lost-ship · 6 days
Nikolai Lantsov periodically dropping poetic bangers like "I am greedy for the sight of you" and "I will love her from my grave" is my favorite thing about the Grishaverse actually, like this man has it SO bad for Zoya that he cannot stop himself from obsessing over her blue hair ribbon and composing a mental album of angsty love ballads in her honor at every opportune moment
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lost-ship · 26 days
For the ⚡️drama ⚡️
Kaz pretending to be a beggar for literally no reason when he knew Nikolai and Zoya were coming is so so funny to me. Like. Why'd ya do that, buddy? What was the reason?
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lost-ship · 27 days
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lost-ship · 1 month
the comedy potential of dregs businesses that aren't the gambling halls is going untapped tbh... kaz mentions that 'the money will be laundered through one of the dregs businesses' at the end of the heist, which raises the question: what businesses. he probably means the clubs, but I like to imagine that post-CK, kaz is bored, they need to launder money, and they also could do with SOME veneer of respectability... and so kaz sighs and asks, reluctantly, if anyone has any ideas. BOY DO THEY. keeg and pim run such a good brunch joint that there'd be street riots if they were shut down and no one minds that occasionally, unconscious people are stashed in the walk-in. anika is delegated responsibility for the dregs gay bar, and kaz tips the dirtyhands drag kings every time he passes through. they make their own gin in some shitty warehouse down in the zelver district like the 1920s prohibition. they opened a bookshop up near the exchange for some fucking reason, but they get a decent trade from the students and academics. and kaz can run a local theatre spot or be an impresario for the arts he'd LOVE that. every time inej gets back they've opened some new bullshit and kaz is counting the cash intake like >:] but it stops him getting bored and gnawing on the bars of his enclosure so. sure. he can run a takeaway.
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lost-ship · 1 month
love the message of inej saying she would fight for kaz, but could not heal him. because she would not waste her life trying. love that she realises that love is not enough to move on from something as traumatic as what they both went through - love that that message is stated in the book. because inej as a character wants freedom more than anything, from tante heleen, from ketterdam and the dregs and even kaz. and she’s willing to walk away from him for herself, which is not a selfish choice but actually a very healthy one, especially for inej. and i love kanej, i love that he reunites her with her family, that their ending is open and shows the steps they take towards healing, that they end by holding hands and inej gets vengeance on pekka and a ship she uses to carry out her justice.
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lost-ship · 1 month
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I think about these all the time. I'm also imagining all the time the two of them spent practising these moves and the amount of trust it takes.
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lost-ship · 1 month
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lost-ship · 1 month
Kaz Brekker is such an anomaly. Is he a well-written, well-rounded character? Yes. Did he learn his lesson in the end? No. Did he become either better or worse? No. Did he grow as a person? You could say that. Do we have even a remote understanding what he will do next? Absolutely not.
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lost-ship · 1 month
one of the things i love about young royals is that the s1 tagline being “love or duty” leads you to believe this is going to be like all of the other cliche royal/commoner modern romances where the journey ends with wilhelm realizing he can have both
but then the show is actually an interrogation of how the protagonist cannot maintain his role within the monarchy and have a healthy relationship because no one can be a fully realized individual within a hierarchical colonial institution AND coming into queerness is a stepping stone to the self realization that ultimately frees him AND it is actually the antagonist who gets trapped within the monarchy (while also losing love) proving that upholding the power of the ruling class is a narrative punishment instead of a reward… perfect show
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lost-ship · 1 month
i just want someone to see this PLZ it took me 2 hours😭😭
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lost-ship · 1 month
thinking about this moment again:
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particularly in regards to this conversation:
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thinking about inej, who is actively dying, asking kaz for an apology. inej, whose native tongue leaves no room for triviality here. this isn’t “you were mean to me and you need to make nice,” it’s so much deeper.
this is “promise me you won’t treat me like a piece in your chess game again. promise me you won’t keep acting like i’m replaceable. promise me i’m not just another one of your investments.”
this is the first time we see inej holding kaz accountable, the first time we see her ask him to be more, to do better. this is the precursor to the “without armor” conversation. and i think it’s fitting that we never hear whether or not kaz did apologize. because at this point, i don’t think he’s ready to give inej what she’s really asking for here, and in a way, it’s best that she doesn’t hear him say the words. he’s not ready to mean them yet.
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lost-ship · 1 month
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lost-ship · 1 month
don’t get me wrong i live for the “i would come for you” quote in crooked kingdom, but kanej just have so many good quotes that are just so sad and so wonderful and sometimes funny. like “one minute he made her BLUSH and the next he made her want to commit murder.” and “it was as if once kaz has seen her, he’d understood how to KEEP SEEING HER.” and “i can hear the change in kaz’s breathing when he looks at you . . . it CATCHES every time, like he’s NEVER SEEN YOU BEFORE.” and “that she was LOVELY AND BRAVE and better than anything he deserved. that he was TWISTED, CROOKED, WRONG, but not so broken that he couldn't pull himself together into some semblance of a man FOR HER.” and “but they TRIED. he tried. MAYBE they could try AGAIN.” and “that’s the laugh.” and “what do you WANT, then? . . . but a different reply roared to life inside him, loud, insistent, and unwelcome. YOU, INEJ. YOU.” and “give me a reason to STAY. for all his selfishness and cruelty, kaz was still THE BOY WHO HAD SAVED HER. she wanted to believe he was WORTH SAVING too.”
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lost-ship · 1 month
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….And then everything went fine, Sirius had his name cleared, and they lived happily ever after!!! 👍👍😁
~More HP Comics~
~Etsy Shop (Where I sell physical copies of my comics!)
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lost-ship · 2 months
I haven't been in the Marauders fandom for long, so I haven't read any of the big fanfics. I know it's not a requirement, but I'd like to read them, so I can understand the characters and the fandom more. The only big fanfics I've heard about are All the young dudes, Crimson rivers, and Art heist baby. Are there any more fics that are considered crucial by the fandom? Also, do these fics have good endings? I can handle angst with a happy ending, but I don't think I could emotionally handle getting attached to characters only for them to have a sad ending. Don't worry about giving me spoilers, I usually enjoy things I know the spoilers to more anyway, just please tell me who (if anyone) dies, and if the main couples end up together. Thank you very much!
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lost-ship · 2 months
I saw the ask and I would love some recs for fireman!Sirius! Thank you for your hard work 🩶
You got it, friend! Thanks for the ask!
🔥 Fireman Sirius 🧑‍🚒
He's Too Hot (Hot Damn) by @NeonDomino Remus just can't seem to cook, and seems to set fire to everything. Sirius is the fireman that turns up each time to put it out.
A rocky rescue by BenettClaire It’s a truth universally aknowledged that if there’s something worse than being stuck in an elevator, it’s being stuck in an elevator with someone afraid of elevators. However, Remus is about to find its perks, too.
The One With The Boyfriend Cleanse by @curlyy-hair-dont-care Dateless on Valentine's day, Remus, Lily and Alice felt they were being haunted by the bad vibes of terrible exes and decided to perform a 'boyfriend cleanse' which might have gone wrong before it set things right.
How Teddy Lupin Became an Amateur Arsonist by moonscone When Teddy meets Sirius, he is immediately smitten. Sirius is cool, he's funny, and he's a fireman! Teddy would do anything to keep someone as brilliant as Sirius in his life. When Sirius and his Da seem to hit it off, the idea is only solidified. Teddy Lupin was going to make Sirius Black his second father, and nothing was going to stop him from achieving his goal.
BONUS: This fic features both of them fighting fires as part of the wizarding war, so not sure if it counts but am including it anyway.
Under a Strange Red Moon by @earlybloomingparentheses A breathy, high-pitched moan, and what is happening, it’s 8 a.m. in their kitchen, Remus is making toast, this is only meant to happen when it’s the middle of the night and they’ve just got back from patching up Muggles or putting out magically-set house fires or battling with a Death Eater who failed to Disapparate quickly enough from the scene of the crime, they’re meant to be frantic and desperate and—Sirius shoves down his panic and surges up to bite Remus’ lips, suck his tongue down his throat, and when are they not desperate and frightened these days?
The war is shattering their world into a million pieces, and Sirius and Remus try to hold themselves together.
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lost-ship · 2 months
It's absolutely insane how he could...
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Hold big, poofy, bright pink cotton candy while wearing the silliest, goofiest smile on his face, shining more than the sun itself...
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To being a scary, vicious, menacing, badass, bloody monster...
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To a little ball of trauma and tragedy on the floor, desperately clutching his gloves and visibly shuddering.
I still haven't figured out how he does it. I'm still dazed.
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