loststarx · 9 years
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loststarx · 9 years
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loststarx · 9 years
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loststarx · 9 years
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loststarx · 9 years
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loststarx · 9 years
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loststarx · 10 years
"I don't call you an asshat because you don't look good. I call you an asshat because I got back from London today and you didn't bother picking me up or staying at your place. I didn't want seem needy, but that makes it hard to jump on you, you know?"
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"    You can call me a asshat all you want but I am still going to look this great while being one.”
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loststarx · 10 years
"What? ──Alright, I always knew you were a delusional loser, but now I am sure of it. Don't make me break your arms accidentally."
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"     Wait—-you where actually being serious. Okay now rewind to that last part…I just want to remind you that you are a fragile being and I am not emotionally supportive enough to help you.”
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loststarx · 10 years
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loststarx · 10 years
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loststarx · 10 years
text : fwb
Brennan: how are you spending your thanksgiving?
Brennan: i'm spending it getting high and thinking about fucking you.
Caitlin: Family. There are like fifty people in grandma's place.
Caitlin: I feel so special, B. I might even make you a turkey sandwich for after sex.
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loststarx · 10 years
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loststarx · 10 years
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loststarx · 10 years
Jack shrugged. In his head, his mother had a little more sense than to cheat on his dad with Lucas ─ he was not only his best friend, but it was also the son of her best friend. She probably held the kid in her arms. Clarissa had told him a lot of stories about her youth, but she seemed to have grown a little. "Eh... Dad bulked up and I think he can defend his honor now. Besides, I am itching to place a bet that she would make you linger forever!" He said, shaking his head. It was probably not the strangest conversation he was ever involved, he thought smirking. "Hey, if you get to see my mom, I get to see yours... She is smokin' hot." Jack said out of habit, yawning slowly. "Who am I to teach on brotherhood, though, I don't have any." For a while, he wanted to have siblings, but after a while he gave up on the foolish idea, realizing he liked the full attention. "I think you can also throw some condoms. That helps." He had a smug smirk on his face and he nudged his friend. "Oh, yeah, right, you let them know you are an asshole before hand, making you not so much of an asshole? Is that so?" He rolled his eyes, still smiling. "Hey, I am the sweetheart. Everyone loves me."
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Was he serious? Kinda. Would he hit on his best friend’s mother? Probably. He was the spawn of Stace Shannon, while womanizing wasn’t really his forte, the oldest child did gain his father’s flirtatious attitude and he did have a way with women. There was no harm in a little flirting, right? “Noted, you may way want to stay clear from the house those days then.” He smirked before looking over at his friend with an arched eyebrow. “I’m sure there is one, but I’m no rush to find it.” He replied, now it was his turn to grimace although he also wasn’t too grossed out about the mention. “Shit, I’ve never done that in the twenty years Harley’s been born. Oops? Lucky for you then, if I walk in on you two, I’ll just tell you keep it down instead of trying to kill you.” Lucas shrugged, he was never the over protective brother type. Harleen could always take care of herself and raved about her independence. So he only really stepped in when necessary. “No, it’s because i’m not an asshole like you.”
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loststarx · 10 years
"Oh, so you are a liar... Does that mean you are lying now or were you before?" Jack questioned playfully, raising one eyebrow and keeping the corners of his mouth curled up in a smile. Maybe it was mean for him to hold against her things seven-year-old Harleen had said, but in their game, he just couldn't let her go away easily. "I meant jealous of me," he stretched the syllable, "but hey, if your sibling love is big like that, who am I to stay in between!" He teased, fully expecting her to punch him or worse, and his eyes followed her fingers as they trailed his skin. He didn't want her to notice the effect it had on him, but it was involuntary. "Not sure if we can scarred any of them, but that is something I'd like to do it. A little payback." He chuckled, although it was completely true. 
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Jack started to walk backwards, leading her to the long hallway, lips still pressed against hers. It was probably stupid that his heart raced when her lips were on his and he was fairly sure that his palms were sweaty as they slid on her lower back, grabbing her ass and pulling her closer. He didn't need to look to know where he had to go. Pulling on the hem of her shirt, he broke the kiss. "We can get rid of this..."
"Whoever told you that you’re cool is a liar, babe." Harleen remarked, trying to show no physical reaction to him whispering into her ear. "Me? Jealous of Luca? Now that’s hilarious." She laughed with a simple roll of her eyes as well, the statement sounding even more ridiculous once it left her lips. Harley’s hands slid down from around his neck some as her fingers began to idly linger along his bare chest. She never questioned what was or was not going in between them, she just went with it. For her, it was just natural, it was how they were. Hell, their parents named them after an iconic duo, it only made sense for this to happen. "Shut up, I can’t even believe that once it comes out of your mouth." Was all she said before she raised and pressed a kiss to his lips. "I’d be happy to show you but you mind if we take this to your room? I’d hate for one of our parents to waltz outside and be scarred for life."
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loststarx · 10 years
Jack made a grimace, mostly out of habit. His mother was hardly conventional. She would let his friends to flirt with her instead of just cutting them to feed her ego. However, he doubted she would sleep with any of them ─ or he hoped so. He wondered how his father handled it, but at the same time she was shockingly in love with him. "Dude... Try Tuesdays and Thursdays." He shocked his head. "Alright, do I get to see your mother's sex tape? There's got to be one!" Few things fazed Lucas, at least that he knew of, and that was probably not one, but at least they would have made into another joke. "That is what other older brothers do. It gets worse if they catch me in bed..." He shrugged. "Is that because you don't want to accept my love?"
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"It’s a family thing? Well fuck, if that’s the case I need to come over to your house and spend more time with my lovely Aunt Rissa then." Lucas joked…kind of. He couldn’t hold back the laugh that overcame when he saw Jack look over his shoulder cautiously. Jack may have been family, but Sophia had no problem scolding him as if he was her own child. "Am I supposed to kill you? Fuck, I’m terrible at this big brother thing." He shrugged, truly not caring if anything did or did not happen between Jack and his little sister. The older Shannon tried not to dwell on Harleen’s personal life unless it was necessary. "I don’t know if that’s true, I think that title is rightfully yours, my friend."
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loststarx · 10 years
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He laughed, shaking his head gently. "Nah─ there are the ones like me, and there are others like you, sweetie." He teased, whispering into her ears, "and the ones like me are the coolest, obviously." He pulled back, the amused grin on his face, and knowing that she wouldn't take it to heart. She would forever be the best girl he knew. "Okay, okay," he said, raising his hands in defeat already, before resting back on her, "let's not talk about Luca, because your jealousy is showing a little bit." What started serious, ended up being another joke. Jack rolled his eyes, before he looked again to her innocent facade, pursing his lip as he nodded in agreement. It was a lie ─ a well thought joke. If only he believed in that. Harleen was no saint and whomever believed in that was a fool. However, it was probably because she wasn't that he liked her very much. It was as if their parents knew they were supposed to be partners in crime. Harleen and Jack ─ Harley Quinn and Joker. And it felt like blurring the lines of the friendship, but it just didn't add up benefits. "Oh, Harley, you are an angel!" He mocked, his fingers just skittering on her waist slightly. "Is that so? You can tell me then, minutely, or rather yet, you can always show me..."
When he stepped closer to her, Harleen pursed her lips at Jack making it seem like she was unamused by his actions. “There’s more than one brand? I thought all snarky assholes were the same.” She joked, squinting her eyes at him and seeming almost repulsed. “It is so gross that anyone would want to be Lucas and that you’re even friends with him.” The youngest Shannon scoffed. Harleen could understand why anyone would raise a suspicious eyebrow in her and Jack’s direction. The flirting and the obvious chemistry between them often made it seemed like they pushed the boundaries of what what “just friends” should be. “Me? A tease? I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Harleen innocently stated, wrapping her arms around Jack’s neck. “Jacky, if I want you naked, I plan on doing other things with you besides taking nude photos.”
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