lucapiace · 9 years
Oramai vivo di ricordi, belli solo all'apparenza
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lucapiace · 10 years
Se ti venisse dato il libro della storia della tua vita, leggeresti la fine?
Non so di chi sia ma la trovo bellissima. (via ifiloseyouilosemyself)
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lucapiace · 10 years
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The Kum and Go. Or as my mom called it, the ejaculate and evacuate.
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lucapiace · 10 years
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lucapiace · 10 years
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Bleak and Dark New York City through the Eyes of @d_belov
For more bleak and dark shots from the streets of New York, follow @d_belov on Instagram.
“Everyday I find special moments happening on the streets of New York—a photo shoot for ‘Batman’ on the Brooklyn Bridge, or a movie set on Fifth Avenue. Even on bleak days I could show the dynamic life in the city. These things all inspire me,” says Instagrammer Dmitry Belov (@d_belov) who moved from Volgograd, Russia to New York six months ago. “I see New York through the movement of people, cars, and events. The roads of New York are mysterious, and they mesmerize me.”
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lucapiace · 10 years
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This is me.
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lucapiace · 10 years
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Trovare sti capolavori nella tua città..
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lucapiace · 10 years
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lucapiace · 10 years
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lucapiace · 10 years
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lucapiace · 10 years
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lucapiace · 10 years
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October 13, 1993 - Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas is released
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lucapiace · 10 years
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Godzilla Vs. Mechagodzilla (1974)
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lucapiace · 10 years
Chi ride troppo nasconde qualcosa. Qualcosa che non fa ridere.
24oredibuio (via 24oredibuio)
  (via staybeforeyougo)
(via alicenelpaesedegliorrori)
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lucapiace · 10 years
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lucapiace · 10 years
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lucapiace · 10 years
Il bello della parola ‘cazzo’ è che la puoi mettere dove cazzo ti pare, in qualsiasi cazzo di frase e avrà sempre un cazzo di senso
(via tempeste-di-pianti)
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