lordpalladio · 10 years
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Ballroom, Catania, photo: Michael Eastman
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lordpalladio · 10 years
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Palazzo Borromeo, Lago Maggiore Piemonte
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lordpalladio · 10 years
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lordpalladio · 10 years
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A detail from View of Llanerch Park in Denbighshire, Wales. 1662
“Elegantly he diverted streams of cold water into his gardens and, praise be, he can wander in a great garden which he made, in the grounds about his mansion, and costly are his devices.”
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lordpalladio · 10 years
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Palazzo Zenobio, Venice.
> Photos by Reinhard Görner (2014). [x]
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lordpalladio · 10 years
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Abbazia di Lucedio, Piemonte (Abbey of Lucedio, Piedmont), Italy
The abbey was founded in 12th C AC; it’s located among paddy fields. Italy is the largest rice producer of Europe.
Google Maps
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lordpalladio · 10 years
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Villa Barbaro (a.k.a. the Villa di Maser) Italy. Andrea Palladio, architect.
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lordpalladio · 10 years
Your last 3 photos are related with the King Carlos III of Spain :-)
True! While posting I did not thought of that Spanish link between Parma and Naples. You do have a sharp eye :)
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lordpalladio · 10 years
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La Reggia di Colorno, Italy (by Just a Click)
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lordpalladio · 10 years
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lordpalladio · 10 years
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Honour Grand Staircase, Palace of Caserta, Caserta, Italy
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lordpalladio · 10 years
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Venetian architect Giorgio Massari died on this day in 1766. He was 79. His best known building is the church of S. Maria del Rosario, better known as the Gesuati. The late Baroque church (1725-36) recalls the work of Palladio, especially his nearby churches of S. Giorgio Maggiore and the Redentore. The interior decoration points to newer Rococo tastes with paintings by Giambattista Tiepolo. In addition to various churches, Massari also designed numerous villas, again taking Palladio as his model and guide.
Reference: Valentino Volta. “Massari, Giorgio.” Grove Art Online. Oxford Art Online. Oxford University Press, http://www.oxfordartonline.com/subscriber/article/grove/art/T055004.
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lordpalladio · 10 years
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lordpalladio · 10 years
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Palladio docet
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lordpalladio · 10 years
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foto 1 Le statue dei Musei Capitolini: All’interno di Palazzo Nuovo, in piazza del Campidoglio, i Musei capitolini risalgono al 1471, anno cui il Papa Sisto IV donò un gruppo di statue bronzee di grande valore simbolico.
foto 2 Palazzo Sacchetti: È uno degli edifici più suggestivi del Rinascimento, ed è in via Giulia. Lo progettò l’architetto Antonio da Sangallo a metà del ‘600 e gli affreschi di Francesco Salviati nel suo salone dei Mappamondi sono tra gli esempi più affascinanti di Manierismo romano.
foto 3 Il giardino di Villa Medici: È sul Pincio ed è uno dei giardini più eleganti e segreti di Roma, all’interno della villa che ospita l’Accademia di Francia, un’istituzione voluta da Luigi XIV per consentire agli artisti francesi di studiare le antichità romane. Oggi ospita un’imponente collezione di opere d’arte.
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lordpalladio · 10 years
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Baroque architecture at Troja Palace / Czech Republic (by jidhash).
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lordpalladio · 10 years
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Basilica Palladiana - architect Andrea Palladio, Vicenza, Italy (by mrcury)
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