lordofiends · 4 months
" I hope it isn't too hot." acclimating to her new surroundings was something that Theresa had decided to take one step at a time. and for the first step, it involved getting to know the ones she would be staying with for the forseeable future. the woman sitting across from her at the dining room table reminded her a little bit about Kal'tsit. perhaps it was the way she carried herself or the way she spoke. regardless of the reason, she wanted to at least be able to call the woman a friend.
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setting the kettle of hot water down, Theresa takes a seat once more, fingers gently pushing the small tray of milk, sugar, and the like towards the other. " Hibiscus-pomengranate tea. It was the only one I could find on such short notice."
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lordofiends · 4 months
"......Hoederer." a familiar face in an unfamiliar place. hard it is at times for Theresa to remember bits and pieces from her past for reasons she never can place a finger on (Theresis assured her it was nothing to worry about), she knew the Sarkaz's face. he has aged considerably from the last time she saw him, just like everything else has, she suspected. a result of the wars that continued to rage on Terra's surface and the fight the Sarkaz must endure in order to find the peace and unity so longed for.
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features shift as a small smile tugs at her lips, eyes holding a slight warmth in them as she gazes upon the mercenary. " If you are here then I suppose this isn't just a dream of some sorts. Tell me, are the others here as well? What about my brother? If so, I'd like to speak to them as soon as possible."
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lordofiends · 4 months
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a bit late but while I work on following the masterlist, this will be an uncapped starter call for miss theresa! and just a little warning that while it has been a bit since episode 13 released for global on arknights, spoilers will be present!
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lordofiends · 5 months
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“This is my goodbye.”
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