lover-25 · 4 years
Noah: Hey, can you carry me bridal style to the kitchen? 
Eva: What? Why? 
Noah: Because I feel the need to be dramatic right now 
 Eva: … 
Eva: Sure, come here 
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lover-25 · 4 years
At a total drama reunion 
 Heather: Um, I’m gonna need vodka in a water glass with ice and I’m gonna be ordering “water” from you all night long so… one “water” please. 
 Waitress: Did we start already or do you really want water? 
Heather: just bring me vodka 
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lover-25 · 4 years
Izzy bursting into Noah and Cody’s shared room in the Playa de Losers 
Izzy: I knew it - you two ARE having sex!
Noah: Really? Cody, why didn’t you tell me - I would have put my book down
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lover-25 · 4 years
Gwen: Hello Heather. Make anybody cry today? 
 Heather: Sadly no, but it’s only 4:30 
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lover-25 · 4 years
Courtney: I broke up with YOU, Mr. “Obviously has a short term memory loss along with a myriad of other problems which I won’t even go into but thinks he broke up with me because of the short-term memory loss which is so obvious.” 
Duncan: No need to be so formal. I’ve seen you naked. Call me Duncan 
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lover-25 · 4 years
Harold: Do you know karate? 
Sierra: I don’t know karate - but I know crazy. 
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lover-25 · 4 years
Noah: I’m not convinced I even know how to read - I’ve just memorised a lot of words
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lover-25 · 4 years
Izzy: I accidentally burned down the kitchen making scrambled eggs 
 Eva: *spits out coffee* you did WHAT? 
 Izzy: Despite being at a loss for words, both of them proceeded to yell at me for the next ten minutes 
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lover-25 · 4 years
Lindsay: Apparently you can change your name to anything you want. So I thought this is an opportunity to be creative so meet… Princess Consuela Banana Hammock 
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lover-25 · 4 years
 DJ: I’m calling mama 
 Duncan: No wait 
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lover-25 · 4 years
Izzy coming home to the team e-scope flat with a large box in her hands: What would you say one day if I came home with 4 puppies? 
Noah: What’s in the box? 
Izzy: … 
Eva: Izzy what’s in the box? 
Izzy: I think you know 
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lover-25 · 4 years
Geoff: *ordering a cake over the phone*
Employee: and what would you like your cake to say?
Geoff: *covering the phone* dude they have talking cakes now?!?!?! 
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lover-25 · 4 years
Gwen: *glaring across the room at Heather* Can I shoot her? 
LeShawna: Not in public 
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lover-25 · 4 years
Izzy: Aww Eva did the dishes 
Noah: how do you know I didn’t do them? 
Izzy: Because once, when all the knives were dirty you cut a bagel with your key  
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lover-25 · 4 years
Duncan: I know I know, I’m in the doghouse 
 Courtney: Oh, you’re not in the doghouse 
 Duncan: I’m not? 
Courtney: Nope, you’re going to have to work really hard to make it into the dog house 
 Duncan: So I’m in the yard. Which is still an enclosed area. Unless I’m in the pound, Courtney am I in the pound? 
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lover-25 · 4 years
Noah: Did you really have to stab him? 
 Izzy: You weren’t there. You didn’t hear what he said to me 
Noah: What did he say? 
 Izzy: “What are you going to do, stab me?” 
Eva: Ehh that’s fair 
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lover-25 · 4 years
Bridgette: Geoff doesn’t have a life plan. He doesn’t have a day plan. I once found a note that he wrote to himself that said, ‘Put on pants?’ and he put a question mark!
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