lsstrvl · 3 years
Digital Universe
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We lived in todays period where innovations are just typical things to do. We are able to connect to people around the world by just one click. Through different platform we are attach from others culture, beliefs, foods and their everyday lives. Technology becomes part of our lifestyle which in some aspect it turns out to be our necessity. One example of this are the online class learning style due to the pandemic that we experienced today. But just like the famous line in the movie and comic book Spider-Man “with great power comes great responsibility”. We have to be cautious in using technology so that we will not harm people in digital or in real world.
Global Digital citizen are individuals who are able to use technology to communicate and connects to others, use all kinds of digital platform to create and join to certain society or group and lastly, they use digital content to help and share knowledge to others. They are responsible in using different digital platforms. They follow guidelines and ethical use of technology. Hence, each and everyone of us should become a digital citizen since, we are all using digital platforms to connect interact and communicate to people who are away from us. Unfortunately, some of us failed to practice become a digital citizen. In spite of the benefits of technology to our lives, some of us abuse its capability.
Moreover, as a digital citizen we must promote the proper way of using our technology. We should create a digital society wherein its goals are to understand diversities of people which focuses on the fact that sometimes what we believed will not be the same as what others believe in and we do not have to force others to agree with our opinion. We should practice freedom of expression but at the same time it will not cause others to hurt and belittle. Instead, lets lift one another in real or in digital world. Let us be a good example especially to young generation who are fond of using various kinds of digital platforms. They might imitate what they see, read and watch on internet thus, we must set as an example to them. We should also respect people in digital world the same way we respect people around us. Consequently, lets use the power of internet to support and empower others. We can still show our care to others through encouraging words we post in social media. Lets create a digital environment wherein there are no rooms for cyberbullying, and abuse of personal information. Instead lets use the advantage of all kinds of digital platform to promote peace and harmony. Lets start using technology to discover more knowledge and ideas that are helpful and that will benefit mankind.
The future of our digital world depends in us, on how we used it. Digital platforms brings every person’s talent, skills, and creativity that transform our society. As a digital citizen we should be responsible in using all kinds of digital platforms. We are all creators of our own content in digital world that is why what we put on it will be the result of our newsfeeds. If we want to have a meaningful newsfeeds it should start on ourselves. After all, we are all responsible in our actions whether in physical or in digital world.
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