listen here, you outdated meme
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Der Geist ist eine Welt für sich, in der die Hölle zum Himmel und der Himmel zur Hölle werden kann.
John Milton (via bordsteinpoesie)
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Jetzt wieder da ... for real this time!
Im Ernst, Leute - sorry für die viele Inaktivität.
Hatte in letzer Zeit erneut bzw. immer noch mit alten Problemen wie Liebeskummer zu kämpfen (und jetzt immer noch tbh), aber ich glaube, es wird mir einfach verdammt gut tun, wieder mehr aktiv zu sein.
Von daher - I’m back <3
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It is amazing to think that nighttime is actually the natural state of the universe, and the only reason we have daytime is because Earth just so happens to be facing a giant star illuminating it.
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“About Ray”
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Tumblr is having an absolute shit fit over this movie. Why? Because the actor portraying the trans male lead is a cis woman. 
You know what? I don’t give a shit. It isn’t perfect. I’ll fucking taking it though. It doesn’t end with his death, he isn’t cornered into submission about his identity at all what so ever (he’s a strong character), and most of all: he’s a fucking trans guy. 
I have only known one trans male character. Adam Torres.
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You know what happened to him? Well, he’s fucking dead. I suppose it isn’t a coincidence that he was also played by a cis woman, Jordan Todosey. Despite this discrepancy, he was my favorite character. This character introduced me to the possibility of, you know, being trans. Even though the actor was a cis woman, I still related tremendously. It was almost like the actor’s actual gender did not effect her ability to act and do the role some justice.
I can almost appreciate the fact that Adam died only because it was meant to send a message: this kind of fatality (texting & driving) can happen to anyone. No one is immune. But as far as I know, this was their first and only trans character… so it was kind of a cheap shot. Maybe they were just too tired of Adam being happy.
I have never, ever seen a movie or show with a trans male character that was important or visible. I would love it if trans actors got to play trans characters in the future. I have no problem with that, I hope that this is the stepping stone to make that a reality. 
Boycotting the movie sends the entirely wrong message. It doesn’t say “I have serious criticisms of this film; these problems must be worked on for future productions.” it says, “Don’t ever make a movie about a trans male character or your ship will sink at box office.”
It says, “Your movie failed because it had a trans character.”
Boycotting the movie doesn’t tell anyone in Hollywood anything about the movie, or what could have been done to make it better. It’s just, “People are not willing to invest money to see trans male characters, let’s not do this again.”
And about the whole “[x] is a [x] born in [x] body”/’[x] trapped in [x] body” being transphobic: most trans people relate to that narrative. Those phrases have nuances for each trans person that finds themselves fitting into that narrative. It is obviously transphobic for cis people to describe us this way because it shows a disregard for our safety (since it will undoubtedly trigger dysphoria), but if the main character who’s a fucking trans person is written so they relate to that there’s nothing wrong with that. It’s not necessarily inaccurate.
If you boycott this movie, this is where it ends. We will be stuck with “Boys Don’t Cry” and “About Ray” for the rest of our lives. I don’t know about you, but I will see this movie no matter what any asshole on tumblr says because I can see myself on the big screen for the very first time in my life. I will drag my family to see it, I will take my friends for a second screening, I will buy a copy for myself to watch whenever I feel like I’d be better off dead instead of being trans. This is a fucking nitpick, that is something we haven’t earned the right to do yet.
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I’m not even much of a fan of genderbends but goddamn am I even less of a fan of getting ordered around about what I should enjoy and how I should enjoy it and being lectured about how ‘problematic’ it is, when the real problem is that they’ve cast the thing in question in black and white and refuse to admit that there’s anything but their narrow framing.
Changing a character to the ‘opposite’ cis gender is a very different thing than making them trans or nonbinary. Insisting that people only change characters to trans is also really damn invalidating, because it implies that being trans is interchangable with being cis. Whoopsie doodle!
I think the real issue here is that a lot of people want to see more trans headcanons, but for some reason think that using sj words while being bossy and rude is the way to go about it. Dress it up in progressive language all you like; at the end of the day you’re still being bossy and rude to get what you want, regardless of anyone else’s valid feelings.
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18, 63! :D
Hallo! :D (Das ist für den hier, oder? Hau mich bitte wenn ich falsch liege! :D)
18. Favorite part of your personality?
Ich bin immer ehrlich! Sowohl bei kleinen als auch großen Dingen. Wenn mich Leute etwas fragen, dann werde ich auch wahrheitsgemäß darauf antworten - natürlich vorausgesetzt, dass ich mit der Antwort niemanden in Gefahr bringe oder es sich um ein Geheimnis bzw. eine private Angelegenheit jemand anderes handelt. Aber lügen würde ich selbst dann nur im Notfall, viel eher würde ich wahrscheinlich die “Aussage“ verweigern.
63. Do you tell people what you think of them?
Siehe oben: ja! xD Wenn man mich das fragt, gehe ich davon aus, dass man auf jede Antwort gefasst ist. Solange mich die Person nicht provoziert, versuche ich nicht beleidigend zu werden, wenn ich sie nicht mag. Aber meine Meinung sagen werde ich schon. Und das geht natürlich auch umgekehrt - wenn ich jemanden toll finde, dann sage ich das auch, und man kann sich dann sicher sein, dass das keine leere Höflichkeit ist.
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If you are offended by boy positivity posts, you are lying if you say feminism is for equality.
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some girls are legitimately not nice u need to be careful dont let tumblr’s ‘all girls are beautiful and gifts to the world’ fool u because there are really horrible girls and women out there
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Das Schönste aber hier auf Erden Ist lieben und geliebt zu werden.
Wilhelm Busch (via bordsteinpoesie)
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Tfw man Aufnahmen machen möchte, aber das Mikrofon kacke is ...
Kann mir irgendjemand qualitativ gute Mikros empfehlen, die nicht allzu teuer sind und vielleicht sogar Teil eines Headsets sind?
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Sorry für die Inaktivität! Es gab ein paar persönliche Probleme, aber jetzt werd ich wieder öfters hier sein.
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Irgendwie negativ, geht um Liebeskummer, macht das nicht auf wenn ihr sowas grade lieber nicht lesen würdet! - R.
Liebeskummer nach einer Trennung ist der schlimmste, finde ich. Man weiß, dass man sich kalt stellen muss, eiskalt, sich selbst zuliebe, damit das Herz eben nicht noch mehr reißt und bricht. Aber gleichzeitig tut es einem einfach unglaublich weh, dass man der noch immer geliebten Person nicht mehr sagen kann, wie viel sie einem bedeutet.
Vorher war der/die Partner_in immer für einen da, wenn es einem scheiße ging. Da konnte man sich sagen, naja, wenigstens ist er/sie noch da.
Aber danach? Jetzt? Fuck Leben.
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Reblog if you think your voice is unattractive.
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