loqute-blog · 6 years
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loqute-blog · 6 years
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loqute-blog · 6 years
"No need for pleasantries, Scientia." The Brigadier General snapped as Ignis came into view. The Lucian was a sorry sight after being kept in captivity for a few days after a rough fight.
He respected Ignis' courage for sacrificing himself for his comrades, but that didn't matter much in light of his reason for being there.
The steel door slammed shut behind Loqi and the room grew dark for a moment before a light flickered on overhead.
"You're a smart man, I'm sure you know exactly why I'm here. Your friends escaped and I want to know where they're headed next." The shorter man demanded, stepping forward into the light where the gold accents on his armor shimmered. He smirked and crossed his arms over his chest.
"I'm sure they're devising a way to rescue you as we speak. They won't succeed."
EPIPHANY | @loqute
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Ignis leans against the wall as a sigh escapes his lips in frustration. None of the plans he had reflected seems to work as they all ended in the same way – death or caught. It has been days that the adviser got caught by the Nilfheim army and brought to one of their bases, keeping him in a cell. Ignis knows that he was too important to get just killed, could be easily used for the prince’s attention. Hopefully, Gladio could hold him back from doing anything stupid like breaking into the base to save his old friend. He tilts his head and looks down to his hands, chains around wrists make it hard to move too much around. Well, isn’t like there was enough space in the cell for such activity either. An abrupt sound of a door getting opened and footsteps that came closer, making the adviser’s eyes focus on the cell gate. It was too early for his meal so the reason behind this visit must be something else. An eyebrow goes up as sees a familiar face. “General Tummelt, how I deserve such a – high visitation?”
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loqute-blog · 6 years
"Frequently..." The Brigadier General replied blandly after hearing the scuffle behind him. Loqi sighed, his shoulders breaking posture and slumping slightly as he turned to glance over his shoulder at the Lucian Prince.
His gaze was cold, bland even, all measure of pleasure over Noctis' struggle for freedom had completely drained from his face. Resistance was futile, especially this deep inside a Niflheim military complex. The place was locked up tight and crawling with MT's...Noctis didn't have a chance. He could run for hours, but to no avail.
And the Brigadier General felt pity for the Prince -- It would be easier for the both of them if Noctis would only do as he was told.
Loqi faced forward again and walked a ways down the hall to make room for more MT soldiers that began to stream into the hall.
"If you insist on running, go ahead. I won't waste my energy chasing you. See you in your room, Lucian..."
And with that, he walked off with his invitation issued.
Noctis had a choice: run and attempt to escape this MT ridden fortress, or return to his cell unharmed?
Talk about being stuck between a rock and a hard place.
Noctis peeked his head out of the room he was staying in. He was making sure that no one was around as he sneaked out. He was careful to not the guards know he was out. He headed down the hallway and turned the corner still watching out for guards. His mission was to get out.
“Well, well, well…” Loqi’s voice boomed in the eerily silent hall. He stood before the Lucian prince, arms crossed over his chest in mock disappointment to see his enemy slinking around the corner right into his trap like a cornered animal. “I’m not sure what I expected Prince Noctis, but I can’t say I’m impressed. Or even surprised, really.” The Brigadier General sneered, Noctis’ name like a curse on his lips. Two MT soldiers emerged into the hall behind Loqi – a show of force.
“We can do this the easy way, or the hard way. Your choice, though I’m sure you know which I would prefer.”
Noctis stopped dead in his tracks when he came face to face with Loqi and frowned. Of course the other would know he would try to escape, that is one thing Noctis was supposed to be good at. He let out a sigh and ran a hand through his hair. He remained silent for a while trying to collect his thoughts. He could warp behind himself but he guessed there was more guards waiting He knew Loqi was smart. He let out a sigh and glanced at the other. “I rather do the hard way but that’ll be too much work.” He said. “So I guess you win this round” he growled a little not happy that he lost.
Loqi smirked. He’d be lying if he said that the frown on Noctis’ face didn’t give him some measure of satisfaction, though he was a little disappointed that the Lucian Prince hadn’t put up more of a fight. Perhaps the other man’s short stint in captivity had beaten down his ego? Either way – it wouldn’t really matter. The Brigadier General glanced at the MT’s behind Noctis and clicked his tongue which prompted the two faceless figures to advance on the Lucian – each clasping one hand around the Prince’s bicep. “There’s no victory in surrender. If this is how you play, any opponent of yours will have nothing to worry about.” Loqi taunted openly as he shrugged his shoulders, palms turned upwards. “Since it seems as though you need constant supervision, Your Highness, I’ll walk you back to your cell. You’ve earned yourself more guards as well to keep you in check.” He hissed pointedly as if to beat down Noctis verbally. This wasn’t a game to him. As soon as his boot struck the ground with a sharp click the MT’s around the Brigadier General responded by dragging Noctis back down the hall with heavy footfalls back down the hall. “Try to escape again. You know what’s waiting for you if you do.” @son-of-regis
Noctis tensed a little when he felt the MT’s grab him. Their grip was tighter then he would like but also felt a little cold. To be honest he really wasn’t going to give up that easily. Once he saw Loqi turn his back on them and started walking Noctis decided it was time to get free. He lookd at both of the MT’s and with out thinking decided to stick his foot out and trip one of them. Once he felt one of his hands free he pushed the other one into the wall to get the other hand free, “Has anyone told you to never turn your back on your enemy?” he said with a small smirk.
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loqute-blog · 6 years
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This campaign defies censorship in social media to raise awareness for early detection of breast cancer
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loqute-blog · 6 years
you have been visited by the seven magic dragon balls your biggest wish will be granted but only if you reblog
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loqute-blog · 6 years
A Concept
Cor: How tall are you?
Loqi: Height is a social construct.
Cor: So, you’re short.
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loqute-blog · 6 years
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Another Munday photo with me and my #1 gal!~~
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loqute-blog · 6 years
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Happy Pride Month
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loqute-blog · 6 years
Send me 👤+ a character name for my muse’s opinion on that character
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loqute-blog · 6 years
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loqute-blog · 6 years
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loqute-blog · 6 years
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Yet Another Stat That Proves The Male Gamer Stereotype Is A Farce
With new data from a Pew Research Center survey, we know that women play an even bigger role in the gaming community. Of the 40% of Americans who own a video game console, 42% are women and only 37% are men.
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loqute-blog · 6 years
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Art by IG: @feefal Instagram: @artwoonz
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loqute-blog · 6 years
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For @ffxvrarepairsweek Day 8: Free
Resident Evil Vendetta AU~!!!
Pairing: Corqi | Cor/Loqi
I recently watched Resident Evil Vendetta and their fights was so cool and Chris and Leon really grew on me in this movie. The guns are 3D models I’ve found and by the power of ClipArtStudio, turn them into decent black and white. Couple of their fights can be found here (fair warning: lots of blood and gore and zombies)
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loqute-blog · 6 years
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Ignis Scientia
Ok so I have this headcanon that, in the alternate chapter of Episode Ignis, the Ring kind of left its mark on Ignis’s soul. Not only the Ring’s power marked his body (it took a long while for the scars to disappear), something far worse happened: his mind and body remembered the power and begged him to get it back. 
I imagine that despite showing his best self in front of everyone, Ignis had trouble to sleep and eat. He’s was doing his best but couldn’t think about anything but the Ring. With Noctis gone (in the Crystal), Ignis had to face the most difficult years of his life. With time, training, and the presence of his friends (I count Ravus amongst them), he got better but he never forgot this incredible power.
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loqute-blog · 6 years
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Belated valentine day ignoct <3
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