lostboywriteblr · 5 years
I'm looking for new writblrs to follow. If you write fiction (and favourably fantasy!) I'd love to get to know you and your writing more!
Please reblog if you're okay with me following and speaking to you about WIP etc 😊
Have a wonderful day x
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lostboywriteblr · 5 years
DAY 11
Alright!! 👊 I’ve been working on “The Divinal Blow” for Nano and haven’t been posting updates but I think I’m gonna do that now so 😌
My official word count as of right now at 2:40 pm est is 19,208! That means I’m ahead by about 800 words which is what I want! I’m trying to get to about 20k by the end of the day so I’m ahead for tomorrow, as it is my birthday and I want to avoid writing on it!
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lostboywriteblr · 5 years
Hello! If you’re interested in joining an LGBTQ+ specific writing server, I have one up as of now! It’s pretty new and I’ve been considering it for a while! We have sprints, daily prompts, questions, a google classroom, and much, much more! Here’s the link if you’re interested! thank you!
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lostboywriteblr · 5 years
WIP INTRO / On The Subject of Human Deceit
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WIP INTRO / On The Subject of Human Deceit
Title ➡️ “On the Subject of Human Deceit”
Genre ➡️ ya urban scifi with comedy
POV ➡️ third (omniscient)
status ➡️ outlining/planning
major themes ➡️ mental illness, autism, LGBTQ+ themes, found family, romance, healing, comedy, discovery, robot/human relationship
Denny didn’t know why robots were so cold and distant. All he wanted to do was get close to his humans, until he didn’t want to anymore. Maybe con men weren’t the best humans to bunk with; the weird dropout college kid they took hostage, however, was perfect company for him.
Tag list: none yet (let me know if you want added!)
Basic character info under the cut!
Denny - newly activated robot who feels out of place. He can be odd at times and wants to know why
Roman - college dropout of a rich family with even richer history. Doesn’t get alone with his adoptive father, and when he is held hostage by con men, he is basically left for dead
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lostboywriteblr · 5 years
WIP INTRO / The Divinal Blow
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WIP INTRO / The Divinal Blow
Title ➡️ “The Divinal Blow”
Genre ➡️ ya historical fantasy comedy
POV ➡️ third (omniscient)
status ➡️ outlining/planning
major themes ➡️ LGBTQ+ themes, found family, romance, healing, revenge, gods and their bullshit, anarchy, overthrowing corrupt leaders, love between a god and a human
Mors wanted to be done with love. After Bellum left him for his brother, he thought he was.
The strange Incan emperor had other plans, however, and they involved smooching the god of the underworld.
Tag list: none yet (let me know if you want added!)
Basic character info under the cut!
The gods:
Omnia - goddess of all. She makes true rules that the other gods must follow. Mother of Hominum, Sominum, Mors, Lepos, Domus
Nihil - god of all. He helps enforce the rules of Omnia, but cannot make them himself. He is in charge of punishing gods who don’t follow the rules. Father of Bellum, Sidus, Pecus
Mors- main character, god of the dead. Appears as a strange being with a skeleton mask. He can bring people back to life, as well as kill them on the spot, but bringing them back breaks the law of the gods. Bisexual. Owns a horse made out of rain clouds.
Hominum - Mors brother. He is god of humanity and also an asshole! Married to Bellum, goddess of war
Sominum - Mors sister. Goddess of dreams. Mors closest friend. She has to report to Hominum as instructed by her mother, but she often breaks this rule. Can send dreams to other gods. Owns a horse made out of wind
Lepos- god of charm/romance. Can make people fall in love. Very bitter because he’s gay and doesn’t have a partner while everyone else around him is getting married. Kind of an asshole at times
Domus- god of family. He spends his time finding homes for orphans or guiding them towards people he deems safe. Very sweet, but often falls asleep on the job, which allows people to fall into the wrong situations
Bellum- goddess of war. Used to be married to Mors, but left to be with his brother, Hominum, when their parents arranged it. She believes in duty over everything, and also always wanted to live in the heavens. The world often falls into chaos because she gets bored and causes problems. Also an asshole, though smarter than Hominum
Sidus - god of the stars. Big temper, throws around “falling stars” and “meteor showers” when pissed. An artist.
Pecus - goddess of animals, mainly domesticated ones. Funny, stubborn, but kind. Was disgusted when she firsts someone milk an animal. Lesbian farmer of the sky
The humans:
Roca - the emperor of the Incan empire. Doesn’t really like his job. Is often seen as “too nice” by his family/soldiers. Very gay and possibly nonbinary. Has a flower garden on his roof. Stubborn and determined. Has a thing for revenge, struggles with feelings of self worth at times. Kinda clumsy, rushes into things.
Coya - Roca’s twin sister who was born minutes after him. She’s bitter because she always wanted to rule but as Roca was born first, he got the throne. She’s very smart, very good at war tactics and can have a bit of an iron fist, but still cares for her people. She can be a bit on the spoiled side, like her brother, but it shows more for her because of her temper. She can be a bit of a killjoy at times, but means well, just doesn’t like joking around too often. Bisexual. Falls in love with Inkasisa.
Inkasisa - a woman arranged to marry the emperor. She is very much not interested in him, but cares very deeply for the empire and sees it as her duty. When she realizes he doesn’t want anything to do with her, either, she disappears and hides out in the village for a while until Coya finds her. They fall in love.
Guamen - the emperors main soldier. The emperor considers him family and vice versa. He is a very soft and sweet older man. It’s been suggest by the emperors men multiple times that they retire Guamen but he refuses for a long while, and when he does, he still visits him.
Pallas- Guamen’s wife. Very quiet and reserved woman. She handles the finances and animals while her husband handles household chores and ‘serving’ the emperor, which usually consists of getting paid for giving him fatherly advice.
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