lostina-storm 3 months
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he's drinking apple juice
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lostina-storm 3 months
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redraw an old Tech doodle cuz mannn I miss my silly balding little guy :(
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lostina-storm 3 months
So another of my tin foil hat theories is, it's not just Omega who can take midichlorian donation--it's all of the Batch. Grab the Reynold's Wrap and some Thin Mints!
So, at the end of S1 when Nala Se arrives at Tantiss she says to Hemlock 'what the Emperor wants isn't possible'. So, she already knows what Hemlock is up to.
In Season 2, Lama Su suggests grabbing Omega as leverage, because Nala Se has been rotting in a cell, refusing to cooperate. So, Hemlock snags Crosshair, uses him to bait the Batch, gets Omega. As we know from S3, Nala Se instantly starts blackholing Omega's test results. We find out why in episode 3 when Omega and Crosshair are spared death because due to a series of unfortunate events, one of Omega's samples gets through and is positive for the ability to accept a donation of midichlorians. I.e., Omega can get More Stronger at wielding the Force, which the Emperor naturally would want for himself, for cloned bodies for him to jump into (Rise of Skywalker), etc.
Now, Nala Se immediately began deleting Omega's samples, and per S1, she already knew what this project was about--so she knew that she had accomplished what the Emperor wanted, she was just gaslighting gatekeeping girlbossing her way through 'WOW SCIENCE IS HARD' and while Hemlock suspects her he can't do this without her so he's kinda stuck.
Where the rest of the Batch come into this is part meta and part S1.
In Season 1, Lama Su indicates he doesn't care who out of the Batch they can get back as long as they can get one. This is highly relevant because we're initially lead to believe it's only Omega they want, because Omega is a pure copy of Jango, and thus a source of DNA for them to keep using since Boba is long gone, as is Jango. (This doesn't make sense scientifically but, you know, whatever.)
As we find out, though, she's not--she's not just an experimental clone, she's the first experimental clone. She was made before the Batch, suggesting they might even be derived from her, or, at a minimum share numerous of her traits. For example, the ability to accept midichlorians.
Nala Se's comment to Hemlock implies she knows about the desire for this process which in turn suggests the Kaminoans themselves were already trying to do it (maybe even in conjunction with Hemlock, who later left; he and Nala Se clearly know one another quite well). But the Kaminoans may have undertaken it as a selling point to the Republic. Hey, Jedi numbers low? No problem! Force sensitive clones WITH inhibitor chips so they do anything you want!
But the Emperor doesn't want that, he wants to make himself a new fresh body to live in forever. So they blow Tipoca City to pieces and kidnap Nala Se, wanting her to finish the project. Except she already has, and the results are in the wind. Except...for Crosshair.
Now, Hemlock says Crosshair was ruled out long ago. As we saw, Nala Se was destroying Omega's samples. ...was she also destroying Crosshair's? She might have been; we have no way of knowing, having never seen him be tested. Nala Se may have bided her time, deleting Cross' samples until Hemlock gives up on him and chucks him in with the others to be made into a Clone X. Whew! Bullet dodged. Except then Omega is captured. Fuck! Back at it again.
Meta-reason: when asked about the new seasonal posters, someone noted that there's a red underlight glow on Omega and the original Batch members, i.e. not on Echo. And on no one else. If this is danger, what danger are they all equally in which Echo isn't? Well...Echo isn't derived from Omega...
Final fold for this particular hat: since Cross and Omega have escaped we've been given no insight into what's happening in Tantiss. This isn't, IMO, on accident; it's likely Hemlock got all this information out of Nala Se one way or another. And that could be why CX-1 said 'they're coming for all of you'. He may have meant all of the Batch, since he was talking to Crosshair.
Did Rex and Howzer look at the rest of those targets on the list? Omega is the primary one, obviously, because she can be leveraged against Nala Se, who tbh couldn't give a shit about the rest of the Batch. But as Lama Su said: any one will do.
This works much, much better than Omega being the most specialist girl protected by her younger brothers. That's tired. Instead it becomes 'family created for one purpose decide to do literally anything else with their lives, against all odds'. Vastly more interesting.
And one last thing which is less tinfoil-hat-making and more pondering: those medical records on Nala Se's datapad. They're going to be relevant. Perhaps there's locked or hidden information in there which, once Tech re-surfaces, they can get into. We'll see.
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lostina-storm 3 months
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a little modern au tech >:D
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lostina-storm 3 months
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He鈥檚 a model
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lostina-storm 3 months
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lostina-storm 3 months
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I love drawing this trio!
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lostina-storm 3 months
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I resurrected my tumblr just to post this
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lostina-storm 3 months
shit said in our bad batch group chat turned into incorrect quotes:
a lovely true story
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lostina-storm 3 months
Repaint of Hunter! I wanted to make him look more like Temuera, I also added in extra lighting :D
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Based on this image:
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lostina-storm 3 months
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the professional yapper
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lostina-storm 4 months
I swear if Asajj and Wolffe have an encounter and they go into how she took his eye im going to
s c r e a m
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lostina-storm 4 months
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Redraw of one of my favourite echo scenes in tbb 馃ゲ ANYWAY SEASON 3 PREMIERES IN LIKE 13 HOURS I AM NOT READY
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lostina-storm 4 months
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yeah you thought that this was the end?
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lostina-storm 4 months
My honest post bad batch season 3 premiere reaction
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lostina-storm 4 months
Imo, the best way season three could start is that the opening scene is just Phee beating the life outta Cid with the Star Wars equivalent of a baseball bat.
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lostina-storm 4 months
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An old piece that I started back when I first started the Bad Batch! I finally finished it up today to celebrate s3 coming out tomorrow!
Enjoy some batch twins with the starter Pokemon I thought fit them! (I do have a small story as to why Tech has Serperior and Crosshair has Sceptile)
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