#christian adams
Jessicka vs Mark Ryden ft. Lynz: Friendships and Falling Out Part II
Hey, long time no post. So, a few years ago I made a post about the Jessicka and Lindsey Way fall out, and the role artist, Mark Ryden played in their friendship breakdown. Link here!  Here’s a quick recap if you don’t feel like reading the full original 2018 post (although I recommend you do as I’ll be referring to a lot of it here):
Long before Jessicka (or anyone else) knew who Lynz Way was, she had struck up a friendship with pop surrealist, Mark Ryden. Ryden is a well-respected modern artist, perhaps one of his most famous works is the cover of Michael Jackson’s ‘Dangerous’ record released in 1991. Mark Ryden married fellow pop surrealist painter, Marion Peck in 2009. Ryden and Jessicka have known each other since at least 1999, when he created the album art for Jack Off Jill’s album, ‘Clear Hearts, Grey Flowers’ released in July 2000.
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Mark Ryden even attended Jessicka and Christian Hejnal’s wedding in 2007. If you read the post linked above, you’ll see they had a well-established relationship before the Indian Bass Queen, Lindsey Way came on the scene.
At some point, Jessicka introduced Lindsey to the Ryden/Pecks which would later turn out to be one of the worst things she could’ve possibly done to herself. When the shit hit the fan, and the coven broke up, Ryden and Peck seemingly took Lindsey’s side. Ryden and Peck were happy to sell the Ways their home and even graced them some original artwork to adorn it.
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Why did Jessicka and Mark Ryden/Marion Peck fall out? Well, Jessicka obviously loves fighting on the internet and this sometimes spills into her personal life. Jessicka told a rando on the internet some details of previous coven shenanigans:
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The important thing to note here is Chantal Claret convinced Jessicka to confront Marion Peck about rumors that Mark Ryden was in love with her. I kid you not, Chantal Claret (a grown woman and friend to Jessicka) convinced Jessicka (another grown, married woman) to tell Marion Peck (a friend of Jessicka’s, and a grown married woman) that her husband, Mark Ryden was in love with her, as in Jessicka. Like wtf? Why would anyone, ANYONE think that was a good idea? But apparently Jessicka did, and she confronted her. LOL, facepalm. “So Marion, I think your husband is in love with me”.
And why was Chantal even involved in this? Apparently, Chantal thought it would be a good idea for Jessicka to “clear the air” with the Ryden/Peck household about Mark’s unrequited love for Jessicka before they moved states. However, it was actually engineered by Chantal so that Jessicka looked crazy, the Ryden/Pecks would fall out with her, and the path would be clear for the Ways to buy Mark Ryden’s house as he would have been forced to choose a side in the coven wars. As far as I know, the Ways still live in the Ryden house to this day. Before Lindsey was chased off of twitter for being a racist who lies about being adopted and having an Indian Grandmother (honestly, wtf?!), Lindsey would showcase elements of the Ryden (now Way) house. I’m not saying that she did this to wind Jessicka up, but she totally did it to wind Jessicka up.
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2023 update, Jessicka is still all cut up over Mark Ryden not being in love with her. July 15th, Jessicka decided to reveal more of what went down between her and Mark Ryden. Maybe Jessicka had too much wine or maybe she was reeling from this email Mark Ryden sent her.
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Either way, she was attacking everyone and anyone connected to the drama on her personal accounts and her Jack Off Jill band accounts, which she TOTALLY does not run! 😉
Important takeways from this email sent by Mark Ryden to Jessicka:
·       He seems to be comparing her to another woman. Lindsey? Marion?
·       The woman Jessicka is being compared to is, according to Mark, “spiritually evolved, intellectually intelligent, and a magically gifted artist”. Looking closely, we can assume that this refers to Marion as plagiarizing art hardly makes you a “magically gifted artist” *cough* Lindsey *cough*
·       “Intellectually intelligent” is like when you have to reach your word count on your assignment, and you add random words to pad it out. He may as well have said smart smart.
·       From 2016 until now, we have not heard the Ryden/Peck side of the story. All we’ve had is Lindsey’s less than subtle hints at her living situation, and Jessicka’s sloppy reveals to strangers on the internet. Obviously, Mark has tried to deal with this in a dignified and private way. This email seems to be a long time coming, a breaking point. Even then, he probably didn’t expect Jessicka to share this to her followers on Twitter and Instagram.
·       A friendship of 15 years ( as noted by Jessicka’s post above) between Mark Ryden and Jessicka works out about right for the time that Lindsey bought Ryden’s house in 2016.
·       Mark nails Jessicka’s existence when he calls out her constant self promotion. See any website where she is mentioned (including Wikipedia). She is always the sole author and editor.
·       The “ridiculous fantasies” probably refers to Mark being “in love” with Jessicka. Does anyone else think that maybe Jessicka was in love with him? I mean, her art is heavily influenced by his...
After the initial private email sharing, Jessicka went on a rampage:
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The picture above is the portrait Mark Ryden created for the Addams’ when Jessicka married Christian (Xtian). Notice the classy ‘Fuck @.MarkRyden’ in the corner? Never mind, Jessicka I’m sure you’ll be able to flog it on Ebay. Should be able to get some $$$ for the Ryden name alone, even if nobody knows who the people in the picture are.
After shitposting about Mark Ryden and Marion Peck, Jessicka then hopped onto her Jack Off Jill account and started to shitpost some more while arguing with a Lynz account. A highlight from this exchange is “she did not .. raie is sexual intercourses.. She played a shoe where two grifters claimed assault.” Um, ok, Jessicka.  Also, Jessicka spilling the tea that Lindsey and Gerard were overcharged by Marion and Mark on the house LOL!
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She then began commenting on a coven former friend, Jennifer Emil. Jennifer Emil was another major bully of MCR fans in the 2010/2011 twitter days. Oh dear, it’s a shame that all of these women eventually fell out.
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So there you have it, a tale as old as time... Girl meets boy, girl claims to be boy’s muse, boy marries someone else, girl tells wife that boy is in love with her, they fall out, someone who claims to be adopted/Indian and a bass player and was previously girl’s friend buys boy’s house (at an overpriced rate) and girl goes on a rampage about it 7 years later.
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o-link · 5 months
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View of Rio de Janeiro at sunset
Christian Adams
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moxley · 10 months
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shout out very specifically to the person holding up this sign during the christian cage vs adam copeland match
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theoraeken · 9 months
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Cody Christian via Dylan Sprayberry's IG Story on 12.23.2023
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jasvvy · 6 months
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typical Canadian behaviour between two fathers
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illustratus · 6 months
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The Creation of the World and the Expulsion from Paradise
by Giovanni di Paolo
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Shower Asher.
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mjfass · 25 days
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"You and I are bound by something stronger than blood, stronger than love—it’s the madness of knowing that neither of us can exist without the other.”
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blue2black · 6 months
Valentino: The UNGRATEFUL WHORE! *throws drink towards Vox*
Vox: *steps to the side but gets the drink on him anyway*
Vox: ...
Vox: Which whore are we—UGH, that smells. *chuckles while wiping his coat*
Valentino: Sorry. 😓
Vox: No, it's okay.
Director: CUT!
Valentino: The UNGRATEFUL WHORE! *throws drink towards Vox and hits him*
Vox: AH-
Valentino: The UNGRATEFUL WHORE! *throws drink towards Vox*
Valentino: THAT FUCKING WHORE! *growling, throws drink towards Vox*
Valentino: The UNGRRRRATEFUL WHORE! *throws drink towards Vox*
Valentino: The fucking 🎶whoooooooorrrrreee🎶 *spins gracefully*
Valentino: ... 😐
Valentino: *raises drink* THE UNGRATEFUL—AAAAAH—son of a- 🤬
Vox: Think of something that pisses you off.
Valentino: I can only break so many glasses before I get this fucking line right, Christian...
Angel: Eh, you fucked one cannibal pool boy, you fucked 'em all. *brings his drink to his lips*
Husk: I guess you have changed...
Angel: *laughs out his drink back into his cup*
Angel: I want you to like, sing me a lullaby in that voice.
Husk: Mm. 😏 *knows he's the shit*
Alastor: —for every other disrespectful WRETCH who DARES to question me.
Husk, shaking: UnderST—*seagull screech*—d.
Husk: ... 😐
Husk: I was trying to sound scared... *Alastor laughs*
Husk: That voice crack though. *smiles while getting up*
Vaggie: Action...!
Niffty: 😃 ->🧍‍♀️
Vaggie: ...
Niffty: ...
Vaggie: ...
Niffty: ... 😐
Niffty: 🥴
Niffty, covering her face: AHHHH, I can't do it!! 😆
Vaggie and Angel: 😆😆
Alastor: ... *toothy grin in place*
Director: CUT!
Alastor: *turns into a fish* 😮 Ooooo...
Alastor: 😲 Ahhhhhhh...
Alastor, rubbing his cheeks: Fuckin' Christ.
Giant Overlord Alastor (animatronic): I̶͎͇̙̳̙͍̼̺̺̠̿̂̉ ̵̢̗̤̥̯͚͎́̎̉̆̑́͘͘̕̕ẁ̸͍̎į̶̛͗̈̎̽̍̍͘l̸̝̳͙̓̆͊̆͠l̴̢̧͙̹͖̩̫̻͔̄͛͂̈́̓͝ ̵̳͕̗͙̭̟͙̭͍̙̐͊͐̊d̶̫̗̮̿̀̈́̔̌̉̿̓̚e̴̺̰̊̓͂v̸̞͚͕͚͕̱̝̿̍̎̀̽́̅̀͠o̸̢̧͍̳͈͎̼̪͑ȕ̸̠͇͈̝̦͔͍̯̘̥̓r̷̨̤̦̰͈̞̠͚̀̃̇͋͝ ̸̢̭̺͖̭͖͚̃̉͒̐e̸͉͕̰̝͌̀̇̄͆̀͜͠͝á̴̢̞͓̝̝̗̪̪̓č̵̪̈́̃͋̈́̒̽͑̿͘h̴̡̡̛͇̱͓̭̟̟͚̐͜ ̷̧̲͔̏̄ȧ̶͈͈͎͚͖̺̫̼̓̄̇̍͘ņ̴̘͍̘̗̑d̷̢͊̔ ̷̢̢͔̙͚̙̳͌͋͑̕͘ḛ̸̲́v̷͉̗̆̐̑͂̂͜ę̴̧̜̙̰̈́͑̎̀́̍̇̆̕͘r̵̫̐̚y̴̟̺̙̑͂̽́̊̀͑͋ ̷̺̳̏̈́͒́͐̃O̸̯̲͂̇̋̈́̎͗N̷̡̟͇͔̯̏Ë̵̹̝́́̈́̍̀͐́̊͘ ̴͍͚̏͠O̴̰̣͙̭̥̹͙͇̓̄̈́̉̃̔F̶̲̝͔̖̗͕̭̜͐͗̉̍̃ ̴̢̡̮͖͓̕Y̸̢̡̞̪̦̫͂͊́̽͂͌͆̂̓Ô̸̲̻͕̄̊̋̆̏͐̋͝͝U̸̡͔͇͈̖̺̳͚̥̿ͅ!̵̢̬̬̝̙̈͌̔̇̓ͅ
Alastor, from behind the scenes: 😱
Angel: —I can handle MYSELF.
Husk: REALLY?! be- *Angel flinches back and almost falls*
Husk: —AH, sorry, that was too loud. *grabs Angel's arm*
Angel: These GOD DAMN heels!
Husk: Really??
Husk: Great, that wasn't loud ENOUGH.
Angel: You got this 👍😃👍
Husk, face in his hands: UuugggghhhhhaaaAAAAHHHHHHH—
Husk: Really?! Because I just saw someone self-destructing!
Husk: ...it seems like...I don't know...
Husk: You might need a bartender to talk to.
Director: When you say that last part, add a little softness to it.
Husk: Hahaha 😄 *Angel: 😁*
Director: Remember, you're trying to comfort him.
Director: Let's go again!
Angel: —I can HANDLE MYSELF!
Husk: RE—*seagull screech*
Husk: *face palms* Goddammit! Why does that happen??-
Husk: —how famous, how hot—
Husk: So, you might as well just...cut the act.
Angel, whips his head around: IT'S NOT AN act... *trails off laughing*
Husk: Loser. *lovingly*
Angel: No, you. *also lovingly*
Husk: Are we doing a string of this? *Angel: 😅*
Lucifer and Sera, taking a selfie: 😇😝
Lute: Got a good 275 this year, sir.
Adam: HAH, awesome, pound it danger tits. *fist bumps Lute*
Adam: Yeah, yeah...love you girl.
Adam, panicking: Ohhh no, I wasn't supposed to say that. *BTS crew laughs*
Adam: Charlie, your idea is shit—fucking hell—go back, go away... *waves Charlie away, looking down embarrassed*
Charlie: *laughing her ass off*
Angel, laying in the studio bed naked: I can't believe that the first acting role I ever get requires me to moan into a mic a thousand times.
*Husk and Angel chatting before the start of a scene*
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(She’s the #1 HuskerDust shipper on God)
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melis-writes · 9 days
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BATMAN BEGINS (2005) dir. Christopher Nolan.
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tacodemuerte · 5 months
heard this audio from Always Sunny and it just made me think of christian immediately MIDOSMFIHS, i finished this when he was still champion...papa..😔🫶
you can support me by watching it on youtube too!
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mrawkweird · 29 days
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Hangman fitting to burn this whole arena down.
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browsethestacks · 8 months
Dan's Guide To The Cinematic Batmen
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Dan's Guide To The Cinematic Batmen
Art by Dan Schkade
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musical-shit-show · 8 months
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i was trying to put the adam + lucifer and vox + alastor dynamics into words and this just hit me like a ton of bricks
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edgedchristian · 9 months
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elitehanitje · 8 months
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Old Man Yaoi
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