lovelostdelinquent · 1 year
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this is so upsetting, PLEASE rb to spread awareness
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lovelostdelinquent · 1 year
Tumblr, buddy, listen to me. This is an unprecedented opportunity. You can snap up all of the pie here, and become defacto internet goodguy easy. All you gotta do is... drop the nsfw ban. Unambiguously. Announce that dicks are back on the menu. You want people subscribed the blogs? You want people to actually use your Post+ function? Porn. Let us use it for porn. The youngins aren't joining this site anyway, you're not competing with tiktok. The vaguely horny 20-40 demographic though? You can have that. You can have all of that. Think about it.
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lovelostdelinquent · 2 years
Physical Touch
Tagged by: @murder-popsicle From here: [X]
does your muse like being hugged?  The short answer is no. The longer explanation is that Natasha does not like being hugged by most. The exception is of course Bucky Barnes and very few of her other romantic partners (@imxthexhandler). where could someone touch your muse to calm them down?  IF someone is allowed to touch Natasha, the way to calm her down would be to rub her palms - almost as if you are wiping away all that she has done. is there anywhere on your muse’s body they want to be touched most? It is incredibly difficult for Natasha to let her guard down but she is very much like a cat. She wants her hands to be held and massaged, her hair pet, and to be casually cuddled up. does your muse find themselves subconsciously seeking out physical contact? ( ie. reaching for s/o’s hand without realizing it )
It is a subconscious event how Bucky and Natasha revolve around each other until they reunite and subsequently share small touches.
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lovelostdelinquent · 2 years
headcanons based on the 5 love languages:
send one and i will answer the questions listed
Words of Affirmation
does your muse like giving compliments? 
how easy is it for your muse to say ‘ i love you’?
what is one compliment your muse is dying to hear?
what is something your muse loves being praised for?
Acts of Service
does your muse like it when people do work for them? 
does your muse enjoy giving people a hand with work?
what acts of service would your muse appreciate the most?
what is one chore your muse would prefer someone else do for them?
Receiving Gifts
does your muse enjoy giving gifts? 
what is a gift your muse is hoping to receive? 
does your muse prefer receiving more practical or fun gifts?
does your muse like it when someone spends a lot of money on them?
Quality Time 
what is your muse’s ideal date night? 
how comfortable is your muse with prolonged eye contact? 
does your muse prefer conversation or just sitting quietly with their s/o?
is it easy for your muse to devote their full attention to one person at a time?
Physical Touch
does your muse like being hugged? 
where could someone touch your muse to calm them down? 
is there anywhere on your muse’s body they want to be touched most?
does your muse find themselves subconsciously seeking out physical contact? ( ie. reaching for s/o’s hand without realizing it )
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lovelostdelinquent · 2 years
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The Howling Commandos were pushing hard into German territory alongside the regular forces, retaking captured land and forcing the damn Krauts back to their own borders. After weeks spent fighting beside their Soviet allies on the frozen Eastern Front, moving into Central Europe was a relief. Less snow and less ice. After freezing her ass off alongside that murderous son of a bitch Vasily Karpov, Bucky was glad to be dealing with mud, rain, and army commanders who actually followed the laws of war.
They out of the line of fire for a few days, a brief respite from the wear of constant battle, and Steve had picked out a pub that served decent beer and didn’t give Jim or Gabe a hard time. Bucky had no complaints. The beer tasted fine, even if it didn’t seem to be particularly strong – not strong enough to get Bucky tipsy, anyway, but she wouldn’t have been surprised if the owner was watering down his stock to make it last.
Still, a drink was nice. A time-out from fighting was nice. The only trouble with this pub was that many of its patrons had no sense of personal space.
Bucky had tensed up as the redheaded woman stumbled into her – she didn’t much like being touched by strangers these days – and there was a peevish tone in her voice when she said, “You sure you haven’t had enough rounds already, ma’am?”
But Steve shot her a quelling look, and she fell silent as he said, “Well, if you’re offering, we won’t say no. What’s your name, miss? I’m Captain Rogers, and this is Sergeant Barnes.”
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The Captain’s confirmation brought a smile to her lips, “My name is Natalie, Natalie Rushman. It is a pleasure to meet you Captain Rogers and Sergeant Barnes.”
Natalia noticed that Jane Barnes was almost cross with her...not a good thing but yet in character none the less. She decided there and then that Jane is key to Rogers and having her as an ally would be advantageous.
“How about you two find a table and I will return shortly with our drinks, yes?” she smiles softly before turning to speak to the bartender. She knew that her company has probably had its fair share of watered down beer, so tonight calls for something different.
Natalia winks at the barkeep, “May I have three whisky doubles, neat, please?” The older man nods and leaves to grab a dark bottle from the middle shelf behind him. Natalia was used to drinking the finest of red wine, champagne, and of course vodka - whiskey has become a new pleasure. Sadly, alcohol has no effect now in her new state of being. Thankfully, it still tastes good.
With the drinks poured, she pays and picks up the drinks to return to her marks. She spots them at a far table. Interesting tactical choice - as it is away from most others but allows the view of all exits.
The redhead reaches the table and hands out the drinks, “Captain, Sergeant, I hope this will suffice.” Natalia sits down in front of them and coolly takes a sip from her glass. She certainly wishes the fluid was of the warm and red variety but alas that will have to wait. She smiles once more looking at the pair, “So tell me. How may I assist in keeping your minds off the present and into more pleasant things?”
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lovelostdelinquent · 2 years
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lovelostdelinquent · 3 years
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lovelostdelinquent · 3 years
A Sweet Winter Night
(For @murder-popsicle​) 
Hours of the night have passed by without much notice as Natasha is focused on following the call of who she loves most in the world. Her mind set ablaze from her time abroad. Missions that require her skill set are always the bloody ones that bring up her past.
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Boots silently climb up the many flights of stairs in their building. With a night like tonight the one place to be is the roof. Her heart starts to beat faster as she reaches the landing for the roof. Natasha crosses the barrier ready for what awaits her.
Natasha slowly walks over to the dark figure on the far side of the roof. Her other half basks and almost glistens in the moonlight. She cannot help but drink the woman in as she is a sight for sore eyes.
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It’s not often that Natasha finds herself at a loss for words. Yet somehow most of these moments have revolved around Jane. The pull that draws her to the woman is irrefutable and unwavering. 
“Natalia.” the sweet sound over her name was followed by a drag and puff of smoke.
That’s all it took for their eyes to lock.
The frigid air makes Natasha’s fingers sting as they move slowly down the front of Jane’s cable sweater. The soft reassurance that the woman before her was real.
She watches Jane reach up to take another drag from her cigarette but plucks it from her fingers before it can reach her lips. Shocked eyes illicit a raised eyebrow before Natasha brought it to her lips instead inhaling the sweet taste of vanilla and cloves. Jane bites her lip.
“You’ve liked the Turkish Djarums for awhile now.” she moves closer and places the cigarette on the railing before clasping the lapels of Jane’s overcoat. “...But does it compare to how I taste?”
Heart beating loud and fast in her ears Natasha closes the gap between them. The softness and immense familiarity of Jane’s lips wash away the noise from the Black Widow’s mind. Clear. Blank. She is about to pull away when cool meatal fingers run through her hair - Jane deepens their kiss and bites down on her love’s bottom lip. 
They break apart when the need for air burns in their chests. Breathing heavily the couple rests their heads on each other’s neck.
“You knew I was home.” 
Jane sighs in response and kisses the inside of Natasha’s neck, “Yes. and you knew where to find me.” 
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Natasha smiles and Jane can feel it on her skin, “I will always find you. You could never give up your training and I know you too well, my love. I spotted you in your roost.”
She pulls back to look Jane in the eyes before kissing her again. Natasha knows Jane only smokes on bad days while she herself smoked whenever the need or the pleasure truly arises. She whispered, “I hope my return remedies whatever the night has plagued you with.”
it is not a secret that Natasha is the love of her life nor the fact that the woman is the balm that soothes her soul. Yet saying it aloud still causes her hesitation because of the happiness she feels. No longer able to hold back her smile, “The rest of the world, past and present, melted away when you walked through that door, Natalia.”
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lovelostdelinquent · 3 years
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happy Thursday the 20th
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lovelostdelinquent · 3 years
hello everyone. very unfortunately, and unexpectedly, my mom passed away from covid on december 20th. because of this, my younger brother and myself are currently having to depend on other relatives that we aren’t all that close to and that don’t always necessarily have our best interest, for food, shelter, etc.
me, my brother and my mother had been living in an apartment in arizona, but for whatever reason, i guess since i am under the age of 21, after my mom passed at the hospital, the county told me that if we did not go to stay with family, that my younger brother would be placed in foster care. either way, we didn’t want to stay in the apartment that we had so many memories with our mother in and then had to resuscitate her at until paramedics arrived, so we left the apartment to stay with one of my uncles ex wife’s in las vegas, which i now regret because i am receiving no help from family with arranging my mother’s funeral or getting the things i need such as clothing. my “aunt” has gotten us food stamps which i appreciate, but they are on her terms, meaning she is keeping the food stamp card because she thinks we will misuse the food money??
anyway, i have two weeks to get back to arizona so that i can clear our things out of the apartment, throw things out and/ or place them in storage before the landlord removes our things herself and i will have to get them through the court system which would be a great inconvenience at this time as i am busy dealing with trying to bury my mother. my family here in nevada knows this and has not offered to help get me back there to handle this.
i have no money of my own and have not yet began working because i am dealing with my mother’s arrangements and also looking after my brother. if anyone out of the kindness of their heart would be willing to help my brother and i out even a little during this time, it would be so greatly appreciated!!
cashapp: azucarfaerie
paypal: bbymoonflwr333
thank you so much🤍
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lovelostdelinquent · 3 years
[ RED DEATH || CLOSED || @murder-popsicle​ ]
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The weather was always dreadful in Salzburg. Tonight especially so as the thunderstorms coursed through this cold winter night, Natalia who had no business being tired felt it. Her hunger was finally starting to bother her. She steeled herself, that will have to wait until later. Mission first then hunting. She rounded the corner and slipped into the side entrance of the bar that had become the nightly stopping ground for the 107th. Early, as always, to scope out the location, her target was the star-spangled man himself. Ivan was adamant that his downfall was crucial for the longevity of the Red Room.
She had been tailing them for some time now. Knowing how hellbent Captain America was in retrieving Jane Barnes, she knew waiting to interact until after a completed rescue was required. A shift in focus and the elation of success would allow for vulnerabilities which equal to opportunities to strike.
A commotion at the main door alerted Natalia to the arrival of the Howling Commandos. Dum Dum and Jim were leading the group over to the bar. Luckily at the back of the group was Steve Rogers seeming to be talking quietly to Jane Barnes to his right.
Putting her game face on and licking her teeth, the spy crossed the room to graze the shoulder of the woman next to the largest man in the room. Staggering slightly, “ Pardon me. I really should be watching where I am walking.” She steps back to make eye contact with the pair, successfully splitting them from their group. 
“How about I get a round of drinks to make up for my clumsiness?”
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lovelostdelinquent · 3 years
not to be dramatic but the uk is literally slipping into a legit fascist state rn, our rights to free speech are slowly being revoked and literally nobody is talking about it lmao I hate it here
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lovelostdelinquent · 3 years
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you punch nazis!
(requested by anonymous)
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lovelostdelinquent · 3 years
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“You want to leave so soon, my dear?” Natasha almost croons. Reaccumulating to this type of life was not easy and they only recently, a month precisely, returned from a long mission in Siberia. 
“Your apprentice and pup need you, you know.” She wants to go, her whole body has her itching to move. Hesitation is present, but before Claire can retort to her earlier comment Natasha agrees. “Claire, we will run away to Bulgaria, for a week. We are still needed here.”
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            ❛ LET’S RUN AWAY TOGETHER, WE CAN GO ANYWHERE YOU WANT. ❜ Claire says it as a joke, but at the same time, if Natasha actually agreed, Claire would have everything she’d ever need to do so. It’s not like she has much to tie her to the rest of the world     she’s got nobody that would care if she never came home: even Kate and Lucky would eventually move on together.  ❛ Maybe not Budapest; but I know you’ve been dying to take me to that little Bulgarian restaurant you told me about     we can start there.  ❜
@lovelostdelinquent​ | starter call
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lovelostdelinquent · 3 years
What the hell is John's "shield" made out of? Steel? Did he forget that Bucky literally swung his arm straight through a steel beam and cut it in half??
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lovelostdelinquent · 3 years
Today is the only day ever for the rest of time that you can reblog this
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lovelostdelinquent · 4 years
so I got into grad school today with my shitty 2.8 gpa and the moral of the story is reblog those good luck posts for the love of god
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