lovingnerdmaker · 3 years
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*throws down an uno reverse card on the DadSmite AU* prohero!deku with his adopted son, Yagi Toshinori ❤️
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lovingnerdmaker · 3 years
What's The Magic Word?
Albus Dumbledore x Male Reader
Warnings: Dub-Con, Manipulation, SMUT
"How are you feeling?" His voiced echoed through the skin of my back, lips gently marking my skin, slowly but with an unrivaled passion I'd ever experience.
It was hard to think through the foggy haze, senses on fire as I knuckled the crimson sheets beneath me, I felt so full of him, borderline painfully but I wouldn't stop him, not when he had begged so desperately for me.
It had been a rough year for Albus, his Sister and Mother had died, his former lover had abandoned all contact and his Brother outright disowned him, it must've been enough to drive him insane, at least insane enough to wallow down in a back-alley pub and drink himself into a stupor, I'd never admit to him that seeing such an atteactive man there, teary-eyed and buzzed, sent my heart into a spiral.
I remembered asking if he was alright, if he needed a lift somewhere, but through the tears, he politely rejected the offer, auburn hair swaying over his shoulders.
"Can I ask you something?" He asked nursing what I thought was fire whiskey in his hands "do you believe people can be forgiven for their actions?"
"...." I didn't know how to respond, how could I respond to such a topic, he took the silence with a scoff.
"Sorry, just hating myself right now I'll just go-"
"I do." I had said it so suddenly, so firmly, it surprised me so. "I do believe people can be forgiven, so long as they understand the consequences of their actions." I watched his glassy dazed eyes begin to sparkle as he stared at you, the wrinkles of a smile pushing up the fine hairs of a blossoming moustache, he silently offered the seat next to him and you took it thankfully. He talked quietly about what had happened, and how he believed it all to be his fault, how his ignorance and inexperience had swallowed him like quicksand.
My hand lingered over his as the tears began to flow and I had expected him to flinch away, but he didn't, quite the opposite and just hugged me tightly against himself and cried into my shoulder. His hair smelt of fruits and ginger, and I felt guilty for abusing the proximity and circumstance to draw in his scent. I didn't say anything more, just paid for his drinks and left with the man in my arms.
"W-What are you doing?" He asked through a hoarse voice.
"Do you have a place to stay for the night?"  I whispered into his ears and he positively stretched into my touch.
"I hadn't planned that far ahead, no." I hummed in response, walking over to my car and setting him onto the hood to grab the keys.
"There's a hotel not far from here, it's no paradise resort but it should be enough-" I had my key in the manual lock when he grabbed your hand instantly, trembling softly as he pressed himself against me and leaned in to whisper.
"S-Sorry but can I stay with you tonight? I'd like to talk more with you, maybe get to know you better." His somehow slender and fair toned fingers grazed my shoulder and neck, awkwardly turning my gaze his way, the look in his eyes hiding more than a simple chat "please?"
"I don't want to take advantage of you, not like this." I held his shoulder in place with his forehead against mine, the warmth of his breath fanned against my face.
"I-I know I sound like a creep right now, but you're the only I'd ever told that too, and I-" he cut himself off and slowly let his hands fall from you "you're right, this would be bad wouldn't it?" He muttered it under his breath and stepped back "maybe the hotel would be a good idea, then I can contact someone, I'll get a cab don't worry...." He turned to walk away but this voice in the back of my head told me that this was a mistake.
"Albus wait...."He stopped to look over at me, "if we do this, just promise that this won't be a regular thing, I'm not prostituting myself for a guilt tripper."
"Y-You mean that? That you'll..." He looked between us and I nodded, rolling my head towards the car.
The drive home was quiet, not quite happy and comfortable, but quiet at least. I took him inside and pressed him against the shut door, peppering his pulse with little kisses and grazing teeth. He shuffled awkwardly against the hardwood, moaning from the feeling, with his hands in your hair and your name on his tongue. If this was supposed to affect you, then it was working.
You peeled him off the door and took him to bed, the crimson sheets fading under the moonlight as he softly fell back, his hands tremble for the buttons but a gentle swat from me was enough of a response, one by one they popped off and soon his chest, sprinkled with light hairs and a happy trail, was exposed to the moon.
"Look at you, such a rich colour..." fingertips grazed his chest and he moaned softly in response, all while mumbling pleas and begs "shh, shh, it's alright now" He exposed his neck so I pressed open kisses to the skin and ear "you're safe here." I tugged off my own clothes till it was just us in underwear, the outline of his erection showcasing his desires, I pressed my own against his and lazily rolled my hips.
"Nnngh!" His hands shot up to my waist to hold me in place "I-I had an idea, you said it would be wrong if you took me drunk right?" I nodded as he reached up to grab my cheeks "s-so would it be less wrong if I took the lead?"
"That's probably worse actually," I chuckled while holding his hands "and if you wanted to top, you can."
"A-are you sure?" I pressed kisses to his wrists and palms and rolled over so he was above me now. "Well then, what's our magic word then, darling. I can call you that yeah?"
"Don't see why not" I answered shuffling into a comfortable spot "Well then how about.....'Red, Yellow, Green?'" He chuckled quietly, running a hand through my hair.
"There's beauty in simplicity, and intimacy, I might add." He knelt down and locked his lips on mine, slow, sensual, passionate, and it felt like forever before we resurfaced, a string of saliva connecting us, he dove back in quickly now pecking while moving a hand down to my cock-
....Wait when did he take my underwear off?
"Something wrong?" He whispered against my lips, hands hovering on my hips.
"Nothing, just...lost in my head." He smiled gently, baby-blue eyes twinkling mischievously before returning to kisses. He danced with the grace of experience beyond his age, he looked pretty young so it made sense to me. He took his time for prep, condoms and lube seemingly apporating from thin air, and soon enough he had turned me over.
"I should admit I haven't done this in a while so if I hurt you, please say something." I nodded into the pillows and relaxed, as best as I could but feeling his size slowly enter had panic surging through me, he hushed me with tiny whispers and praise, kissing the exposed skin of my back and gripping me like a vice, once he had reached his base and made sure I was comfortable he lazily rolled his hips, groaning out his praise.
"Merlin's beard you are tight!" He hissed while pressing his body on top of mine "am I the first to have you like this darling?" The words left his lips like steam and I could only nod in response, my voice long since left, "you're doing so well, taking me beautifully." He soon picked up the pace and dropped his butterfly touches in place of a vice around my hips, bruises awaiting the next sunrise "I fear I may not last long."
"S-Sir-" I choked out through the growing haze, I could only feel the tickling strings of his locks caging my head behind an auburn curtain and his lips on my skin felt like magic.
"How are you feeling?" His voiced echoed through the skin of my back, lips gently marking my skin, slowly but with an unrivaled passion I'd ever experience.
It was hard to think through the foggy haze, senses on fire as I knuckled the crimson sheets beneath me, I felt so full of him, borderline painfully but I wouldn't stop him, not when he had begged so desperately for me.
"Perfect, keep going, please." I whispered out, his right kept my hips in place while his left hand found my knuckled one and gently grasped it, rubbing smooth circles against the skin.
After what felt like ages he finally flipped me over to look me in the eye, blue irises sharp like machete blades cutting through my fog, shakingly, I reached up to cup his cheek and he leaned into the touch, the warmth of his blush felt relaxing in the moment.
"Are you close darling?" I nodded "then cum, do it for me." My name left his now hoarse voice as he gripped tight enough to hurt, his command was answered with a euphoric wave up my spine followed by exhaustion. He only lasted seconds longer than me but pulled out to spill into the condom. My eyes felt so heavy, the waking world slipping away until Albus' touch brought me back.
Hushed praise and gratifying kisses washed over me as he took care of cleaning up, I wanted to see if he was okay, but I struggled with my words since we started, so I closed my eyes and fell asleep.
Albus watched with a warmth in his heart, you looked so beautiful to him, you did every night he came to you...
Not that you ever remembered.
This wasn't the first night Albus had come to you, he had seen this house, this bed, your gorgeous face, once a night every month on the anniversary of his lover's departure, and every time you answered his sorrowed prayers with blissful words and passionate sex, he grabbed his wand and clothes from the edge of the bed and escaped to the adjoining bathroom.
"Soborus" he tapped the wand against his head and drained the alcohol from his senses, amber mist flowing into the air and dissipating, he fixed on his suit and crept back out to you, pressing the softest kiss to your forehead as you deserved and held his wand out in front of him with a heavy heart, "obliviate"
...and after a few moments, it was done.
All known memory of him had left you, it was safer for you this way, at least until Gellert was taken care of. "I'll see you next month, my darling y/n."
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