lortyjordy · 5 months
Here is a sapphic, turn-the-straight-girl, u-haul across continents kind of tumblr love story for you all.
It all started with Assassins Creed Valhalla and creating a tumblr page to dive into my lastest hyperfixation. I was watching a twitch stream one night (which I'd never done, mind you) and started chatting through the comments with the streamer and the other 3 people watching. We decided to make a discord server to make it easier to chat.
A day or so into the chat, one particular member made a slightly off colour joke that I thought was funny and I immediately jumped on it. She was a goat farmer so I dm'ed asking about her (at the time) 29 goats. She thought I was annoying as fuck 🤣
I persevered because I knew that we'd be friends and eventually won her over with my quick wit and Australian humour (it was actually because I was nice enough to listen to her problems LOL).
Once she realised I'm actually amazing 🤭😉, we just clicked. We talked about everything under the sun including my relationship of 9 years that I thought was still going strong and her relationship that she'd been wanting out of for some time. She knew that I was untouchable in terms of a romantic interest so she let herself have the type of friend she'd always wanted - reliable and kind.
Fast forward a year later after talking every day, video chatting weekly and navigating some hard situations together, I made the 24 hr journey to the States to meet this person that had become such a close friend in person.
The moment I got into the car with her and her Mum was probably one of the most defining moments in my story. I felt like I'd known them my entire life. This wasn't some physical stranger on the opposite side of the world, this was my best friend and her Mom picking me up from the airport - it felt like we'd done it a million times.
We quickly realised that the pull between us was magnetic and we danced around a physical boyndary that we did not want to cross. I was obviously so very confused. I returned to Aus with a massive question mark over my head. It turned out that my relationship had been dying a slow and painful death for quite some time and I had needed this experience to lift my veil of denial and give me a kick in the ass. We took the time to end our relationships (both of almost 10 years) in a way we felt comfortable with and trying to do the best by our exes.
Living on opposite sides of the world mixed in with a chronic illness, a farm full of animals and our general anxiety 😅, we faced some tough decisions.
It's been 7 months since I moved to the United States.
5 months since we got married.
So here we are, best friends and wives 🧜‍♀️🧜‍♀️ (possibly mermaids in a past life if she got her way 🤣🤦‍♀️)
Never in a million years did I think I'd find myself in the queer community but look at this crazy curve ball life threw my way. A baby pansexual who married a woman she met on the internet. It doesn't *always* end in murder 🤣
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lortyjordy · 7 months
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Happy Valentine’s Day!!!
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lortyjordy · 10 months
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AI created goats are fun. 😂😍
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lortyjordy · 1 year
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lortyjordy · 1 year
Synastry Interactions -
Moon square Moon
Moon1: I’ve been feeling a bit overwhelmed lately, needing some time alone to recharge. It’s important for me to have that space for myself.
Moon2: I understand the need for alone time, but sometimes it feels like you’re pulling away from me. I worry that I’m not meeting your emotional needs.
Moon1: It’s not about you. I just have these intense waves of emotions and I need some space to process them. It doesn’t mean I don’t care about you or our relationship.❤️
Moon2: I know, but it’s hard for me not to take it personally. When you withdraw, it triggers my own insecurities and makes me question if I’m doing something wrong.
Moon1: I’m sorry, moon2. I never intended to make you feel that way. Maybe we can find a way to balance both our needs. Is there something specific you need from me during those times?
Moon2: It would help if we could have open communication. If you let me know when you need some space, I won’t feel so left in the dark. Maybe we can also plan some quality time together to reconnect afterward.
Moon1: I can do that! Communication is key, and I should be more transparent about my emotional state with you. And I agree, making sure we have dedicated time together will help us maintain our emotional connection. 😊
Moon2: I appreciate your understanding. Let’s work together to find that balance, where you can have your space and I can feel reassured in our relationship.
Moon1: Absolutely! Our emotions may clash at times, but I believe we can learn and grow from this. Let’s use it as an opportunity to deepen our understanding of each other and strengthen our bond. ❤️🥰
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lortyjordy · 1 year
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may your days be filled with love, joy, and peace 💟
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lortyjordy · 1 year
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HAPPY PRIDE!!! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
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lortyjordy · 2 years
I do look good in red!
Planets in the 1st house
What does it mean when a planet is in the 1st house?
Planets in the 1st can be like a second ascendant or rising, especially if they’re very close to the ascendant. The closer the planet is, the more prominent it can be. Whichever planet in the 1st house that you have can influence how you see the world, your appearance, the way people see us, and our self-image.
Before I started, I just wanted to let you know that genetics also play a part into physical appearances so not everything said will be accurate about that. And, some of this can also go for your rising sign, not all of it.
(Dark mode recommended)
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Sun in the 1st house:
This placement specifically really needs to learn how to put themselves first. That’s kind of like their goal in life. They really just have to take pride in being themselves. If they can’t stand up for themselves, they have to learn how to however, if they’re too headstrong they have to stop and think before they do anything that they may regret later on. People with this placement have a very strong will and are quite determined. They are usually more positive than negative depending on the whole chart, and can appear very confident to others because that’s just what comes naturally to them which can actually just inspire others to be confident as well. They really do spread their energy around. They are leaders. Even though they appear confident most of the time, they can also have ups and downs with their confidence. On one day, they can feel very full of themselves in terms of confidence and on another day, they might just have the opposite effect. Colors that are bright fit them perfectly, especially yellow, gold, or orange. Very glamorous fashion styles are also common with this placement. They can have average to taller heights, strong/lean/healthy bodies, poor eyesight sometimes, very charming face - even if they’re not considered physically attractive, nice-looking noses, medium to wide forehead, beautiful eyebrows, and glistening eyes. Honestly, they make themselves happy and these people often have some sort of skincare regime or self care routine that they like to do. Whether it’s getting their 8 hours of sleep, or making sure they eat clean… they’ll get it done. However, they can be a bit pretentious and outspoken at times, as well as a bit self-centered or cocky. This is only if the placement is underdeveloped though!! :)
Celebrities with Sun in the 1st house: Scarlett Johansson, Elon Musk, Grace Kelly, and Demi Lovato.
Moon in the 1st house:
People with their Moon in the first house are typically very sensitive to their surroundings and to other people. Their emotions are very strong and powerful. They are prone to many emotions, especially sad ones just because of how in tune they are which can be a burden but also an advantage and a gift if handled properly. Mood swings are very much present, pretty noticeable/visible ones too. They can be super moody and sensitive. You can see when they’re having like a bad day, the expression is just on their faces. Ignoring emotions is basically impossible for this placement because even if they’re fine most of the time, there is a period where their emotions just keep coming out & they just have to be dealt with or else it won’t be fixed. People usually feel safe around these individuals, they have a very comforting energy that just makes even the most repressed type of people feel comfortable to express themselves. Every time the moon sign changes (every 2 days) they might take on the attributes of that specific moon sign. They can also try to avoid tough emotions, but like I said before, this doesn’t work. They really do also like to be noticed for their talents. Even if it’s a small remark, it’s still nice for them to know. They have more rounder/squarer shaped faces, big/small almond eyes that just stare into your soul, average foreheads, thinner to medium eyebrows that flat or low arched, and short to medium heights. Very intuitive type of people as well. They are usually very direct with their emotions and like to face things head on, but sometimes they might overthink about this and if it’s the right decision. I think these are individuals who can really master their emotion if they put effort into it, and can even help others with their emotions too.
Celebrities with Moon in the 1st house: Madonna, Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet, and Bella Hadid.
Mercury in the 1st house:
Younger/youthful looking faces. Pretty eyelashes. Whether they’re long or short doesn’t matter. Their hair usually has some nice texture, and it can be slightly wavy even if it’s straight. Very nice features that are portioned just right. Some of these individuals can look androgynous. There’s a very slick and sharp look to their features as well. They’re very curious and are eager to learn about new things and topics. They have like eyes everywhere and know what certain people are doing and if they’re not doing them correctly, they may try to fix it or help them do it correctly. They’re also pretty nosy. They like getting involved in conversations to prove their logic, even if they were not originally apart of the conversation. They can also just come off as like rude, just with their picky looks even if they don’t truly mean to be rude. Listening is a skill these people need to develop in my opinion. Of course, it may already be developed though:) they usually tend to be direct when they’re communicating, and they don’t like when people lie to them. In other peoples perspectives, they look like someone who approaches the world in a logical and educated way. People usually also view them as smart, even if they’re not. They have the type of appearance where you don’t have to question them because they’re the person that knows best. Really good at observing as well. They’re more intuitive than people give them credit for. The bad part of this placement is that they can be overly worried and think too much about stuff, overthinking is common. Honestly, they can probably talk about a lot of things for ages. Speaking is their natural talent though. They have beautiful voices too! They’re very ahead of others in terms of thinking, but if Mercury is afflicted then they usually use this power for evil.
Celebrities with Mercury in the 1st house: Selena Gomez, Elon Musk, Cristiano Ronaldo, and Gigi Hadid.
Venus in the 1st house:
Such lovely people. Can literally charm anyone with their personality or looks. They make people feel dazed, honestly. These people are usually involved in some type of self-care or self-love routine of some sort and they like things pleasing to the eye, or just aesthetically pleasing. They can be creative when expressing themselves, and they just always look good. They’ll never go out without looking good. Their outfits & makeup are also genuinely the best they have good taste. They themselves just make the outfit work because they’re so beautiful. The look in their eyes is simply majestic, and they usually have nice facial features that are put together perfectly. Their features can be delicate & gentle. More of a slim, shorter type of nose build and they look good with any shade of pink lipstick. Their eyebrows can be a bit raised or just leveled correctly. They can also love experimenting with styles, they’re very adventurous when it comes to this. These people can see multiple side of things, they carry so much compassion and love for others which is so recognizable. Alluring & polite. They attract many people when they show these traits and it often makes them well-liked or popular. Graceful stares. Some undeveloped people with this placement can become to vain and too caught up with themselves though. And temperamental/moody, sometimes of which is uncalled for completely which gets other people in bad moods. For these individuals, other people not liking them can also be a problem too. They might ignore them or resent them for this reason as well, it’s kind of like they need validation. Can sometimes be possessive or selfish too, maybe without meaning to be.
Celebrities with Venus in the 1st house: Angelina Jolie, Beyoncé, Audrey Hepburn, and Jungkook.
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Mars in the 1st house:
They give off a lot of Mars energy, so they may appear more masculine in their personality or just in their physical look. This isn’t always the case though. They’re always very hot-headed, ambitious, driven, and passionate. Like I said, they’re very driven so they really will go after what they want. Whether it’s an opportunity or a job, doesn’t matter. They also don’t think about consequences or about how their actions might affect other people, probably the child that got into trouble a lot because of this too. Which may just hurt themselves more than anyone else honestly. They can be very active &amp use their body daily. Some of these people like working out or just moving around. Also, they’re the type of people who are strong-willed & mentally strong. But they aren’t usually able to hide their anger well, and when they’re mad, their first instinct can be to damage something or just get physical. I see many celebrities with Mars in their first house &amp they wear red a lot, it looks good on them too. Especially the females. In terms of appearance, they look very hot &amp not in a simple way either but in a big, bold way. Eyeliner + smoky eye fits them perfectly. They can also put a lot of their energy into themselves, like many people with this placement do a lot of things for themselves, whether they realize it or not. There is something striking about their appearance, specifically their face. It’s something people notice the quickest. They have defined/great cheekbones and a more square shaped face. Their eyes look good when in both a defensive &amp cheerful expression. These individuals can also come off as intimidating to some, but that’s only because people can feel how big their energy is &amp they know that Mars in the 1st house natives don’t take shit from anyone.
Celebrities with Mars in the 1st house: Taylor Swift, Megan Fox, Brad Pitt, and Blake Lively.
Jupiter in the 1st house:
Such lucky people. It’s like they have almost no karma. Can be very confident, and can start many projects/events/etc with ease. Their personality’s are very big, they take risk in many things. They can make money by doing something with their body like being an athlete. These people are also competitive, but they’re successful competitors. Honestly, very full of light, curiosity and optimism. Such cheerful smiles & playful little looks to them. They don’t look intimidating personality-wise, but sometimes they can appear physically intimidating just because of how “cool” or “unique” they appear. Almond eyes, medium lips, relaxed-arched eyebrows, captivating stares, and some type of wavy hair is all common here. They’re honestly blessed with good luck in terms of their looks. These individuals are extremely soulful deep down inside. They tend to leave lasting impressions, they make other people curious about them. However, to other people, they can appear more as bossy or arrogant just because of their self-confidence. And some other people might feel threatened instead because of their charisma. This placement is really enthusiastic in terms of friendships, they will cheer them on as long as they can, vouch for them, encourage them, etc. They can also look really cultured. Maybe they’re very involved in their culture, or they find it very interesting. Can be blunt, they know how to tell people the truth instead of what they want to hear. They know how to say a lot in a little sentence. Instead of dealing with their trauma this placement can actually just ignore it and keep moving/adapting so that they don’t have to deal with it anymore. Last thing I’m gonna say is that they do have a prominent intuition, they can really get messages from the universe.
Celebrities with Jupiter in the 1st house: Rihanna, Harry Styles, Kristen Stewart, and Whitney Houston.
Saturn in the 1st house:
In terms of physical appearance: prominent bone structure, composed look, high cheekbones, shocking, stern/daring eyes, medium noses, meaningful beauty, appear older when they’re younger and younger when they’re older they age backwards. They might struggle with their looks, or with how they present themselves to the world. They want to look a specific way. Body dysmorphia could be common. They have strong/dominating demeanors and personalities. They get more attractive as they age, it’s quite noticiable too and can accumulate power later on in life. When they were younger, they could’ve been in the shadow of someone older. They can take themselves very seriously & have a lot of self respect as well as discipline. They never really feel like anyone understands them. Usually more introverted. They can be afraid to express themselves, and have a fear of being left out or not being involved in something. They still do value being independent though. These people don’t want anyone to catch them when they’re not being responsible or serious, so I think that this could be the reason for why they’re so consistent with it. They probably think they carry a lot of responsibility, and yeah, that may be the case. To be honest, they need to learn how to let go &amp have fun:) advice for this placement would be to not let other people influence how you feel about yourself or your self-image and don’t be too hard on yourself we all make mistakes. People who mess with them will get karma sooner or later in this life, or the next. These individuals really do want to feel important and accomplished but they never feel like they’re getting quite the amount of attention they deserve.
Celebrities with Saturn in the 1st house: Princess Diana, Lana Del Rey, Jared Leto, and J.K. Rowling.
Uranus in the 1st house:
Unique builds, medium-thinner noses, strong & straight nose bridges, nice lips, attractive and well built faces with odd placements or unusual looks. They dress differently than others, change styles frequently, they look smart, and they like to live life the way they want to live it. These are the type of people to get bored easily, change jobs constantly, and do things on impulse. They can seem detached from life of relationships and it looks like they’re just not completely there. They don’t get things done in usual ways either, it may even seem like they’re not doing anything when they really are. These are the type of people who shock others with their ideas, etc. They definitely do like trying new things, they aren’t scared about if it will work out or not. They like to be different. These individuals make people feel like they can be themselves and accepted, as well as included! They’re the type of people not to let anyone miss out on group projects or group activities because they know how it feels like to be excluded from a group. Such great friends. They look super good in blue, no matter the shade. It makes their eyes/hair pop out. There may be times in life where other people make fun of them or bully them, only because this is a lesson to get them to truly love and accept themselves for who they are. They like being unexpected, and quite frankly, you never know what to expect. Very interesting type of personality’s though, many people look up to them & others just want to copy them. They have many friends and could possibly be involved in many friend groups or just groups in general. They give off hippie type of energy too!
Celebrities with Uranus in the 1st house: Johnny Depp, Leonardo DiCaprio, Ariana Grande, and Kurt Cobain.
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Neptune in the 1st house:
Such a ethereal and hazy placement. They themselves feel like a dream. They’re the embodiment of illusion. They can be very oblivious to the outside world and are child-like in some ways. They wear rose-colored glasses in some situations. So very alluring, captivating people. They leave people with such pretty illusions of them, kind of like a facade. They have a very visually pleasing and otherworldly appearance, which is why many celebrities/models/etc have this placement. They can also experience many changes in their personalities. They might also have multiple personalities. They can be nice, kind, etc but at other times they may just hate company and may prefer to be alone. These people can also have trouble uncovering the real them, they may not be sure what their real personality is like and this can make them anxious. They have no real direction in life, they’re not sure what to do. Other people can often project their insecurities on them as well without having a reason to. Type of people to prove others wrong. The things they say can come off confusing or just plain, their words are definitely thoroughly thought about. However, they’re also very inspiring and creative individuals. Extremely intuitive too, they can understand other people well & may even get physic messages. Super artistic and imaginative. They themselves can look like art. Whatever they creative is just a masterpiece. I also notice these natives usually have a very familiar look, kind of like deja vu. In terms of appearance, they have meaningful starry eyes, full cheeks, thick or high arched eyebrows, medium-smaller type of noses, sometimes they have like button noses, wide & beautiful smiles, long eyelashes, and round and soft faces.
Celebrities with Neptune in the 1st house: Marilyn Monroe, Ariana Grande, Björk, and Paris Hilton.
Pluto in the 1st house:
Intriguing and mysterious individuals. No one knows why they do what they do, it makes it interesting to figure out. They’re like the puzzle that people want to solve. This can be a hard placement to have though. They want to truly figure out who they are and want to examine and analyze the things that interest them. They may even want to just analyze themselves or other people for fun. They’re very intuitive because of their great ability to read people like books. They can read other peoples emotions, feelings, thoughts, and mannerisms. These people could’ve been raised in a more chaotic environment, there could’ve been things like phycological or mental/physical abuse. Whether they have this or not, it doesn’t matter because these natives have still been through a lot in their life. This gives them a very dark, intimidating aura. They can either repel bad people and attract many haters or attract people who are loving and obsessive. They may get intense responses or reactions from other people and this is because the energy they embody brings out peoples darker sides, whether they want it or not. They go through many transformations throughout their life, both mental and physical. Especially in their appearance, style, etc. For people with this placement, Pluto really runs deep inside them. There’s no escaping. They can also be extremely secretive, not many people know a lot about them, and they prefer it this way too. Their eyes are deep and soulful, their gazes are sharp and intense, they can have high arched eyebrows, intense looking features, unique side profiles, European looking noses, (they look great in dark colors, it really brings out their skin tone) sharp jawlines, wise looks, they can also be more into darker styles.
Celebrities with Pluto in the 1st house: Avril Lavigne, Evan Rachel Wood, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Beyoncé.
Don’t reword, translate, copy, plagiarize or use without credit.
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lortyjordy · 2 years
Ooh 👀
Pluto entering Aquarius is terrifying in the best and worst way possible…
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Pluto is the planet of transformation and rebirth. For you to be reborn, your old self must die. That is the plution energy. It's destructive and awakening. Pluto will enter Aquarius from March to June during this time we will get a glimpse of what we will face up to in the next 20 years. Aquarius is a rebel with Pluto it will be with a cause. Aquarian energy is a humanitarian and collective consciousness. It's how the individual serves the community. It's eccentric and orderly chaotic. What differentiates Aquarius energy from Capricorn, is Aquarian finds structure and order after the destruction and combines this with Pluto. We expect justice to be served and chaos to rise. The rise of technology ruling over humans ( we saw this starting to happen with chat gpt ). We will witness one of the most transformative eras that humans have ever witnessed.
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lortyjordy · 2 years
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just cari and miley ending the year with the most gayest performance ever
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lortyjordy · 2 years
does anyone have that picture of that fucked up looking white kitten that looks like this
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lortyjordy · 2 years
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lortyjordy · 2 years
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lortyjordy · 2 years
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lortyjordy · 2 years
Yaaassss I am made of Mac and cheese 🥲
The Sun Signs as Thanksgiving Food
Aries: Sweet potatoes / yams
Taurus: Gravy
Gemini: Pumpkin pie
Cancer: Cranberry sauce
Leo: Turkey
Virgo: Mashed potatoes
Libra: Dinner rolls / bread
Scorpio: Green beans
Sagittarius: Stuffing or dressing
Capricorn: Corn
Aquarius: Mac and cheese
Pisces: Ham
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lortyjordy · 2 years
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image taken moments before a devastating flashlight attack, dozens blinded and one woman left deeply in love
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lortyjordy · 2 years
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