loveyourexistance 3 years
Good to know 馃槆
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loveyourexistance 3 years
Been seeing synchronicity a lot lately. I鈥檓 starting to take it as a sign 馃晩
饾悥饾悺饾悮饾惌 饾悡饾悺饾悶 饾悁饾惂饾悹饾悶饾惀 饾悕饾惍饾惁饾悰饾悶饾惈饾惉 饾悓饾悶饾悮饾惂馃
000 -聽 The universe is letting you know that new beginnings will help you elevate your vibration and connect with your full potential聽
111 - You鈥檙e on the right path to abundance, alignment, and creating your dream reality. You鈥檙e manifesting things with ease.聽
222 - Trust you are on the right path. Stay focused on the things you want in your life rather than what you don鈥檛 want.聽
333 - The Universe is working with you on making your dreams a reality. Belive in yourself and trust your intuition.
444 - Your being guided and supported through whatever you鈥檙e focusing on at the moment. Don鈥檛 stop, continue and keep going.
555 - A quantum leap is ahead, Embrace yourself for massive shifts. Be open to new opportunities in all areas of your life.聽
666 - You鈥檙e distracted and need refocusing on your goals. The Universe is telling you to wake up to your higher self
777 - You鈥檙e in the frequency of manifesting your dreams. Good things are coming your way, let it flow your way.聽
888 - Financial abundance is on it鈥檚 way to you. The Universe is letting you know you鈥檙e successful.
999 - You鈥檙e being told to embrace change and step into alignment with your soul purpose and higher self聽
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loveyourexistance 3 years
spiritual growth, good luck, fulfilled dreams, miracles
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loveyourexistance 3 years
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Moon Waning Phase...
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loveyourexistance 3 years
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loveyourexistance 3 years
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loveyourexistance 4 years
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loveyourexistance 4 years
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film memories from iceland
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loveyourexistance 4 years
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I found this note from Aaron in my journal today. Who knows how long it鈥檚 been in here. Has to have been a few months. It made me smile. I needed his goofiness today.
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loveyourexistance 4 years
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loveyourexistance 4 years
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186K notes View notes
loveyourexistance 4 years
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551 notes View notes
loveyourexistance 4 years
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loveyourexistance 4 years
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loveyourexistance 4 years
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loveyourexistance 4 years
Electric. An exchange of energy. Every moment intimate, no matter how small. When you find your soulmate, your person, your forever home in human form every moment is magical. Years later and every touch still feels like the universe is entering into every crevice of my body. 锟糏鈥檝e never been touched so gently with such passion until I met him. And each day the energy just grows stronger. Love. Pure love. I adore and love this man more each day and feel we were bound together in a life before this one. My AJT 馃
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loveyourexistance 4 years
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