lostinnightvale · 11 years
Okay doke so if you noticed on my blog that there is a masterlist posted for RP blogs. So reblog this, if you’d like to be added. You will be categorized according to the muse, (such as if you were a Carpeople blog so on so forth.) This includes  NIGHT VALE RP BLOGS ONLY. OCs and ‘Canon’ alike. 
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lostinnightvale · 11 years
[seen this happening on a few other blogs (of people in differing fandoms) and i'm tired of it. if someone gets hate, they're most likely not sending it to themselves. yes, there are people that do that, but the amount of people i've been seeing saying 'oh, they're sending it to themselves for attention' is becoming overwhelming and i want to put a stop to it. if someone gets hate and you and others say 'oh, they're just trying to get attention' then that person not only got hate, they got alienated as well. they now have no one to talk to because you made an assumption based on little to no evidence. everyone on this site is a real person with real feelings, just remember that.]
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lostinnightvale · 11 years
Ben blushed slightly at Eames' words and nodded, 'The Sheriff's Secret Police are pretty good at getting people before they really become too much of a problem, though I think their solution is to feed them to the librarians, so I guess it's all the same, really.' He looked down at the table, unsure as to whether or not he should take another bite, before deciding to let his curiosity be quenched. 'Are, er...do you 'take care of matters' often? I-I mean, not that it's a bad thing or anything! I j-just...er, I'm sorry. That's not something that you're really supposed to ask someone, is it?'
Closed Rp A forger in Nightvale
Eames chuckled and shook his head in affection, “You’re cute.” He teased searching for his hand under the table and smiling when he found it. He shuddered at the though of demonic librarians and squeezed his eyes shut before answering, “Normally if someone has a n enemy they either take matters to the police or, if you’re someone like me, you take care of it your self.”
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lostinnightvale · 11 years
He nodded in understanding, glad that she wasn't upset by the disarray. He smiled, 'That's a good one, though I prefer black tea, myself.' He pulled down two mugs, putting the tea in and then taking the kettle off the stove to fill them up. 'Now we wait. So, have any interesting projects, lately?'
Following Ben into the kitchen, Zora continued to glance around the apartment casually. “Heh, I can understand that. My living room tend to be where I do most of my work..and I have several projects at any given time. So that tends to equal a bit of a war zone.” She said with a small chuckle herself. Looking at the variety of teas, the Northern Berry tea caught her eye immediately. “I think I’ll have this one..” She said, holding up the the selected tea.
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lostinnightvale · 11 years
Hey guys! Tumblr got hacked and some blogs too. Don’t worry if you end up following people you never followed before or if you’re getting weird asks too. Many people got things reblogged on their blogs and they can’t delete it. Don’t panic okay. Tumblr is aware of the situation.
Pass it on.
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lostinnightvale · 11 years
Reblog this if you are a WTNV Blog
I will follow you no questions asked. As a new RP blog I’m really just trying to gather you guys so I can find people to RP with, talk to, or just follow in silence. Whatever works for you.
Please only reblog if you are a WTNV Exclusive Blog or a WTNV RP Blog.
I will not follow personal blogs.
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lostinnightvale · 11 years
To all my followers, I don't know why you follow me, but thank you. You're all awesome, brilliant, and....
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lostinnightvale · 11 years
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lostinnightvale replied to your post: {I’m 7 away from 500. Are you lost. Are you…
[but you are amazing! you deserve these followers!!!!!!!]
{Hhh, I’m just so overwhelmed. My last RP blog to get super popular was only around 300 people.
This is so weird and surreal and good. Thanks for sticking with my, guys.}
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lostinnightvale · 11 years
Ben laughed, 'No heat? Well, you've got me sold.' He took a bite of his pie, realizing once it was already in his mouth that it was too big of a chunk. He tried not to laugh as he slowly moved it around so he could bite it into smaller pieces. He swallowed as much as he could and washed the rest down with water. 'Sorry, too big of a bite. Boring does sound nice, though. Then again, what do you do with your enemies, if you can't sacrifice them to the librarians?' he joked. 
Closed Rp A forger in Nightvale
Eames drooped and held Ben tighter, the town prior to this one had seemed so nice, now he was told it was just as horrid. He grumbled softly and kicked at the ground, “does it ever rain here or is it always this bloody hot?” He asked, the heat was making him angrier than he had been to start with and he missed rain at this point, London always a little sprinkle going… 
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lostinnightvale · 11 years
There is currently a person on anon going around MULTIPLE FANDOMS spreading hate. And I have seen it twice.
I have seen their asks and recognized similarities in syntax and general “what they say”. So here we go!
They usually attack the mun of the blog first, insulting them on a personal level (whether it be venting, attention whore, etc. etc.). Then it’s attacking the muse, USUALLY SAYING THEY DON’T WANT TO SEE THE URL ANYMORE BECAUSE OF HOW BAD THEY ARE.
Then there is a follow up ask, simply saying “just stop”.
Now, if they see this it may change up a bit! But I’d really appreciate this being spread, because I don’t like this. It’s not for one individual, it’s them deciding to do this to multiple people just because.
It’s a warning to be wary of anon hate in the near future. If you see this, immediately inform the RPer of this info!!! They do not deserve to feel bad for something like this!!!
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lostinnightvale · 11 years
((please reblog this as silent permission for me to rp with you.))
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lostinnightvale · 11 years
Ben led Eames into the diner and pushed him into a booth. 'I-er, yes, it rains. Normal rain, even. Most days. It....it's always this hot, though, so I usually spend most of my time indoors unless I'm walking to somewhere else, that is.' He gestured at the waitress to bring them some water and pie and looked back over at Eames. 'So, I know I've never asked, but I have been wondering, where are you from?'
Closed Rp A forger in Nightvale
Eames drooped and held Ben tighter, the town prior to this one had seemed so nice, now he was told it was just as horrid. He grumbled softly and kicked at the ground, “does it ever rain here or is it always this bloody hot?” He asked, the heat was making him angrier than he had been to start with and he missed rain at this point, London always a little sprinkle going… 
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lostinnightvale · 11 years
Ben laughed, and picked up the few items of clothing that were hanging around his living room. He tossed them into his bedroom and shut the door before leading her into the kitchen. 'I've been meaning to work on it, normally I'm not this messy. Oh, who am I kidding? I'm always this messy. I get distracted halfway through something and forget to finish it.' He put the kettle on and opened a cabinet, pulling tea down and setting it on the counter. 'So, what'll it be? There's loads of tea here, so feel free to have any one that you'd like.' 
"It’s alright, I don’t think I’ve been to a picnic recently, so I’m not exactly judging about it at all." She replied with a small smile though her energy level was still quite a bit less than optimal. She thought that she was going to feel better with all of this. Entering the apartment, Zora glanced about and shrugged some at the condition."Don’t worry about it, my apartment’s about the same. At least the living room is."
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lostinnightvale · 11 years
Reblog if you want anonymous questions.
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lostinnightvale · 11 years
Here it is, once more! The 'People that owe me/people I owe' list.
People that owe me:
People I owe:
not actually aware of any at the moment, so let me know if you know i owe you.
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lostinnightvale · 11 years
He laughed and leaned into Eames. 'For as long as I can remember, yes. Night Vale's a crazy place. Street Cleaning Day is terrifying, the Library is burnt down at least once a month, and the Sheriff's Secret Police are always watching.' He shrugged, that was just the way things were. 'It could be worse, we could be in Desert Bluffs.' he leaned over to whisper into Eames' ear, 'I've heard that everything is covered in blood, there, and that they're forced to be happy by the major corporation that runs that town, StrexCorp, or something?' He pulled back and shuddered, he still remembered the sight of Cecil's shoes covered in blood, 'At least in Night Vale we're allowed to feel however we'd like about things.'
Closed Rp A forger in Nightvale
Eames made a soft sound in the back of his throat and hugged Ben tight as they walked. “Has it been this way forever?” He asked, he had never been anywhere else that was like this, he had passed through a town on the way in that looked very normal and happy, Desert Bluffs or something. What was wrong with Nightvale?
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lostinnightvale · 11 years
watch as I get none :D
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