Jessicka vs Mark Ryden ft. Lynz: Friendships and Falling Out Part II
Hey, long time no post. So, a few years ago I made a post about the Jessicka and Lindsey Way fall out, and the role artist, Mark Ryden played in their friendship breakdown. Link here!  Here’s a quick recap if you don’t feel like reading the full original 2018 post (although I recommend you do as I’ll be referring to a lot of it here):
Long before Jessicka (or anyone else) knew who Lynz Way was, she had struck up a friendship with pop surrealist, Mark Ryden. Ryden is a well-respected modern artist, perhaps one of his most famous works is the cover of Michael Jackson’s ‘Dangerous’ record released in 1991. Mark Ryden married fellow pop surrealist painter, Marion Peck in 2009. Ryden and Jessicka have known each other since at least 1999, when he created the album art for Jack Off Jill’s album, ‘Clear Hearts, Grey Flowers’ released in July 2000.
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Mark Ryden even attended Jessicka and Christian Hejnal’s wedding in 2007. If you read the post linked above, you’ll see they had a well-established relationship before the Indian Bass Queen, Lindsey Way came on the scene.
At some point, Jessicka introduced Lindsey to the Ryden/Pecks which would later turn out to be one of the worst things she could’ve possibly done to herself. When the shit hit the fan, and the coven broke up, Ryden and Peck seemingly took Lindsey’s side. Ryden and Peck were happy to sell the Ways their home and even graced them some original artwork to adorn it.
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Why did Jessicka and Mark Ryden/Marion Peck fall out? Well, Jessicka obviously loves fighting on the internet and this sometimes spills into her personal life. Jessicka told a rando on the internet some details of previous coven shenanigans:
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The important thing to note here is Chantal Claret convinced Jessicka to confront Marion Peck about rumors that Mark Ryden was in love with her. I kid you not, Chantal Claret (a grown woman and friend to Jessicka) convinced Jessicka (another grown, married woman) to tell Marion Peck (a friend of Jessicka’s, and a grown married woman) that her husband, Mark Ryden was in love with her, as in Jessicka. Like wtf? Why would anyone, ANYONE think that was a good idea? But apparently Jessicka did, and she confronted her. LOL, facepalm. “So Marion, I think your husband is in love with me”.
And why was Chantal even involved in this? Apparently, Chantal thought it would be a good idea for Jessicka to “clear the air” with the Ryden/Peck household about Mark’s unrequited love for Jessicka before they moved states. However, it was actually engineered by Chantal so that Jessicka looked crazy, the Ryden/Pecks would fall out with her, and the path would be clear for the Ways to buy Mark Ryden’s house as he would have been forced to choose a side in the coven wars. As far as I know, the Ways still live in the Ryden house to this day. Before Lindsey was chased off of twitter for being a racist who lies about being adopted and having an Indian Grandmother (honestly, wtf?!), Lindsey would showcase elements of the Ryden (now Way) house. I’m not saying that she did this to wind Jessicka up, but she totally did it to wind Jessicka up.
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2023 update, Jessicka is still all cut up over Mark Ryden not being in love with her. July 15th, Jessicka decided to reveal more of what went down between her and Mark Ryden. Maybe Jessicka had too much wine or maybe she was reeling from this email Mark Ryden sent her.
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Either way, she was attacking everyone and anyone connected to the drama on her personal accounts and her Jack Off Jill band accounts, which she TOTALLY does not run! 😉
Important takeways from this email sent by Mark Ryden to Jessicka:
·       He seems to be comparing her to another woman. Lindsey? Marion?
·       The woman Jessicka is being compared to is, according to Mark, “spiritually evolved, intellectually intelligent, and a magically gifted artist”. Looking closely, we can assume that this refers to Marion as plagiarizing art hardly makes you a “magically gifted artist” *cough* Lindsey *cough*
·       “Intellectually intelligent” is like when you have to reach your word count on your assignment, and you add random words to pad it out. He may as well have said smart smart.
·       From 2016 until now, we have not heard the Ryden/Peck side of the story. All we’ve had is Lindsey’s less than subtle hints at her living situation, and Jessicka’s sloppy reveals to strangers on the internet. Obviously, Mark has tried to deal with this in a dignified and private way. This email seems to be a long time coming, a breaking point. Even then, he probably didn’t expect Jessicka to share this to her followers on Twitter and Instagram.
·       A friendship of 15 years ( as noted by Jessicka’s post above) between Mark Ryden and Jessicka works out about right for the time that Lindsey bought Ryden’s house in 2016.
·       Mark nails Jessicka’s existence when he calls out her constant self promotion. See any website where she is mentioned (including Wikipedia). She is always the sole author and editor.
·       The “ridiculous fantasies” probably refers to Mark being “in love” with Jessicka. Does anyone else think that maybe Jessicka was in love with him? I mean, her art is heavily influenced by his...
After the initial private email sharing, Jessicka went on a rampage:
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The picture above is the portrait Mark Ryden created for the Addams’ when Jessicka married Christian (Xtian). Notice the classy ‘Fuck @.MarkRyden’ in the corner? Never mind, Jessicka I’m sure you’ll be able to flog it on Ebay. Should be able to get some $$$ for the Ryden name alone, even if nobody knows who the people in the picture are.
After shitposting about Mark Ryden and Marion Peck, Jessicka then hopped onto her Jack Off Jill account and started to shitpost some more while arguing with a Lynz account. A highlight from this exchange is “she did not .. raie is sexual intercourses.. She played a shoe where two grifters claimed assault.” Um, ok, Jessicka.  Also, Jessicka spilling the tea that Lindsey and Gerard were overcharged by Marion and Mark on the house LOL!
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She then began commenting on a coven former friend, Jennifer Emil. Jennifer Emil was another major bully of MCR fans in the 2010/2011 twitter days. Oh dear, it’s a shame that all of these women eventually fell out.
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So there you have it, a tale as old as time... Girl meets boy, girl claims to be boy’s muse, boy marries someone else, girl tells wife that boy is in love with her, they fall out, someone who claims to be adopted/Indian and a bass player and was previously girl’s friend buys boy’s house (at an overpriced rate) and girl goes on a rampage about it 7 years later.
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New post coming soon!
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Lindsey Way: Art Thief
It has been brought to our attention (thanks for all the messages!) that Lindsey Way has been accused of plagiarism. This came to light when Twitter user @/ieroist posted the following tweet on 19th December:
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The image on the left of this tweet is ‘Magical Contamination’ mould art by Antoine Bridier-Nahmias. The image on the right is cover art for Gerard Way’s record ‘Getting Down the Germs’ painted by Lindsey Way.
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‘Getting Down the Germs’ was released in November 2018. It was never acknowledged that the cover art to match the record was copied inspired by Antoine Bridier-Nahmias’s artwork from 2012.
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Even the original artist was unaware of Lindsey using his work:
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However, there is no way that Lindsey was unaware of who the creator was. A quick reverse image search throws up hundreds of images, articles, interviews etc. crediting the artist, Antoine Bridier-Nahmias.
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Yet again, My Chemical Romance fans are left disappointed by the actions of Lindsey. Here are some of the reactions to this latest revelation:
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We think it’s important to note that this isn’t actually the first time that Lindsey has taken someone’s work and passed it off as her own without giving credit to the original creator.
Remember when Steve, Righ? cheated on his wife with Lindsey? One of the artefacts from this affair was later used in the ‘Shitty Teen’ art show. The letter used in the piece ‘Rad Witch’ was written by Steve and given to Lindsey during their affair in 2004 as confirmed by Steve’s wife, Lucinda Montano:
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Although Steve will likely never admit to this, and whilst we cannot confirm whether he gave his permission, Lindsey used his letter in her artwork (for profit) without crediting him.
Speaking of Shitty Teen…
Remember when Lindsey’s long-term friend, Amanda called her a “fucking piece of shit”? Well, Lindsey used Amanda’s high school letter in the art piece ‘I Wanna be a Star’.
This is the first time to our knowledge that Lindsey was publicly called out by the original creator for using their work without giving credit. As the following Instagram posts show, Amanda’s handwriting was reproduced in Lindsey’s art that was subsequently sold to famous director, Kevin Smith.
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To add insult to injury, Lindsey then dropped her friend of 20+ years for no apparent reason.
Since our last post documenting the breakdown of Lindsey and Amanda’s friendship, Amanda has backtracked on these claims, and Lindsey has deigned to like a couple of her posts. Leading Amanda to delete some of her posts and edit previous captions. Luckily, we got the screenshots first:
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And don’t even get us started on this…
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They say that imitation is the best form of flattery, so what’s plagiarism then?
Looks like Lindsey Way has been caught out again, stay tuned for more.
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Lindsey Way Says Black Lives Matter, Then Blocks
Remember when Lindsey Way came onto Twitter to “show up” and be vocal about Black Lives Matter (BLM)?
After Gerard and Lindsey had stayed quiet in the days following the tragic murder of George Floyd on the 25th May, Lindsey eventually decided to take part in the (totally pointless) social media ‘blackout’ (where celebrities showed they cared by posting a black square) on the 2nd June.
Lindsey was rightly called out by fans who asked that she use her (and MCR’s) platform to share links, donate, educate, and generally do something for the BLM movement. This was especially poignant for black MCR fans who correctly citied that Lindsey’s band, Mindless Self Indulgence, had profited off of a genre created by the black community. Furthermore, MSI are known for peppering their songs with numerous racial slurs (see their songs ‘I Want to be Black’  and “N*****”, as well as the lyrics of their song, Tornado which uses the word “n****”).
@/costtaconcordia, a Twitter user who identified themselves as a “black MCR fan” was very vocal on this point, so much so that they caught the eye of Lindsey who went on a spree of liking and retweeting their tweets which are detailed below:
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Looking at Twitter user @/costtaconcordia’s Tweets, you can see that they have had no further interaction with Lindsey following these Tweets on the 2nd June 2020. It appears that they left things on good terms with Lindsey, whose Twitter likes/retweets seemed to show that she agreed with their (very valid) points.
However, on the 5th November 2020 (over 5 months after this interaction) @/costtaconcordia tweeted that Lindsey had blocked them on Twitter:
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As we know, Lindsey has not been active on Twitter lately (although she did have a failed attempt at a comeback on Instagram in late September/early October). This makes it even more bizarre that Lindsey would login just to block this account - an account who in no way abused her but instead implored her to be vocal about BLM and issues facing black trans women.
Here are some of the reactions to Lindsey blocking this account:
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And our personal favourite (@/desolationpenis ain’t wrong):
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A closer look:
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Just like the time that she lied about what was written on her shirt, Lindsey has once again demonstrated that she’ll say/do whatever makes her look woke or like a good person. Lindsey liking/tweeting/retweeting about BLM for a day, promising to “show up more” and then blocking a black fan who called out her lack of support for the BLM movement just shows how surface-level and performative her activism is. Lindsey acts like a good person while people are watching but ultimately, with everything that she’s done, it’s clear to us that Lindsey doesn’t care about anyone but herself.
We await her next social media blunder.
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Lindsey Policing Instagram Posts
It’s no coincidence that Amanda backtracked on that post within an hour of our blog posting about it.
We all know that Lindsey reads this blog:
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Either Lindsey herself or her husband’s lawyers have been on to Amanda and threatened her to remove and backtrack on what she said. That’s the only explanation that makes sense, I mean, how can you “unintentionally” call your best friend a “fucking piece of shit”?
Nice try Lindsey, but the damage has been done.
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A Masterpost of Masterposts (aka Documenting Why Lindsey Way is Trash)
Reminder of some of the shady and sloppy things Lindsey Way has done:
- created the nowaymikeywayblog
- bullied and doxed teenage fans online
- used Jessicka Addams to make connections in the art world and then dumped her when she was no longer required
- slept with her MARRIED guitarist and bandmate Steve ‘Righ?’ Montano and taunted his wife about it (confirmed by Lucinda Montano)
- treats her mom and sister like shit and laughs about them with her famous** friends (x) (x) (x) (x)
- publicly supported her ex-friend’s rapist
- Dropped her friend of over 20 years for no reason
 **famous by association, much like Lindsey is only ‘‘‘famous’‘‘ (lol) because of her husband, Frances Bean is only famous because of her parents.
Miscellaneous crap that we have or might make posts about someday:
- gets and dumps numerous ‘pedigree’ (aka, bred to have ongoing health conditions) pets – where’s Susan the French Bulldog? Where’s Grandpa the Sphynx cat?
- apparently cheated on Gerard with a Russian fan (well, we know that marriage vows don’t mean shit to her *cough* Steve Righ? *cough*)
- She has left a long line of ex-friends including Chantal Claret, Jessicka Addams, Jennifer Emil, Lucinda Montano and many others.
- lies (a lot) about random things that make her seem woke, edgy, interesting or whatever including claiming that she is adopted/bi/Native American/Indian/black (we have some evidence for her inconsistent lies but not enough to make a post yet).
- bathing isn’t her strong point and she’s proud of it :/. (Ok, this one is funny but seriously, who boasts about that?)
- uses satire as an excuse for the racist, sexist and misogynistic things her band have said/done.
- Claimed her shirt said “girlfriend” instead of ‘boyfriend’ (maybe to seem interesting or queerbait idk?)
-  Lied about being adopted
- more random stuff in some of the screenshots on this post
- Lied about being Indian
We recommend that you read each post through in full. Reading them back, there’s so much shitty stuff that we had forgotten about and this is by no means the only stuff she’s done - there’s a lot more evidence out there, including on this blog.
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Lindsey Way Makes Her Return to Social Media – Does Not Go as Planned
After promising to “show up” more to support causes such as Black Lives Matter, Lindsey was notably absent from social media for most of the year (even missing events such as her own birthday, her daughter’s birthday, the Umbrella Academy series 2 launch and her wedding  anniversary – all events Lindsey would never miss posting a boast/picture of herself on in previous years).
This is not very surprising following the recent backlash against Lindsey’s (and MSI’s) ongoing problematic behaviour (much of which has been documented here, here and here). This culminated on Twitter when a fan asked Lindsey about accusations relating to Jimmy Urine’s behaviour with minors. Instead of condemning his alleged actions or listening to the concerns of her fans, Lindsey decided to make the situation about herself and used it to once again drag her family (and Jessicka Addams) into something which had nothing to do with them. Instead of saying that we should believe victims, Lindsey seemed to be telling her fans ‘believe victims unless it’s related to me – then Jessicka or my family is behind it’.
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This was a punch in the gut to people who have come forward to condemn Jimmy’s actions, something which did not go unnoticed by fans. To sum it up, Lindsey’s avoidance technique of playing the victim did not work this time, hence her long social media absence.
Fast forward a few months and Lindsey makes her return to social media in the form of this artwork posted to her Instagram account:
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It doesn’t take a genius to work out Lindsey’s subtle-as-a-sledgehammer symbolism here (and indeed many fans were quick to point it out) that Lindsey sees herself as the target of a witch hunt, left to burn at the stake (playing the victim again). However, her triumphant return spectacularly blew up in her face – and in the comments. Here are some of our favourites:
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Unsurprisingly, Lindsey switched off her comments for the post following a few hours of this. Furthermore, she has now limited the comments on her remaining posts so that only people she is following can interact with them.
But Lindsey being Lindsey, she couldn’t leave it here. Oh no, several days later (really, it took her that long to come up with a ‘cutting’ comeback?) Lindsey returned to ‘win’ again (she should really learn to just leave it) with this post:
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More sloppy symbolism here… How will we ever figure out what you mean, Lynz? (Note: playing the victim again AGAIN).
Lindsey limiting her comments on Instagram just meant that the reactions spilled over to Twitter and (spoiler alert!) they were not in Lindsey’s favour. Here are some of the tweets reacting to this ‘comeback’:
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We eagerly await Lindsey’s next ‘witty’ post where no doubt she will show us how she is the victim in all of this. Stay tuned, bugs!
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Lindsey Way: Shitty Friend.
Another Ex-Friend Speaks Out!
Earlier this weekend a couple of new Lindsey Way pictures were doing the rounds on Instagram. These pictures popped up on fan accounts and showed Lindsey tattooing a friend:
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However, while the fans were gushing over these “never-seen-before” pictures, they conveniently left out the information found on the original content (which, as you can see, @/ballatotrashy claims not to know the source of - funny, cause we just had to scroll down like two posts to find it):
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It transpires that this post was made by someone who had been a friend of Lindsey’s for over twenty years. The friend in question, Amanda, is also from Connecticut (where Lindsey grew up) and even collaborated on one of the ‘Shitty Teen’ pieces with her. Here is some proof that they were longtime friends:
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Amanda has since been bullied by Lynz fans to remove her post, but not before we got the evidence.
So, here is ANOTHER friend that Lindsey has used and dropped, leaving her with the lasting memory that Lindsey Way is a “fucking piece of shit”.
Makes this tweet all the more ironic:
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Finally, a note to all the Lynz Way fans who have used the tattooing pictures or plan to use any of the pictures here on their fanpages in future - consider the source. Know that whenever you crop, edit or watermark Amanda’s pictures, she called her A FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT.
—————————— EDIT ————————————-
WELP! Looks like Lindsey got Gerard’s lawyers involved!
Turns out it was A HUGE MISTAKE and Amanda is “a moron” who only ACCIDENTLY called one of her “best and oldest” friends a “fucking piece of shit”.
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It’s all good guys, can you see the loveheart around their pic?
Any allegations around Lynz’s behaviour are clearly conspiracy theories about her character.
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james gunn is on jeffery epstein’s flight list, explains the pedophile party chantal and jimmy went to
This needs to be looked into. Pedos stick together.
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Someone is alive
Amy made some new tweets today.
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Here is a letter that Lynz wrote after he married with Gerard.
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(C: @/odetobullshit on twitter)
this is so- childish. it almost sounds like she's taking all the credit for why he's happy.
the part she writes "you're just basically encouraging him to become a pervert" is wrong in so many parts. it’s not even funny it’s just in bad taste. She's kind of calling him a pervert...
who let her write this?
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fuck you Lindsey way, that's all I'm gonna say about you.
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Jimmy Urine and Chantal being disgusting + lynz
Honestly, I don't need to write anything, the images speak for themselves.
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Someone is alive
Amy made some new tweets today.
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god Lindsey’s recent #blacklivesmatter posts are really rubbing me the wrong way considering she won’t even call out her own frontman’s usage of the n-word....
exactly. she talked about talking about GOOD but then put that aside? and I’m not even going to talk about Jimmy because we know that she will always defend friends, regardless of whether they are wrong or not.
There are a number of things that revolve around her. example: she calls herself French/Indian but suddenly she is white?
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she also said she was black?? Wtf?
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I do not doubt that she already said it, but the first time I saw Jessicka talking about it and I was suspicious because Jessicka also said that she is a “part black”
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BUT Lucinda talked about it too, and I believe her.
I’m not surprised if she only talked about BLM or posted what she posted because people were putting pressure on her and Gerard. Maybe it’s genuine or not, I don’t know, but that makes me uncomfortable and with suspicions.
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james gunn is on jeffery epstein’s flight list, explains the pedophile party chantal and jimmy went to
This needs to be looked into. Pedos stick together.
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I hate to have to bring Eliza to this subject but she is kind of important here. Eliza was clearly talking about Lynz here.
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And Jessicka bringing her the conversation. I'm not sure with who she was talking to.
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Credits: is about sucking dick for cocaine on Facebook.
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