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bonus (ruby’s face journey):
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Come on Laura, you know… we’re married now.
- Arcadia [S06E15]
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““Well, it seems to me that the best relationships - the ones that last - are frequently the ones that are rooted in friendship. You know, one day you look at the person and you see something more than you did the night before. Like a switch has been flicked somewhere. And the person who was just a friend is… suddenly the only person you can ever imagine yourself with””
— Dana Scully “The X-Files”
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Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir choreograph their exhibition program, Long Time Running during The Gala Practice, Skate Canada, Regina, October 2017. I’m warning everyone that it is long and there may be some lulls in the action, but you see them piece together the program, Scott try to unsuccessfully help Tessa with her leggings and the unveiling of the Moir Skate Shop tee for the first time. Special thanks to a dedicated fan with awesome tech skills who helped me put this together. Enjoy!
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Typically perhaps
Tessa and Scott fans Type A …
100% convinced they are together. Everything is proof/evidence they are. Will get pissy and sometimes rude if someone suggests they may not be.
Tessa and Scott fans Type B …
Fairly confident they are together and sees a lot hints to support this. On occasion will admit they are unsure and are respectful to those who doubt.
Tessa and Scott fans Type C …
100% convinced they are not together. Thinks all the proof/evidence shippers mention is total bs. Will get pissy and sometimes rude if someone suggests they may be a couple.
Tessa and Scott fans Type D …
Fairly confident they are not together on occasion will see hints that make them wonder may they are…and are respectful to those who do ship.
Right now the ship (or anti ship) is getting a lot of A and C types. Which is annoying as hell. Try to be a B or a D. You know….respectful.
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Wow, I just woke up and I am reading all the ice skater´s and Kat´s IG drama.
1.- Look I don´t know if Kat Insta Story was a joke or not, I don´t understand her purpose but I wonder..... was it necessary?? sorry but I find so childish the whole thing.
2.- TS and all people close to them know exactly what is going on on social media. We think that TUMBLR is a safe place but its not. And probably are aware of the fucking video.
I am pretty sure that many of us are here just having fun (regardless our opinions) and won ´t  go to IG and tag them with our shit but at the same time many who maybe read all the opinions don´t understand the word BOUNDARY. and will go to IG or Twitter. Somehow we should be responsible for what we write on here (shipping or not shipping related).
3.- And lastly, wrong or right, what I take from all this is that probably TS are really tired of people shipping them. They (and people close to them) said many times that they are not romantically involved. If we don´t believe them its not their problem is ours.The pressure is there for them. I think that all this is affecting them somehow. They can´t hang out together because if they do it means that they are a couple. I dunno know maybe I am wrong but probably don´t expect a Scott pic in Tessa´s instagram for a long time. I think that we put their relationship and what they feel on a pedestal when they for sure don´t. They will always say nice things about each other and for sure love each other. But that´s it. Maybe they can´t wait to go home and not see each other for a while and live their lives separately ( I dunno know if you get my point) . And we should be aware that sooner or later they will have SO and won´t be a problem for them and it shouldn´t be ours either.
Its a little bit sad all of this. Fights between fans etc.. I love TS and regardless my opinion about their relationship status I won´t deny that I would love to see them together as a couple, but at the same time I respect them and I am aware that it´s not my life but theirs.
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Post-picture group hug… and a little temple kiss for T.
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I can´t not believe that S has been a monk for months. IMPOSSIBLE lol.
What a will power then..
We are all aware that I don’t think they’re together but it’s just a big giant felony if no one is touching either of their bodies on the regular because hnnnngggggggg
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jovanovic86: Good ⚽️
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T. Please have sex with this man. For those of us who can’t. *Canadian salute* *trumpet*
Do it for your country T. 
(I mean have you heard the way this man talks about you?) 
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I get your point but at the same time (if I am not wrong) we can´t say that Tessa has acknowledged Kat that much. No picture with her (at least for the moment) only Tessa tagged her in her first picture? but other than that. We have information of them together because of kat´s instagram too and we were able to fill in the blanks.
But anyway its not really important.
If it wasn’t for….
That fan sighting at the train, the guy who didn’t know who Scott was, and Jeff’s pride post 🌈 , we would have no idea that Scott was in Tokyo near Tessa.
Tessa’s lack of acknowledgement regarding Scott is always interesting.
And her girl time, especially her hotel roommate, was documented quite well.
Such a vibe… 🤔🤷‍♀️…
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Tessa & Scott podscat
I haven´t had time to listen to it (I will later) but I have just read the transcript.I have some thoughts about it but I ´d rather listen to it first.
No utterly surprised by their responses though and I bet that most of those thoughts will be in the book.
But I can´t help thinking that this podcast would have been a good one to roll out in real time. Why do we hear it now??  after almost 4 months?
If they were asked those questions right now maybe we would get the same answers but I wonder if some of them would be different... how they see the future, deal with the media...etc...
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Can people leave my girl Caro alone she’s literally already seeing someone and after the disaster of that Other relationship of hers can these weird anons just let her live lol (like you joking about it is funny but these people speculating she’s dating Scott with literally no proof need help lol)
listen i adore caro but i know nothing about her other than her skating and what she posts on instagram. i hate that she’s being dragged into this whole mess simply for being friends with scott. but also i like to take the piss out of people who jump wildly to every conclusion and try to start drama when there doesn’t need to be any.
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When your hair is wavy/curly sometimes there is a fine line between “messy romantic waves” and “evil witch who lives in the woods.”
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