lonesome-greenery · 10 hours
more @comicaurora + @screenshotsofdespair because I felt like it
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lonesome-greenery · 12 hours
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lonesome-greenery · 15 hours
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Continued a tradition I have at conventions - I try to make a little embroidery gift for a vendor based on their art or their tabling setup, and give it to them before the convention ends. I took my supplies with me today to SPX and managed to make two simple little patches while chilling in the hallway.
Original art is by @arugulafriend and @maeowl respectively
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lonesome-greenery · 16 hours
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mutuals do this
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lonesome-greenery · 17 hours
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Watercolor wip
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lonesome-greenery · 17 hours
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The first fucking line of this book is the realest thing I’ve ever read guys the human experience is universal
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lonesome-greenery · 22 hours
The thing is lads I cannot think of a better use for my tax dollars than feeding children. I want my taxes to give the single mother of three healthcare. I want my taxes to take care of the elderly and the disabled. I don’t care if they’re citizens or legal residents or whatever. I want my taxes to help people. Because we’re trying to live in a goddamn society. Instead my taxes go towards bombing schools and hospitals and refugee camps. Billions and billions sent to proxy wars. And still people quibble over whether we should feed children. What are we doing here. Feed the kids.
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The Goblin Emperor has the funniest answer to "why am I the only one in my family who wasn't assassinated" and the answer is that the assassin forgot you existed. Thought they could overtake the government by killing the entire royal family but oops they genuinely just forgot that the emperor had a 4th son.
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Peachgrove — Submitted by nemethos-deamon
#E89A85 #F5C3AB #FFD7D1 #E6B2C5 #A2719C #656D3C #314A29
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Kendal: Doesn't take care of himself because he is a) still getting used to being a mortal and doesn't even know some of the things he needs to do to care for himself and b) Didn't see himself exclusively as an extension of Kendal-the-Sword and not as a person until his ghost-therapy session
Falst: Doesn't take care of himself because he is a) still getting used to being a part of a team abd b) still sees himself exclusively as the dude who can tank the hits and take the pain so that the others won't have to.
Erin: Doesn't take care of himself because Getting Rid Of The Dragon takes priority over literally everythong else.
Alinua, Dainix, and Tess (but mostly Alinua): doing their best to keep the trio of self-sacrificing idiots fom sacrificing themselves into an early grave
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First SEA MONSTER that's a tail!! with spikes!!
colors are prettyyy the lightning? The water? Is Erin under water?
Okay so Torrent- furthers the pattern we've had from the previous chapters with ripples-> waves-> and now Torrent
For those who don't want to look it up torrent is "a violent or forceful flow of water," "a heavy downpour of rain," or "a tumultuous outpouring," or "a channel in a mountain stream" (Merriam Webster.) I also love how the colors are different than the previous chapter covers- those had very similar blues. This one is more green.
y'all might have already seen this I am a few hours late but I am very excited
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lonesome-greenery · 2 days
mutuals did you know that
i love you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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lonesome-greenery · 2 days
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A tiny tiny skunk 🦨
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lonesome-greenery · 2 days
if you're cringing at the genre conventions of the genre you are writing in then why the hell are you writing in it. either have something substantial to say about those conventions or shut the hell up! i will not cringe alongside you at superhero powers and spaceship battles and big eldritch worms and bone magic. i came to this story to SEE that shit and I don't appreciate it when an author tries to pretend they're above the very things they're selling themselves on
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lonesome-greenery · 2 days
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been thinking about fantasy/scifi rule systems and free will
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lonesome-greenery · 2 days
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eagerly awaiting the reveal of what political science 101 concept is she going to stop the plot to teach middle schoolers about. we got bread and circuses we got the extended work on thomas hobbes my money is on haymitch starting this book as an objectivist and having to unlearn that in the face of true struggle
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lonesome-greenery · 2 days
Something about human, non-powered superheroes. Something about living in a world with gods and aliens and speedsters and making the choice to stand beside them. Something about being painfully aware of your own mortality but choosing to keep fighting for good. Something about knowing that most of your teammates could do takes you days in seconds and deciding "no, if I can help even the slightest bit, I must". Something about pushing yourself to your limits and beyond so that you can stand up against evils so much greater than yourself and face them without hesitation. Something about having the choice to live a normal life- it's not your birthright, it's not some greater fate, you have every option to keep yourself safe- and saying no. Something.
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