lord-of-tumblur · 7 years
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lord-of-tumblur · 7 years
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This blog is
d e a d
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lord-of-tumblur · 7 years
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lord-of-tumblur · 7 years
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My boyfriend signed up for an Economics class last semester that had a professor who was described by other students on Rate My Professors as “a little offensive but still funny” and “you will still learn if you do the work and attend his workshops.” On the first day of class, he pointed to an Asian girl next to him.
“Are you Chinese?” he asked.
She looked bewildered and said, “Yes…?”
“How do you feel about the One Child Policy?”
The entire class went silent.
She glared at him, “I’m American.”
He shrugged it off, “Yeah, but you’re Chinese. So how do you feel about being the only child in your family?”
When I peruse through class lists, one of the very first things I want to know is whether or not I will be in a safe environment with a professor who cares about their students. Rate My Professors is the most commonly used tool for students to decide whether or not a professor is right for their learning style. It’s a tool for students created by students. But when such tools actively work against students who want to give proper warning about professors, what does that tell you? Does RMP care about student safety? Or is it doing everything in its power to protect corrupt educators? Should students compile a list of corrupt professors to combat RMP’s new policy if they don’t reverse this rule?
The Chinese woman and the rest of the students had to endure a semester filled with violent racist, sexist, and classist rhetoric (he later humiliated a student for 15 minutes for having an old Ford—what he described as a “loser car”) with a professor who only taught outside of class hours instead of during class hours. There are many more stories like this one because students pay for a class they weren’t expecting.
Because students can’t say “racist and sexist”, people have opted for “problematic” with examples as well as synonyms. You can contact them here to ask them to change their policy.
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lord-of-tumblur · 7 years
Heavy doing his taxes
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lord-of-tumblur · 7 years
A group of rough looking boys walked past me today and all I heard of their conversation was “he’s got that anxiety disorder bro so I went with him so he’d be more comfortable” and it made me realise the world isn’t all that bad
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lord-of-tumblur · 7 years
Do not punish the behaviour you want to see
I mean, it seems pretty obvious when you put it like that, right?
But how many families, when an introvert sibling or child makes an effort to socialize,  snarkily say, “So, you’ve decided to join us”?
Or when someone does something they’ve had trouble doing, say, “Why can’t you do that all the time?” (Happened to me, too often.)
Or any sentence containing the word “finally”. 
If someone makes a step, a small step, in a direction you want to encourage, encourage it. Don’t complain about how it’s not enough. Don’t bring up previous stuff. Encourage it.
Because I swear to fucking god there is nothing more soul-killing, more motivation-crushing, than struggling to succeed and finding out that success and failure are both punished.
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lord-of-tumblur · 7 years
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lord-of-tumblur · 7 years
I Cant Believe i never posted this
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lord-of-tumblur · 7 years
Haunted houses...
Friend 1: I would only go to a haunted house/ premise if I was given rock salt…. and a shot gun.
Me: What about money?
Friend 1: I’d take the money too!
Friend 2: What are you expecting…. a stripper ghost? 
Friend 2′s blog: @ghost-striper-101
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lord-of-tumblur · 7 years
you are under no obligation to be kind. you are under no obligation to talk to people or keep in touch with people that have hurt you. you get to decide your boundaries and sometimes it’s hard, but stick with them. no one has more power over you than you do.
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lord-of-tumblur · 7 years
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casually tying ghost’s hair into  ponytail and feeding them snacks.
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lord-of-tumblur · 7 years
Once my friend Henry was accused of wearing wireless headphones by a substitute so she said for him to hand them over so he took them off and handed them to her. Then later on she asked him a question and he didn’t respond so she said it louder and he still didn’t respond. She asked why he was not responding and he said “I can’t understand you ma'am, you took my hearing aids.”
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lord-of-tumblur · 7 years
Concept: mothman but he’s half butterfly instead
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lord-of-tumblur · 7 years
It’s so lovely to see how happy you are. <3
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First day of life up until 6th grade 
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Jumped all the way to Freshman year of High School
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Then I cut my hair Junior year, why did I do that
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Slowly it started growing back and then….
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I finally felt comfortable to express myself (the picture on the left was my debut)
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At this point in my transition I am 6 months into HRT
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A year on HRT
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Over a year and a half on hormones. My transition hasn’t been the clearest path but I am so happy that I am on it.
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lord-of-tumblur · 7 years
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Just wanted to share this lovely post I found on Facebook. Think people. Think of who you’re really hurting.
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lord-of-tumblur · 7 years
As if dumb and absent.
She stumbled aimlessly around the room.
She sank into the floor never to be seen again.
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