lord-of-the-strange · 6 months
I've always felt uneasy about wanting to get people to pay attention to the atrocities committed by Israel in Gaza by saying "if Israel isn't stopped, it's only a matter of time before it happens to you" because why not care even if this wasn't ever going to affect you personally
But seeing as how Israel had targeted a clearly marked vehicle of World Central Kitchen today, killing 4 of its staff operating in southern Gaza who are Australian, British and Polish - just goes to show these people again that Israel is setting precedent and making sure the world understands that it's not "violating international law", it is in fact changing the standard and setting the stage of what counts as a crime and what is permissible and can be done with complete impunity and no consequences.
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lord-of-the-strange · 9 months
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lord-of-the-strange · 9 months
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the more you know!!
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lord-of-the-strange · 11 months
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i forgive you
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lord-of-the-strange · 11 months
Jesse: "Yo, Mr. Fring, I've been thinking about this quote, man. "One must imagine Sisyphus happy." What do you make of that?"
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Gus: "Ah, Jesse, I see you've stumbled upon the existential musings of Albert Camus. It's an intriguing concept, to say the least."
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Gus: "Sisyphus, condemned to an eternity of rolling a boulder uphill only to watch it roll back down again, represents the futility and absurdity of life's struggles."
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Gus: "However, Camus suggests that by accepting and embracing this absurdity, one can find happiness."
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Jesse: "Yeah, but I mean, isn't that just some crazy philosophical bullshit? How can someone be happy in such a fucked-up situation?"
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Gus: "Happiness, Jesse, is a state of mind. It's not about the circumstances we find ourselves in, but rather how we choose to perceive and respond to them."
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Gus: "Sisyphus, despite his eternal struggle, can find meaning and purpose in his repetitive task. By embracing his fate and finding fulfillment in the act itself, he transcends the burden he carries."
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Jesse: "That's deep shit, man. So, what, you're saying we should just accept all the crap that comes our way and be happy about it?"
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Gus: "Not necessarily. Acceptance doesn't mean complacency. It means acknowledging the realities of our situation and finding a way to navigate them while maintaining our inner peace."
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Gus: "It's about finding meaning in the journey, even if the destination remains elusive."
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Jesse: "Yeah? I guess that makes sense in some messed-up, twisted way... Hey, speaking of finding happiness, have you tried Taco Bell's Nacho Fries? They're insane, man!"
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Gus: "...Nacho Fries, Mr. Pinkman?"
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Jesse: "Oh, you gotta try 'em, Mr. Fring! They're like these crispy, seasoned fries with this gooey cheese dipping sauce. It's like a flavor explosion in your mouth, man. I bet you'd love 'em."
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Gus: "If they are as remarkable as you claim, perhaps we can find a moment to indulge. After all, even in the face of existential ponderings, we mustn't forget to appreciate life's simpler pleasures."
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Jesse: "That's what I'm talkin' about, Mr. Fring! We'll have ourselves a little culinary adventure amidst all the fucking chaos. Life's all about finding those moments of joy, even if it means embracing the absurdity along the way, right?"
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Gus: "Indeed, Jesse. Life's contradictions often lead us to unexpected discoveries. Perhaps, we may find a glimpse of Sisyphus' elusive happiness in the process."
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lord-of-the-strange · 11 months
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18K notes · View notes
oh so when a so-called "ARCHAEOLOGIST" goes around robbing graves and taking their contents back to their so-cakkklled "MUSEUMS" it's all fine and dandy, but WHEN I, YOUR LOCAL, SMALL-TIME NECROMANCER-
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TIL “Yankee Doodle” was written by the British to mock americans. “Doodle” is thought to come from the German “dödel”, meaning “fool” or “simpleton” and “macaroni,” a flamboyantly stylish type of dress, painting the Yankees as morons who thought placing a feather in one’s cap made them a “dandy.”
via reddit.com
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lord-of-the-strange · 2 years
This is perhaps my new favorite video
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lord-of-the-strange · 2 years
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I lost (almost) all my heroes, but I still have this fucking trapezohedron [x3]
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lord-of-the-strange · 2 years
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The only known copy of the Hussie “First Folio” of c. 1625 exists in fragments in the Bodelian Library (MS. Eng. misc. c. 413). No publishing details are available, provenance is unknown.  
The uncertain glory of an April day, Which now shows all the beauty of the sun, Limns a youth upon which no name did weigh These thirteen springs. That burden will be one He will take up this morn, and so in this This gentle youth becomes a gentleman, By taking on the name that’s rightfully his - A token that betokes a divine plan. Where others, who did Fate give name at birth Can have no say in what their fortune tells (Whether lives of misery or of mirth), This youth may choose his Heavens, or his Hells. He stands now at the door of childhood’s room, Now Let him learn his name, and learn his doom.  
Act 1, scene 1
   Voice: Enter name.
   Boy: Letters are appearing! As if drawn by Some fiery hand - and now I ken they spell The name “Zoosmell, Lord of Dung”? Fie on this, Fie! A shallow jest - better be the names Of rustics than nobility besmirched.
   Voice: Try again.
   Boy: More words appear, these pleasing to the eye - I’ll be “John Egbert”, a name for saints and Kings, I trow. Now to take up arms and go, But where among these cakes and bills for rude Entertainments could they be? In this drawer?
Looks in drawer
   Boy: No arms. Damn my addled mind: they rest Beneath the cake inside yon magic chest.
   Voice: Remove CAKE from MAGIC CHEST
Boy retrieves arms
   Boy: No antics or hilarity for now, I must needs store these in my Sylladex. What else lies here? Some Gyves that feign to lock, A Blade that cannot wound, a Hat, a Mask, Tricks to mimic smoke or blood, a Treatise On japes, a Volume on the life of a Man of wisdom who traffick’d in dark arts. All this I fain would take ‘gainst future need, For now mayhaps this smoke will show it’s meed.
Takes smoke pastilles
   Boy: Alas! my arms I now can’t bring to hand! This Sylladex is like unto the sack That peddlers use to cart about their wares – And all that they have pack’d must be unlade ‘Ere that which they pack’d first will come to light. No matter now: anon I’ll set it right.
Examines bill
   Boy: No spirits be as facinerious As these. Though fell be their actions and their Passions run to black, these hell-kites’ exploits Enthrall me and I can’t abjure their charms. How now, a note? My father left this here, A birthday gift to mark my thirteenth year.
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lord-of-the-strange · 2 years
they gotta give me more enrichment at work look what i just doodled
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^ joke that would have killed in 2011
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lord-of-the-strange · 2 years
by @riparkride
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lord-of-the-strange · 2 years
Happy Out Of Touch Thursday
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lord-of-the-strange · 2 years
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Yesterday our DM told me that my warlock can keep his skeleton minions in his bag of holding 💀
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lord-of-the-strange · 2 years
does anybody want me?
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