lonlonlonnie · 3 months
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he’ll do it, no charge
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lonlonlonnie · 3 months
I'm not crying. Nope not at all.
Protective!Ghost who overhears you discussing a stalker ex-boyfriend
Protective!Ghost who hates the idea of a knife or gun under your pillow for safety
Protective!Ghost who follows you home
Protective!Ghost who waits until the dead of night to break in
Protective!Ghost who updates your security while you sleep
Protective!Ghost who buys you a puppy in secret
Protective!Ghost who convinces you to help him pick out his own puppy, gifting your puppy to you in thanks
Protective!Ghost who signs up both puppies for protection classes
Protective!Ghost who schedules puppy play dates with you every week to spend time together
Protective!Ghost who kisses you in his kitchen
Protective!Ghost who sleeps in your bed
Protective!Ghost who jokes about being the weapon under your pillow
Protective!Ghost who marries you
Protective!Ghost who ensures your ex will never bother you or anyone else again
You who pretends to be asleep when Ghost breaks in to update your security, and every time after that
You who initiates the kiss in his kitchen
You who sees the news report of your ex's recovered body a year into the marriage
You who's never been happier, curled up against Simon's side with the pups sleeping at your feet
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lonlonlonnie · 3 months
I'm not blushing... You are 👀
One of my favorite scenes of them, LORDDD
Gets me so pissed off knowing we won’t get- I’m gonna stop myself right there
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lonlonlonnie · 3 months
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lonlonlonnie · 3 months
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lonlonlonnie · 3 months
My single braincell agrees
ᯓ★ 𝐒𝐨𝐚𝐩 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬
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- Soap listens to The Northern Boys religiously.
- Soap is a firm believer in gold star stickers. He can and will be bribed with them.
- Soap has the coldest feet known to mankind and constantly puts them on everyone. No one is safe.
- Soap will do something dumb or cheeky and grin at someone until they notice what he did. (Ghost is usually the victim of this)
- Soap jumps up and smacks the door frame even when he can just reach up to tap it. He stumbles more times than not when he does this. (Ghost comes behind him and just raises his arm to hit the frame)
- Soap is an avid apple juice lover, but NEVER eats whole apples. He’ll strictly eat apple slices or drink apple juice.
- Soap mindlessly does the angry mom lips when he’s focused on something or spacing out. He also sticks the tip of his tongue out the corner of his mouth but accidentally bites it.
- At night Soap stretches and sticks his feet out of the blankets then jerks them back because ‘something might touch grab in the night.’ When he was a kid he refused to get off the bed at night so the ‘bed monster’ wouldn’t get him. He stills shuts the lights off and runs to his room.
- Soap turns around all the stuffed animals you own when you’re going to have sex. He also covers their eyes, or where their ears would be, at anything he deems to be unholy. Most the time its when you’re playfully cursing at him.
- Sprawls out on any surface; floor, bed, couch, you name it and his entire body is covering it. Even you. He’s a big guy, perfect to be your blanket! (Please let him be your blanket he gets so happy when you do)
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SFW (serious)
- Soap was catholic for a long time as a kid. He had a hard time sitting still during services which led to him getting into trouble often. Nowadays he still labels himself as Catholic but he doesn’t actively practice anymore. He isn’t sure if he can after what he’s done in the battlefield. If Soap took the time to sit down he’d realize he isn’t very religious, but he still wears a cross necklace. He feels like he needs to.
- While he likes keeping things lighthearted he understands the importance of being serious. If you have a problem he jumps on trying to fix it immediately, slipping a joke or two to lighten the mood, but he never undermines your feelings.
- When he gets home from being deployed he needs to take the first day to be near you. If you’re on the bed or couch you will not be getting up for hours. When you do he has his arms around your waist and shuffles after you. Soap is a lot quieter, but is usually closer back to normal the next day. He needs to grow back into being himself at home.
- Soap enjoys being the funny friend but when he slowly realizes to some people that’s all he’ll ever be he hates it. He so badly wants to be seen as a multilayered human being, but he feels that he’ll only be seen as the “funny/impulsive one.” Soap isn’t proud of his impulse issues. It reminds him of his dad.
- Soap is a huge family man. Lots of sisters, close to his mum, yet when his dad left he wasn’t too torn up. There were too many mixed feelings to navigate it. Some nights when he was younger he laid awake loathing his dad for leaving. Other nights he wanted the ideal version of his dad that had once been in his head to be real. No one took the absence easy, but if he said it didn’t bother him still, he’d be lying.
- ADHD. He was undiagnosed as a kid and got into trouble frequently, but when it didn’t go away it became a problem. Eventually he was diagnosed with ADHD and it explained some of it. Soap has trouble navigating with it. He can be too upfront sometimes and has scared off a few people by not picking up on social cues. Soap truly doesn’t mean to and it becomes one of those memories he thinks of late at night, filled with regret. On those nights he longs to be ‘normal’ or adjacent to.
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- Soap is the easiest to get hard out of 141. He has a high sex drive, but not to the point its overbearing. You want to fuck? He’s always down.
- He’s also the most open to new things. Soap tends to get rough sometimes, but he always knows the line. Anytime he wants to be rough he walks through whats good and not. It’s honestly funny seeing him clasp his hands on his lap all serious like when he asks if he can fuck you rough.
- He craves to hit it raw. This man is the definition of “doggy style, sideways, frontwards, upwards, backwards, upside down, tilted, 69, from the back, 360 degrees no condoms, skin on skin.”
- Give him an inch and he’s running a mile. You mention a toy you want or a kink you want to try out? He’s on it!
- Soap does have a small secret though…and if you request for him to dress up in a pretty lingerie set you’d discover it. The delicate lace straining against his bulging muscles as he squirms to not rip or tear it. Chefs. Kiss. It’s one of the quickest ways to get him to sub. He’s so pretty he doesn’t want to go to waste!
- He’s lowkey nasty - in the way that if your makeup or hair isn’t wrecked he hasn’t done a good enough job. Soap doesn’t care how ‘messy’ you look in his eyes you are as beautiful as ever. When tears of pleasure collect in your eyes he could cum from that alone.
- Have I mentioned yet that he can cum untouched? It’s happened multiple times where you’ve talked a big game only to end up in bed with him shooting ropes of cum across the sheets at you kissing his neck. Don’t worry though, he recovers quickly and has stamina for days. He would never leave you hanging.
- He does aftercare, there’s no way would he wouldn’t, but he also is quick to fall asleep. Once he’s set you up and made sure you’re doing the best you can he’s out. If you turn away for one second you’ll hear snores coming from your side, where he lays on the bed.
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lonlonlonnie · 3 months
First thing you see after you zoom in is how you die
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How you dying 👀
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lonlonlonnie · 3 months
This is probably too accurate
Ghost: *throwing a knife into an enemy's throat expertly*
Y/N: *makes a hopeful puppy face and their eyes are full of stars*
Soap, who is still a bit of a Ghost fanboy deep inside: *makes the same face*
Ghost, starting to sweat: Oh fuck there's two of 'em
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lonlonlonnie · 3 months
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Moments in time, preserved through sentiments Twitter | Ko-Fi | Patreon
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lonlonlonnie · 3 months
Drama Queen, they call him
Price: Today I realized I’m old.
Gaz: What happened?
Price: I fell at the mess hall and instead of laughing, Soap came running to see if I was okay.
Gaz: …
Price: I saw the fear in his eyes.
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lonlonlonnie · 5 months
Wild shape druids are technically the final evolution of a furry.
Change my mind.
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lonlonlonnie · 6 months
Now that's what I'm thinking about!
Zombies shouldn't growl or snarl, they should babble a mixture of incomplete word sounds and whole words or sentence fragments. Every zombie should sound almost but not quite like it's trying to tell you something.
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lonlonlonnie · 6 months
It's funny how one can feel lonely in someone's embrace.
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lonlonlonnie · 7 months
Saying "brother in Christ" implies there's also a "sister in sin"
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lonlonlonnie · 10 months
I've literally returned after ages. I had to make a new account... Only to find out nothing changed. And you know what ? I wouldn't have it any other way.
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