loveandwriting3000 · 3 years
Seeking partner for AgentCorp roleplay
I'm a 30-something, experienced RPer who's looking for a 25+ woman to play the Alex to my Lena and vice-versa. I apologize in advance for the long post, but I want to be as specific as possible.
A bit about what I'm looking for in a Role Play and Partner:
I'm okay with using elements from canon, but I'm particularly interested in AU slice of life, romance, angst, etc. I'm pretty open to different scenarios and changing things up when it's starting to feel stale. Mainly, what I like in a partner is the ability to brainstorm and outline, without being strict on sticking to what we came up with initially. I support things going where the flow takes us and what makes sense in the moment (think improv using a basic set up to kick things off).
I use third person, past tense and I'm not a stickler about length in replies as long as you're holding up your end of the story. If a quick dialogue reply makes sense for the moment, awesome. If you're feeling like you need a paragraph or two, then by all means, go for it. I do want someone who has passion, experience, and love for writing. I will also add that while we all make mistakes, I do my best to be accurate (spelling and grammar) and would like someone who feels the same.
I don't mind subbing in for side characters and even switching off those side characters when it makes sense to and I'm comfortable portraying both male and female roles. It would be great if you're comfortable portraying both as well, but no pressure.
I am pretty open when it comes to NSFW content and will go with your comfort level. For example, if you're not into kink, we don't have to do it or if using certain words makes you uncomfortable, we can agree on common language. That being said, I am looking for more mature themes as they make sense to the development of the story. I don't want every other scene to be sex just for the sake of it, but I do want it to be an element of what we're writing.
I'm fine with side OCs as long as we can really develop them in a way that makes sense for the story. As someone visual, I am also a fan of using face claims for OCs and enjoy trying to find the right "fit" for the character. I try to avoid someone coming in to permanently break up the main couple, but an affair might make sense to create some drama here and there.
I'm looking for someone that can commit to meeting up at least one or two nights a week for a few hours (2-4). I'm pretty open most week nights and some weekend evenings and it doesn't have to be the same days each week. If you like having a schedule, though, I'm happy to do that too.
I try to keep my private life private and avoid drama. I am happily in a relationship and I do this for fun because I enjoy it. I will respect your boundaries and ask that you respect mine.
I wish I didn't have to say this, but I've had my fair share of people who've ghosted. If that's something you do, no judgment, but please don't respond to my post. I'm only looking for really interested partners who want to show up and create something.
I get that life happens and we all have other priorities, but please just touch base and be honest with me if you're not gonna be able to make it on a certain evening. I will do the same.
Looking for someone in the U.S. that is in the pacific, mountain, or central time zone. I've found it works best if we're within 1-2 hours of each other just because of work and sleep schedules.
I'd prefer to meet on Skype or other messaging app, but I'm open to using Discord or Google Docs.
While this post is for a Supergirl RP, I do have a lot of other fandoms I write/enjoy and it would be nice to find a partner with a breadth of fandoms that they're interested in so we have options to expand.
I like doing crossover and uncommon pairings. It would be cool if you're open to that or have your own that you'd like to bring to the table.
If you've made it this far, thank you so much for reading! If you're interested, please direct message me on instagram.
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loveandwriting3000 · 3 years
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So, I had this thing on my mind about Lena with a different hair style and I needed to share x.x
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