hey hey!~ can i request some hcs for the first years w/ a very affectionate best friend? the sort of person who always gives their friends hugs and says that they love them! i’m excited to read your writing!!
This is cute~ Also me, I’m very much the affectionate friend.
Absolutely basks in the attention and fishes for more compliments whenever he can. Be careful to not stroke his ego too much however.
He’s loud like usual, returning the hugs everytime, might even tease you by ruffling your hair and calling you cute or even cheeky, to be so open with your feelings.
Sometimes he gets flustered by your words; it’s rare but it’s still a sight to see. He tries to recover quickly but the pink tint on his ears betray him.
Always gets embarrassed, poor thing. He doesn’t mind the affection per se, he’s just... not used to it and doesnt know how to respond.
He gets more used to them a little over time, even if your hugs out of nowhere do tend to catch him off guard.
He can’t bring himself to say that he loves you, even if he does care deeply for you, those words simply have so much weight for him...
He tries so hard to return your hugs or even initiate them sometimes, to show that he cares!
When Ace teases him though (and after he drops a cauldron on his head), Deuce quickly resolves to keep the initiating to times when you’re away from him at least, he doesn’t need Ace pestering him about his red face.
The first time you hug him, he goes so stiff it’s mildly amusing. He looks at you weird, asking what you’re doing. Once you explain you just felt like doing it, and ask if he doesn’t like it Jack just sighs and pretends like it’s mildly bothersome.
The wagging of his tail everytime you hug him or show him affection tells you a different story.
Doesn’t mind it if you randomly give him a hug really, he just gets irritated when Ace starts teasing him, saying you two look like a lovey couple.
Your ‘I love you’s always catch him off guard however, he can’t make eye contact and murmurs about how you shouldn’t be so loud, saying those words... He’s happy, just really flustered.
As long as you dont ruffle his hair, calling him cute or coo like he’s a baby, he doesn’t really mind the affection.
He does let you mess with his hair if Vil is nearby because the look his senior gets when the hairstyle he spent so long making is coming undone by your hands in an affectionate gesture, is just hilarious to Epel.
He really likes your hugs, they’re warm and comforting; sometimes after a long day of being trained left and right by Vil, he actively seeks you out to ‘recharge’ in your arms, which you’re always happy to do.
When you say you love him he rarel says it back, mostly out of embarrassment, but it’s okay, you know he feels the same.
Just like when you first befriended him, it’ll take a bit of convincing for Sebek to not see your affection as some coy plot to get closer to Malleus and plot against him.
Once he realizes it comes from a place of love he’s slightly more receptive, but still very awkward.
He’s not used to receiving affection in general so he gets stiff when you hug him and his ears turn a nice shade of red when you loudly proclaim your love.
He would rather you turn your affectionate nature down a notch when Lilia’s around, because his teasing would be absolutely relentless.
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sibling!fo: hey, y/n, what does coffee taste like?
y/n, tired: not as good as it smells
sibling!fo: Oh.
sibling!fo: Like shampoo.
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confession hcz 4 kuroo...... hehehe :D
handle with care by jr aquino, the only exception by paramore, i think i’m in love by kat dahlia
itz l8, and ive just had a fight w/ my sister abt  schoolwork and how ive been super distracted as of lately
 im kicked out of the house during a rainstorm so i go 2 the convience store and make planz 2 sleep in a ditch somewhere (or even like... contemplate suicide OOPZ) b4 kuroo notices me
he went on a snack run n also 2 get smth 4 his parentz from the store n is like ????? sienna what the f- n offerz tht i stay @ his place 4 the night.. even tho im reluctant, he insistz and is like. where r u gonna stay if u dont come w/ me
i debate it w/ myself 4 a little bit b4 he just standz up n hez like ok. get on my back. im carrying you if u wont get up. i roll my eyez n climb on, and i hold the umbrella as we just kinda. awkwardly talk. im not rlly tht talkative so he just fillz me in abt his day...
since im like. soaking wet he goez 2 get me some new clothez while i talk 2 his parentz n introduce myself :)!!!! anywayz 2 warm myself up i take a shower, dry off, and change in2 his clothez tht he gave me n then go 2 his room... he secretly getz flustered but like. hidez it v well as we talk abt other stuff. mb play some gamez or smth
he finallyl ike.. askz me wht happened. i deny it but he insistz again, and so i just crack n spill everything n end up like. crying n accidentally spilling tht i love him and like. b4 he can react i go on abt how our friendshipz ognnna b ruined and how hez gonna h8 me bc im love him.
he wrapz me in a hug n when i kinda calm down he admitz like.....oh yea haha ily2 i was also rlly scared. we’re kinda both stunned and im like ??? U BITCH U SHOULDVE TOLD ME /j
i kinda like. smack him with a pillow playfully and we have a mini pillowfight 2 relieve tension and he pinz me down on his bed and ~ohhohohohohoho romantic tension~ b4 i blow in2 his face, and he dramatically collapses on me. then i get all soft n hug him n tell him like... thank u 4 letting me stay.. ily.... and doez this mean we’re a couple now?
he getz off of me and pullz me in2 like. a hug and mumblez tht yea. ur my gf now. ily. yea
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Old art 🥺 was for Ruggie's Birthday 3 months ago-
But Ruggie deserves all the donuts in the world 🍩
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NRC Basketball Club!
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Epel Felmier🍎
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Ghost Marriage!!!
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Imagine it’s the morning after your wedding with your f/o. You wake up, your heart skipping a beat as you see your f/o lying by your side. You lean in and give them a kiss on the cheek, and they smile and say “Good morning.”
“You’re awake!” you say, surprised. 
“Yes,” your f/o replies.
“Then why won’t you open your eyes?” you ask. 
Your f/o reaches out and takes your hand in theirs, intertwining your fingers. “Because a part of me is afraid that if I open my eyes, it would have all been a wonderful dream. I can’t believe I’m married to you. I love you so much, more than words could ever possibly say.”
Your heart swells and you lean in to give them another kiss, this time on the forehead. “Open your eyes,” you tell them. “I promise it’s real.” 
“Are you sure?” your f/o asks, but they’re smiling. You squeeze their hand. “Promise,” you say again.
Your f/o opens their eyes, and when they see you their grin grows even bigger. They cup your cheek with the hand that’s not holding yours, and lean in so the two of you are forehead to forehead, nose to nose. 
“You’re real,” they say softly. “Yesterday was real.” 
You nod, too happy for words, and your f/o shifts to kiss you on the lips. “I love you,” your f/o whispers to you when the kiss ends. 
“I love you too,” you reply softly, and the two of you kiss again. 
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Riddle Rosehearts’ daily routine (inspired from this post here)
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Imagine sitting on the couch after a long day, decompressing, desperately just trying to forget about your responsibilities, and everything that might be going on.
Your F/O walks in, having had an equally long day, and just by looking at you they can tell you're feeling the same way.
So they march over to you, fall down on the couch next to you, and wrap their arms around you. Snuggling into you, burying their face into you, doing their best to hide from everything that isn't you. You lean into them, feeling like maybe you've gotten just a little bit of your strength back by being in their arms.
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f/o asks to rile y’all up
not a result of me being salty this time, just curious & giving y'all an excuse to yell about things. :3 
1) what’s a Hot Take you have about your f/o?
2) on what do you disagree with other fans of your f/o?
3) did you used to ship your f/o with anyone before realizing you wanted to ship them with yourself? 
4) do you feel like you have to defend your f/o all the time? 
5) what’s the dumbest thing you’ve heard about your f/o, either on the internet or irl? 
6) what are some tropes that fan art of your f/o tends to follow? 
7) did your f/o deserve better?
8) do you even like the source your f/o comes from or do you only watch it for them & nothing else?
9) do you distance yourself from other fans of your f/o or their source?
10) how did you feel when you realized “oh of course i had to like That Character”?
11) do you think it’s better to have a copious amount of content for your f/o, even with the risk of finding a lot of ship art, or better to have a lot less?
12) aren’t you tired of being nice? this is an excuse to rant.
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F/O: I’m thinking a spring wedding, or maybe fall, I don’t want it to be too cold though.
S/I: F/O...we aren’t even engaged
F/O: ....
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F/O Imagines #24 [ALL]
Imagine your F/O cleaning your glasses for you after they notice that it's a little cloudy/dusty.
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your f/os lending you sweaters/shirts/hoodies is adorable, of course, but also consider: relentlessly stealing your f/os' clothes against their will.
"are you wearing my shirt? AGAIN? i told you i need it for work." "no. it's mine now."
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when one character brokenly says “i have nothing to offer you” and the other character looks at them with fond exasperation, because there’s nothing else they could want except the gift of their love. that shit gets me.
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