loowna · 2 years
"the buttress is a radfem?" yeah she posted this absolute banger of a post on instagram a few months ago
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loowna · 2 years
Feminism has become far too watered down. It’s purpose has been shifted, it’s focus moved . Feminism is now about “equality” when the purpose was always meant to be advancement and rights for WOMEN. The kind of weak feminism that caters to men is not real feminism, but something else entirely. The cause of giving women rights must focus on women. Real feminism ALWAYS puts WOMEN FIRST. It doesn’t allow the exploitation and commodification of women for men’s pleasure, pander to men who invade women’s spaces, or justify oppression of and violence towards women by men.
If you support porn and "sex work"- the sale of women’s bodies and the exploitation of vulnerable women- you are not a feminist.
If you believe that not wearing makeup and skirts makes you not a woman, or that a man wearing makeup and skirts makes him a woman, or in general that gender presentation= gender, you are not a feminist.
If you think men or "non-women" can be lesbians, you are not a feminist.
If you think it is empowering to make yourself into a sexual object for men, or to let men use you sexually without insisting they put your pleasure first, you are not a feminist.
If you believe that oppression-based gender roles and religious codes can be a "choice" and empowering, you are not a feminist.
If you continually adjust your language to erase women, and refuse to acknowledge that it is women who birth and menstruate, you are not a feminist.
If you use misogynistic slurs like "b*ch" "sl*t" and "h*", you are not a feminist.
If your feminism does not believe in putting women first in the cause, you are not a feminist.
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loowna · 2 years
Hi can you do mercury trine ascendant?
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People with this aspect take on a lot of traits seen within a Gemini or Virgo ascendant. They are incredibly smart, and other people pick up on this right away. Their minds move fast, and their bodies are also always on the go. They probably speak rather quickly as well. They are constantly bouncing their legs or fiddling with their hands, it is difficult for these natives to sit still. Anxiety might be a struggle, it is common for their body to feel as though it is under a constant nervous strain. They make for great conversationalists and can speak on any topic. 
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loowna · 2 years
Sun Trine Neptune: Spiritual Excellence. Dreamers Connected To The Higher Realms.
Sun trine Neptune individuals have a skill in utilizing the universe in everything that they do, everything that they are. Their soul purpose of living and breathing is to experience God/Universe in anything they are passionate about. They are compassionate, expressing this nature in their world with others and placing it into their art. Their dreamy nature is all in the aura and people who come in contact with them get a taste of their healing energy.
Their skills and talents have a connection to the source like no other. Sun/neptune travels through many depths in their psyche to get their art the way that they do.
the way they feel music, the way they draw, paint, the way they dance. it is all connected to spirit. and they do this naturally.
its like, they become it as they go deep in it.
its just something in them that connects to all frequencies that the universe puts out. they are simply embodying what source is trying to tell them. even if they dont do the things I mentioned they do this on a day to day basis, its just who they are.
connecting to the world is something that they must do, their reality is in check when they use their gifts to help others, when they listen to their first mind, when they sit near the ocean and let the waves speak to them. they are in perfect heaven when they allow nature to speak to them and through them.
the captivators of the universe, their expression is holy.
they are the divine shakers on this realm, and they know no bounds.
children love them, because their auras are healing and their childlikeness surrounds some sort of divinity/innocence to them.
everyone loves to be around them because they are fun to be around, just being in their presence you cannot help but to stare. they embody the energy of gods/goddess because thats who they are.
the trine makes this energy easier to come about, but must be activated through some sort of divination.
they can do just about anything that calls them.
like dancing is a form of meditation (believe it or not) so they could do that to connect to source, if that is what they feel called to do.
all in all, I'd say sun neptune trines are heavenly. they have this gift that influences others to be themselves. because their aura connects to certain frequencies, they could be some sort of guide that leads people to were they are suppose to be.
They just have that eye catching persona that puts you at awe and makes you feel at ease.
I hear 'the promise land' when I think of sun/neptune trine peeps.
tell me what you think about this ;)
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loowna · 2 years
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when science tells u to distrust men
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loowna · 2 years
It is insane to know your father watches porn.
Your brother watches porn. Your teacher, your professor, your cousin, your friend. Every man in your life, whether you have a positive or negative relationship with, is actively choosing to watch women get hurt, abused, degraded, endanger their life for his sexual pleasure. Every man you know grew up on the notion that you are lesser than him. Does the seller in the grocery store search for people like you on his favorite human trafficking site? Did your guidance counselor search for teen girls before or after you went into his office? Or late at night, at his home computer, under a protected network, because those children are different than you, come from a worse background, are abused by others, so it's ok? You are a child. She, who is the same age as you, is a #sexworker. Or maybe she just turned 18 but has pigtails and pretends to color in a book before she gets abused. When you performed better in class than a male student, in work than your male coworker, did he go watch people like you get degraded in the most base, awful ways? Did he do it to punish you? To get revenge? When you broke up with your ex, did he think, even for a moment, to post intimate pictures of you so strangers online could get off on humiliating you? Did he decide against it, because he is #OneOfTheGoodOnes? Does he #StandWithHer? Did he instead go watch other woke feminist porn? Does he understand that if your photos being used for jacking off by others is humiliating and a punishment, so are the photos of that feminist, inspiring, empowered woman he pays every month to act out his fantasies?
Does your father know abusing other women is part of abusing all women? That you and that woman on his screen have more in common than you and him will ever have?
Words can't explain the horror of living under this constant, ever-present shadow. Porn rots our society. Porn is terror.
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loowna · 2 years
Sometimes I think about that a man is a woman without boobs, his nipples useless. A woman without a uterus, without a clitoris but a penis, without the second X and a mini Y instead.
And sometimes I think how men is the word women missing wo. How he misses a s.
Society thinks that women came after men; that we are weak men with boobs, a uterus, a clitoris which some articles describe as "similar to a penis". But it's actually the other way round. Women aren't men with added functions that make them weaker and sub-human. Men are in fact incomplete women.
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loowna · 2 years
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loowna · 2 years
“Femininity pleases men because it makes them appear more masculine by contrast; and, in truth, conferring an extra portion of unearned gender distinction on men, an unchallenged space in which to breathe freely and feel stronger, wiser, more competent, is femininity’s special gift. A major prupose of femininity is to mystify or minimize the functional aspects of a woman’s mind and body that are indistinguishable from a man’s. And then there are the compliments, the ultimate reward, for men are known to be highly appreciative when a woman has taken the trouble to create an entire human being who looks and acts and smells so different from them, a continuing reassurance that a male is a male because a female dresses and looks and acts like another creature.”
— - Femininity, Susan Brownmiller
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loowna · 2 years
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making reference to the patriarchy more than once using the terms female objectification and male gaze she’s DEF one of us FR
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loowna · 2 years
Men dont have Male class consciousness btw. They see each other as individuals thats what it is. You say “men have class consciousness” and what you describe is literally men are able to be individuals. I think if anything what we need is women to embrace being an individual we already get treated like women are a hive mind.
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loowna · 2 years
genderfluid girl showing u her female pose vs male pose
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loowna · 2 years
my het partnered ladies, i just think that even a guy who splits the chores and is kind and loving will still put his needs before yours when it comes down to it. So if you’re in a het relationship, make sure you put your needs before his.
He will assume any life sacrifices will come from you. He will expect you to live where is best for his life/career/happiness, even if it means sacrificing your life/career/happiness.
Just know that no matter how ‘equal’ you are, in his mind, he’s the captain and he gets to have the final say.
If you are with a man, just make sure you take the time to think about what YOU want and to ensure you get those things, because otherwise you will be swept along on his journey, always being told it’ll be your turn to choose next time, but it won’t be. It will never be.
I’ve lost count of how many het relationships i’ve seen from mine, my parents, and my grandparents generations that have this same pattern. A woman with dreams unrealised, always being told- after my promotion, after the kids start school, after retirement, then it will be your turn to choose.
I’ve seen my mum and her friends drinking in the kitchen at dinner parties time and time again, talking about how their husband has refused to consider their desire yet again, and sat around the table the husbands talking about their latest promotion, their trajectory to success.
Any man you are dating will expect you, at some point, to defer to him as the authority. I’ve had it recently in my own relationship, and it was like a slap in the face.
Just know what you’re getting into. A guy might not be abusive, but that doesn’t mean he won’t drain you of your hopes and dreams to fuel his own, slowly, insidiously, and over a lifetime. He won’t even think he’s doing anything wrong, he thinks this is his right!!
But he can only do this because you are socialised to give freely, to make sacrifices for him.
Be vigilant! Do not give in! Be the impossible difficult woman. Set your own goals and be your own captain! When you are on your deathbed what life do you want to look back on? Live it now!
You are only an accessory to his life, don’t make him the focus of yours!!!
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loowna · 2 years
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The artificial femininity women are sold is quite literally man-made, man-intended and therefore masculine.
The woman on the left here looks exactly like a woman naturally looks. She couldn't be any more womanly or feminine.
But the woman on the right is intentionally taking steps trying to look less like a woman. The result is a male fantasy, rooted in fetishism and far removed from what female human beings look like. So she is not "hyper-feminine". She's hyper masculine.
Originally feminine was just french for womanly/femaleness. But in typical patriarchal fashion, the meaning of words is reversed, so that the masculine woman is considered feminine and the feminine woman is considered masculine.
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loowna · 2 years
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loowna · 2 years
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Rinoa performing Angelo Cannon in FFBE
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loowna · 2 years
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