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Not sure how I got my phone to take such an awesome shot, but I’m digging it
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I’m Colin and I pick things up and put them down.
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deadasf--ck replied to your post: I thought that Crimson Peak post was Alice In...
That would be pretty cool though.
It would be awesome. The version of Alice In Wonderland I wanna see now
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I thought that Crimson Peak post was Alice In Wonderland at first and got so damn confused
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I’m in a restaurant in Dallas and someone at the next table just ordered ‘those fancy cheese potato things’ and I couldn’t stop myself from muttering “it’s dauphinoise you uncultured swine” and the server taking their order did this weird spasm thing that I can only assume means they heard me and were trying super hard not to laugh
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Keep reading
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Half the reason I even go to other people’s houses is to take selfies in their awesome bathrooms
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“as fuck” is my favorite unit of measurement
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fakejandals replied to your post: My face always looks like I'm ready for a fight...
You don’t look angry enough for a fight you need to look madder
I feel like I look mad as hell in that photo though haha
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My face always looks like I'm ready for a fight when I've never actually been in a fight my whole life
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Anyways! Being mean for no reason is out, being kind for no reason is in
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Looking for someone for a m/m plot (if the chemistry’s right obvs) if you’re interested, come find me @ mycakebringalldemboys or give this a like and I’ll come to you
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Istg my boss secretly hates my love for the Dallas Stars. I've been scheduled to work every game of the playoffs so far, and guess what, I'm scheduled to work during the game tonight too
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physically, i’m here. but mentally i’m staring into a flickering candle flame and contemplating my eternal damnation while lestat throws grapes at me.
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i just want to Kiss and also be held
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🍇 - Favorite fruits?
Raspberries, green grapes, and mango
🔮 - Do you believe in luck?
I do, I’ve been super lucky pretty much my whole life, so it’s hard not to believe in it
📅 - Favorite time of the year?
Either fall or winter, I love the cold, and thunderstorms and snow are my jam
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