longevityeden-blog · 6 years
Is it okay to ask what happened or what lead up to the shut down and why we only got 24 hours to process things and add our friends before we lose them? This really hurts. I wish I had a warning because my mental health sucks so bad and my anxiety is horrible. It made no sense to do the event then not even tell us what the point in everything was. I don't feel like I've gotten closure and I'm just really confused and hurt.
     The ending post covered pretty much everything. We’re closing Eden due to personal reasons, mainly being too busy to manage a group of this size. We apologize for the state of your mental health, but we aren’t professionals. We just did this as a hobby, so we’d rather you not imply we're personally to blame. That’s borderline guilt tripping. Please refrain from this, as we, the mods, do have emotions and mental health that should be considered too. 
     The event was already halfway through by the time we decided to end the group. We decided to use it as a transition into the ending, having the mysterious silhouette character kick everyone out and into various other worlds (which can be expanded upon if anyone decides they want to continue rping their dynamics privately). That, for all intents and purposes, is Eden’s canon ending. A few members actually expressed that they liked this ending, since most groups don’t even have an IC reason for discontinuation. It comes down to preferences for how the group closes. 
     We had much more planned plot-wise, and this would have been the first major story beat for everyone to get involved in, but as stated earlier, we just can’t manage a group of this size given how we have other priorities. No further plot details will be revealed about Longevity Eden.
     As for why we’re giving 24 hours, leaving the group up for several days or a week wouldn’t accomplish much. Chances are, every member has DMed at least one other member. You can ask for people’s contacts long after the server disappears, discuss the closing of Eden privately if you wish, and use the SNS channel we set up to add people’s contact information. The time period is what all the mods agreed on. There’s also the Masterlist with everyone’s contact information and mun alias if you need someone’s information and they aren’t online at the time. 
     Thanks for playing!
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longevityeden-blog · 6 years
End of E(vangelion)den
Thank you for playing Longevity Eden. We regretfully must inform everyone that on Sunday April 15, and 6 PM EST, Longevity Eden will be closing its doors.
After several weeks of deliberation that have only been finalized a few days ago, we, the moderator team of Longevity Eden, have come to this very difficult decision. While we have enjoyed all the interactions within Eden thus far, it is simply no longer fun for us. We are far too busy in real life to handle a group, especially one with this much work and time put into it. 
We are not interested in passing the metaphorical torch or handing over the blog to anyone. We apologize for this. We would really rather stop the plot altogether. We hope everyone comes to respect that. 
However, we, ourselves, respect that you may wish to continue your relationships. You may do so in private roleplay such as through Direct Messages or exclusive servers, but please refrain from adding any new members, advertising such an exclusive server, or utilizing our information. We absolutely do not give permission for Longevity Eden’s plot to be used in any way outside of exclusively private roleplay. We hope everyone can respect this, as well. 
The in-character chats will be shut down, and then after that, the server will be shut down at the specified time above. A text-channel will be created for posting SNS if you wish to keep in contact in general, though we recommend Direct Messaging specific people. 
We implore you all to check out any of our affiliates, listed on the blog. 
Thank you, all, again, for playing with us for a long five months. The closing of Longevity Eden was a sad and difficult decision to come to. We appreciate every single one of our members and every single interaction we’ve had with you all. Without members like you, Longevity Eden would not have made it past a week. 
Thank you. 
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