lollipop-plop · 2 years
It's been a bit.... I've been hella busy. However, first prompt is finished.
Prompt: Write a story where someone or something says "please, don't do it."
The concert was finally over. Ji-Woon had a long day but he wasn't planning to go home and sleep just yet. He had an 'itch' and it would only get worse if he didn't handle it soon.
He hadn't yet changed out of his stage clothes. The idol not only wanted to get some fresh air, he needed to see if anyone was going to be stupid enough to try and see what back door he was using. Luckily, it didn't take long. Ji-Woon stepped out, placing something between the doorframe and door to stop it from closing completely and leaned against the building. The night air was refreshing and cooled him off a bit, considering he had a layer of sweat glicening on his forehead and chest. That's when his unfortunate victim turned the corner. She was excited to see the idol outside and alone. The young woman quickly walked up to him.
Ji-Woon had noticed her turn the corner out of the corner of his eyes however, he didn't want to bring attention to the fact that he expected someone to do so. He pretended to not notice her until he heard the woman's foot steps quickly approach him. He turned to face her, acting a little shocked that he was found before quickly giving her a smile.
"Oh my God, Ji-Woon, I'm your biggest fan!" the woman started talking. It was the same thing every time with the women. They claimed to be his biggest fan, professed their undying love, then asked to be his secret girlfriend. The idol's answer was typically the same; he loves his fans and he would be happy to make her his secret girlfriend. Of course, that relationship only ever lasted a few hours because his main goal was to satisfy his blood thirst. Ji-Woon pretended to listen to everything the woman had to say and gave his short speech of acceptance and agreeing to be her boyfriend. Then, of course, he informed her to wait while he got changed.
The man walked back inside, closing the door behind him, and got changed into some loose fitting pants and a tank top. He had used a towel to wipe off the excess sweat and grabbed his bag that he brought everywhere. He walked back out the back door after telling his manager he was taking off. Ji-Woon smiled at the woman that waited for him and he walked her to his car, opening the door for her, throwing his bag in the trunk, and getting in the driver's seat.
They went to a club, had some drinks and danced. All the while, the idol was encouraging the woman to drink more. The fan was drunk in no time, willing to do whatever Ji-Woon told her; he was in control. Eventually, Ji-Woon got her to leave and got his fan in his car. He drove them off to an abandoned warehouse. Ji-Woon helped walk the girl inside after he grabbed his bag.
Inside, he tossed his bag down to focus on his drunk victim. She had mentioned she was confused why they were there, but Ji-Woon simply replied with, "It's my studio." This seemed to satisfy her questions about their location. Ji-Woon, upon seeing that the drunk woman wasn't doing much other than standing there, decided to proceed with his plans. He needed her clothes to be removed so he could get the best sound possible and clothes made a horrible tearing sound at times. The idol pulled his victim into him, having grabbed her wrist with one hand. His other hand reached up behind her to keep her in place while he planted a delicate kiss on her lips.
The victim happily accepted Ji-Woon's kiss and practically melted in his arms. In response, the idol acted eager for more, turning the kiss into a make out session. Pausing for a moment, the man took his shirt off, something he knew would entice his victim to do the same. As the woman's breathing picked up in anticipation of everything that she thought was about to happen, she removed her own shirt. Another pause; Ji-Woon could tell his victim was suddenly becoming shy. In order to encourage her, he gave her a smile and placed his hands on her waist and slid them behind her as he pulled her close for another kiss.
Another moment or two and the idol was able to give his victim the confidence for him to unclasp her bra. The lead up to the killing was always tedious but worth it in the end. Without taking the proper care the victim would require in order to not run away terrified, he was likely to be caught. He couldn't let that happen, which meant he couldn't afford to mess up. The bra fell to the floor of the abandoned warehouse as the woman let it slide off her arms. The idol took another moment to admire her half naked body. Part of him wanting to forget about his blood thirst and take her. His jaw clenched for a second as he reasoned with himself about how he wouldn't be able to let her live. "Have you ever tried shibari?" the man asked, pushing forward with his plan.
It didn't take much longer for the victim to be tied up and hanging, unable to move. The rope was not artisticly placed like most shibari would be but that wasn't the point of this. Ji-Woon simply needed his victim unable to run. He was quiet, putting his shirt back on and grabbing a knife from his bag. 'Finally,' he thought, a shudder ran down his spine from the anticipation of the kill. His victim still unaware of her unfortunate circumstances. The idol pulled out his phone and started an audio recording app. He made sure to be quiet so it wouldn't ruin the music he was about to make. A flick of the wrist and the knife was let loose, plunging into the woman as she screamed in pain. The sound was pure bliss causing Ji-Woon to pause only a moment as all his troubles seemed to melt away. Another flick of his wrist before she could ask any questions and before long, he had all the audio he needed.
The man stopped the recording, putting his phone back in his pocket before grabbing the knife that would end the woman's life. "Please, don't do it. You don't have to...." the woman whimpered. The idol was astonished she was still able to speak. The loss of blood should have weakened her to barely functioning. He turned to face the victim.
"You're right. I don't have to," the kpop idol said blatantly. He held his blue and pink knife up to his face, looking at the delicate blade. His expression was soft, almost as if he was actually considering letting his victim go. However, that quickly changed as he gave her a smirk, piercing her with his eyes. "I want to."
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lollipop-plop · 2 years
I think I would like to do some writing; specifically based on prompts I find (or if you would like to suggest some).
My current primary focus is the Trickster from Dead by Daylight. (Though I may add personal OC's later along with their stories in general).
Please feel free to follow me if you'd like to read any of these.
For reference: most of my headcanons for Ji-Woon are based on cultural facts and things that make sense being a star. I have other headcanons that simply make sense based on his story and the scenes that were officially released.
Some of my headcanons:
1) He is bisexual, though he wouldn't approach a man romantically in public (based off of what I've researched about kpop and south Korean culture)
2) He's a narcissist (meaning he's not a nice person)
3) He doesn't easily get drunk
4) He respects Yun-Jin for making him famous (and trying to keep him famous) but that is the extent of that. (Now he loves upsetting and annoying her)
5) He eavesdrops all the time
6) He's not a virgin and has taken time to learn how to get the most out of his sexual partner (simply because it benefits him)
If you have questions or a prompt you would like to read, feel free to ask. I will not do stories that include anything sexual with anyone under 18.
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