loserstoner101-blog · 7 years
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You need a private talk? Just send me an ask!:)
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loserstoner101-blog · 7 years
I’m fucked up
Life got fucked up when u left so now here i am sitting in my car at work, crying, wondering why I’m such a fucked up piece of shit. I honestly wish you would have told I was killing you, that was never my goal I never meant for things to turn out like this. I just hope your happy because that’s all I ever wanted for you I was so selfish and I’m sorry. Humans can’t be hero’s because no ones gonna save me this time.
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loserstoner101-blog · 7 years
To you, the sister I once had and still want.
I don’t know if you’ll ever read this but I’m sorry I don’t know what I’m doing I writing you with hope that you’ll read this but you probably won’t. I wanted to tell you that I shouldn’t have said those things and that I hate that you hate me now. I want you around and I want to fix thing but don’t know how. I love you still and I’m always here.
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loserstoner101-blog · 7 years
My Lonely Stupid Pain
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Forever the scorpion shall love the lion, it’s his curse, but not just his curse but the lions as well. For this love shows itself through the lion biting the scorpion on the neck as the scorpion is stinging his hide. But that’s love for you isn’t it. Love seems to be nothing but pain with small intervals of passion with a little vulnerability thrown in to make things interesting. For the lion makes me want to kill myself yet fill me full of life as though those jaws are made of heavens light corrupting my own darkness. For, my sting hurts just as much as his bite, my pincers snap as loud as his roar. We’re dangerous for each other, yet can’t help falling into the same graceful fight we always do. So why don’t I give up, because love is a double edged dagger held by Cupid like some sort of sick poacher stalking both of us until in the end the dagger destroys us both.
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loserstoner101-blog · 7 years
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loserstoner101-blog · 7 years
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loserstoner101-blog · 7 years
I am not a straight people.
Reblog if you are also not a straight people.
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loserstoner101-blog · 7 years
Contemplation, alteration, all factors into beautiful life
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loserstoner101-blog · 7 years
Happy 7th birthday Milo I’m sorry that I’m not there to see you turn 7. Your mom wouldn’t let me. I love you son. I just want you to know that if you ever read this I never wanted to not be there. I really hope your turning out good, or at least better then I did. I love you son and always will.
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loserstoner101-blog · 7 years
To say it was painful is an understatement. To say that you hurt me is an even bigger understatement. The truth is, if you had left a dozen stab wounds on my body, the way you did to my mind and heart, you would be imprisoned but no one ever imprisons anyone for the near-fatal crime of breaking someone’s heart. It took me years to get over you. It took me days to simply pull myself together and lead a normal life. It took so long that the pain began to feel like second nature to me, it began to feel like it was consumption rather than just heartbreak. And still, as I sit here writing this, I want to say thank you. You were the universe’s present, wisdom in the form of a human, sent to me at just the right time, to tell me how much I need to evolve and grow and become someone who I am proud of. I needed to have my heart broken this badly. I needed to be hurt this much to know how deeply I feel, how much I truly can love. I needed to breathe and feel the pain to this extent. You gave me this and for that I am forever grateful. You have changed me as a human, fundamentally and forever. So wherever you are, despite the pain you caused me, I hope nothing but the best for you. I want to thank you for the heartbreak. I want to thank you for being a lesson to me in so many ways. I want to thank you for the damage you did to me. Because without that damage I do not think I would be the very best version of me. The me I see and feel today.
Nikita Gill, Thank You For Being A Lesson Instead Of A Mistake (via meanwhilepoetry)
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loserstoner101-blog · 7 years
Found a song today and it reminded me of all the love I’ve ever had it’s called demons by this guy named social repose and listening to more of his music I realize he understands exactly how I feel
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loserstoner101-blog · 7 years
The reunion
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loserstoner101-blog · 7 years
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loserstoner101-blog · 7 years
when someone talks shit about ur fave
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loserstoner101-blog · 7 years
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loserstoner101-blog · 7 years
The last of the sad trips,
You let out one last tear and you let it drip a horizon around a you, you watch you woes weave away in to golden land that surrounds you soaking up every pain and hurt burying it deep within the ground and you watch as a tree grows branching out into your life biggest successes and your finally just that....happy
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loserstoner101-blog · 7 years
When it hurts
When I hurt you I hurt every part of me and I won’t ever be the same I was selfish and I’m sorry
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