lolilewenk · 3 days
STOP freaking procrastinating . Stop being desperate . CALM THE FREAKING DOWN . DON'T DOUBT, VOID IS EASY.
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lolilewenk · 4 days
This is my last promise Tomorrow I am going to enter the void in 3D
How am I going to achieve a state of pure consciousness?
I planned to do this earlier, but I couldn't wake up in the middle of the night. So I'll do it on September 20th! FINALLY! WITHOUT DELAY!
How exactly I plan to achieve this:
1) I set the alarm for 1:30 and 3:00. I wake up, turn off the alarm and go back to sleep. After the second alarm rings, I get up and go drink tea to wake up properly
2) Maybe I'll listen to subliminals or do some affirmations before I go back to bed. Basically, I need the whole family to sleep
3) I lie down and find a comfortable position, most likely on my back, so as not to fall asleep
4) I intend to do 10 rounds of Wim Hof ​​breathing exercises. ideally, of course, 15 or 20, to relax my body well
5) And the last steps: relax and affirm (I am, I am in emptiness, I am pure consciousness)
For someone who has entered the void in 4D a million times, this won't be difficult.
I know that I have an ideal void concept. I know that I am a master of the void. I am a master of the state of the void. And for now the master will affirm "I am"
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lolilewenk · 4 days
Repeat "I am" before sleeping every night to go in the void state. Every. Single. Night.
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lolilewenk · 4 days
Похуй на все. Сегодня я отправляюсь в пустоту.
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lolilewenk · 5 days
That's it.I am not living this bitch's messed up life anymore.
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lolilewenk · 5 days
( If any blogger had this info before me then credits to you ♥️. This is just based on my Research towards the subconscious ✨.)
Long post ahead!!
Hey Angels, today I would like to explain the role of our subconscious based upon the method of " Waking up in the Void State " .
This post will include the following :
1. What is the subconscious ?
2. How's Does our subconscious wake us up in the void state ?
3. How to access our subconscious ( Tips + Advice ).
4. Commanding your subconscious to wake you up in the void state .
( I will also include success stories from Tumblr from blogs whom I saw their anons who woke in the void state by Commanding their subconscious, truly inspiring 🥰. Also I will post some pictures of people Commanding their subconscious not related to the void , but it will help you learn how to command the Subconscious with anything because it is fun tbh ^_^.)
Let's get started!!!
1. What is the subconscious ?
Our subconscious is part of our mind that stores our memory, habits and feelings etc. Our subconscious is awake 24/7 taking care of our body. Your subconscious is very receptive and responds to the nature of how you think. Your subconscious hears what you think 24/7 and believes everything you tell it, even if its not true. It's your faithful servant that will do and believe anything you say it basically. The subconscious is extremely amenable to suggestion.
2. How does our subconscious wake us up in the Void State ?
Firstly, remember when you woken up the time you wanted, yep that was your subconscious. Simply by making an intention to wake up in a specific time . If you tell your subconscious mind that you want to wake up in the void state, it will faithfully wake you up. Remember nothing is too hard for our subconscious and because you doubting all the time , you making it hard yourself ಥ_ಥ.
You breathe air without effort; likewise, you should learn to let the intelligence within your subconscious mind fl ow throug h your intellect without tension. Your subjective mind perceives by intuition. It does not have to reason or inquire, as it is an all-wise and an infinite intelligence. If you say to your subconscious, sometimes referred to as the sub jective mind (it is sub ject to the conscious mind), "Wake me up at 6:00 o'clock," you know that you will awaken exactly at the time specified. It never fails.
- Joseph Murphy, Psychic Perceptions .
You see if you tell your subconscious anything , it will believe you. Waking up in the Void State is easy Bae ♡‿♡.
3. How to access your subconscious.
Your subconscious is only awake when your conscious mind is suspended is a sleepy, drowsy state which Basically Sats( State of akin to sleep ) .
"Charles Baudoin was a professor at the Rousseau Institute in France. He was a brilliant psychotherapist and a research director of the New Nancy School of Healing, who in 1910 taught that the best way to impress the subconscious mind was to enter into a drowsy, sleepy state, or a state akin to sleep in which all effort was reduced to a minimum. Then in a quiet, passive, receptive way, by reflection, he would convey the idea to the subconscious. "
- Power of your subconscious (book)
In Neville words, "Think of the subconscious as a tide which ebbs and flows. In sleep, it is a flood tide, while at moments of full wakefulness, the tide is at its lowest ebb. Between these two extremes are any number of intermediary levels. When we are drowsy, dreamy, lulled in gentle reverie, the tide is high. The more wakeful and alert we become, the lower the tide sinks. The highest tide compatible with the conscious direction of our thoughts occurs just before we fall asleep and just after we wake."
So basically, from the subconscious is only awake when we are sleepy and Drowsy when we are getting ready to sleep which before bed time.
But if you have trouble relaxing before bed, don't worry I got you😚.
Tips on how to access the subconscious :
1. First Relax before bed , wear comfortable clothing. Lay in a comfortable position, whichever is comfortable to you.
2. Take deep breaths in from your belly Counting to 150- 200. Or any number you choose .
3. Do a yoga Nidra exercise. I literally swear by this and i often fall asleep to lol😭. The best one is by Lizzy hill on YouTube . It'll make youu so relaxed.
4. Listen to Alpha waves, theta waves which one you prefer. While taking deep breaths .
You can choose anyone method from above for relaxation ✨. You mix it up, do a a breathing exercise then do a yoga Nidra together or Listen to binaural beats .
How to know when your subconscious is accessible :
✿ when you feeling tired and Relaxed, drowsy etc.
✿ your body feels numb and you don't want to move .
✿ your eyes feel heavy etc .
Advice :
In my personal option it's extremely easy to access your subconscious . You just have to relax thats all ♥️✨. Don't stop yourself from getting your dreams because if doubts. Persist, Persist!
4. Commanding your subconscious to wake you up in the Void State.
Finally, the important part. When you feel tired and sleepy and when there's Zero Thoughts in your head start commanding the subconscious. Command for at least 5- 20 minutes for the message to sink in. And Command with Conviction!
Examples of commands, you can choose one ( whichever resonates with you angel ) :
- Subconscious I command you to wake me up in the void tonight.
- Subconscious wake me up in the void .
- Subconscious I will wake up in the void state tonight .
- Subconscious wake me up in the void at 1am( if you want a timeframe or choose a time when you want it to happen , anything is possible).
Remember to command for at least 10 minutes and fall sleep to it!!
And boom you woke up in the Void!!!🥳♥️
Success stories :
Credits to anons and to the bloggers for posting this 🥰♥️.
Success stories of people Commanding the subconscious and setting intentions before falling sleep about random things for Manifestation purposes :
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Source : Sammy Ingram mermaid group 💖
Source : YouTube comment
Credits to these wonderful people 🤗
That's it my loves . Simply command your subconscious before falling asleep at least 5 minutes with conviction and you'll wake up in the void. Sorry for long post 😭♥️.
Thank you for reading ! 💫✨
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lolilewenk · 6 days
Мини-история успеха
A couple of days ago I said that I didn't have ADHD anymore. I didn't do anything else. Did you know that people with ADHD get sleepy from coffee? Yes, it does. I've even noticed it in myself. So yesterday I drank coffee before bed. I couldn't fall asleep. I lay there for about an hour and was still awake. Well, no ADHD, no itching.
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lolilewenk · 6 days
Me liking every shifting/manifestation post with 0 likes and following new accounts because the feeling you get when you start growing your account and telling people about your stories is just so AUGHH🥵🥵🥵
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lolilewenk · 6 days
You cannot expect manifestation to work in your favor if you're constantly allowing external circumstances to have power over you. When you give too much attention to what's happening outside of you, you're handing over your ability to create your own reality. Manifestation is an inner process, one that requires you to stay grounded and aligned with your internal world. Without the discipline to train yourself to stop reacting to every external trigger, you will find it difficult to make progress. Instead, you must consistently realign your awareness inward, focusing on your inner state rather than letting external influences dictate your energy. Manifestation is about mastering your inner world, not being controlled by the outer one.
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lolilewenk · 6 days
tried this and got the closest
how to enter the void
affirm “i am” / i am pure consiousness
through out the day or whenever u remember to
count up to 50 (slowly while breathing in and out) this is to relax your body and mind
then give yourself a pep talk. like how human life is not logical, like wdym you’re born then u die, doesn’t make sense. at the end you’re just a soul. i mean eventually you end up leaving your body. ykyk like keep giving yourself that pep talk till you feel relaxed and you feel convinced that life isn’t logical
think about you dr
do sats then boom you’ll enter.
you’ll feel like you’re getting pulled, lowkey you will be scared but remember you’re doing this for your dream life.
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lolilewenk · 8 days
if you ever get the urge to check 3d (we all do sometimes, it’s okay) go into your imagination, the 4d, the real reality, whatever you wanna call it and check it there. make a new story there. the 3d does not matter. to move on from an unfavorable circumstance or something that’s bothering you, you let it go. yes, i know it can be hard at times, but trust me and ask yourself what really is the point in looking to the 3d for validation?
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lolilewenk · 8 days
GUYS! I LISTENED TO THIS FOR LITERALLY A COUPLE OF SECONDS! I RECOGNIZED MYSELF IN A DREAM! The dream was about a zombie apocalypse. I struggled to wake up. I knew it was a dream! But i couldn't! I felt my body so real!!!! You just can't imagine how scared I was in my sleep when I thought this was all fucking real
Last night I entered the void state and it was by the easiest method I've ever tried. Basically all I did was play this video: https://youtu.be/22vOkSWiNwQ and fall asleep. Now you can read through thr comment sections and everyone seemed to get lucid dreams every time they played this. Don't worry the music isn't too jarring or anything like that either.
Cant open the link ?can u please provide
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lolilewenk · 8 days
It's simple, stick to the basics forget about all terms or "rules"
-you are the god of your reality so you get to decide what thoughts to give power/attention ,which in turn becomes your reality. Imagine your thoughts are seeds and everytime you give it attention you are watering it so they can grow. So decide what seeds you want to plant and continue to water them.
- Emotions do not and will not manifest or interfere.
-repeat the new story to yourself, don't contradict it. Focus on the end. Maintain tunnel vision on the end.
-stop complaining about circumstances, 3d, you are giving it attention/awareness to continue to be a thing. Ignore what the 3d is showing you if it's unwanted, knowing it can be changed at any moment. If you are seeing nothing, trust that it's happening & persist.
-ignore & redirect your thoughts when opposing or intrusive thoughts appear.
-trust that its done. Remind your self that you have it already.
-accepting & deciding on something is simply repeating the story to yourself & thinking as if.
-you can literally not feel nothing at all, or feel anxious, not believe it, have intrusive thoughts but still continue to persist in your new story by repetition and redirecting your focus on your new story and it will manifest it has no choice but to do so.
-xoxo, the cosmic angel ⭐️🪽
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lolilewenk · 8 days
Command Your Mind to Wake Up Method
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Hi guys! In this post, I am going to outline a method that is compiled from my own experiences during my void state journey as well as other's experiences while I coached them. Anyone can do this and you can modify it to fit your needs.
1. Set an alarm to wake up in 5 hours, 30 minutes (I believe that this is the best time to wake up in order to get into the void state. It is normally recommended to set your alarm for 4-6 hours but I found from my experience that 6 hours was a complete enough sleep cycle for me so I would need lesser sleep for this method to work. I also realized that it takes me a while to fall asleep so 5 hours 30 minutes is perfect).
2. Upon hearing your alarm, get up and do something anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes (I've seen a lot of people say to try not moving in order to retain relaxation and be calmer to tap into the void easier but I feel like all that would do is help you go back to sleep. During this time, I would just go brush my teeth, pee, and then get back in bed but I've heard of people even reading Neville's book. You can do anything you want. Maybe don't start dancing to some heavy metal, but just anything relaxing. Personally, for me, if I stay awake for more than 10 minutes, I snap out of that trance like state you experience when you just wake up so figure out how it is for you and what you want to do).
3. Get back in bed and start affirming that you will wake up again as you fall asleep (Once you do this, you will start waking up again. I am pretty sure most of you have experienced sleep on a very important day when you really had to wake up or when you get up and off your alarm but then fall asleep and you know how your mind just wakes you up. That's what you're doing here basically).
4. When you consciously wake up again, try not to move your body and affirm for the void ( The reason that I recommend this method is because doing this it enables you tap into that mind awake, body asleep state. Your body is asleep because you were just sleeping but your mind is awake because we basically commanded it to wake up. I've noticed that this method is most beginner friendly because it's something most people have already done before and it makes it so easy to tap into that deep theta state without snapping out of it or just falling asleep. I've noticed affirming for the void at this point makes it incredibly easy to lucid dream, enter sleep paralysis, or in this case, enter the void state. If you accidentally end up in sleep paralysis, just affirm for the void).
if you are unable to wake up without an alarm, i recommend this instead: click here
good luck everyone 💗
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lolilewenk · 9 days
Hi Halo! I just wanted to share the method I use to get into the void state in less than 10 minutes.
So just for some context, I tried to get into the void for like 2 months 💀 and failed. I tried so many methods (waking up in the void, trying to get sleep paralysis, meditations, etc) and none of them worked. I would take breaks and work on my self concept and have a perfect mindset and then still fail. Finally I found a method that works for me perfectly everytime so I wanted to share.
1. Do an adhd meditation; I use this one: https://youtu.be/ixxMyjejn38
2. Go sit down in a comfortable position (whenever I laid down I would fall asleep so I like to sit cross cross on the ground)
3. Listen to the most calming music you know (dont choose something with lyrics or anything like that); I listen to this https://youtu.be/2aAxeHu5zQQ because it feels so healing and I always calm down when I listen to it
4. Just meditate until you have no thoughts; I like to just wait out all my thoughts and imagine my body disappearing
5. Once you seriously have no thoughts, repeat I am the void (just I am the void works for me)
6. From here, you should get the floating feeling in like 3 minutes and in less than 5 minutes you'll be in the void
This is the method that works for me amazingly and I just wanted to share. For this method you don't need a good self concept or anything because when I first tried it my self concept was really bad and I literally had to manifest a good self concept in the void 😭
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lolilewenk · 9 days
new void concept sub for you:
this one uses tom kearin's ask and answered affirmation technique, where you pose an askfirmation then answer it with an affirmation, e.g. "why is it so easy for me to enter the void? because i'm a master of the void." it's meant to close the gap between the end and your horizontal linear experience. this has really helped me narrow in on fulfillment the past couple of days; i highly recommend it. this sub covers both tapping into the void state through your preferred method & waking up in the void aware. it's also got some general fulfillment/manifestation mastery affs in there because i hate the mindset of waiting on the void for fulfillment (spoiler alert: it's an endless wait if you see your reality that way because you are reality). just be it here and now, and this sub is meant to help you embody that way of being.
some asked and answered aff examples plus a calm v in the description as always. i am very tired, and i need to eat lol, but i hope it serves you well.
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lolilewenk · 10 days
me looking at the most jawdropping attractive man on Pinterest and immediately knowing I'm about to start another DR
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