The polls are up. Voting will run until August 7th, 11:59p.m. EST. You are allowed to make multiple selections during each section, however, you can only vote once. Happy voting, Ladies! We’ll try to have the results posted by next weekend.
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The thing about reading the best fan fic of your life is that it takes you a while to get out of the feels that come along with the story before you can move on to the next fic. But, I don't mind one bit. I'll be re reading both parts soon. Also why don't you have a picture for Issa???
THANK YOU SO MUCH! It means so much to me to hear that you like it.  I wanted readers to imagine Melissa how they feel she should look. The only things I specified were her height, body type, and the fact that she has natural hair. The natural hair thing might change with the next installment...or not. We'll see. :)
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I have just finished reading your Love games fics and let me tell you I cryed real tears at the end of this one. Never happend to me before with a fic. The story is amazing and you are very talented. I love it!! I'm going to start the third part today. Thank you for write this!
THANK YOU SO MUCH! I'm glad you enjoyed it! :) So far I've only posted a sneak peek to the third installment of the fic, but as soon as I wrap up one of my other fics, I'm going to get started on that one.
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I hyperventilated!! I died and was reborn!!! The gates of heaven opened and the Angels called me!! I teared up!! I'm so damn happy!! Aryn?!!! 🙊And awwww the shirt and sneaking away from the babies 🙊😱!!
;) More info will be coming on Aryn. I'm glad you liked it. I'm anxious to get this one started, but that's not happening until I finish WCBF.
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I almost passed out when I saw "Love Games 3: Overtime" You do not know how happy I am!!!! *screams*
lol. It's going to be a while before I post because I'm working on a fic after I finish WCBF or Winter's Moon.
Or...if I can think of how I want to start this thing, I may start posting sooner. ;)
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Idk why u insist on doing me like this!! 😂😂!! But I'm glutton for punishment 😘
lol. It's because I loves you!
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Yes!!! Yessssss!! Yes omg tears of joy and lust yesss
lol. You say that now. Those tears of joy might turn to tears of "OMG WHY THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT?!" I'm excited now....but lazy. Not sure when I'm going to start writing. But I now have ideas.
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Um, guys?
I had a dream about Overtime last night...I know where this is going.
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Wow, between yesterday and today I've read Part 1 and Part 2 of this amazing story, and I must say it was amazing. I saw and felt everything, this was beautifully written and I feel in a way connected to it. From one LT fic writer to another, great job :)
Thank you so much! I’m glad you found the time to read my fic and enjoyed it.
Wish I knew who you were so I could return the courtesy.
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...Oh. And I don't mind a "LoveGames" Trilogy! I'm with Sica. But ease up on the heartache? Drama, ok, I can handle that but the heartache? It's too much! lmao
I’ll ease up on it…just a little bit. lol. I have an idea where I want to go with the fic. More people are going to be introduced.
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I'm speechless right now. This story was so beautiful and perfect in almost every way. In a way it's ruined me because I can't imagine Larry with any other female character other than Melissa. You really captured Larry's as well. I felt like it was really him I was reading about. You really have a gift. I don't use that term often, but you really do
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! I’m really touched by how this story was received. I never thought that it would take like this. I really can’t thank you enough. This meant so much to me.
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Omg omg omg!!! Lovegamesovertime!!!! I fainted ❤❤❤
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Just to put on record, I am ALL HERE for Love Games Overtime. Just sayin'. A little comment. Doesn't mean much. No pressure. Maybe a little. No worries. I'm a bit worried. PLEASE WRITE THAT STORY!!! Lol I'm a bit tired. Excuse my foolishness.
lol. Oh wow. Hey, if you want it, then you shall have it. It’s going to be a while before that gets started, though.  Love Games Overtime it is!
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Are you the one writing the one shots?
It depends on which one you’re talking about.
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😭😭😭😭 So sad to see this story go! Beautifully written :) Beautiful ending!
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Ouuu girl you put in Fiji !!!!! I am like on cloud nine right now when i read that i was like YESSS! Im so happy that they can live happily in peace now without stupid people interrupting. I only have one thing to say about this whole fanfic (part 1 and part 2) PERFECTION. Babygirl never stop writing :) xx
Thank you!
lol. Yeah, I take note of suggestions from you ladies.
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Ah! I'm moved to tears. I absolutely love your writing, please make another story. I honestly loved when Maeko kissed he mama just to be like her daddy- AWWWW! I just, that was so beautiful.
I’m glad to hear you enjoyed it! I will definitely do another story. Thank you for your support.
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