lsatpreparation · 7 years
More on the Canada/U.S. #DualJD joint law program offered by @WindsorLaw and @DetroitMercyLaw
https://twitter.com/LSATPreparation/status/937017989001629696 I have always been an advocate of joint law degree programs. Although I have not written about this topic for some time, I notice that the most recent edition of the University of Detroit Docket features a nice discussion of the Windsor Detroit Dual J.D. program. I last wrote a post discussing Canada’s Joint Law Degree Programs in…
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lsatpreparation · 7 years
Great lecture for anybody interested in any kind of career in law
Great lecture for anybody interested in any kind of career in law
https://twitter.com/LSATPreparation/status/892569408979259396 This is the kind of video that should be seen before you go to law school, during law school and after law school! It should be seen in addition to the videos in the previous F. Lee Bailey post.
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lsatpreparation · 7 years
Interested in criminal law? Great interview with F. Lee Bailey at the height of his career
Interested in criminal law? Great interview with F. Lee Bailey at the height of his career
https://twitter.com/LSATPreparation/status/891281643213918208 F. Lee Baily has been one of America’s most well known and effective criminal lawyers. Some love him. Some hate him. But, it’s impossible to not respect his abilities as a lawyer. What follows is a fascinating interview of Mr. Bailey when he was a “rising legal star” – soon to become a legend.
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lsatpreparation · 7 years
Evidence that @Official_LSAT is making changes to better compete with #GRE
Evidence that @Official_LSAT is making changes to better compete with #GRE
For some I have been arguing that the days of the “LSAT Monopoly” are coming to an end. Over the last decade there has been discussion about whether the LSAT should be required at all AND/OR whether the GRE should be used as a substitute for the LSAT. I have discussed this in numerous posts which include: – “American Bar Association Considers Whether The LSAT Should Be Required” – “The GRE As A…
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lsatpreparation · 7 years
How would you have done @LSATpreparation on the 1959 #LSAT?
How would you have done @LSATpreparation on the 1959 #LSAT?
https://twitter.com/LSATPreparation/status/871054954357809152 There are two kinds of LSAT Historians. Type 1 – Those who must repeat and repeat the LSAT (the greater number). Type 2 – “LSAT Scholars” who are fascinated by the LSAT (far fewer). Every generation thinks it has it harder than the previous generation. Maybe yes. Maybe no. How would you have performed on the 1959 version of the LSAT?…
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lsatpreparation · 7 years
Introducing LSAT Logical Reasoning – The Terrain @LSATPreparation
Introducing LSAT Logical Reasoning – The Terrain A study of arguments should be part of any LSAT preparation course. Introduction – What Skills Does The LSAT Test? The LSAT is a test of reading and reasoning in context. Your reading and reasoning skills will tested in the broad  contexts of: – LSAT Logical Reasoning – LSAT Logic Games – LSAT Reading Comprehension (more…)
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lsatpreparation · 8 years
Planning your legal career: Advice from a former Supreme Court Justice
Planning your legal career: Advice from a former Supreme Court Justice
https://twitter.com/LSATPreparation/status/843075711699247106 The above tweet references an article written by former Supreme Court of Canada Justice Ian Binnie. There are two aspects of the post that are of interest to those considering a legal career. The first aspect focuses on career advice for the individual. The second contains observations about the role (possibly diminishing) that lawyers…
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lsatpreparation · 8 years
The #GRE joins the #LSAT as an objective and reliable admissions test
The #GRE joins the #LSAT as an objective and reliable admissions test
https://twitter.com/LSATPreparation/status/839912547646058496 The above tweet references an article at TaxProf blog reporting that Harvard Law School (you would be surprised how many famous people are Harvard Law School Graduates) is the latest and possibly most important law school to allow applicants to submit the GRE rather than the LSAT. The key point is that the ABA (American Bar…
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lsatpreparation · 8 years
Meet some of the most famous graduates of Harvard #LawSchool
Meet some of the most famous graduates of Harvard #LawSchool
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lsatpreparation · 8 years
The revolution is beginning: Forget The #LSAT. This Law School Will Accept Your #GRE Scores
The revolution is beginning: Forget The #LSAT. This Law School Will Accept Your #GRE Scores
https://twitter.com/LSATPreparation/status/735281670778191872 The revolution is beginning. The use of the GRE as a substitute for the LSAT is a development that I have been predicting for years. Listen and enjoy … http://www.npr.org/player/embed/477386646/478337218
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lsatpreparation · 8 years
The Blueprint For How #LawSchools Will Pull Out Of 'Death Spiral'
The Blueprint For How #LawSchools Will Pull Out Of ‘Death Spiral’
https://twitter.com/LSATPreparation/status/729869352414138368 The above tweet references the above article in Forbes. Of interest to pre-law students is: LSAT scores are a good predictor of whether a student will pass the bar exam, and a recent analysis by the advocacy group Law School Transparency shows a steady decline in scores. Last year, LSAT scores at 37 law schools were so low that half of…
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lsatpreparation · 8 years
The paralegals of today have taken over from the "sole practitioners" of yesterday
The paralegals of today have taken over from the “sole practitioners” of yesterday
https://twitter.com/LSATPreparation/status/719161009638780930 The above tweet references an article from my “Pre-Law Forum” blog. My motivation for writing this … Yesterday I found myself involved in a conversation with a lawyer who has been admitted to the Ontario bar for MORE THAN 50 YEARS! Yes, she is still has an active law practice. Interestingly, she is one of the few remaining sole general…
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lsatpreparation · 8 years
Could it be that there are fewer jobs for lawyers but more jobs in the legal services industry?
Could it be that there are fewer jobs for lawyers but more jobs in the legal services industry?
https://twitter.com/LSATPreparation/status/717310066815287296 The above tweet references an interesting article that reinforces the idea that: “There are lies! Damn lies and statistics!” The article suggests that although there may be fewer hired as lawyers, that the market for people with a legal education may be strong. The Article includes: (more…)
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lsatpreparation · 8 years
The ABA requires a "valid and objective admissions test". What is the reason for this requirement?
The ABA requires a “valid and objective admissions test”. What is the reason for this requirement?
https://twitter.com/LSATPreparation/status/715925714109861889 The above tweet references an article which appeared in the Wall Street Journal on March 31, 2016. The overall theme of the article is that because grades are no longer a reliable indicator of student abilities, then standardized tests are the only thing that schools really have. An excerpt from the article includes: It might seem…
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lsatpreparation · 9 years
#Law Grad learns: No guarantee that attending #lawschool will result in a job - Consider alternatives
#Law Grad learns: No guarantee that attending #lawschool will result in a job – Consider alternatives
https://twitter.com/LSATPreparation/status/713413654532722688 The above tweet references an article about a law school graduate who sued a law school on the grounds that the school misrepresented the employment prospects. The article included: SAN DIEGO (AP) — A jury found Thursday that a San Diego law school did not mislead a graduate who sued on the grounds she was lured to the school by false…
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lsatpreparation · 9 years
How to become a lawyer through a legal apprenticeship and avoid #Lawschool and #LSAT
How to become a lawyer through a legal apprenticeship and avoid #Lawschool and #LSAT
https://twitter.com/LSATPreparation/status/711897490052812800 Times have changed. Applications to U.S. law schools have fallen dramatically. It has been reported that graduates of Ivy League schools are less enthusiastic about attending law school. Law schools are feeling the financial strain and offering “Two Year JD” programs in order to effectively compete. Some ABA law schools are offering…
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lsatpreparation · 9 years
GRE considered by some to be "valid and reliable admissions test" for ABA approved law admissions
GRE considered by some to be “valid and reliable admissions test” for ABA approved law admissions
https://twitter.com/LSATPreparation/status/711652099134722048 The above tweet references a fascinating article in the Wall Street Journal that includes: The traditional law school test emphasizes logical reasoning and reading comprehension, while the GRE also tests math and vocabulary. “The GRE is regarded as the easier test,” said Jeff Thomas, executive director of prelaw programs at Kaplan Test…
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