lordofiends · 1 month
" I hope it isn't too hot." acclimating to her new surroundings was something that Theresa had decided to take one step at a time. and for the first step, it involved getting to know the ones she would be staying with for the forseeable future. the woman sitting across from her at the dining room table reminded her a little bit about Kal'tsit. perhaps it was the way she carried herself or the way she spoke. regardless of the reason, she wanted to at least be able to call the woman a friend.
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setting the kettle of hot water down, Theresa takes a seat once more, fingers gently pushing the small tray of milk, sugar, and the like towards the other. " Hibiscus-pomengranate tea. It was the only one I could find on such short notice."
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blightborn · 1 month
MAYBE IT WAS RUDE OF HER, a mere young lily, to squat down to observe what it is this woman has been trailing her gaze over all this time. how long had she been sitting, beautiful eyes trailing from the foliage to those in passing? still, it had drawn the priestess' curiosity, in truth, causing her to drift over to see for herself. only once those eyes fall onto her does she realize how it might have come off, causing her to scramble just a smidgen, pulling out a small notebook to write something in it.
holding out the pages, she makes it known that she cannot speak, but that she can at least communicate in some manner. still, her expression relays the same feeling that her words carry, tilting her head ever so slightly as if in questioning.
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「 I'm sorry. I was curious. I saw you sitting here for a while. 」 better to apologize first than anger her, she thinks. and then her attention returns to one of the insects that had been in the flowers, one she likely had been observing in time, too, before turning back to her. 「 Is there something special about it? 」
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isolaradiale · 1 month
following up on reserve, I'd like to app The Knave / Arlecchino from Genshin Impact. you can find her info at the 3rd dot on the sidebar or under /a
Welcome to scenic Isola Radiale, Arlecchino!
You will be housed in HOUSE 108.
You will retain the ability to imbue your attacks with pyro for up to five times daily and will receive a wooden pole.
– mod pleiades.
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