loveluna1115 · 2 years
Journal Entry # 2
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During adolescence a physical development issue that I remember I experienced was how I was self-conscious and my self-esteem were greatly affected. This is probably caused by the impact of puberty which is causing the change of self-image that can will affect your self-esteem. This development for me was only present for a short time but it would still relapse from time to time. This behaviour also caused me to show aggressive emotions which affect how I manifest myself to others. This is an example of a time gap with brain maturation that causes risky behaviors and problems to arise.  
In this developmental stage, the young is face with life issues as well as environmental factors that would either make or break them. This is because they are in the transition of being in their adult phase. There are things and period in their life that would cause them to exhibit rash behaviors and because this developmental stage is where they are nearing maturity, as an educator I would use a teaching style that is flexible for all learners to showcase their interest and habits in learning to achieve their full potential while growing. This approach is based on an article that centers on the increasing of effectiveness of teaching by developing one’s teaching style. I think this approach would help me be conscious on my students’ learning needs and tend to the demands of their development.
Reference: Mohanna, K., Chambers, R., Wall, D. (2007) Review the management of poor performance - Postgraduate Medical Journal. Developing your teaching style: increasing effectiveness in healthcare teaching, Postgrad Med J 2007;83:145–147. doi: 10.1136/pgmj.2006.054106
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loveluna1115 · 2 years
Journal Entry # 1
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As a future teacher, I am bound to supply every learning demands that a child needs for their development. Having an insight of these concepts of child and adolescent development aligns my views and strategy to become effective teacher in the future. Among the concepts presented in the module one that I deemed to be very important is the Characteristics of Human Development , this is because of the fact that even at older age development doesn’t stop therefore, skills and other abilities may still be obtained at their own pace. This is a realization that- for me to be effective in teaching I should integrate these characteristics and continue to mold my students to attain the development that they ought to get. Another concept that I find very important would be the Principles of Child Development.  This is very important as it includes learning implications that would guide me as a future educator in curating which activities and strategy that is needed to be applied and considered to better facilitate the learning of children, finally, the last concept that I think is very important for me is the concept of development itself.  Aside from being an effective educator, I believe it is also important to understand the complexity of human development as it encompasses different concepts from unfolding characteristics to discovering more of their emotional, cognitive, and social skills. As an educator I have to consider these factors to support the development of young children and provide an environment where they are motivated to engage among themselves. Ultimately, each and every concept above is essential for future educator like me, to establish and achieve the development that is proper for a person as a student and an individual.
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loveluna1115 · 2 years
Journal Entry # 5
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In the course of life, Learning is an essential skill you need to survive. It opens opportunities and is crucial for one to achieve success. Being a competent teacher requires one to exhibit excellence and capability to impart knowledge to learners. It is also expected from them to be knowledgeable as well and be able to cope with the demands of learning through time. Upon knowing the professional standards set for teachers, I am only determined to become the kind of teacher who exhibit skills made to improve the learners’  growth and also to become a teacher who aspires to acquire the qualities of a teacher which I can use to provide quality service to the learners. Promoting communication, honesty and respect is what I think the most essential thing that I want to value in becoming a teacher. I want to be remembered by my students and co-teachers as someone who leads them into being confident with themselves as I believe what I aspire to be will also affect how I am able to present myself in my community. Of course with continuous learning and gaining skills and knowledge as well as taking every opportunity to improve something in myself I think I will be able to achieve my aspirations. I believe making effort mixed with determination and passion to work towards a goal that I set for myself will also help me to improve and achieve my aspirations. It will take time and a lot of patience but in striving to become competent in the career path I want to take It will be a good learning experience.
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loveluna1115 · 2 years
Journal # 4
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As deemed by many that teaching is indeed a noble job, it is only expected from us that we exhibit proper decorum and good reputation when engaging with our colleagues, students, school administration and parents. Learners are greatly influenced by our actions and as a model for  the students we should always be mindful of our etiquette regardless if it’s held online or face-to-face or even when we are outside of our workplace, we must always maintain our composure and be presentable at all times. The responsibility that is in this profession comes with familiarizing yourself with the existing provisions to avoid conflicts and arguments with your community. My stand on this is that, regardless of the modality of teaching I believe aside from taking care of your reputation and how you maintain mutual respect with your students and co-teachers, it is also ethical to be aware of your character as an individual and your dignity as a teacher. Being self-aware and conscious allows one to reflect in his actions. This will be beneficial to avoid being confronted with conflicts. In Article XI, Section 3 of the Code of Ethics for Teachers, it specified there to maintain a dignified personality  to serve as a model for the learners and in order to achieve that, I should be self-aware of my character as an individual and acknowledge that as a human I have limitations and being ethical only means I will still be able to maintain self-discipline and control over myself given that whatever the modality we use in learning, challenges may still arise.
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loveluna1115 · 2 years
Journal Entry #3
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In the long run of being a teacher there will be instances that we will encounter conflicts and could be subjected to disciplinary actions or be put on probation. In this case, it is only important that we know our ground in justifying ourselves in any case we encounter such conflicts. To be able to uphold these legal mandates will be a big help to me for when I become a teacher. Especially that teacher shaming and conflicts is inevitable, knowing these would help me to know how to defend myself and be respected as well and not lose my dignity as a teacher. Not only that it will protect me, it can also help me recognize the injustice that is happening around me.  In this way, I might also be able to offer help to my students or colleagues. Uphold the legal mandates is a foundation that should be embedded in all teachers. As the saying goes, “ ignorance of law excuses no one.” With conflicts arising it is only just that a teacher should know these laws. It can also be a way to develop our character as a teacher abiding by these laws. For instance, A teacher who knows that it is prohibited to collect monetary contributions to students except when acknowledge by the school sees a colleague who does the act may call out that person and talk to them. By doing this, you are encouraging other people to abide by the laws and protect themselves from shame.
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loveluna1115 · 2 years
Journal Entry #2
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My teaching philosophy is consist of the things I envision for myself that I do for when I become a teacher. In the first part, I included there that I want to illustrate best practice in my field. This is to say that I want my students to be able to distinguish which is significant in their lives and be able to improve their skills in solving the difficulties they encounter. I’d like them to bring out their ability to be socially aware and be expose to different opinions so they will know how to act in their life-long experiences and draw meaningful experiences in the assessments and activities that I will be providing them. As I’d like to practice progressivism education in my class the activities that I will be providing them would be to enhance their individual growth and make them learn by doing. Achieving my goals would highlight my efficiency as a teacher, and I think through the assessments and by evaluating if they draw meaningful experience in the activities I would be able to measure their development. I see my teaching in this discipline as someone who encourage her students to engage in the society and be able to learn by experiencing. That is something that I want them to gain from this disciplinary content. I’d like them to be able to have a sense of preparedness and act for when they encounter problems. My discipline would allow them to improve in their way of life as it requires them to cooperate with others. Utilizing strategies that would better facilitate their learning would also lead me to improve my skills as a teacher. Improving my skills as a teacher is a continuous process that I ought to do. For me, it is something that would help me achieve the goals I set for myself as well as for my students.
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loveluna1115 · 2 years
Journal Entry #1
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After learning the concepts of this unit I think I was able to grasp on my idea of teaching as well as the idea of truly becoming a teacher. While I ponder on my thoughts regarding this, I realized I want to take teaching more as someone who has the different qualities of these concepts. A teacher who has the patience and equipped with knowledge to be able to teach her students efficiently, I also want to become someone who goes great lengths for her students, a teacher who’s able to inspire her students to become the person they want to be. I think if I will be able to do those in the future it will become my biggest achievement. In this unit, I was also able to find more reason to love this profession that I am preparing myself.  During one of the discussions we had, a quote that I was able to ponder upon was, “Being a teacher is a demanding job” and I think it really is considering what a teacher has to go through for their students. It requires more than just teaching, more than just having a lot of patience and using our knowledge to teach our students. It demands time, effort, passion, and dedication.
As I embark on this journey of becoming a 21st century teacher I want to possess the qualities of a teacher who puts their trust on their students’ capability to learn and someone who is committed to her work and finds joy in her field of work.
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loveluna1115 · 3 years
Journal Entry #10
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loveluna1115 · 3 years
Journal Entry #9
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Out of the few pictures I have, These two are the only photos that I think I can feel good about myself and show to other people. This is not to say that I’m not confident enough to use my pictures that are not filtered. More on, I am left with these pictures since it is the only pictures that I took recently and knowing myself I am not the kind of person that likes to take selfies everyday. I think having just these two set as my profile picture is enough to show to other users what I look. Regardless, I believe it is how you interact with other people online that would say something about who you are and what you are as a person. 
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loveluna1115 · 3 years
Journal Entry# 7
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These prized possessions are what I considered to be something that speaks about myself and would somehow define who I am and says something about my personality. These things are something that I acquire through saving and sometimes given to me as a gift on birthdays or family occasions that’s why I keep it with utmost care. And even though I am the happiest whenever I receive gifts and buy things that I like, I try my best to prevent myself from purchasing ahead of my budget in that way, It will help me to save my money for a greater purpose. 
Although these maybe labeled as something unimportant to other people, for me, it gives me happiness and it gives off a piece of what my personality is. These possessions can become important to someone as it symbolizes their preferences, and is an extension of their self.
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loveluna1115 · 3 years
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loveluna1115 · 3 years
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loveluna1115 · 3 years
Journal Entry #4
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Growing up, I was used to our family going to different places and tourist attractions even when there is no special occasions or birthdays. Every year, we always make it to a point where we travel to different places and experience their culture and what a certain city can offer. It became a family tradition that whenever we gather we always have to go to some place and enjoy. Maybe because of the fact that we seldom see each other and sometimes we are still incomplete due to certain reasons but it doesn’t hinder us from having good quality time and making the best out of it. This family tradition is something that I am proud of because I know that our parents wants us to value each other and strengthened our bond as a family.
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Whenever we go home to our province as well as in every simple handaan we share together with our family, You will always find these three dishes being served on the table that’s why it became my personal favorite especially when it is cooked by my aunt who’s always in charge of cooking and is best at it in every family gathering we have. 
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Recently, I’ve been uttering this rather often especially when I'm talking with my friends. It became an expression whenever they say a funny thing or something made me laugh I always say “potacca” for them to know that I find a certain thing funny. It can also mean that I find something embarrassing although I only say this only to my close friends to avoid offending someone. 
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loveluna1115 · 3 years
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I always believe in the saying “ Everything happens for a reason” and yes, sometimes certain things happen that can lead to a series of events that you may or may not like. In my case, I build the most unexpected social circle despite being in our situation right now where everything seems to come to a halt.
 One of my favorite tv personality once said that you don’t grow when you don’t lose friends. At first I thought why do we need to lose someone in order to grow but knowing that it is exactly what is happening to me right now. Meeting my new found social solidarity, building new connections, finding our similarities and accepting our differences has led me to grow and found a bond of friendship that will make me learn new things about myself or a companion in entering a new phase in my life. 
Having them at the most unexpected way and building a strong connection as well as engaging with them has made me value them and label them as someone who is important to me. And being with them has led me to do certain things that would help them as well like how they helped me with my shortcomings as well as whenever I ask for their help and although at certain point in our lives we need to let go of each other and enter another phase, it doesn’t necessarily mean that we didn’t create enough bond. It just means that we grow and the learnings that we can get from them has ended and maybe after some time we pick up where we left off and create the same bond again..
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loveluna1115 · 3 years
Journal Entry #2
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The thing I saw immediately was my Laptop as I work on this. My eyes wandered on the messy pile of things on my desk, A succulent plant that is placed on my side table that is starting to wither, Beside it was an empty glass. Aside from that, I also saw my books placed adjacent to where I am right now, compiled neatly and some of my albums that I forgot to put back on its place as I was planning to clean it the other day. 
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A faint sound of jazz coming from my Bluetooth speaker is what I hear as I like to listen to relaxing music when I am working on something. I can also hear the sound of the fan, The continuous barking of our neighbor’s pet. lastly, the sound of the different noise outside.
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Whenever I am working on something I always want to lessened the tense on my body so I always turn on the aroma diffuser and put a few drops of my favorite scent-- coffee. By doing this, I feel like I am at some café and it also helps me to relax because I always like the smell of coffee bean. It also helps me to concentrate properly. 
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By doing this activity and also while learning the lesson, I realized what john Locke really meant when he said that experience comes before knowledge because as I do this activity I am made aware of the things I need to clean or work out more, the experience of being aware of your surrounding to be to learn and have knowledge that I still have things to clean, or learn my habits and the things about myself that I am not aware of. I am also enlighten about kant’s philosophy about the self. he said that  how we see ourselves is also how others would see us and I think that it is somehow true because whenever I see someone who gives off a vibe of being independent and confident, often than sometimes they have the qualities of what they give off. 
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loveluna1115 · 3 years
Journal Entry #1
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A memory I had concerning the three (3) elements of the psyche can be describe as something that probably some of us encountered a few times in life and something that you won’t wish to think about often. Luckily, the mind is indeed the strongest element. 
Just recently, I have come to a thought of wanting to leave something that is as important as achieving my goal. Wanting to disconnect to the world and just abandon everything life has to offer. Maybe it was because of the continuous happenings in my life that made me want to escape everything or the idea of having a chance to rest and not think of anything at that moment. It was a choice I was free to decide, A choice I can make on my own and let myself choose. 
At that moment I thought if I let my appetitive side win, what will that make of me? is it going to satisfy what I wish and crave for? Or will I live a life regretting a certain moment in my life that can tremendously affect my being? And so I gave myself a chance to re-think what I had in mind. A chance to ponder on my thoughts and collect myself once again. 
I start to think of the reasons why life is this way. While having the short rest I gave to myself to collect my thoughts, I am reminded of all my past struggles and how I survived each and every challenges in the past. Maybe it was the spirited element that made me push back my thoughts and decide to just go on with my life and accept that these things will eventually pass and after all these struggles I know that I will eventually have time to rest and come back stronger. It’s just a matter of will and time. 
If I were to meet my past self I would hug her tight and say that she made it. Because that is what life is all about, having these struggles doesn’t mean that the world doesn’t want me to be happy. For me, The universe create these struggles so we can have a better understanding of the self and to surpass these challenges means giving yourself a chance to know more about what you’re capable of...
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