loserassacenekid · 2 months
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weather is making me feel a bit down and low on energy but have dogboy toby <3
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loserassacenekid · 2 months
I love my bf!!!
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loserassacenekid · 2 months
I love my bf!!!
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loserassacenekid · 2 months
I love my bf!!!
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loserassacenekid · 2 months
y/n: i could never be a vampire, i like garlic too much
carl: maybe you’re an anti-vampire
y/n: an eripmav.
carl: loves garlic and sunlight
y/n: has stubby canines instead of pointy
carl: if you impale it with a stake it lives longer
rick: what is wrong with you guys
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loserassacenekid · 2 months
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loserassacenekid · 3 months
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totally not talking about himself
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loserassacenekid · 3 months
only the satisfaction of slaughter will cause it to return to the darkness from which it came!
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loserassacenekid · 3 months
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please put it on please please please please please i miss him so much. you're nothing
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loserassacenekid · 4 months
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So there's been a new technique that was developed from @rima shifting on tiktok and it's been getting really popular. If you wondering, " can we use shifting techniques to enter the void state? ", yes you can! Don't worry, you won't shift realities lol, but you can use them to affirm for the void state <3 . The original creator ( rima) has said after using this technique, she's shifted to multiple parallel realities on the first day using this.
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♡ How does this technique work?
It's involves the Wim hof breathing technique and pink noise. It's very easy to do and you will get into the void state on your first try using this ♡. Wait, ik some of y'all think that wim hof breathing is very fast pace, but there's an alternative which is the beginners one and people still shifted using that. Wim hof breathing is the best when you're trying to relax and release all stress/ doubts because it makes your thought process slow down by releasing dmt NATURALLY. This technique works by putting your body and mind into a deep trance state, whereby after you can start affirming for the void state. And don't worry, if you fall asleep because this method also helps you to lucid dream. If you do so happen to fall asleep while attempting this method, you're might find yourself in a lucid dream, you can affirm for a portal or dream character to take you straight into the void state.
♡ Technique in full detail :
1. You attempt this technique before bed, morning or during the day. Whatever time suits you the best <3.
2. Go to YouTube and search " wim hof breathing " or " wim hof breathing for beginner's ".
3. Play the meditation and follow all the steps, it's guided for you ♡. It's completely ok to take breaks any part of the video.
4. After the meditation finishes play the pink nosie. You can make a YouTube playlist and add these 2 videos. So the pink noise will automatically play after the meditation finishes. Also loves, you don't have 2 add the pink nosie, you can add your fav subliminal or theta waves, etc.
5. Start affirming for the void state, you will reach the void really fast because you already in a trance like state.
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹
Click on the images to see the results of this technique. You can see the full comment section on the video, just search " Wim hof pink breathing method "on tiktok.
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loserassacenekid · 6 months
Guide to Pluralkit
So pluralkit is a tool used very commonly for plural systems. Basically what it does is proxy who’s speaking (this can have an alters name, pronouns, a custom profile picture, ect.) it’s very easy to use once you get the hang of it!
Step 1. Make yourself a private discord server. The reason why is because that way it’s easier to edit and save what you need in the server.
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after this you will need to add pluralkit to the server. You can do this by going to the website (https://pluralkit.me) or clicking the bot in a server you share with it, and adding it to your server.
Okay so after that, set up your server. All it needs is the channels you guys need. Obviously general can be whatever, we use it for bot commands. Would recommend a system chat channel, especially if you cannot speak internally. Other channels that might be helpful, or channels to store picrews and things of that nature, we have one for storing alter intros, if you don’t want to have a psychical diary, you could start one in the private server, and basically anything you need. The idea is that this server only has you guys in it
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Step 2. Okay so you’ll need to set up a system now. To get started you’ll need to do pk;s new keep in mind you can only have one system per discord account, and only 1k members (we have heard you can request more in the discord server, but we haven’t tried it ourselves)
Most system servers require a system tag. To set one you do pk;s tag (tag here) tags can be anything in a character limit. Ours is 💙. Some servers don’t like when people have the same tag, so if you need to change it in a server you can do pk;s server tag (tag here)
After setting up your system to add a member you do pk;m new (members name) keep in mind you want it to be one word with no spaces or hard to use symbols. This is so it’s as easy as possible to edit. Also would like to add, if you throw in a image while doing this command, it will set that alters avatar without having to do another command (image below is a random image we had saved) if you are like us, and have alters that share names, it’s best to just add a number (no space still) infront, this makes it way easier to edit.
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To set up a display name you do pk;m (members name) dn (what you want it to say, we normally have name and pronouns, and if a alter has like a specific role in the system, sometimes that gets added if the alter wants it)
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If you accidentally set the wrong profile picture, or a alter wants a different one for whatever reason, the command is pk;m (name) avatar and then insert the photo
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Finally to set a proxy do pk; (member name) proxy (proxy here)text (the text can also be behind the poxy, it just has to be behind or above) proxys can be anything basically! We usually use emojis, although whatever you do, make it something you don’t use. For emojis we have one or two emojis typically that represent the alter, and then the blue heart emoji in front that way if it’s a emoji we use a lot, it isn’t going to proxy us by accident. You can either do the proxy everytime you speak, or do a few commands.
Pk;ap latch this latches to the last used proxy. Good when one alter is having a conversation, but others aren’t.
Pk;ap (name) this latches to the alters name that is used. Does not change until turned off, or switched to a different alter, or auto proxy command.
Pk;ap front this command sets whoever is set as fronting as the auto proxy. The front is set by doing pk;switch (name) To turn off all of these the command is Pk;ap off
Step 3. With pluralkit you can add alters to groups!
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To make a group you do pk;g new (groups name) like with the base names you want it to be one word, no spaces or weird symbols.
with groups you can set display names, descriptions, avatars, just for that group!
pk;g description (put the description you want with the command)
pk;g avatar (photo)
pk;g dn (name)
To add members to the group do pk;g (groups name) add (name) (name 2) you can add as many as you want, just make sure to not use commas or and, just name after name separated by a space
Step 4. To set a system/alter description and banner is pretty easy.
For system:
pk;s description (desc goes here)
pk;s banner (add image)
For Alters:
pk;m (name) description (desc goes here)
pk;m (name) banner (add image)
Step 5. Finally, some good commands to just know.
If you react with a question mark emoji on an alter using pluralkit, it gives you information about the person. (Username, ect)
If you have a member you feel needs to be private the command is pk;m (name) private
to delete a member you do pk;m (name) delete and then enter in the code it gives you
to change a alters base name, (not dn) do pk;m (name) rn (new name)
A fun little pluralkit game is going “pk;r (random silly thing here)” Pk;r randomly picks a alter, so putting a random caption over it can be fun sometimes.
if you do set a alters name as something with a space, you’ll have to edit it in qoutes. (Pk;m “Example name with a space” (command)
to look up a list of alters do pk;m list or pk;s list
Thanks for reading! Pluralkit is confusing at first, so we thought we would make a simple guide!
-Carrie + a few others
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loserassacenekid · 6 months
y/n: i could never be a vampire, i like garlic too much
carl: maybe you’re an anti-vampire
y/n: an eripmav.
carl: loves garlic and sunlight
y/n: has stubby canines instead of pointy
carl: if you impale it with a stake it lives longer
rick: what is wrong with you guys
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loserassacenekid · 6 months
I love my bf!!!
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loserassacenekid · 6 months
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loserassacenekid · 6 months
y/n: we literally haven’t caused trouble in weeks!
daryl: what about the flamethrower incident-
carl: we DON’T talk about the flamethrower incident
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loserassacenekid · 7 months
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tempted to make a dr for them 🙁…AAAAH I WANNA BE APART THIS SILLY LESBIAN COUPLE 🙁
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loserassacenekid · 7 months
guys there is a Mike faist fanfic in my draft and not motivation to finish it…
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