love-stassie · 3 years
— neptune edition because i have some things to say about this godforsaken planet
neptune in the 1st house natives have a lot of difficulty with understanding themselves to the point where they often just accept what other people, especially their friends, believe about them. they’re the type to read something about themselves in astrology or mbti types, be like “oh this is me”, their friends are like “no actually you’re nothing like that” and they go like “oh yeah, i’m nothing like that.” their opinion about themselves is constantly fluctuating and they need to be careful with just going along with what other people think of them— question everything that you’re told.
neptune in the 2nd house natives have very distinctive eyes, their eyes don’t even have to be big to be their most known feature, quite the contrary— even when they’re small they tend to have very deep-set and heavy upper eyelids that kind of gives them a sultry look. their perception of themselves can be very confusing and it constantly fluctuates, in the earlier years especially they tend to be afraid of showing skin due to insecurities. like, the type to avoid going to the beach because they’re terrified of other people criticising their body since their sense of self-worth is very frail in their childhood. people tend to feel kind of... offended? threatened? by their appearance, i’m thinking of this girl who got constantly bullied for her appearance by her siblings and friends even though she was very conventionally attractive.
also, neptune in the 2nd house natives are the type to constantly be giving out money and goods to others even when they barely have anything themselves? which, like.... being charitable is a good thing but not when it’s to your own detriment lmfao. these are the people who could be drowning in debt but would still offer to give their clothing to charity. what the hell, help yourself first please.
also, also. PLEASE be careful before following business/financial advice given to you by someone with their neptune in the 2nd house, their ideas surely are fun and creative but they can be so unrealistic and set up for failure that it physically pains me. i’m thinking specifically of this girl in my life who knows nothing about the career i’m pursuing yet tries to give me advice 24/7. like... yall have good intentions and i respect that but think twice before advising others because your advice can be really out of touch with reality and other people’s circumstances sometimes.
neptune in the 3rd house natives and their connection to music... they live and breathe it. they create playlists everyday. they don’t leave the house without their headphones on. also. they know so many rare words— they’re the type to have their pinterest feed filled with beautiful words and pieces of poetry. good luck asking them about their childhood tho they’ve repressed half their memories lmfao. neptune in the 3rd house protection squad unite
also. neptune in the 3rd house natives love to act so tough. “i don’t need anyone” [proceeds to talk lovingly about the random stranger you met in the grocery store] you’re a big softie. these people romanticise the most mundane aspects of their life, sharing a grape with someone else is an act of humanity’s good nature for them.
neptune in the 4th house natives... i am suspicious of you. you’re so nice to everyone around you; especially strangers, you go out of your way to make people feel special and to randomly text me that you appreciate me even though you barely know me. it weirds me out especially because most of yall have been through so much pain— how do you witness how cruel people can be but still smile at strangers in the street in an attempt to better their day? how do you still greet everyone with open arms when you know damn well that they can take advantage of you? i swear it’s beyond me lmfao
the people with neptune in the 5th house that i’ve met who are lowkey addicted to gambling.... like what. i can’t even ignore it at this point. they don’t even realize it, they’re just like “oh i just do online bets on sports games, but it’s nothing much” but then they do it every week??? also. these people are SO talented at video games. they’re so passionate about it too, not only because of their competitive streak but because they love fully immersing themselves in another reality. they LOVE strategy games where they get to use their smart braincells. also, if you don’t have a good style, they probably won’t even look in your direction. i’ve met a few who put so much dedication into their personal style, that they’re kinda judgy of other people who don’t.
neptune in the 6th house natives often fear that their lives are too chaotic and that they’re a “hot mess”, it’s very hard for them to feel stable on the daily. they fear getting into relationships because they’re scared that they’re too much for other people to keep up with, that they won’t be able to fully give themselves to their partner because they can barely look after themselves— which just. let me stop you right there. you’re perfectly capable even if you don’t see yourself that way, and sometimes you expect so much of yourself that you don’t see that you already do so much for others.
neptune in the 7th house natives can feel so discouraged and hurt from the toxic relationships that they witnessed in their parents or other broken marriages in their earlier years that they find it hard to believe that they’re ever going to be able to fully trust someone with their heart. they often fall in love with emotionally unavailable people or become like that themselves, creating a barrier between them and their partner so that they don’t have to fully trust others. i’ve often seem this being manifested in them getting into chaotic and unstable relationships that they know are bad for them but they stay in it anyways because they... kind of want to control the pain that they’re in? they’re like— “well, if i’m going to be disappointed in love might as well be by someone who i already know and can predict so that i can control how they hurt me.” this is so toxic bro. it’s like they can’t even fathom the possibility of being in a romantic relationship that doesn’t end up in them being hurt.
also. people with neptune in the 7th house, pay attention your co-workers because i swear it’s always the ones closest to you who try to bring your business down.
neptune in the 8th house natives can have an extremely difficult perception of their connections with other people. they go from “i love them so much i feel like our souls touch each other when we’re together” to “i will never be able to emotionally connect to another human being” really quick. it seems like their opinions always teeter on the verge of extremes, and they’re constantly fluctuating – going from “the universe is always sending me signals and i feel protected by it” to “the universe is out to get me i swear it hates me”. yall have insanely good manifestation skills and you should be using them to your advantage, because you can sometimes fall under a very self-sabotaging, “i deserve nothing” mindset which really blocks you from seeking out great opportunities.
neptune in the 9th house natives can have the most chaotic and turbulent relationships with their distant family. like, there’s always an aunt causing them great distress or a cousin who’s batshit crazy. they also tend to get discouraged very easily, one thing goes wrong in their life and suddenly they’re retreating into their emotional shell and being terrified of coming out of it and into the real world again because they don’t want to be disappointed by life’s realism, its cruelty, by the circumstances that don’t match up to their great ideals.
also. i find it interesting how a friend of mine has her neptune in the 9th house, which deals with higher studies, and is currently studying art in college. her college life has been very chaotic and confusing as well, she didn’t get accepted into the course she wanted due to covid and our government minimising the number of applications through course in my country, so she spent an entire year in a course she didn’t care for, and has now finally been accepted into the one she wanted. neptune in the 9th house is often associated with having a difficult and confusing time at college, with changing courses or stopping for years before attending again.
neptune in the 10th house natives tend to be raised by a single parent, one of the parent figures can be very emotionally/physically absent and be too focused on their own issues to be able to take care of their kid. the native tends to feel like one of the parents is drowning in their own sorrow or like they can’t connect with them. they can see one of the parents as someone who puts rose-colored glasses in their romantic life, who always fall for emotionally unavailable partners.
also, those with neptune in the 10th house and the way they feel like whatever career that they end up choosing has to be one that allows them to help those in need... literally they feel like it’s their purpose to help others and sometimes they can take it so far that the way they expect to be there for everyone 24/7 becomes a burden at some point. breathe, and realize that your personal needs are just as important as the ones of others. you can’t help others if you don’t also help yourself
neptune in the 11th house natives fear that they’ll never know what makes them truly happy. there can be a lot of confusion surrounding their dreams and ambitions; it’s hard for them to feel satisfied in their current situations so they can work on their goals just to find out that that’s not what they truly want, or that they need much more of it to be happy. they can feel constantly disappointed and frustrated by their current circumstances. they fear never finding out their life purpose since their ambitions are constantly fluctuating through endless possibilities.
also, neptune in the 11th house natives can be very unreliable friends. they constantly disappear out of everyone’s life and their friends never know what they’re up to, they’re the type to have friends who tell them “i know nothing about you” because of the aura of mystery surrounding them. they struggle a lot with this because on one hand they want to be there for their friends always but on the other hand they can be very distant, plus their past experiences with being taken advantage of in friendships/getting into co-dependent connections with friends and partners can make them very guarded when it comes to making friendships.
neptune in the 12th house natives are the type to engage in spiritual practices in their daily life, to make spirituality a constant practice. for example, they can be walking around through the city and suddenly feel the urge to practice astral projection. they’re the type to suddenly start writing out their dreams to find symbolism behind them. the type of friends who just text you “i’m going to try to see you in my dreams tonight” lmfao. their day-to-day life gets constantly interrupted by the spiritual callings they get, for example they go out to the city to do a certain thing but then feel called to explore a store that they just saw, or felt a spiritual entity near them and diverted all their attention to it.
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love-stassie · 3 years
✨ Moon Aspects ✨
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�� The Moon represents our deepest feelings, comforts, needs & desires. If you want to explore yourself and others feelings in depth, here's a guide to the aspects that can give you insight about the characteristics we embody ~
💫 Part 1 : Sun - Pluto (this post)
🥀 Part 2 : Rising, MC, Chiron & Lilith
🌟 Main Masterlist
Click HERE for basics on planetary aspects🌠
Harmonious aspects are (Conjunction, Trines & Sextiles)
Conjunctions pull out both the positive and negative qualities in an aspect very tensely so you may relate to both harmonious & hard aspects!
Hard aspects are (Oppositions & Squares)
🌥 Moon aspecting Sun ~
Harmonious: The emotions of this individual are united with their hearts desires & goals. Therefore, this makes for a very ambitious & hardworking individual. Much like the sun they burn with passion when they put their all into what they love most. A lot of people with this feel like they know what they're meant to do from an early age & are usually secure with themselves (unless afflicted by other planets). They inspire & encourage others to achieve their dreams and strive to be successful as well as showcase their creative talents. They could be quite stubborn and opinionated, however they are a reliable shoulder for others to lean on, as they are usually put into leadership roles.
Hard: The tension between these two planets when they are working against each other usually results in the dilemma between achieving your goals and desires or what emotionally satisfies and comforts you. There's usually insecurity integrated within this aspect as you feel like your foundation isn't concrete when it comes to your self esteem. Unfortunately, this aspect has been seen in many children with divorced parents or the oldest child as there's an enormous amount of pressure to succeed & live up to expectations. However, these expectations may be unclear so it's best to self reflect and understand what you want most. These are definitely some of the hardest working individuals but be careful of burn out with this aspect.
🌬 Moon aspecting Mercury ~
Harmonious : Curiosity runs through their veins as a million thoughts swirl in their mind. This is because these people are often prone to overthinking & anxiety as well as associating their emotions with memories and may even describe their feelings using past situations. This is why they usually make good songwriters. But, because mercury is so changeable they require a lot of movement and a change of environment to clear their mind. They often use debates to release frustration and built up emotions. This is a really god aspect for a politician as they know how to move crowds emotions with their words.
Hard : This is where emotions and your mindset are pulling against each other causing a lot of confusion between objectivity & subjectivity. You would struggle to detach yourself from situations that require an unbiased stance. However, because these people could be prone to struggle with mental health difficulties due to your naturally over active brain. Your talent for thinking of every scenario possible could also lead to a pessimistic mindset. However, you are very resourceful when it comes to planning & brain storming because of how quick your mind is. Also, you would naturally be curious about how the brain works so, this is a really good aspect for psychology!
🥂 Moon aspecting Venus ~
Harmonious : These people aim to create a beautiful environment for themselves & others so they can enjoy caring for, comforting, and nurturing their loved ones. They often take on the motherly role and spoil their loved ones. This is a sensual aspect because they are often motivated by money & materialistic items to make themselves and others happy. They usually crave intimacy and relationships in order to fulfill their big heart. However, through helping other people they usually have a good sense of self worth & security making them quite popular. They're very aesthetically pleasing and may attract jelousy from others. But, overall they're very supportive of positive feminine movements or activities that involve protecting and caring for vulnerable individuals. This is a great aspect for Healthcare, Finance, Fashion & Hosting events.
Hard : When these two nurturing & soft planets are at odd against another, it results in the replacement of love, comfort & emotional satisfaction through materialistic items. You may confuse love with money quite literally, and over compensate your emotional dissatisfaction by giving others your time and gifts through sacrifices. This means you may be prone to sacrificing important areas of your life that grow your self worth in order to please others as a means to feel accepted. There could be a theme of feeling emotionally neglected by the feminine figures in your life. As well as, neglecting your feminine side as you may have been shamed for it by other females. This, results in an insecurity when it comes to showing your sensuality, sexuality & confidence within yourself. The best way to overcome this is to accept yourself, and indulge in your feminine side.
☄ Moon aspecting Mars ~
Harmonious : This is a very reactive placement where they are full of life, passionate & often moving quickly through projects and new jobs as they strategically know what will get them to their next goal as efficiently as possible. This creates a decisive mindset & fiery attitude as they are usually quite impulsive, ready to dive into the next most exciting thing. They can be quite stubborn and know how to stand their ground, as they're unwilling to give up their goals for anyone. They usually make great athletes & use physical exercise as means to release anger & frustration.
Hard : Controlling the intensity of your reactions is a common struggle with this placement. This can lead to anger issues & feeling misunderstood due to not understanding how intense you can actually come off. This also indicates your impulsive nature can become self destructive as you put your passionate nature towards the things you want, instead of what you need. There is a certain amount of unsatisfaction when it comes to sticking to one goal or path. You naturally have a driven spirit that wants to achieve everything possible. However, this cannot be done and could cause burnout as well, so you have to be careful and stick to a plan. This aspect can also indicate a struggle with men who hold a power dynamic difference over you. Wether that be age, roles, work environments, and family environments. There is a common theme with men who abuse their power or people who belittle you. I personally believe this is the most ambitious aspect as you're consistently fighting against authority figures or your own dilemmas in order to achieve your goals. Therefore, this aspect can really do anything once developed tbh.
🌏 Moon aspecting Jupiter ~
Harmonious : Jupiter brings an abundance of emotional experiences to the moon. This can create big up & down mood swings, as well as the desire to experience every emotion possible. These individuals learn best & can act as a teacher or mentor towards their loved ones through their emotional experiences. They often comfort their friends and hold a reasonable yet acceptable mindset due to their understanding of the emotional variety within peoples lives. On the other hand, they can struggle with becoming too giving to the point of drainage and, not acting upon various plans as their future ideas quite overwhelming once they need to be planned. Usually, there was someone who taught you an important lesson that you kept close with you in order to teach others the same lesson. These people are fantastic teachers with their wisdom, experience, understanding nature, and an approachable demeanor that uplifts others.
Hard : You could feel lost not knowing your sense of direction towards your goals due to the pull in various directions for you to explore. You could also feel unsatisfied with yourself as you tend to view others as better than yourself, or your life, because of Jupiter's drive to acquire knowledge & skill. This aspect could also make someone confused with what's morally right as you may have been taught to break boundaries in order to gain abundance. However, I often find people who have this want to excersize the importance of morals in others lives because they have been through or witnessed being blamed for something that wasn't their fault. This is because when jupiter it tensely aspecting the moon you may feel like luck is never on your side and you have to work for everything to achieve your goals. Be careful of excessiveness, greed & gambling.
🪐 Moon aspecting Saturn
Harmonious : Saturn helps to discipline & stabilize the moon when it's in a harmonious aspect. You would have amazing concentration and organizational skills, naturally opting to be the social planner in your group. I find these people able to remain calm in stressful situations and sort out complicated problems with ease. Your family may have been strict but you've learned to become a trustworthy and reliable person through the amount of work that was placed on you from an early age. Your emotional maturity level is probably older than your age and these people are really old souls! I find this to be frequent among individuals that enjoy vintage fashion & aesthetics. They tend to have a knack for history and anything involving analysis through chronological order.
Hard : Saturn often represses the moons natural emotional state and brings a feeling of isolation & rejection from family figures, social groups and close ones. This can make you feel misunderstood and wanting to feel accepted. The need for validation from the Saturn like figure who has harsh expectations on you is often one of your biggest motivators. This can sometimes result in a fear of failure, depression & social anxiety. Often I've noticed a family member or close one usually ignored or shunned your feelings deciding that your financial success and reputation was more important. This leads to independence & self reliance however, it also leads you to store your own emotions away and instead let your wounds build up eventually failing to let others help you because you might be afraid they will shun you too. Learning to ask for help will relieve your stress & build stronger bonds. These people often work in sciences as they work well alone & are very observant of anything out of the ordinary.
🌩 Moon aspecting Uranus
Harmonious : Your emotions going through the speed of light you often need a lot of mental simulation & exciting changes in your life to keep you occupied. You often thrive during chaos and know how to make the best of bad situations with your ingenious mind. If you ever feel exhausted its time to switch up your environment and personal life so you cna feel your best. This aspect brings a natural sense of independence as you crave freedom & outlets to express your creativity and electric mind. You can sometimes become too impulsive, insensitive & hard to keep up with as you're always thinking of new ideas & ways to improve or change systems. However, as your emotions can race through you so quickly it's important to balance yourself by meditating & resting in order to stabilize your restless energy.
Hard : You could end up moving a lot or not having the most stable family life as Uranus is constantly pushing against the Moon out of it's comfort zone for change. You could appear erratic to others and may have random mood swings because of the difficulty for you to control your emotions. You may feel restless and lash out sometimes or struggle to keep yourself entertained. Therefore, it's important to pick up hobbies that stimulate your mind & interact with interesting people who can mentally bounce off of your ideas. This individual also knows how to solve problems with abstract ideas or scientific logic however its important to be careful of trying to help people with the same mindset. You may have not received much emotional comfort and were on your own a lot; however, you're that one friend people call at 3am when they need someone to listen to, because you're very accepting. Be careful of coming off too aggressively when you feel rebellious and remember time management is important. This aspect is the epitome of rebel without a cause.
🔮 Moon aspecting Neptune
Harmonious : You're likely very sweet & emotionally hypersensitive often finding yourself overwhelmed when you walk into a room with a lot of people. This aspect usually causes introverted tendencies as self reflection & meditation are important to ground your energy and learn more about yourself. You're also quite empathetic and can feel when someone is upset just by being around them. This hyperawareness can cause you to relate to fictional characters, stories & movies in order to let your emotions out and picture yourself in their situation. Neptune combined with the Moon gives intuitive qualities and enhances your emotional awareness. These people often connect with animals, spirituality, music & sleeping as a way to heal. You could also have a strong attachment to water and opt for showers, baths & swimming when you feel stressed. This is a really magical aspect where you can find yourself having predictive dreams or random spiritual messages on a daily basis. This also indicates you may put others on a pedestal or be afraid to let others down, as Neptune can illude expectations & the feelings of others around you. There usually was a struggle to speak out or stand your ground as this aspect can give a passive and sweet nature to the individual. However, you give people a lot of comfort & understanding through your caring nature. This is a good aspect for veterinarians or psychics as you have a strong connection with other life forms.
Hard : This can cause frequent misunderstandings between you and others (especially your family) as situations were often hidden or blurred from you. This could potentially cause you to feel confused with how others treat you & warp your sense of love. Or, you could end up becoming dependent on your close ones and consistently sacrifice your needs for theirs. There is often escapism associated with this aspect as your high emotional state is often repressed by the fear of being misunderstood & shamed; escapism, also is shown through the desire to escape reality as people often dump their problems and baggage onto you because you feel like a safe spot for them. This is also a very intuitive aspect that can easily overwhelm you so make sure to take time to yourself and channel your creativity & high emotional state into something that will benefit you and others. Often charity work & art will heal you.
⛓ Moon aspecting Pluto
Harmonious : You're sharp and can spot a lie anywhere. A lot of feminists & social activists have this as they want to empower women & children. You feel deeply for those who are disadvantaged & want to protect the innocent. This is because pluto will uncover secrets, unfairness, and mistreatment within the family, or in your social settings & bring light to power dynamics and transform systems. Your family will most likely play a big role in your life as you could be very close to your mom or be fighting against her consistently. With the harmonious aspect you're usually quite close and maybe even dependant on your mom however there is a tendency for the family to be over bearing, helicopter you & hide secrets. This can frustrate you so often your biggest pet peeve is lying. Your emotions can end up being very intense, however you've learned to bring out the positive qualities and use your sharpened feelings to help others deal with their problems. You're likely to have a small yet strong friend circle as you prefer to not let too many people in & you're quite protective over your loved ones. This is a really good aspect for counseling & psychology.
Hard : You can often struggle to control your deep & confusing feelings. There is sometimes mood swings with this as you are often prone to bottling up your emotions to not appear vulnerable. There might've been a power dynamic struggle within your family that caused you to feel misunderstood, powerless & controlled. The family could have been hypercritical and act as helicopter parents; or, the opposite effect could take place and you may feel shunned & neglected from your family. In extreme cases, this can indicate losses within the home or attracting toxic people into your life. There could also be manipulative or jelous female figures present in your life, as the dark plutonian energy is going against the nurturing nature of the moon. You could potentially act as the manipulative figure, however usually there are significant females associated with this aspect that impacted or changed you in some way. This aspect makes you incredibly sharp, objective & understanding when it comes to other peoples problems. Because, you can see underlying problems within situations that others may not have caught onto. Overall, this aspect is good for investigators & social workers.
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love-stassie · 3 years
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⊹🎋 ࣪ Asteroids in the Composite Chart ⟠ ࣪ .
🚦 『 Disclaimer 』
//. These are a compilation of observations and commentaries I have gathered from researching and looking at multiple charts. Please keep in mind that a single aspect or placement, does not define nor replace all other components in a individual’s astrological chart. We are multifaceted beings with a whole spectrum of traits and characteristics. Something as intricate and complex as astrology deserves to be looked at with more detail. Also these observations can apply to friendships, familial bonds, romantic, plutonic, and even business partnerships.
//. From my experience I use an orb allowance of approx 3° degrees conjunction and 2° degrees and 30 minutes for all the other aspects. I am not a professional astrologer. The information I give out in my posts are merely through my experience and personal interpretation.
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ꗃₓ My observations ࿐ ⊹ ˚
Asteroid Amphitrite (29) in the 1st, 11th, and 10th house can make a relationship very hard to grasp and define in the public eye. People have a hard time understanding the two individual’s relationship. It can also lead to misunderstandings and misinterpretation due to different people applying their own set of personal opinions on the relationship. Amphitrite is the wife of Poseidon, but not much is known about her despite being the wife of one of the big three in Greek Mythology. She represents the hidden and mystical deep sea. She’s a lot like the sign Pisces and the planet Neptune.
Asteroid Penelope (201) conjunct Moon and/or aspecting Mars and Venus means the two delay emotional expression whether it’s anger, love, or any other emotion in response to specific circumstances to get their desired outcome. The two individuals in the relationship may have a similar pattern of delaying their emotional expression due to thinking it’s not the “right” time.
Asteroid Fox (16248) conjunct MC could indicate a relationship in which the two individuals are intentionally or unintentionally deceiving the public. People’s perceptions of the relationship are completely different than what’s actually going on in the relationship. Asteroid Fox represents deceptiveness, being sly and cunning, two-faced, and where we trick others. If it’s in the 10th house, people can be misled about the two people and the overall relationship. An example of this would be a couple that shows everyone their relationship is working great when in reality everything is deteriorating. Or a friendship where the two hate each other but act nice in front of others.
Asteroid Alice (291) aspecting Mars can mean the two are sexually exploratory. They may love to learn about the other person’s kinks, what sexually aggravates them, their dislikes and likes regarding the bedroom. May also want to do it in different places (even more prominent if in the 9th house).
Asteroid Hera (103) conjunct Ascendant shows that one person was in a relationship or involved with someone else when the individuals met. This creates an open affair since it is on the ascendant. People around the two will know that one person is “cheating”. The person that is in a relationship will most likely have a very jealous partner that will not be afraid to strike at the person that was supposedly in a affair with their partner. Hera in Greek Mythology has always been known for being undeniably jealous. She would catch Zeus in numerous affairs with other goddesses and even mortals, but she could never punish him. So instead she would go after the person that was supposedly in the affair, even if they had done nothing wrong.
Asteroid Rosengard (21610) positively aspecting mercury creates two people that are extremely sweet to each other. Depending on other aspects they can either be naturally very sweet or superficial and fake. Lots & Lots of Compliments !!
Asteroid Alinda (887) conjunct Sun showcases a relationship that may revolve around making out, one night stands, quickies, and just casual sex. Ofc you would also have to look at the overall chart and other signifiers to see whether it is a long term or stable connection. Can also be FWBs or start off as one.
Asteroid Constantia (315) square/opposite/conjunct Mercury could indicate troubles with communication. Both will try extremely hard to communicate with one another. There may be a number of blockages, but Constantia coming in contact with Mercury means the two will persevere in trying to communicate despite forces being against them.
Asteroid Odin (3989) conjunct MC - POWER COUPLE !! Or any other powerful relationship. A couple that is very powerful and people will be hooked. Will most likely be seen as two powerful individuals coming together. The public will be in awe by how much potential the relationship holds, and taken aback by the amount of potency.
Asteroid Fama (408) conjunct Jupiter in the 11th. A relationship that gets talked about a lot, an emphasis on A LOT. The smallest inconvenience could get exacerbated between the two. Fama represents fame and renown along with gossip and rumors. Giving very much “Jelena” vibes. The relationship could be one that everyone knows about, whether it’s seen in a good light or bad. Regardless the relationship will be talked about.
˚ ➶ //. ❛ Outro ༉‧ ₊˚
This was more of like a filler post cuz I’m working on a few other things as well. But anyways I hope you find this information useful. Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day/night !! :)
- 𝓐. | 謎❜
‧⁺◟ ♬ ♪ ┌◖|•-•|◗┘ ♫ ♪ └◖|•-•|◗┐ ♫ ˎˊ˗
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love-stassie · 3 years
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Venus symbolizes beauty and passion therefore, whatever house its in it represents what makes you feel loved and validated in. Do note any aspects or planets.
Don’t plagiarize, reword, repost my observations, talking about you tik tok astro accounts.
✧ Venus in 1st: You feel the most validated when you feel as you’re leaving good impressions & you feel validated when you get compliments you feel are genuine. You feel the most validated when someone kindly compliments your figure but also your personality. You feel the most validated when you look like the prettiest person in the room.
✧ Venus in 2nd: You feel the most validated when you feel as you have a lot of self worth. You feel the most validated when you have good income & all materialistic possessions that you ever want. You most likely like being gifted money & like gifting money as well. You feel the most validated when your work ethic has a good aesthetic to it. 
✧ Venus in 3rd: You feel the most validated when writing stuff that expresses your creativity such as love stories. You feel the most validated when people you like talk to you & you feel the most validated when creating a lot of mental connections. You may like getting validation from siblings as well. You like feeling validated when someone compliments your interests.
✧ Venus in 4th: You feel the most validated when people make you feel as they can trust you or you can trust them emotionally & good comfort. You feel the most validated when your feminine side is being expressed. You love getting compliments from your family and emotional bonds. You feel the most validated when you have a safe emotional space around love and emotional foundations. Specifically, you may like when children love you.
✧ Venus in 5th: You feel the most validated when you’re expressing your most creative & romantic part of yourself. You feel the most validated when you feel as your creative talents (such as painting & drawing anything creative) is being put to use. You feel the most validated when you’re being flirtatious and it’s being reciprocated. You feel the most validated when you’re surrounded around joyful creative nature. 
✧ Venus in 6th: You feel the most validated when you see progress of your routine coming to better progress. ( Such as better results from the gym & sense of usefulness) You feel the most validated when your work ethic is being complimented especially, you may love being rewarded academically. You feel the most validated when parts of your day to day life are clean and organized with a nice aesthetic to it. You love when your work is put into attention. 
✧ Venus in 7th: You feel the most validated when you have beautiful connections with people that you feel you can put all your passion towards. You may love to have a business partner. You feel the most validated when you feel as you’re making people feel better wether this is standing up for equality for example. You feel the most validated when someone lets you share something that is personal to them. 
✧ Venus in 8th: You feel the most validated when people are intrigued by your nature yet fascinated. You feel the most validated when you have very special intimacy. You feel the most validated when a venture goes right. You feel the most validated when your hobbies are kept a secret. You feel the most validated with sex. 
✧ Venus in 9th: You feel the most validated when you feel as your wisdom is being put to use & it’s being remarked. You feel the most validated from higher education. You love learning as it brings much joy to a part of yourself. You may feel the most validated when involved in spirituality. You feel the most validated with new experiences & travel. 
✧ Venus in 10th: You feel the most validated when all beautiful parts of yourself is being recognized by the public eye. You feel the most validated when you have a good reputation. You feel the most validated expressing some more masculine traits at time & validation from father/ masculine figures. You feel the most validated when long- terms plan are set and you have clear goals in life.
✧ Venus in 11th: You feel the most validated online & you may love being online and being praised for it. You feel the most validated when making kind acts towards people & your close friends. You feel the most validated when you preach important issues & they get recognized. You feel the most validated when you’re optimistic about the future. When you feel the most faithful within yourself.
✧ Venus in 12th: You feel the most validated in spirituality especially. You feel the most validated when you dig into the unknown. You feel the most validated when being in touch with your intuition & helping others with it. This is a karma house so you especially feel validated when karma plays its role. You are the happiest when you’re a little detective.
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love-stassie · 3 years
North Node in the houses of Composite Chart
🌌North Node in the 1st house. “Meant to find yourself with them”. There is an incredible quality in this relationship, and it is the fact that both will always allow the other to show themselves as they are, without prejudice, without criticism. There is an ability to motivate the other to be the best version of themselves, there is a strong and passionate feeling to always see in that person the ideal partner. Both feel strongly similar to the other and coexistence can be very easy. Both of you will play a crucial and important role in each other's lives and will be more than happy to spend many years alongside each other. A fun, enthusiastic partner who makes both of you feel emotionally full. It seems that they have found the perfect partner. A relationship that is destined to become a part of you, a relationship that will mark your life forever. Endowed with fun and genuine feelings, the natives will spend a lot of time together, even before formalizing. This placement tells us about a sincere fascination for the body, the mentality and the whole of the couple, a desire that they always be true to themselves when they are with us and vice versa.
🌌North Node in the 2nd house. “Meant to comfort each other, meant to stay in your life”. They are characterized by being a stable couple, somewhat reserved and extremely romantic. It does not matter if it is the twentieth date, it will always feel like the first, both parts are constant and will always try to make the relationship calm, loving and peaceful. The relationship becomes a relaxation zone for both natives, seeing it as something that brings peace in case of having a stressful day. Love becomes the most valuable investment for both, an investment of money, love, mutual support and wholesome. This placement indicates a lot of stability and the ability to keep everything under control in case problems arise. The natives become each other's life companions, advisers, and the pillar of the other. Both parties can find in the other the security that they may have lacked in other relationships (not only of a romantic nature), and they can feel that they are finally appreciated and valued for who they are, for what they achieve, for their goals and for what they have.
🌌North Node in the 3rd house. “Meant to wander in your head, meant to be intrigued by each other”. These couples are particularly interesting, they can often think about each other, maybe too much, and they can always talk about each other. They are fascinated by the mentality and personality of the other and simply have one thing in mind and to know the other as much as possible. Being the house of "day to day", it talks about a need to see each other and talk constantly. This couple is extremely funny, witty, and wonderful in many ways. Communication is crucial for them, and they may be fascinated by their partner's voice and speech. They are destined to learn a lot from each other, to meet a lot of people through this relationship, and to have fun and get out of the routine. Natives can discover new interests after spending time with each other, they can generate a more concrete opinion on a particular topic and they can have constant debates among themselves. Both will feel curious about the other and will seek to understand each other perfectly. They are people with the same level of maturity and similar opinions, they may even share hobbies.
🌌North Node in the 4th house. “Meant to stay in your heart, meant to be significant”. This couple is truly tender, caring and very supportive with each other. Both people can feel a deep emotional union that makes them feel safe with the other, there is a natural need to protect and take care of the other constantly. This couple is characterized by being long-lasting, emotional and quite stable. They become confidants as there is a tremendous amount of understanding and trust between them. The simple idea of ​​hugging, of holding hands and knowing that the next day they will see each other is something magnificent for both natives. Both natives can help each other to overcome possible traumas, fears or insecurities from childhood, or they can even help the other to overcome possible problems for opening up. Both help each other give themselves a break from the possible stress they may have from work or their day to day, they teach each other not to put aside their mental and emotional well-being for their work or the ambitions they may have. They teach themselves to be more gentle with themselves.
🌌North Node in the 5th house. “Meant to be your light, meant to bring you joy”. This placement is incredibly adorable, in many ways, the main thing is that they are their own motivators, both natives had, have and will have many happy memories. There is a playful, daring, fascinating, fun and passionate quality in this relationship, there is a desire to make each other happy, to have fun with each other, to admire the beauty of the couple and to bring joy and entertainment to the other. Both natives admire and appreciate each other deeply, in this relationship the one who predominates is and will always be the heart, both parties will be guided by what their heart dictates, and they will always try to show themselves strong before the other. I have noticed that with this placement it is very likely that both parties will learn about what the other is passionate about in order to better understand it and make their partner happy. Natives may discover new passions or hobbies while with this person or find what they will love to do. Both people can learn not to take things too seriously and can support each other in understanding that they don't need to be perfect and that they are valuable just the way they are.
🌌North Node in the 6th house. “Meant to support you no matter what, meant to love your habits.” A stable relationship, full of support, devotion and a lot of perseverance. Both people persevere for mutual wellbeing, they fight to help the other to carry that heaviness that day to day can bring. There is a desire to make the other feel better, to make them feel genuinely supported, appreciated and needed, both have the need to contribute something to their partner, to enter the less superficial side of love. They are not afraid to make sacrifices for the other person and are capable of putting aside the ego to watch over the hearts of their loved ones. Both value each other's efforts, both value each other's details no matter how small, and both are able to teach each other to see the inner strength that they individually possess. With a firm word, they will always try to keep their promises, especially the one regarding to be by each other's side when things aren’t going so well. They will love the idea of ​​seeing their loved one doing the simplest things, such as sleeping, working, doing something they are passionate about, whatever it is, really. They will love the idea of ​​protecting and caring for the physical, emotional and mental health of the other.
🌌North Node in the 7th house: “Meant to be by your side, meant to be your company”. It makes me think a lot about the song I was made for loving you. This placement expresses romanticism in its maximum splendor, the couple may want to get married or have a life together, in fact it may be an idea that they have had for a long time. Both will be very open with their intentions and will express without any problem the love they feel towards the other as time passes, since I have noticed that for some reason or another, they tend to hide what they feel at first. They usually take things slowly and on many occasions the love of this couple can be something traditional. There is a desire to remind each other daily of what you feel, to let them know how important it is to their life, and to tell them how fascinating they are. This placement makes the natives meet each other constantly, and even without really looking for it. Many "chance or accidental encounters'' are prone to this placement, there is usually a strangely matching atmosphere between the two. I have noticed that in many cases the attraction or liking between people with this placement tends to be reciprocal.
🌌North Node in the 8th house: “Meant to transform you deeply, meant to drive you crazy”. Many people are terrified by this North Node position, others are begging for it. It is a placement full of intensity and constant changes, so it is not recommended for people with trust issues or immature people. This couple changes each other in an intense way, it makes you face yourself, analyze your defects and virtues. There is a lethal attraction between the two, and the possibility of connecting intensely in the area emotionally. Both natives may feel that they found a person to trust fully, they feel that they found a unique person who makes them feel inexplicably intense things, a person who makes them explore the darker sides of themselves. The couple is characterized by being very close, supportive, reserved and loyal. The couple must have a lot of self-control in terms of their emotions, since they can react intensely to any misunderstanding, problem or argument they may have, maturity undoubtedly plays a crucial role in this relationship. Both tend to feel very intensely when they are with the other, be it happiness, excitement, anger or jealousy.
🌌North Node in the 9th house: “Meant to explore each corner of you, meant to give you new perspectives”. A relationship based on the exploration of oneself and the other person. This couple will undoubtedly have many moments of fun without losing that touch of maturity and growth. Both can be taught to see their own potential, new ideologies, and give each other different perspectives. It is a very good placement for people who long to travel with their partner, as it promises trips and adventures of all kinds together. This relationship will bring spiritual growth and philosophical development in both natives. I have noticed that this placement is somewhat common in long distance couples. It is worth mentioning that this is a mostly positive relationship that will bring great luck to both natives, they can be the other's lucky charm. In this relationship, both will be amazed by the depth of the other, by their way of thinking and they will be more than amazed by the way of being of the other. They will learn to take life lightly and learn that being happy, both by themselves and being together is what matters most.
🌌North Node in the 10th house: “Meant to admire you, meant to grow with you”. A couple made to be successful in whatever field they decide, since they will always motivate, support and encourage each other to give the best of themselves. A couple in which there is mutual admiration, a couple whose appreciation, love and devotion is quite visible to the public. It is very likely that through this relationship high rungs of success will be climbed by both natives, either through encouragement and words of affirmation or because the other person directly leads the other. Another classic placement in a power couple, this North Node overlay indicates that there can be a great improvement, either personal or professional, in both natives. Without a doubt, a quite serious and formal couple, whose love will be evident even to those who do not know them personally. It is characterized by being a couple with the potential to last for many years, a couple made up of independent individuals who are more than happy to integrate the other into their schedule and spend time with the other. A relationship that can be very successful and that can attract the envy of many people.
🌌North Node in the 11th house: “Meant to free you from yourself, meant to be your partner in crime”. They will be encouraged to leave that comfort zone behind to dare to go after what they want most. Both can change the ideologies of the other a lot, contribute interesting ideas or thoughts or simply have similar ideologies. In this relationship we see the fusion of two souls in search of freedom, authenticity and new emotions that they have never experienced before. A relationship full of acceptance, companionship, justice and eccentric affection. Both may feel that they finally found a person who is sincere, a person who respects and takes them seriously, but most importantly, they both feel that they finally found that person capable of fascinate them in every way and capable of inspiring them. Both are motivated to trust their intuition, trust in the potential and greatness of their ideas, dreams and ideals and teach each other that they do not need to fit in one place or with a certain group of people. Both are motivated to love each other as they are, and both are the other's breath of relief.
🌌North Node in the 12th house: “Meant to show you what you didn’t knew of yourself, meant to understand you”. A difficult to explain fascination that makes you feel like you've met them before, even if it's the first time you've seen them. An enormous desire in both of you to make your partner feel that they should never again be inhibited, that they should never again hide those sides of their personality that unconsciously fascinate you. They can dream a lot about each other, even before being a couple, they can feel what the other feels and can read the other's thoughts. This placement is not designed for everyone, since it is something without a doubt very intense. Both have trust in the other, and with this placement it is very likely that it will not be the first time that their souls meet. Capable of saying a lot with a simple glance, of catching your attention with a simple smile and racing your heart with just a touch. Feelings that seem serene if you look at them from a distance, but that are definitely felt intensely and become indescribable to the natives.
Things that I have noticed:
⭐More likely to be together for many years: In the 2nd house, 4th house, 6th house and 8th house.
⭐Hard to forget: In the 1st, in the 4th, in the 6th, in the 8th and in the 12th.
⭐Likely to always have a friendly approach to the other: 3rd house, 9th house, 11th house.
⭐Huge emotional impact: 1st house, 4th house, 8th house, 12th house.
⭐Playful essence: 3rd house, 5th house, 7th house, 9th house.
⭐Likely to love teasing: 3rd house, 5th house, 7th house, 7th house, 11th house.
⭐”I don’t get you, but I love you”: 5th house, 8th house, 11th house, 12th house.
⭐Likely to feel what the other feel: 1st house, 4th house, 6th house, 8th house, 12th house.
⭐Likely to feel jealousy: 2nd house, 5th house, 8th house.
⭐Power couples: 1st house, 2nd house, 5th house, 8th house, 10th house.
⭐Friends to lovers: 3rd house, 6th house, 9th house, 11th house.
⭐Enemies to lovers: 1st house, 7th house, 8th house, 12th house.
⭐That creates the most beautiful couples: 1st house, 2nd house, 3rd house, 4th house, 5th house, 6th house, 7th house, 8th house, 9th house, 10th house, 11th house, 12th house and 12th house.
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love-stassie · 3 years
empty houses
An empty house in astrology means there are no natal planets located in that house.
There are only 10 planets in astrology while there are 12 houses, so every person has at least 2 empty houses (it's usually 3-5). This doesn't mean the energy of that house isn't present in your life. It actually means you're not as focused on it because it's not as much of a struggle! There is belief that an empty house represents an area of life that you already dealt with in past lives, so there's not much karma to work out there. Houses that have planets in them are areas where we have to work out the energy, so we give them more focus because there's more to work on.
empty 1st house- there can be an ease in the way you come across, and less challenges with your outward persona
empty 2nd house- there can be an ease with handling finances, connecting to your values, and having security/stability
empty 3rd house- there can be an ease with communication and expression, and connecting to your immediate environment
empty 4th house- there can be an ease with matters of the home/family and your internal core
empty 5th house- there can be an ease with connecting to your heart and expressing creativity
empty 6th house- there can be an ease with daily life and work
empty 7th house- there can be an ease with relationships and commitment
empty 8th house- there can be an ease with transforming and sharing with others
empty 9th house- there can be an ease with expansion in your life and pursuing opportunities
empty 10th house- there can be an ease with pursuing goals and managing responsibilities
empty 11th house- there can be an ease with friendships, change and your dreams
empty 12th house- there can be an ease with the past, your subconscious, and endings
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love-stassie · 3 years
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Is this smile convincing? 😬
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love-stassie · 3 years
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love-stassie · 3 years
My life.
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love-stassie · 3 years
Minor Aspects
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Having minor aspects does not mean minor influence on your life. Its effects are less potent than major aspects and are more mysterious in nature, however they are very much like the backdrop of your life and function in the background. When you see repeated patterns, habits, occurrences happening throughout your life, it very well could be minor aspects’ influence, so much so that you do not need to think about them or acknowledge them. They could be things that pop up occasionally that irritate you (literally a mosquito just bit me as I said this njkNVSJKDVN), or lessons and reminders that you have learnt early on and kind of keep you in check. There are about 8-9 minor aspects that are commonly known and used in many astrology chart sites, but about 5 are very rarely used and I’ll briefly mention them here for anyone that’s curious (I am. I am very curious because I see NO meanings for them online.). These aspects are all very mysterious in nature, so take what resonates and have fun getting to know your chart!
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The Quincunx/Inconjunct
This aspect is reputed to be one of the MOST important minor aspects besides the Quintile/Bi-Quintile, because not only can it be a recurring noticeable influence, but if you have 2 planets/angles sextile each other and 2 inconjunctions with a third planet/angle, you get a Yod. Yods are one powerful aspect shape in your chart, known as the ‘finger of god’ and can point to you what your karmic challenge is in this life. But focusing on the Quincunx, this aspect makes a 150° angle and has an orb of up to 3 degrees. I personally think it’s most noticeable at 0-2 degrees for the planets/angles, and up to 3 degrees for the sun and moon if they are involved. The Quincunx is normally known to be a hard aspect, because the planets are often sitting in signs that have no correlation to each other at first glance, neither element nor mode. This produces confusion and loss between the planets as they have nothing in common at first, but the power this aspect brings is the potential grasp of a broad set of skills to a common goal. The potential problems this aspect causes is choosing one sign over the other, choosing to ignore growth and integration of the signs/planets, and constantly having one part of your life at an imbalance.
The advice here is to accept all parts of yourself, to learn how to balance conflicting skills and energy and merge them in order to create a unique set of skills to you that you can operate in your life. Yods are known to be obstacles but can also create new pathways and options for you should you choose to accept and learn from it, and Quincunxes operate in a similar manner.
Aries: Quincunx Virgo and Scorpio. Common theme here is focus.
Taurus: Quincunx Libra and Sagittarius. Common theme here is appreciation for life.
Gemini: Quincunx Scorpio and Capricorn. Common theme here is depth (of perception, etc.).
Cancer: Quincunx Sagittarius and Aquarius. Common theme here is empathy.
Leo: Quincunx Capricorn and Pisces. Common theme here is going after ambitions/dreams.
Virgo: Quincunx Aquarius and Aries. Common theme here is innovation.
Libra: Quincunx Pisces and Taurus. Common theme here is seeking harmony.
Scorpio: Quincunx Aries and Gemini. Common theme here is seeking truth.
Sagittarius: Quincunx Taurus and Cancer. Common theme here is generosity/big-heartedness.
Capricorn: Quincunx Gemini and Leo. Common theme here is shrewdness.
Aquarius: Quincunx Cancer and Virgo. Common theme here is finding a niche.
Pisces: Quincunx Leo and Libra. Common theme here is creation.
If you think about it they’re more alike than they seem. The themes are there to help with integration, but if you understand them in another way, and it helps you, feel free to use that. There are more in-depth posts about yods and quincunxes, I can link one here by @/lilmajorshawty.
Example #1: I’ve got a friend who has aqua uranus in the 4H quincunx cancer north node in the 9H, and what that basically meant was her unsteady home life was at odds with the direction she was supposed to take in this life. She felt as if her foundation and comfort zone is still quite erratic and unsafe, which led her to believe that focusing and nurturing herself and others in the direction of spirituality, higher knowledge, travel and education may not be wise. However, she does have a talent and interest in spirituality, and when she focuses on it she can neglect her inner creativity and brilliance at times and may be more unsure of herself. Because these planets/points are in confusion, her way of integrating is through self-improvement and listening to her gut instincts (related to 4H Uranus themes) while growing towards spirituality, and learning to accept her difference she makes in the community. She’s also learning to nurture her innate creativity while balancing her home life and her love for cultures and travel, hence there’s a lot of juggling and acceptance involved when confronting this minor aspect.
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The Sesquiquadrate
This aspect is the rebel of the minor aspects. Also known as the sesquisquare, it makes a 135° angle and has an orb of 2-3 degrees. Similar to the Quincunx, I personally think it’s the most noticeable with an orb of 0-2 degrees for planets/angles, and up to a 3 degree orb for the sun and moon. This minor aspect not only produces friction, but it can cause uncontrolled release of the planets/signs involved when you do not notice it. Think of children sneaking out to play when the parent/guardian isn’t around. It can manifest either positively or negatively, it’s a wild card, but it will be uncontrolled until you take notice of it. It can also add a certain spark or uranus quality to the planets, where all of a sudden all the tension is released through expression of the planets when an opportunity arises.
The key here is awareness and control. Like all harsh aspects, major or minor, it could become a blessing in disguise once you’ve learnt how to wield it. Some problems this aspect may cause are unfiltered thoughts/actions and lack of self-awareness. If left unchecked it could point to the inability of taking accountability and stagnancy. If worked on though, it could work as a source of inspiration and a new facet in your life.
Example #1: My sister has her aqua venus in 1H sesquiquadrate her cancer saturn in the 6H. She is extremely critical of the things she likes, dislikes, what she wears, and is very disciplined in these areas without knowing she is. It’s almost like a natural talent how she is able to select and narrow down her interests, but the downside is unchecked self-criticism. Venus in 1H are known to be beautiful and magnetising in appearance and aura, and she is no different, however she can’t see it for the life of her. She can also get very critical and harsh while expressing her concern for people without intending to, but once she realised this, there was a massive change in her and she doesn’t repeat the same mistake twice. People with this aspect have to learn how to control their thoughts to themselves especially, but the benefits of this aspect is timeless style and beauty, and funnily almost a shock from others in how maturely she expresses her love.
Example #2: A friend with cap venus in 3H sesquiquadrates her gem jupiter in 8H and boy. There is a spark to her words that turns the heads of others, a love for what is hidden, the mystical and sometimes, the horrifying. She can be charming in what she says but she’s not for the faint of heart with the jupiter 8H influence, and the cap venus in 3rd makes for pretty direct and yet nurturing communication, or at least the love for it. This does not really have much bad effects due to the lucky nature of both planets, but it could lead to frustration on her part (it has) for the lack of sincerity and candidness in most of her conversations with others. Others would also not expect her interest in diving into deep conversations, and can be quite surprised, even intrigued by it.
Aspect patterns: Thor’s Hammer
Ngl I laughed at this. Basically it is when two planets square each other, and each of them also sesquiquadrates a third planet/angle, making a triangle in the shape of, well, Thor’s Hammer. This aspect pattern is believed to bring strife and tension, and the person is supposedly wilful and undisciplined if left unchecked. The ultimate rebels, they could be infamous for their controversial habits and opinions if they leave their aspects uncontrolled to fester in the background (as in most cases with minor aspects).
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The Semi-sextile
So this aspect is interesting as it brings evolvement to both planets/signs, however people treat this as a negative thing while it’s still being developed (it shouldn’t be the case). The planets make a 30° angle to each other and have an orb of 0-2 degrees. I’ve heard from many websites and sources that the planet in front affects the planet at the back which in turn can develop the planet at the back further. Although with that logic, this means that the planet in front will also evolve to be expressed with the planet at the back, so both planets evolve and learn lessons from each other. This is easier said than done, as semi-sextiles often mean one planet is in consecutive signs from the other, and the planets may have a confused clash with this connection. However, this brings new energy into the planets and you may have a wiser opinion and control regarding the themes of the planets due to how often they are working together and learning from each other.
I would think semi-sextiles are GREAT aspects to have. You get a higher development and vision of your planets’ themes with the small price of getting out of your comfort zone to focus on working the two planets together. I haven’t seen much bad effects of this minor aspect, just a few complaints of how rocky the planets can be at first.
Example #1: I have a friend (I swear they are all different friends lol) with cap sun in 3H semi-sextile her aqua uranus in 4H. She presents an interesting dynamic, she is normally quite conservative and quiet as a whole (even with a 3H stellium), but when I got to know her, she’s incredibly erratic and full of ideas. NOBODY suspected this, but she can switch between being an old soul to a young child. She shapes her core values and beliefs quite rigidly, however with the uranus influence she is surprisingly progressive and sturdy amidst chaos. These two planets are often bouncing off each other in terms of growth I’ve noticed, and she is often starting up new crafts and online accounts where she sells hand-made jewellery and decorations. This aspect in particular can also benefit self-expression and individuality, if one is willing to nurture this mysterious aspect.
*Special case: In the event you have planets semi-sextiling each other but they’re still in the same sign, this is called a dissociate aspect, and it can lead to both planets acting really differently from each other even when they are the same sign.
**Example #2: I have my 0° pisces mercury in 5H semi-sextile 29° pisces venus in 6H. With this aspect, I’ve found that the expression and communication of ideas and concepts differs greatly from how you express love and interestingly, how you want to receive love. Both planets are in one of the least grounded signs, however this aspect has shaped it where both planets are bouncing off the other in growth. Your ideas of love could be very grounded and practical, in turn how you express your ideas and words are often softened when needed to. You could dial up the charm when needed and express yourself quite freely, but the subtle tension of the aspect can lead to learning how to integrate these energies properly. Overall it’s still pretty smooth and dynamic.
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The Semi-Square
This aspect is the one I keep referring to as the mosquito HAHA. It can be quite irritating, with this aspect making a 45° angle between planets and having an orb of 0-2 degrees. This aspect is subtle enough to go unseen at first, but most of the time people with this aspect tend to have occurrences happening to them regarding these planets, or they express it without knowing they are and it slowly builds up problems until you become aware of it. Much like the sesquiquadrate, except for this, you don’t just need control, you need patience to understand the problem and fix it. That is, if you want to take control of your growth. It takes compromise between planets as well as the patience to understand where the problem is. This often occurs as random external events clashing with your personality or produces friction in certain areas of your life with seemingly no connections or patterns to where it stems from. This is one of the more frustrating of the minor aspects to say the least, because even as you figure out the issue, it can be so mysterious or subtle that it can be hard to figure out a solution.
Some of the manifestations of this aspect could be a repeated pattern of occurrences happening in your life without rhyme or reason regarding the theme of the planets. It could also lead to a tense relationship between planets that shows itself through minor irritations in your psyche as you go about life. This aspect can bring LOTS of growth and maturity like all harsh aspects though, much like the square, once you are aware of this and take control of how you express it.
Example #1: A friend with cap mars in 12H is semi-squared by her aqua uranus in 2H. She’s incredibly generous as a person and very fair and just in her dealings with people, however where people would assume she is stable- she is not HAHA. It is a subtle frustration in her psyche where she is incredibly erratic although she prizes efficiency and common sense, and she is naturally quite a trailblazer. However, I’ve noticed she often has obstacles in the form of authority figures and parents that rule over her routine and style, who criticise who she naturally is and when she works to correct it, focus on another ‘weakness’ of hers. All these are under the attempt to help her constructively usually, but it is at odds with her way of life. This is admittedly difficult to solve, however she has gone to take a degree in business which sort of fulfills both criteria of these planets/her parents/her own values, so like previously said, aspects like these require patience to solve.
Example #2: A friend with gem sun in 10H is semi-squared by her aries venus in 8H. She’s one of the most brilliant, hardworking, reserved, and thoughtful people I know, but unfortunately, she likes bad boys. Just kidding, it’s not a bad thing, but she admittedly has trouble reconciling her darker, shadow side with what she deems should be proper, and it often manifests in love. Her basic sense of self and what she thinks of herself is at odds with how she expresses her love, how she loves herself and what she wants to give/receive in love. She attracts a lot of people who have more aggressive, unpredictable and sometimes darker personalities which is really at odds with her sunny self. Nobody would suspect her of breaking the rules, going against authority figures or even liking more aggressive people, and yet she does all three. It’s quite funny to see, however patience in this case comes in the form of integration and parsing through her values through self-reflection, and choosing to love herself and finding that love in the form that she wants as well.
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The Quintile
One of the more important minor aspects besides the Inconjunction/Quincunx, the Quintile makes an angle of 72° and has an orb of 2-3 degrees (again, 0-2 degrees for planets, 2-3 degree orb for sun and moon imo). Unlike all of the minor aspects I’ve mentioned so far, this aspect does not bring any tension or confusion, and in fact is known to be a blessing in your chart. It’s unfortunately uncommon even as a minor aspect, but it gives talents, gifts and an area of expertise to the individual. However, unlike the trine which might fall stagnant, the quintile is more dynamic and expressive, and the individual is more likely to feel called towards using their talents to work towards something. People with the quintile aspect are noticeably good at what they do regarding the planet and sign themes, but as in all cases, it is up to the person to choose to develop these gifts to their full potential.
Example #1: A friend with libra sun in 9H has it quintile her sag pluto in 11H, and she’s incredibly all-rounded and knowledgeable and attracts people like moths to a flame. She gathers quite an audience when she wants to, and her free-spirited self is surprisingly fierce and grounded in terms of her ideals and ambitions. This minor aspect gives her a boost in communicating to crowds and relating to others, because people just like her, as they should, because she’s insightful, forward-thinking and progressive when she wants to be. Overall she’s sunny, but there is a noticeable gravity around her that people take notice of and she can use it as a gift when she wants to.
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The Bi-Quintile
Similar to the Quintile, the Bi-Quintile also signifies talent albeit a little differently. It makes a 144° angle between planets and has an orb of 2-3 degrees (0-2 for planets; 2-3 for sun and moon imo). The Bi-Quintile signifies ease and comfort between the planets and signifies a gift in the form of creativity when one chooses to use it. Unlike the Quintile, the Bi-Quintile is not so obvious to the individual and there is no real push to develop it, however it is often used as a creative tool in troubleshooting times because it is still a blessing in disguise. Think of it as like an easy bridge between planets that one can use to direct traffic when problems arise, and when the individual develops it, it is sporadic and creative in its output that distinguishes it from the Quintile.
Example #1: A friend with leo venus in 4H has it bi-quintile her sag mars in 8H. Not only is she an amazing dancer, she is pretty much respected and adored by many people due to how balanced her energy is. A lot like mars trine venus, except she likes to express it in a more creative nature, and it’s not nearly as active as the trine. It is more of a subtle influence in how she comes across, as if she does not care who you are, whatever gender or orientation, she can relate to you and you can relate to her. She’s also very passionate about deeper topics and the unknown, likes to heal and help people (she’s in a course for speech therapy) and is fair in all her dealings. In a sense, the bi-quintile is much like an extra useful tool she can use.
Aspect patterns for Quintile and Bi-Quintile: The Grand Quintile
The rarest aspect pattern, this is formed when there is a connection of 5 Quintiles and 5 Bi-Quintiles. This individual has immense creativity and talent that should be used wisely, as it is said it can bring great gifts and blessings, or great destruction and chaos. Given the meaning of these aspects and how weighted they are, I am not that surprised. The tip here is to learn every facet of this gift, and learn how to wield it without imbalancing your life and how you influence others (the world).
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The Rare(ly used) Minor Aspects
There is the Septile, which is a minor aspect that came about when dividing 360 degrees (which makes up the full horoscope) by 7. The specific angle is 51° and 26 minutes between planets and has an orb of 0-2 degrees. Because it divides the horoscope by 7, and the number 7 is known to be an extremely spiritual number, it is allegedly supposed to bring sudden clarity and spiritual awakening between planets, although random and rare in occurrence. It is probably more noticeable within inner planets, however this energy is hardly felt, and the way this aspect is described, it brings a sense of wonder and potential fascination of the planets it concerns. Either way, how obvious this aspect is depends on whether the individual can see it and wishes to tap into it.
There is the Novile, which is a minor aspect that came about when dividing 360 degrees by 9. This has an orb of 0-1 degrees for planets, and up to 2 degrees for the sun and moon. This is even harder to parse, as it represents the 9th harmonic as well which is important in Vedic astrology. This aspect is basically unnoticeable unless you choose to further develop it, and it is said to bring extreme spiritual awakening and growth.
There are a few other aspects which are unexplained and almost unheard of, but if you’re good at geometry, take a look at the angles and how it appears in a circle, because it can bring to light some of their subtle meanings in a chart:
Semi-Octile (22.5 degrees)
Squile (75 degrees)
Squine (105 degrees)
Tri-Decile (108 degrees)
Quindecile (165 degrees)
Thank you for reading and I hope this post brought you some clarity to the minor aspects. My inbox is open if you have any questions!
Sources: x x x
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love-stassie · 3 years
She’s really having millions of people do a word search at 10 am on a Thursday 😭
« Spelling is fun » WE GET IT TAYLOR
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love-stassie · 3 years
she's just.
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love-stassie · 3 years
for younger me — look where we are now
to anyone out there who’s struggling with having no friends — wondering where you belong in this world, searching for a place to belong — you matter. you are so important. and you will find your people or maybe just a special person who feels like home. it may seem like your loneliness will last forever, but it won’t. it never does.
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love-stassie · 3 years
to anyone out there who’s struggling with having no friends — wondering where you belong in this world, searching for a place to belong — you matter. you are so important. and you will find your people or maybe just a special person who feels like home. it may seem like your loneliness will last forever, but it won’t. it never does.
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love-stassie · 3 years
check out ✨🤍MASTERLIST I🤍✨ for all the original posts I made in the past
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AskAstrologyJenx is open✅ send me a question you have about a placement/aspects or anything astrology and tarot related!
I’m a Cancer ☀️ Pisces 🌙 Leo rising✨ 10H/11H stellium — chart ruler is Cancer ☀️ 11H
astro notes 📝
more notes&rants — I II III IV V VI VII
astro culture vol. II — 1 2 3 4 5
muses&astro moodboard — i ii iii iv
weekly astro forecast — i ii iii iv
the basics 101
you’re new here? check this out! — I & II & III & IV
the birth of saintzjenx — an analysis
degree theory simplified — my pov
how to develop underdeveloped placements
mars degree & mother-child relationship
parents relationships with offsprings — child’s pov
decans in astrology — full explanation
synastry chart — simplified
the Joys in Hellenistic Astrology
fixed stars explanation + full list
everything about decans in astrology
leo degree &and copy-cat culture
rx planets — mercury in retrograde
Mercury Natal Rx
Saturn Natal Rx and Jupiter Natal Rx
libra rising culture — a rationalization
difficult placements I find beneficial
venus-moon aspects— their way of love
pisces moon— lilith 4th house, some love
aries placements — i appreciate you
12th house placements, am i doomed?
22° theory explained
leo rising and hair — rationalization
sagittarius mars and thighs — rationalization
mars in the houses and over-sexualization
the third house, the sixth house and fame
the placements explained
dominant planet series — (on-going)
🌙individual list of dominant planets described🌙
rising signs series — (on-going)
⚡️ Planets in the first house described ⚡️
— a different take on the 12 rising signs
— why I love the rising signs
midheaven signs & one’s triumphs —
🦋 MC in the Signs full series 🦋
Saturn in the houses & the Sky has no limits —
✨ Saturn in the houses full series ✨
moon sign series —
🌙 lil notes about the moon signs 🌙
moon signs compatibility —
🤍compatible moons🤍
air venus —
🦋gemini venus - libra venus - aquarius venus 🦋
fire venus —
🏹aries venus - leo venus - sagittarius venus🏹
water venus —
🌊cancer venus - scorpio venus - pisces venus🌊
earth venus —
🗽taurus venus - virgo venus - capricorn venus🗽
mars signs & sensuality —
💕your mars and Sensuality💕
mercury in the signs —
🦋 my take on the mercury signs 🦋
favourite venus&moon in synastry —
🎡venus and moon in synastry🎡
plutonic synastry & chiron synastry —
chapter I: plutonic relationships
chapter II: chiron relationships
scorpio in the houses —
🍸scorpio in the houses and your triggers🍸
signs in the twelfth houses —
signs in the 12th houses and what’s underneath
chiron & the reason behind your tears —
🎐 chiron and why you cry 🎐
stellium series —
🦋 part I — part 2 🦋
midheaven in the signs and how to triumph —
midheaven in the signs & one’s ceaseless triumph
lilith in the houses series — (full)
🖤 Lilith in the houses 🖤
— A complete guide to understand your Black Moon
white moon selene (asteroid) series — (full)
🤍 white moon selene in the signs/houses 🤍
miscellaneous (more can be find in master-list I)!!
lilith conjunct moon/mars/ascendant synastry
lilith in the 1st/7th house natal and synastry
chiron in the first
sun opposite moon
sun in the 10th house natal
saturn in the 2nd house
uranus 7th house
sun-uranus aspects
venus square descendant
scorpio in the 12th house
gemini moon culture
aquarius moon culture
cancer venus+mars combo
sagittarius mars in the 6th
fire placements vs relationships w others
placements that fear intimacy but crave it
my favourite asteroids to use
my favourite moon signs
my red flag and green flag — astro edition
religion — 9th house&12th house placements
capricorn & virgo placements love for watery ppl
pick a tarot card readings
— @Why are people drawn to you? Who are drawn to you and why? (Pick a Monica Belluci)
— @Where you are a year from now, 5 years from now and 10 years from now. (Pick a Yasmeen Ghauri)
— @Your next romantic encounter. Who are they? What’s the dynamic of the relationship? The purpose of this union?
— @Your personal power. A thorough read into your energy.
— @ Your next 18+ steamy encounter. From A to Z.
— @ Future spouse reading. Who are they. How will you meet?
the personal indicators
love language series —
( more can be found @ masterlist vI )
romance astrology: acts of service
romance astrology: quality time
romance astrology: words of affirmations
beauty astro series —
( more can be found @ masterlist vI )
romance astrology: girls next door
romance astrology: late bloomers
romance astrology: baby faces
romance astrology: retro beauty
sexual astro series —
( more can be found @ masterlist vI )
placements that attract obsessions
sexual astro: how to catch a player 101
sexual astro: sex appeal
intellect astro series —
( more can be found @ masterlist vI )
intellect astro: street smart & book smart
intellect astro: unique minds
intellect astro: musical talents
celeb’s chart insight
Megan Fox’s natal chart, simplified
tarot&natal chart reading
i’m currently open for chart reading!
please check masterlist v1 (link can be found at the top) for more inquiries🤎
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saint jenx🪐
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love-stassie · 3 years
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love-stassie · 3 years
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