loverofmylover · 2 years
academia blogs i love
these are blogs I personally like feel free to add some more <3
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loverofmylover · 2 years
“Few are moved by the demands of morality alone; on the contrary, most of us are moved by the demands of the groups to which we belong. In addition, the cost of weakening social normativity can be high. It risks sacrificing the membership goods that social norms enable, such as fellow feeling, social trust, and group honor.”
Agnes Tam, “Why Moral Reasoning Is Insufficient for Moral Progress”
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loverofmylover · 2 years
“Anderson argues that it is extraordinarily difficult for individuals to distinguish what they want from what is right when they hold unaccountable power through which to enforce their demands. When our moral beliefs conflict with our selfish desires, we tend to bend the relevant facts or the relevant moral principles to make moral obligations less demanding, inapplicable, or excusable, often in ways that we do not even realize.”
Agnes Tam, “Why Moral Reasoning Is Insufficient for Moral Progress.”
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loverofmylover · 2 years
At the heart of much of the self-help literature lurks a puritanical belief that productivity is a mark of personal virtue, while failure to publish denotes a deep-seated character flaw.
~Helen Sword
Air & Light & Time & Space: How Successful Academics Write
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loverofmylover · 3 years
“It isn’t what you have, or who you are, or where you are, or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about.”
— Unknown (via thoughtkick)
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loverofmylover · 4 years
It is often said philosophy is a luxury since contemplation and writing books requires time and an education. Is philosophy is a luxury, in contemporary times, for people to study?
The ability to study philosophy no doubt requires a good amount of privilege, luck, and leisure. The confluence of factors required to allow me to study philosophy on the daily is impossible to even know—and this, for me, is a profound source of both gratitude and humility. For most humans for most of human history, however, the capacity to partake in philosophy was non-existent. First off, it didn’t really exist until a few thousand years ago, But secondly, life is often just too damn difficult to have the opportunity for respite. And this remains the case for countless folks today.
So, yes, studying philosophy is, no doubt, a luxury of sorts. At the same time, philosophical issues are ubiquitous, absolutely unavoidable for thinking, reflective creatures such as we. As a species, we care about how to live well, about what’s real, about what’s meaningful, about what’s right and wrong, about how to show up and care for the people in our lives. The list goes on. These issues are deeply philosophical. So, philosophy in itself is not a luxury. It is inescapable. The luxury comes in our ability to critically reflect on these issues, to challenge our intuitions, to learn from people’s past experiences, to stand on the shoulders of giants, to carve out the time and effort required to contribute something original, to be creative, to teach, to learn. These privileges are, unfortunately, not afforded to everyone.
The philosopher Miranda Fricker coined the term epistemic injustice to describe this (and closely related) phenomenon. So not only is it a privilege to question the world around us, to study and partake in the philosophical soiree, but it is also an injustice when folks are deprived of these things. This, I think, speaks to those of us who are lucky enough to do philosophy, that we have a responsibility to communicate it. Education—philosophy and critical thinking and ideas and art and creativity—should not be a luxury (though it most certainly remains one today). It is a profoundly meaningful good that should be as widely accessible as possible.
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loverofmylover · 4 years
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viscount lord tewksbury of enola holmes (2020)
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loverofmylover · 4 years
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loverofmylover · 4 years
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It’s Okay to Not Be Okay (2020) 
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loverofmylover · 4 years
Love, if isn't cherished or nurtured can indeed be lost.
~Miss Stacy (Anne with an E; S3 E4)
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loverofmylover · 4 years
Good movies for my fellow feminists (interesting female leads and stories)
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An astronaut tries to survive and find her way back to earth after an incident left her stranded in space.
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Gett, the trial of Viviane Amsalem
A woman tries to divorce her husband but faces the misogyny of a rabbinical court.
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Gerald’s Game
After being coerced into BDSM by her creepy husband, a woman finds herself abandonned, handcuffed to the bed and starts remembering the sexual abuse she endured as a child. She tries to free herself (both figuratively and litterally).
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Two nuns start suspecting that the priest of their parish is a pedophile and decide to confront him despite his authority as a male leader in a patriarchal institution.
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After the man she had a crush on rapes her at a party on campus an art student realizes that most rapists get away with it. She decides to take matters into her own hands and becomes a serial killer of rapists.
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After a tragic loss, a woman is struggling with grief and panic attacks. Her boyfriend is an absolute douchebag but the only person she has left. Him and his friends invite her to a trip to Sweden where they join a bizarre cult which turns out to be deadly. Keep in mind this is a horror movie.
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A young girl is groomed by a pedophile and a culture that sexualizes girls more and more. After she is raped, both she and her father struggle to recover and communicate as she denies that it was rape claiming the pedophile loved her and he feels powerless to help her.
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Camp X Ray
A young woman joins the army and is sent to Guantanamo Bay to help protect her country from terrorism only to discover that she is in fact helping her country commit human rights violations against muslim men emprisonned without trial, one of whom she becomes friend with. She also has to face sexist discrimination and sexual harassment from her peers.
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Beatriz at dinner
Beatriz is a gentle and thoughtful vegetarian woman from Mexico who is invited to a dinner with rich white people. Throughout the dinner she can’t help confronting them about capitalism, racism and animal cruelty. As the evening gets more and more heated she starts considering murdering the rich white man who embodies the destruction of her values.
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Another Earth
A young woman responsible for a car crash that killed a family is working as a cleaner and ends up working for the man who’s family she killed. She tries to help him recover from depression and grief. A relationship begins but he doesn’t know who she really is.
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Hard Candy
Pretending to be a clueless teenager online, a girl is invited to a man’s house where she drugs him and holds him hostage accusing him of being a pedophile.
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Ingrid Goes West
Ingrid wants to be popular like all the bourgeois instagram influencers who’s lives always seem so perfect. She becomes obsessed with one of them and starts stalking her and creating a fake identity to try and become part of her life. 
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Monster tells the real story of a prostituted woman who was executed for killing her rapist and other “clients” after him. The movie also focuses on her relationship with her girlfriend.
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Notes on a scandal
A narcissistic and deeply manipulative teacher becomes obsessed with the new teacher at her school. She sees a love story… where there is none.
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With the help of a sympathetic teacher, Precious, who comes from a poor family and is abused by her mother, tries to find a way out and build the confidence she never had after years of humiliation.
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The Others
An isolated and very strict mother of two is frustrated with her daughter saying there are ghosts in the house that she calls “the others”. Turns out… there’s definitely something creepy going on. If you like intelligent scary movies without the gore this one is great.
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The Stoning of Soraya M
In a remote muslim village, a man tries to get rid of his wife by accusing her of adultery and getting her stoned to death. The movie takes us through the surreal process of patriarchal “justice” with its inescapable and gruesome ending. Based on a true story.
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After the death of her mother, a woman decides to go on a hiking trip alone for the first time, with all its difficulties, especially as a woman.
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An introverted teenager who doesn’t fit in stops talking after she is raped at a party. No one understands what is wrong with her. Slowly she tries to find the strength to trust and speak again.
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loverofmylover · 4 years
It seemed to her that certain places on earth must bring happiness, as a plant peculiar to the soil, and that cannot thrive elsewhere.
~Madame Bovary (Chapter 7: A Vista Opens)
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loverofmylover · 4 years
The calm in which she lived was the happiness she had dreamed.
~Madame Bovary (Chapter 6: The Precocious Pupil)
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loverofmylover · 4 years
Before marriage she thought herself in love; but since the happiness that should have followed failed to come, she must, she thought, have been mistaken. And Emma tried to find out what one meant exactly in life by the words bliss, passion, ecstasy, that had seemed to her so beautiful in books.
~Madame Bovary (Chapter 5: The Bride's Query)
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loverofmylover · 4 years
A meal together, a walk in the evening on the highroad, a gesture of her hands over her hair, the sight of her straw hat hanging from the window-fastener, and many another thing in which Charles had never dreamed of pleasure, now made up the endless round of his happiness.
~Madame Bovary ( Chapter 5: The Bride's Query)
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loverofmylover · 4 years
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loverofmylover · 4 years
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