londonblossom · 8 months
At the end it's the person we think about when we are half asleep, wishing they were there to hold you
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londonblossom · 4 years
Hey guys,
Sorry that I am not active here but
I'm on Instagram as @londonblossom.poetry. Install the app to follow my photos and videos. https://www.instagram.com/invites/contact/?i=11k7d0graha7e&utm_content=8k71b9z
Thank you so much ❤️ and I hope you have a beautiful day!
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londonblossom · 4 years
I kinda regret meeting you
Talking with you
Because you gave me the feeling that you don't like me
I feel so lonely
Standing here with nothing to offer
At some point I blamed you
And now I know
It was my all fault
I am sorry.
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londonblossom · 4 years
It's so painful. The thoughts are hunting me. Here I am. Awake km the middle of the night. Crying. Trying to cut of my sobers so my roommate wouldn't wake up. All the thoughts in my head. I feel like I am drowning. I can't breath anymore.
What is happening?
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londonblossom · 4 years
I hope you gonna be happy
My beautiful artist
I hope you find your way
I hope you find someone special
I hope you will always love yourself
And at that times
You feel lost
Or lonely
Look up in the sky
And tell it anything that's going on in your mind
I will hear you
My soul will find its way to you
I will sit next to you and listen to you
Because I know how it feels like
When no one listen
But Darling
I will always listen to you.
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londonblossom · 4 years
And here I am... Even 6 weeks in Spain and the virus couldn't change the I still think about you all the time
Every time I see something beautiful, I want to show you. Every time I am exited, I want to tell you. Every time I am sad, I want you to hold me.
Guess this will never happen.. Lost love
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londonblossom · 4 years
I wish I were good enough for you. You never talked to me... Maybe that was the sign that you didn't like me in any kinda way.
Lost love part I don't know
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londonblossom · 4 years
I thought about you
You are still on my mind
Even if we haven't seen us for a long time
You're the only boy I think about
I know it is not good for me to only think about you
But still I can't help it
Can someone please help me to forget you? To stop loving you?
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londonblossom · 4 years
It's getting hard again
I feel like I can't breath while breathing
I don't know where I should go
What I should think
What I should do
Everything is moving so fast
I am just laying in bed
Going to school when I have to
Laying in bed again
My anxiety hits me at night
Because I can't walk the way I wanted to go
I am sitting here in my shattered pieces
Trying to solve the jigsaw
Trying to breath in
Trying to breath out
It feels like I am drowning
Is there anyone else having this problems? Probably just me
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londonblossom · 4 years
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Playlist and favourite song for today
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londonblossom · 4 years
How can I tell you that you were the person that healed me but also broke me at the same time?
I tried my best to be a better person for you but you didn't talked to me... Isn't it sad?
You were the knight I didn't asked for
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londonblossom · 4 years
Why is everything so hard right now? Why do I feel so tried all the time?
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londonblossom · 4 years
You laught while you pulled the trigger
Again and again
You shoot me down
There shouldn't be any girls in science
It hurt so much
The pain deep inside
Voices crawling their way up in my head
You shouldn't be here
We told you
Stupid girl why don't you listen to us
Another shoot
Here I am
Laying in the dirt
Covered with my own blood
Not knowing where I belong to
Not knowing where I should go now
The broken pieces of myself laying around
My mind is broken, my soul is shattered, my heart is dead
Maybe you where the person I needed but I didn't asked for
I need a new start, a fresh mind, a repaired soul and a reborn heart
The question everybody asks me
What are you going to do now?
Where are you going now?
What is your plan?
Please stop asking
My plan died like one week ago
I am still covered with the blood of my fights
I am still crying about it
The way of life I imagined is now faded
I am screaming in pain
Everything I worked for
Everything I believed in
Is gone now
And there are you smiling
Congratulating yourself for shooting me
But believe me
When I healed my wounds
When I re-built my soul
When I awoke my heart
It's your time to die
Because you brought me hell
I will built
out of the broken parts I don't need anymore
A gun
Out of my own blood
I will make some red paint
I am going to wear it as my war paint
There you are flying in the sky
Thinking you are okay
I am lying on the ground
Pulling the trigger
The bullet hits you
You fall and there you are
Next to me
Both of us looking at the sky
And then the grounds open
You fall even deeper
Because there is a special place in hell for people like you
I smile
Karma is something that will gets you any time
Time to get up
Taking the gun with me
The only thing you thought me
Most mans are seeing you as their prey
Next time I am prepared for shooting them right then and there
I am the warrior
You will remember my name
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londonblossom · 4 years
Ohh my God what is happening???!!!!
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That's me right there omfg what is happening?!
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londonblossom · 4 years
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Welcome to Málaga. Let's leave all the crazy things that happend at home and live our best life for 6 weeks
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londonblossom · 4 years
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I am finally on Instagram
Please check it out, like & follow :)
Have a beautiful day ❤️
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londonblossom · 4 years
At the end of this chapter I will leave the battlefield with a broken mind, a lost heart and a shattered soul
Knowing I tried everything but the system is constructed to make you like everyone else but I will never be like everyone
Voices I tried to shot out for 2 years are coming back
"we told you that you are nothing and you won't make it!"
The last question on this exam will be
Are you going to write the next chapter or will you close the book?
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