lucent-noir · 4 years
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“For my fan~”  —- Lucy art, again, from my blog @lucent-noir
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lucent-noir · 4 years
(From my art blog- LISTEN...I KNOW MY BLOGS ARE DEAD...BUT I THINK WHEN VACATIONS START ROLLING AROUND I CAN DO SOME ASKS..)  (I’ve just been really down and tired so I don’t have a lot of motivation for the blogs and online school doesn’t help ;; I’m so sorry..)
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Ik my IZ askblogs are kinda dead bc Highschool and being a Junior fucking sucks </3 but it doesn’t mean I still don’t love them so @lucent-noir Lucy…my lovely fashion designer…in their wedding outfit hehehh
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lucent-noir · 4 years
Do you know how to dance?
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[He sighs.]
I...I sadly do not know how to dance. I have two left feet, dancing is- difficult for me.
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lucent-noir · 4 years
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// Neeps art and Cat onsie Neeps (which is way overdue to be posted on the blog im shfjd sorry ;; so have reg Neeps as compensation for that lmao) I hope you enjoy this as much as I did! So~ here you go @jaz-transmits-official //
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lucent-noir · 4 years
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// Mun here~! Wanted to show y’all a little drawing I did of Lucy in his human disguise!! Made it kinda like a photoshoot/magazine cover ^^ //
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lucent-noir · 4 years
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(( Happy April Fools~! Lucy is now,,,smol and tiny and got himself stuck in a shot glass. Who knew huh. ))
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lucent-noir · 5 years
Hey sparkles i return with a swish and a bang~ *Gabriel chuckles* I have heard you used to be an invader! Very different from what you do now. Is There any creature you have met who has as much fashionable taste as you do? Not that i'm accusing you of eating clothing, or is that what fashion people mean by having a fashionable taste? *he seems to be trying to hold back laughter at his own dumb joke* -Sent by Eye patched irken
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My my, quite the jokester! You must take pride in those jokes~ 
Besides that, I’ve met a few others who I uphold to my fashion sense. Caviera, a lovely Pyrin model I’ve met, Artyom goes out into the more avant garde world on earth and I’ve gotta say, he makes it work. Bovirin is a local designer, they don’t want to get into the big leagues which I completely understand but if you want anything that will look good and elegant, I would recommend you to go to them. They’re on par with really good fashion~ Swindle...could go on this list as well, I did create his fashion sense after all~! I take pride within my work.
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lucent-noir · 5 years
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(( Hi,,mun here, I’m not- dead kjhd I’ve just been...going through a few things which includes the infamous coronavirus ;; but have this Lucy art I made today as compensation! I’m going to get to the asks...I swear.. ^^; Also if you know the song that I wrote the lyrics to you get my respect ))
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lucent-noir · 5 years
How To Care For Lucent, Provide him with fabrics he can work with, Make sure he doesn't overwork himself, Make sure he eats/drinks plenty of water and food. And make sure to ask how he is doing.
// 👀 anon~ you're quite right jshsjs especially on the overworking part, please make sure Lucy doesn't. We don't need him passing out in the middle of a party, that would be...bad...
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lucent-noir · 5 years
Anonymously or not, send “How To Care For” instructions for my muse
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lucent-noir · 5 years
OOO!!! That looks super pretty, Mr Lucy!!! :O It looks so soft... Are all of your clothes that pretty?? :0 And you make them by yourself, right?? Ooh!!! That’s really cool!!! And you’re gonna make m e one??? OOHH!!!!! It’s gonna be the BEST EVER I KNOW it will!!!! -💥
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[There’s a soft chuckle.]
You’re quite enthusiastic! I like that about you! I’m glad that you think my skills in clothes making is cool and that you look forward to what I’m making for you! 
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lucent-noir · 5 years
Hi Lucy! Im sorry.. I had to make your name smaller, I tried for a long time to say it but I don’t think they were right... Oh!! Oh! What’s your most faaavvorite outfit you’ve ever made?? :0 How soft is it? Is it super soft?? Soft is the best!!! It helps me go night night! If I don’t have anything soft I can’t close my eyes... Could you make me something soft? :o -Neeps💥
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Oh it’s quite alright! I assume you’re a smeet right? Feel free to call me Lucy, no need to be apologetic! As for my favorite outfit I have one that I do adore, it’s from a while ago when I modeled more of my own fashion. Actually, I think I have a picture! Here- let me get it.
[There’s shuffling and opening of drawers before a small ‘aha!’ is heard and footsteps travel back to the transmitter. A photo is shown in frame.]
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This is one of my favorite and yes, it is soft. It was made for more fall and winter seasons, hence a soft lining and fabrics. If I’m being honest it’s one of my favorites to wear when it snows.
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For you! However, I’m sure I can make you something soft! How about...a little onesie for you? I’d think you would like that, a very soft one. I’m sure it’ll help you go ‘night night’ as you say! I’m sure I’ll finish it soon enough for you! Just be a little patient with me, alright? You’re gonna get one of the most softest things you’re going to own, free of charge, a gift from me to you~
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lucent-noir · 5 years
Another fluffy irken! So Sparkles! You mentioned earth! Which i want to know what is the name of this Company on earth you have running? Also as someone as popular as yourself you have seen many planets, Any planet you aren't the biggest fan of? I mean there is plenty of planets that will just blow you away (be sure to hold on to something) but some got to be sticks in the mud. (I recommend that you don't touch the stick) *he laughs* -Sent by an Eye-patched irken.
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My company name? It’s simple actually, it’s just “Noir” of course you can make it “Noir fashions” but most beings just use “Noir” instead. 
As for planets, I’d rather not re-visit any that I went to as an invader, it brings back too many memories. Though, one highlight planet would be Eyria, it’s seasons are so harsh on there…it’s a miracle anything survived and adapted to it. I personally, don’t like it and prefer not to go there at all.
And Sparkles? Never got called that before!
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lucent-noir · 5 years
Lucent, what’s your opinion on Zim
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Oh...how do I put this without sounding too mean...?
Zim is a character, I saw him around once in my invader days and I heard about everything he’s done and his “mission” to earth. For an irken who’s a nuisance, he’s still around surprisingly, guess the Tallests like the entertainment from his transmissions or something of the like. 
I try not to bump into him on my travels to earth, I don’t think I would be happy being in his schemes or worse, ending up hurt by them. I’d like to keep away from him, thank you very much.
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lucent-noir · 5 years
(( IM JUST- ))
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🌗 Lucent & Advert :D
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They shall bring the royal flare. A very kindhearted individual.
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lucent-noir · 5 years
Have you ever traveled anywhere?
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It would be hard for me not to travel! To fashion shows, fabrics and just leisure, I would be lying to say I didn’t.
I go more often to a certain planet called ‘Earth’. While yes the empire doesn’t really…care much about it, I do enjoy it and I do have a little…company branch there as well.
To think earth is the only place that has silk is incredible, one of my favourites.
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lucent-noir · 5 years
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Didn’t fully know what character ya wanted so,,,I did Lucy~ Enjoy~ //
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