lolatheblueangle · 4 months
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Introducing my Sweet Male Sweater for Sims 4! Elevate your Sim's cozy style with this charming sweater, available in solid colors and adorned with cute prints like teddy bears, dinosaurs, kittens, and more. Perfect for a playful and comfortable look, this sweater adds a touch of whimsy to your Sim's wardrobe. Embrace the sweetness of fashion with our Sweet Male Sweater today!
New mesh, base game, 20 colors (plain), 10 colors (prints), enjoy!
Thank you very much for your support!
Download (Patreon, early access)
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lolatheblueangle · 2 years
sasuke always thought affections are elusive, temporary, but recent impulses started to mark his days
— to steal glimpses under the canopy (she's beautiful)
— to rub her shoulder with his (here, you can lay your head)
— to graze the inside of her wrist (i long to touch you)
— to trace the seal on her skin and worship it (you are powerful)
— to kiss her in broad daylight, in the middle of the market, two unknowns, as if a world away (sakura, i am ready to love you)
and the impulses become instinct. 🌾🍅
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lolatheblueangle · 2 years
—some sasusaku headcanons for #ssm22!! 🌾🍅
➔ genin sasuke was always intrigued by sakuras hair color
➔ they both really like back hugs and neck kisses
➔they love cooking together
➔ they both enjoy reading-sometimes they read to each other
➔ when they moved in together, they avoided each other for a bit due to embarrassment
➔ sakura was shocked to find that sasuke loves to cuddle. he's touch-deprived asf lol
➔ sakura mumbles in her sleep. sasuke thinks it cute
➔ sasuke likes to lay on sakuras lap
➔ sakura would try to get sasuke to laugh and when he actually did, she fell in love all over again
➔ sakura likes to ruffle sasukes hair and play with his spikes
➔ they would go on double dates with ino and sai (just inosaku having fun while sasusai followed them lmao)
➔ sasuke HATES how famous sakura is amongst the men
➔ sasuke reads sakuras medical scrolls to understand her better
➔ they are rlly good with money
➔ sasuke is surprisingly good with kids. he and sakura would babysit inojin for saiino sometimes
➔ sakura loves how caring sasuke is with cats
➔ kakashi and naruto would stalk them when they were on dates. they would get pissed when they found them watching
➔ when they were genin, they bet on who naruto would end up with. sakura won the bet ofc-ssk bet he would be alone💀
➔ they hate orochimaru but are protective of mitsuki
➔ sasuke was an over protective worried sick father when sarada was younger
➔ sakuras laugh is sasukea favorite thing
➔ sarada has walked in on them before-she was too young to remember now
➔ sasuke finds sai and ino cringy for their PDA â˜ ïžđŸ™đŸ» sakura always smacks his arm when he makes remarks on them
➔ sasuke likes to brush sakuras hair
➔ they went on a ramen date with naruto and hinata
➔ they only argue when they feel like the other isn't taking care of themself
➔ sasukes fav color is green (sakuras eyes) but he will never admit it
➔ sakura likes to do skin care with sasuke
➔ sasuke is a gaanaru shipper and sakura is a naruhina lol
➔ they invite kakashi to dinner a lot
➔ sasuke cried when sarada was born
➔ sakura is the only person sasuke allows to take care of him
➔ sasuke said "i love you" for the first time when he thought sakura was asleep
➔ they both have nightmares a lot but take care of each other
➔ they love sleeping in
➔ they were stunned when they came back to the village after sarada was born and found out boruto existed (they had babies at the same time like wtf)
➔ ↑ sasuke also couldn't believe naruto is capable of sex ☠
➔ they are the only ppl who can make fun of naruto. they dont tolerate naruto slander from others (except kakashi and sai)
➔ sasuke finds sai annoying but does still care about him as a member of t7 ofc. sakura vouches for sai a lot when ssk complains lol
➔ they visit granny chiyos grave a lot
➔ they married on their travels
➔ sasuke has quacked before as a joke. sakura cried laughing
damn i got carried away lmao. but that's the end :)
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lolatheblueangle · 2 years
I'm tired of seeing that trope of Fugaku despising Sakura and trying to break up her relationship with Sasuke.
New trope! Fugaku likes Sakura better than his own sons sometimes and was rooting silently for sasusaku to happen. They are the platonic grumpy and sunshine trope.
Not one Uchiha knows how she did it, but Sakura won over her future father in-law to the point where he'll ask Sasuke if he's bringing Sakura to Clan gatherings. And this was before they got together.
Itachi and Sasuke are both impressed and flabbergasted. That infamous Uchiha stoicism broke the first time they saw little genin Sakura talk Fugaku's ear off. Their father did not react how they expected at all. All Fugaku did was nod and added his own comment every now and again.
During Sakura's training with Tsunade when Fugaku had to make reports to the Hokage he would visit Sakura. And when Sakura was stuck on something she would visit Fugaku if he had time. His quietness while she talked out her problems helps her think and 9 times out of 10 she solves it herself. Fugaku may have also slipped one or two older Uchiha medical/posion techniques in with her notes when she wasn't looking. He almost got caught when Kaname gave him that old scroll to give to Sakura.
When sasusaku did happen and they were getting close to marrying age Fugaku started hinting that Sasuke should teach Sakura the fireball jutsu. Sasuke was surprised his dad didn't push it earlier.
Unknown to him Fugaku knew Sasuke would teach Sakura that jutsu since their genin days. It was just after the Forest of Death and Orochimaru's attack on team 7. Fugaku was pissed that the snake man bit his son and infected him with the curse seal.
Anbu and the Uchiha Police were working together on this, after all Orochimaru not only made it into the village but he attacked rookie genins, one of them being an Uchiha.
Fugaku had gotten statements from Naruto and Sasuke. Both told him of Orochimaru's attack, how he sent a giant snake after Naruto and tried to impersonate the boy, the bite on Sasuke, and the group of Sound ninja sent after he finished his attack.
Naruto knew nothing of that last part, Sasuke began to shake every time he thought about it, a deep shame glazing over his eyes.
This lead to Fugaku talking to Asuma's and Gai's teams who had witnessed bits and pieces of the fight from the three Sound nin.
It didn't take long for Fugaku to realize he needed to talk to Sakura, the only one who was present and conscious from start to finish.
To be honest Fugaku didn't think much of the girl at first. She was civilian born, and a fangirl of his son. She won't amount to much unlike her teammates. She probably would retire early when she became a mother or go into the reserves.
Sasuke was at the station dropping something off from Mikoto when Sakura came in. And oh, Fugaku knew that soft look Sasuke was sending her. The statements of Sakura calming him down in the Forest began to make sense. His eyes fixtated on the girl's newly cut hair. The girl had cut it to free herself and defend her teammates.
Sakura spotted Sasuke when directed towards Fugaku. And Fugaku knew that look too, Sakura was afraid of his son.
Before the two teammates could say something to one another Fugaku called for the girl's attention. "Haruno, let's get your statement."
Sakura nodded and followed Fugaku to an empty room with a desk and two chairs.
"Tell me what happened."
Sakura retold the tale filling in the gaps of her dragging the boys away, and trying to cool down Sasuke's fever. Her setting up traps, and how the fight with the Sound nin went.
"Sasuke-kun woke up then, but. . ." Sakura began to shake. "The power that seal gave him was monstrous."
Fugaku's eyes narrowed. "You think my son is a monster?"
Sakura's head shot up. "No-"
"He defended you did he not when he woke up?"
"Yes but-"
"You're afraid of him."
Sakura slammed her fist on the table, Fugaku pretended not to notice the small cracks.
"That wasn't Sasuke-kun! That seal Orochimaru forced on him was poisoning him! He's not bloodthirsty, and he was shaking when the seal receded!" Sakura took a breath. "I hugged him, begging him to stop, and that's when the seal released him."
Fugaku could see it now, what Sakura was shouting at him. She wasn't afraid of Sasuke, she was afraid for him. Fugaku could see past that fear now in her eyes.
That's the moment Fugaku knew Sakura would one day join the clan, after all no one loved like the Uchiha. They are sometimes born with a different family name though.
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lolatheblueangle · 2 years
Sasuke's Feelings About Sakura Throughout the Series- Part 1
Dedicated to anon and caramelpocky- thanks for requesting this :) I figured it’s because of all the salty ASSes that you wanted this rant ;P I’m going to split this rant into Part 1 and Part 2 since it will be very long.
Well, I want to look at the first interaction we get between SS.  It was the bench scene:
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Sasuke was annoyed at Sakura- who was she to judge Naruto and say he was lucky? She had parents- she never knew loneliness and the pain. To Sasuke, Sakura was just some mindless fangirl who was running her mouth to try to impress him- which is why he calls her out on her biased viewpoint.
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He tries to explain to Sakura what loneliness is but he saw that all she wanted was his approval and wasn’t listening at all to his explanation. So what does he do? He tells her right to her face how annoying she is with a sneer because he’s saying that she’s just some fangirl who knows nothing. Needless to say, Sasuke was not impressed at all by Sakura.  She was just another clueless girl who chased after him for his looks.
But I like the effect Sasuke’s words had on Sakura.  It developed her character a little more because now she understands just a smidgen on how Naruto feels when he’s called annoying.
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Keep reading
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lolatheblueangle · 2 years
people will call Shikamaru a 700 IQ super genius who can read all people and situations perfectly but when you point out that, when Sakura told him that Sasuke left the village and she couldn’t stop him, he went all shocked and quiet and said “not even YOU, Sakura
?”, they STILL insist that SasuSaku has NO ground to stand on.
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lolatheblueangle · 2 years
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lolatheblueangle · 2 years
My Manhwa List (2020) Part 7
It’s been a crazy 24 hours (more or less) for me. How are you all? Hope you’re doing better. Anyways, onto the list!
Forever Mine
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He will follow every command I give him. He will follow me to the ends of the earth. He is Forever Mine.
- plot = 5/5 kinda simple yet so marvelous idk if it because the art helped to but this is so great
- honestly didn’t expect the revelation at the beginning
- art = 5/5 because i love it! look at how pretty they are!
- same author/illustration as sweet spooky darling 
- fact: i read this in one sitting that’s how good and captivating it was
- the characters are so cute
- no heavy drama 
- a personal favorite 
- i only have good words about this
- friends to lovers trope aye sir
- although i wish certain characters were given spotlight to tell their story, i understand that it wasnt the focus of the author 
- it’s so good that i didn’t even notice that i was at the last chapter type of good!
- they have the best friends
- the 3rd parties arent villainous at all so plus points
- verdict, highly recommended! i enjoyed it so much & i hope you do too!
Broken Melody
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Minhee used to be a world-famous piano prodigy until one mistake sent her life spiraling. Her confidence shaken, her family broken and her life in ruins, all she can do is hope for a chance to make things better. That’s when she meets Eun Hyun, the neighborhood piano teacher whose life has been filled with tragedies of his own. The world breaks everyone, it’s up to us to pick up the pieces and glue ourselves back together. 
- plot = 5/5 very perfectly complicated & there’s a lot of elements present that gave the story flavors 
- art = 4.5/5 
- tbh i drop this some time in 2019 cause some parts were dark & depressing & heavy for me (and i wasnt in the best mindset that time) so just to warn you guys in case :) 
- mentor x student (the thing is, they were connected through one passion and she was no sexualized in any way, it was an emotional connection)
- d r a m a 
- lots of drama!!
- the character’s motivations!!! they all have this strong urge and motivation to achieve their goal 
- the end justifies the means <- probably their motto
- p i a n o (main reason i got drawn in)
- verdict, recommended if you crave for drama! 
By the Way, Dragon Mistress!
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Though he had lost his family at a young age, through the help of Duchess Orleans and the Emperor, Karl grew up excellently. But at the banquet Karl attends to tell the Duchess of the Emperor’s meaningful words, a questionable explosion takes place. Duchess, what is your true identity?!
- plot = 3/5 
- art = 3.5/5 
- only few chaps so give it a try!
- older girl x younger guy
- will probably gave it a higher rating if it didn’t felt rush or was executed properly
- the mistress is a strong independent woman amen
- verdict, an okay read!
Daisy: How to Become the Duke’s FiancĂ©e
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Sweet, timid Daisy meets a tragic end after being betrayed by the man she loves. When she is given a second chance at life, she vows not to repeat the same mistakes of the past! The only problem is that she must pay off her father’s gambling debt to Kilian, an aristocrat with a terrifying reputation. One option will take her 60 years, and the other, just three
 but it involves a contract marriage to Kilian, who must be three years married in order to inherit the title of duke. While Daisy has sworn off men, the conditions of the offer are too good to pass up. She will be paid a generous amount of money at the end of the contract and also be guaranteed a swift divorce. Is she making a mistake by putting her trust in another man? Or will this deal give her the wings she needs to fly?
- plot = 3/5 for now cause it only has 1 chap release
- art = 3.5/5
- going back in time trope
- i n t e r e s t i n g
- i wanna know what the hell happened!!!
- their dad is a jerk ugh
- her older sister doesnt even know her priorities
- verdict: has a potential so give it a try!
I Bid You Adieu
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Ayne le Poregrin has three “trophies” in her collection of men: a reluctant fiancĂ© held hostage by his debts, a fickle assassin paid to be her lover, and a soulless pet dog won at a slave auction. But to suddenly wake up one day as this femme fatale is the worst possible surprise. As the villainess of the novel “The Fairy Garden,” the new “Ayne” is fated to die a painful death at the hands of her very own trophies! To sidestep her grim future, she knows she’ll need to break up with all three. As soon as she tries to say goodbye, however, each man becomes attached and won’t leave her alone! Can Ayne turn their affections towards the story’s heroine and save her own life in the process? Based on the hit novel.
- plot = 3.5/5 
- art = 3.5/5
- truck-kun strikes again
- i s e k a i
- the assasin
- i relate to her in a fangirl level jk
- i n t e r e s t i n g
- verdict: this seems to be okay despite the overly used isekai element now or it’s probably because of the assasin & her attitude of collecting beautiful man but i do hope this rise to the ocassion aka develops properly
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lolatheblueangle · 2 years
TROPE: "In order to escape my cruel fate, I shall form a contract relationship with someone and make sure that we'll never fall in love! But... can we really not?"
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‱ The Soulless Duchess
‱ Ingrid, the White Deer
‱ I Don't Love You Anymore
‱ I Was Tricked into this Fake Marriage!
‱ Lucia
‱ Daisy: How to Become the Duke's FiancĂ©e
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lolatheblueangle · 3 years
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lolatheblueangle · 3 years
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Watch boruto it’s wild
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lolatheblueangle · 3 years
Manhwa recommendations like Who made me a princess?
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Survive as the Hero’s Wife
Summary: Canaria is reincarnated as the villian of a popular cliche novel. Based on the novel, she is destined to be executed but can she prevent this from happening before it’s too late?
I love the plot of this story
The plot:
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Beware of the Villainess
Summary: I became the villainess of a novel! Do I hate it? No! I find it rather nice. A duke’s daughter = a jobless rich person. How I can miss out on a chance like this?! This is the best chance to just enjoy life. I should throw out the main plot and just live life how I want to! Not long after waking up as the villainess, I witnessed my fiancĂ©, the novel’s male lead, the crowned prince, cheating. I saw him embrace a lady other than I and he was smiling so bright. I was brought to tears
 Just kidding, I didn’t cry! My tears are worth too much to be wasted on that garbage. Instead of tears, I yelled out, “Your highness, are you trash?” The main character with a personality of a refreshing soda!
I love this story and its humour. If you’re looking for a self aware manhwa this will be great for you. What makes this story so great?? MELISSA AND YONA! Highly recommend this to anyone!
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When the Villainess Loves
Summary: I’ve transmigrated into the body of a princess, living on borrowed time. It’s okay, though, we can cure this illness! My goal is to lead a life where I can do whatever I want! First, I decided to rave over all of my favorite characters in the novel! But, because I am a villainess, people around me tend to be wary
 “You will die soon, and yet
 how can you laugh like that?” Well, it’s ‘cus I’m super hot.
Honestly this one has amanzing art and great plot but it’s beginning to feel very harem like. Although I think it’s hilarious how everyone’s worried sick about her but she just acts like coughing up blood is like sneezing.
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Daughter of the Emperor
Summary: Ariadna Lereg Ilestri Pre Agrigent. And so my life begins with this ridiculously long name, born to royalty and the center of attention – all because of one dangerous man; the veritably insane tyrant king, ruthless conqueror of ten empires, nightmare of all continents- and my father?! Will I be able to survive this maniac?
This manhwa had really bad art in the beginning but the father-daughter duo makes it worth it!
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lolatheblueangle · 3 years
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The way that Deku is literally this fucking meme
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lolatheblueangle · 3 years
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-but  I  gotta  speak  my  truth.
Izuku, I’m  sorry  for  everything.
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lolatheblueangle · 3 years
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The Last Olympian pg.372-374
Wanted to finish this last year but some things happened. Enjoy!
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lolatheblueangle · 3 years
Listen this is gonna create a lot of controversy but to be honest I don’t like the whole Percy-Jason bromance. To portray Jason as Percy’s best friend erases Grover and Percy, and Leo and Jason. Also, they canonically had big beef all the time on the Argo, and they didn’t like each other. Like, at all. They called each other bro only one time, and that was at the end of the book. Idk but the whole thing makes me a bit uncomfortable because it’s just so so wrong and their friendship is so overrated.
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lolatheblueangle · 3 years
"OI, OI, OI."
more head canons of him bc i love him so much.
fem x reader btw ! enjoy :)
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i like to think whenever you two are in an argument, whether it's a dumb one or an important one, bakugou shuts you up by kissing you. bonus ++ if you blush that makes him tease how cute you are.
he'll put on a maid outfit for you. like no stop bc, we ALL know bakugou. he'd never do stuff like that, but he knows you wouldn't leave him alone about it. you have the picture of him in it as your wallpaper, and he always pretends that's not even him LOL.
he always buys you feminine products days after you get your period. you thank him anyway.
he's really bored without you. he'd never admit it, but whenever you call him/text him, or go to his dorm, it always brightens his "shitty" day in his words.
bakugou shows a lot of his love through your stomach. yeah, he loves making you his meals, especially if you can't cook for shit.
bakugou likes you sitting on his lap. maybe it's for his little perverted fantasies, but he loves small little intimate things like this with you.
bakugou likes you doing his hair.
bakugou likes doing YOUR hair. it's really rare a lot, but whenever he's bored and around you, his hands randomly pick out your hair. sometimes, he helps wash your hair for you!
bakugou will ALWAYS find an excuse to hold your hand. tbh, the excuses will go from "your hand's cold," to, "my hand's cold," to even, "don't even say anything dumbass, keep walking."
bakugou likes doing your makeup! even though he's literally poop at it. you look in the mirror with the most surprised expression, and he's like '😐'
bakugou's aftercare is heaven. despite his mean personality, it's save to say he has a soft spot for you and only you. bakugou often showers your body with kisses, and constantly asks if you're okay, and runs baths for you—& sometimes buys you big tubs of ice creams and gives you foot and back massages.
bakugou hates pictures, but not with you. for one example you were like, "katsuki, look!" and he glared at the camera confused only before pulling you into a deep kiss, catching you off guard.
bakugou's really protective of you.
bakugou & you share passwords on everything bc you both have nothing to hide (goals)
bakugou LIVE, LOVES, AND LAUGHS, cuddles. pls, he's so adorable. ofc, he'll make up an excuse by saying it's cold, and you'd both be warm if you cuddled together. but he secretly enjoys it. he nuzzled his face into your neck, and breaths slowly, never wanting to leave that moment.
bakugou always offers to pays when you two go out on dates. you're always like, "but you always payâ˜č!" and baku's like, "i know, so shut up dumbass. ily." LMFAO.
he'll crush bitches dreams for you. what i mean by this is say for example of a scenario that happened, he's like really famous considering being a pro-hero & shit, so that means lots of interviews & stuff. he'll bring you along bc why wouldn't he! anywho though, there were a lot of fangirls asking if he was single, could they date him, and he just out of the blue made out with you before replying, "there's your answer."
bakugou's extremely touch-starved. like, poor boy hasn't got enough love from his parents, so that's one of the reasons why he's so clingy towards you.
he likes ordering things he hears you talking about non-stop, and pretends he didn't buy it just to see you beam with joy đŸ„ș.
everytime you compliment his crimson red eyes, poor boy blushes like a school girl.
bakugou loves you wearing his clothes. his black skull t-shirt to be specific, since he loves how big it is on you. bonus ++ he later buys you a separate one so you both match :,)
he likes bullying kids with you on roblox.
in public, he's always holding your hand, or carrying you, not carrying what anyone thinks.
bakugou's actually really soft around you. it's like you literally bring a different side out of him, and you find it adorable.
bakugou likes play fighting with you. he lets you win 90% of the time, and gets to take the bullshit of you talking smack about him. he's all like, "you're lucky i love you, you damn idiot."
he hates hugs, but with you it's a whole different story. bakugou practically squeezes you to death a lot, but you don't mind. poor boy just wants love :,p
he always covers your ears when he's yelling at other people when you're around.
he likes listening to your heartbeat.
bakugou & you both make each other playlists.
when he sees you CRY? oh he's so sweet. he'll use his quirk to cheer you up. from tiny little fireworks to warming up his hand to hold yours and tell you, "it'll be okay, dumbass."
bakugou has a live wallpaper of you and him on his lock screen, and whenever he's way from you, he plays it on repeat đŸ„Č.
he's always venting to kirishima about how in love he is with you. yeah, he calls you annoying, but he secretly loves how you irritate him.
bakugou has a thing for burning your clothes. it's uh
 his thing 😀
bakugou sneezes like a kitten. NOT EVEN MAKING THIS UP. ofc you tease him about it, and boom boom boi gets angry, blushing n all.
whenever he arm wrestles you, he loses on purpose, and rolls his eyes when you're shoving it in his faces.
you have the same classes as him, so whenever he sees you scrolling on tik tok or something, he'll text you with something like, "hey dumbass. pay attention or i'll kill you," and then he'll shoot another text like, "jk, i won't kill you bc you're my annoying girlfriend but still, pay attention or i'll kill you."
give this man a ring, a necklace, or a bracelet, and you'll never see him take it off.
bakugou's hesitant to hold your hand sometimes. mainly because of his quirk, i like to think this depends on his mood, bc most of the time, he doesn't have a problems with holding your hand. but his palms are often sweaty, so when you reached for his hand one time, it cutely started to shake before he intertwined his fingers with yours.
he does your homework for you. you're always asking him, and he groans, not even bothering to show you how. he rly cares about you too much, so he's like "i'll do it, geez."
forehead kisses >>>>
can he be real. can he be real. no? ok. pain.
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