it in school? Like are prokaryotes still the oldest cell type? is there a woke version (affectionate) of BEDMAS/BODMAS/PEMDAS/POMDAS/whatever you call it? have they solved climate change?
I can't be walking around through life operating on the 2nd edition of Textbook when the new generation are learning from the 12th edition it's not fair (but also I don't have time to constantly relearn every god damn text book).
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logicspirit · 2 months
You don't need to prove yourself to anyone. You're not a theorem. You're an axiom.
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logicspirit · 2 months
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05–08–2024, Monday
evolution (2 h)
psych qs (1 h)
started making short notes of chem (1 h)
finished writing maths prac (0.5 h)
practiced integration (1 h)
Total Time – 5.5 h (home) + 7 h (school)
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logicspirit · 2 months
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logicspirit · 2 months
reminder: people who run study blogs, channels, accounts are not productive all the time. they are not motivated 7/24. they also have their ups and downs. they fall behind their programs too. don't let the constant productive posts fool you. we are all human. it's alright fall down as long as you get back up and keep going.
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logicspirit · 2 months
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reading math textbooks means getting insane whiplash when you read the notes in the margins
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logicspirit · 3 months
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my trick for getting through grad school is learning to navigate the quadrants with all their nuances
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logicspirit · 3 months
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logicspirit · 3 months
friendly reminder
Stay on top of everything! Make sure to check emails and any online portals for deadlines you might have missed! It’s easy to let things slip, but staying organized can save a lot of stress.
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logicspirit · 4 months
Tumblr added a bunch of tracking shit to share urls, so now ill teach you how to get rid of them
if you copy a url by sharing on the website, the link will look like this
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getting rid of tracking in these is easy, just delete everything after the question mark and you are golden
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in the case for the app, its slightly more complicated
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first you have to delete at. that appears before tumblr(.)com the other tracking shit on this one has a lot more info, so please, clean app urls. after the first set of numbers, there's a / you have to delete everything after it
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a clean Tumblr url should look like this
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blog safely
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logicspirit · 4 months
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Tuesday study 📖
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