lostlittlespiderking · 10 years
This is an open invitation to ask my muse whatever you damned well please.
Inbox is always open and I know someone must hold curiosities.
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lostlittlespiderking · 10 years
i did it again i'm sorry
in other news i'm 20
don't ask about my birthday it was unpleasant
also the waifu is coming tomorrow and i'm really excited
in general i'm just really sorry about everything. jim's muse has been extremely finicky and difficult. i don't really know what to do. mostly i'm rping with rory because it's a lot less pressure and i am literally about to explode every second of the day right now.
i'm sorry.
remember when this was a good blog?
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lostlittlespiderking · 10 years
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lostlittlespiderking · 10 years
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"You don't have to.
That's what I'm here for.
Shall I tell you, then? What you are? Is that what you want?"
"I think you're turning me into a monster." [oops Hellstar happened]
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"What’s so wrong about being a monster, darling?"
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lostlittlespiderking · 10 years
Jim sank heavily into his desk chair, retreating into himself as he often did when something was simply too alarming to handle. His head fell down on his desk and he seemed to shake -- not crying, never crying, but quivering as if perhaps he were.
It was too much. He had worked so hard, so fucking hard for this to fall behind him, to erase it, to ignore it, and even if it had never fully worked for himself, at least no one else had ever known.
At least no one else had known.
Now he didn't even have the secret. Now he was exposed, and he was furious and hurt and terrified. 
"You just can't stop ruining everything, can you," he hissed, without real direction. It could have been at himself or his father -- the real target was unclear. Perhaps it was both.
"What did you do?"
18. Your muse discovers evidence that my muse has been abused by a family member
For a moment, he’s frozen, breath catching in his throat, choking him. He is silent. Unable to respond.
"This—" he manages at last, seeming to bristle, his anger mounting as he regains himself. "This wasn’t your fucking business!" His lips twist in a snarl and he flies forward, looks like he’s about to strike Sebastian, hard, before stopping, pulling himself back.
Even now, he must be composed. He mustn’t show anything. Can’t have that. Can’t have that.
"Get out." 
His voice is cold, shoulders hunching, arms folded across his chest. His tone and expression is uncompromising. He means it.
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lostlittlespiderking · 10 years
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Slime mold was grown on an agar gel plate shaped like America and food sources were placed where America’s large cities are. 
The result? A possible look at how to best build public transportation. 
I just really like the idea of slime mold on a map of the US. It’s beautiful.
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lostlittlespiderking · 10 years
A fresh surge of irritation blew through him as Sebastian stood and, quite without permission, came around to his other side, swiftly spotting the bright red blood that was now very visibly staining his white dress shirt.
Should have worn a vest this morning, James. Your own fault.
"I'm fine," he responded, repeating it with a growl and slapping Sebastian's hand away as he tried to lift his shirt. "Don't fucking undress me, I'm not five. I said I'm fine, so I'm fine."
He was getting a little woozy. Disconcerting.
"What did you do?"
14. My muse is trying to hide an injury. They aren’t coping well.
Jim had been sitting rather quietly at his desk for about twenty minutes with Sebastian in the room before the blood started seeping through his shirt. He frowned at first, almost as if he were perplexed — the pain was intense, but it was difficult for physical agony to affect him. It was easier to ignore it.
Of course, now he was bleeding again, and no doubt the slapdash bandaging job he’d done for the stab wound in his side was not enough, and he was a bit dizzy now, and this was all very irritating and problematic. 
Seeing no better option, in his slightly altered state of mind, his solution was to shift in his seat until the blood was out of Sebastian’s direct line of sight.
That seemed like a valid solution.
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lostlittlespiderking · 10 years
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lostlittlespiderking · 10 years
"What did you do?"
14. My muse is trying to hide an injury. They aren’t coping well.
Jim had been sitting rather quietly at his desk for about twenty minutes with Sebastian in the room before the blood started seeping through his shirt. He frowned at first, almost as if he were perplexed -- the pain was intense, but it was difficult for physical agony to affect him. It was easier to ignore it.
Of course, now he was bleeding again, and no doubt the slapdash bandaging job he'd done for the stab wound in his side was not enough, and he was a bit dizzy now, and this was all very irritating and problematic. 
Seeing no better option, in his slightly altered state of mind, his solution was to shift in his seat until the blood was out of Sebastian's direct line of sight.
That seemed like a valid solution.
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lostlittlespiderking · 10 years
colonelmorxn replied to your post:“What did you do?”
ftyuffugufcgucfg i’m not okay. also there’s about an 80% chance i’ll reply tomorrow but. tired.
that's fine b
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lostlittlespiderking · 10 years
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"Don't tell me you're losing your nerve."
"I think you're turning me into a monster." [oops Hellstar happened]
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"What’s so wrong about being a monster, darling?"
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lostlittlespiderking · 10 years
"What did you do?"
18. Your muse discovers evidence that my muse has been abused by a family member
For a moment, he's frozen, breath catching in his throat, choking him. He is silent. Unable to respond.
"This--" he manages at last, seeming to bristle, his anger mounting as he regains himself. "This wasn't your fucking business!" His lips twist in a snarl and he flies forward, looks like he's about to strike Sebastian, hard, before stopping, pulling himself back.
Even now, he must be composed. He mustn't show anything. Can't have that. Can't have that.
"Get out." 
His voice is cold, shoulders hunching, arms folded across his chest. His tone and expression is uncompromising. He means it.
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lostlittlespiderking · 10 years
“What did you do?”
9. Your muse walks in on mine attempting to commit suicide. [SUICIDE TW RIGHT HERE SEE IT]
"Oh. This is awkward."
His tone is bitter and dry. An empty bottle of pills sits next to him on the nightstand as he lounges, half-dressed and half-awake, on the bed. 
He scoffs softly, eyes closing as his head rolls to the side. 
"I thought you weren’t coming back this time… Wasn’t that stupid of me…? It was stupid… Probably for the best, though. For both of us. …I can’t move."
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lostlittlespiderking · 10 years
What did you do?
10. Your muse walks in on mine harming themself. [trigger warning for SELF HARM right here see it]
| if you're not okay with this let me know i'll do a different one |
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He looks up almost absently, eyes empty and blank, seeming almost unconscious of the blood running down his arm. He doesn't even bother lifting the shard of mirror from his wrist -- he doesn't stop as if he is ashamed.
What does any of it matter? 
"What does it look like I'm doing?" His lips twitch almost sarcastically, and he glances back to his broken skin, head tilting almost curiously to the side. "I should think it's rather obvious. How did you get in?"
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lostlittlespiderking · 10 years
"I think you're turning me into a monster." [oops Hellstar happened]
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"What's so wrong about being a monster, darling?"
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lostlittlespiderking · 10 years
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London premiere of The Stag (entertainment.ie)
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lostlittlespiderking · 10 years
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