Right I'm off to bed for the evening.Please leave apps for characters and to become my co-admin and any questions/queries that you have.
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How are the characters sorted into houses?
Good question Nonnie.I will be picking them, but I will be using a random number generator to do that so it is fair.
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Here and Here are some guides/help to the UK educational system.I hope that has helped.While I am off to finish some politics work, please send in more questions and apps too.
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tyofrp gave you an opinion. you should go check it out on her blog.
I know she did and I have looked and released I do need to make the name less long winded, this is what happens when you set up the name while half asleep/drunk.Everything seems positive and I know the UK education system is confusing, but as I am a UKer I do find the American educational system confusing.But I have tried to explain the UK system, although I remember  reading a help guide on the UK educational system so I may have to hunt it out again.
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what grades are there?
General you go from 11-16 in the uk which is secondary school, but really the grades for this roleplay start at the age of 14-16, so that would be year 10 and 11, where you study your GCSE.You pikc between 10-12 subjects including English, Maths, Science and I depending what your school does you have another compulsory school, so for me it was a language.Then you go to your college year from 16-18, so year 12-13 and study between 3-5 subjects in anything, so at the moment I am studying History, English, Politics and Psychology.Then Uni, which is the equivalent of college in the US where you pick one subject, so year 14,15,16 and sometimes 17 depending on how long it takes.So your grades are really down to the age of your character and what they will be studying for here..damn this is long winded and probable didn’t answer you question.Sorry if it didn’t help.
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Here is the Co-Admin app.Send in applications for becoming my co-admin and of course applications for characters.But Also any questions on this roleplay.
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Is there a co-admin app because I'd love to apply for it!
Currently their isn’t..because I am being way way way too lazy.Been at work since 6am got back about and hour and a half, but I can mock one up.Stay around for like ten minutes and I shall do it.
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This seems like such a lovely, lovely rp.
Thank you so much, it means a lot.I put a lot of time researching private schools in London and what Oxford and Cambridge is like for the 18-21 part of the rp.Thanks again and I hope you will join if you have the time.
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Hello Roleplay tag.This is a new private/boarding school that has opened.Come and apply I will be here all evening if you want to apply and have any questions.
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