lucidpainter · 6 years
Full Moon in Virgo/February 19,19
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What a day! In my opinion things have been lining up just as they should, even if not in the order or flow that I may have imagined.
Pulling for this full moon in Virgo was effortless and sure thing with the Sun coming into Pisces to, We are graced with the Genie card, the Nine of Cups. This is the picture we have been dreaming and asking for coming to fruition. Blessings and hopes and dreams being granted, maybe to easily? But be so careful, because the frog we kiss may turn into a prince but not one we thought him to be. He may be to grouchy or just not quite tall enough. Our plans are coming to pass, but every detail may not be as it should be.
 The Queen of Swords ask us to be way more certain then we have been. The Queen tells us that the buisness we currently have on the table could go either way but there must be clear execution and follow thru in order to get the job done right. Be sure to check up on loose ends and never wait to long before going to see someone in person, if need be. 
The Seven of Wands tells us of the spiritual battle that lays before us within the next month. Imagine a king at the top of his hill with new ideas and visions for himself and his empire, and there are all these energies coming to try to bring him down or kick him out the castle. Stand firm in your choices and convictions and with the right intention, defend your purpose and goals. They are achievable and with the right amount of thought and action, great progress can be made. 
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lucidpainter · 8 years
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24 x 23 Oil on stretched canvas
$250 plus shipping
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lucidpainter · 8 years
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Age 16
A young man, he is leaving his native land to move on to explore a whole big world of freedom. He has dreams and ideas and visions of what it could be like, but seemly nieve to the trials that lay ahead. He is guided by the angels and protected to the end. 
Watercolor 11′x 15′
$50 Framed Original
$40 Original
$25 Print
Shipping Included. Paid thru PayPal
0 notes
lucidpainter · 8 years
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Age 29
He is powerful beyond measure or words. He needs nothing but the thought to create all he needs. He trust and aims to the heavens for his source energy but remains grounded in his work. He is God. And dare to ask him to prove it to you.
Watercolor 11′ x 15′
$50 Framed Original
$40 Original
$25 Print
Shipping Included. Paid thru PayPal
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lucidpainter · 8 years
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Age 56
She is magic. Mystical and goddess. She has been outcast for her deep practice and divination. She cares not for others, knowing she is sovereign and attuned to the God Mind. She knows all answers, seeing and receiving messages from the Most High. She is at peace always, connected and comforted by Spirit.
Watercolor  11′ x 15′
Shipping Included. Paid thru PayPal
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lucidpainter · 8 years
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Age 26
Here she is to be wed. She is half of equal and standing in her divine power. She is here to activate and create with her new King and God. She vows to protect and care, love and grow abundant in health. She is the hidden key to the Kingdom of God.
Watercolor 11′ x 15′
Shipping Included. Paid thru PayPal
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lucidpainter · 8 years
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Age 54
He is a man of great power and wisdom. The top shotta and the love of many women's lives. He is sure and secure in all his commands and builds up fearlessly against anything that may try him and his army.
Watercolor 11′ x 15′
$50 Framed Original
$40 Original
$25 Print
Shipping Included. Paid thru PayPal
0 notes
lucidpainter · 8 years
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Age 36
He is a devout follow of the Church and has recently been appointed the status of gatekeeper to the Popes Eternal Treasury. His life mission will be to keep and preserve the reverence of the Popes most prized collection of treasures, old and new.
Watercolor 11′ x 15′
$50 Framed Original
$40 Original
$25 Print
Shipping Included. Paid thru PayPal
0 notes
lucidpainter · 8 years
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Age 23 and 26
They are a young couple from West Africa, who are the newest talk of their new hometown. So in love, some say they look alike. Twin flames. The same person in many ways, and completely opposite in others, they currently cant agree on what color to paint the downstairs bathroom.
Watercolor  11′ x 15′
Shipping Included. Paid thru PayPal
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lucidpainter · 8 years
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Age 18
He has been called toward a mission, one he embarks all on his own, with a vision and a purpose in mind. He is protected and shielded by the Universe, the Stars and the Moon. He will come back victorious. 
Watercolor  11′ x 15′
$50 Framed Original
$40 Original
$25 Print
Shipping Included. Paid thru PayPal
0 notes
lucidpainter · 8 years
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Age 22
They say if you pop his bubble it will create quite the uproar and chaos. So she holds on tight and keeps him safe from sharp edges. She is strong willed against the pull his fire. Shes just wondering if they have pink cotton candy?
Watercolor  11′ x 15′
Shipping Included. Paid thru PayPal
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lucidpainter · 8 years
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Age 30
Years of isolation, dedication, and commitment to his spiritual attainment has led him to a greater understanding and enlightenment about himself and the world he sees. What will he teach you?
Watercolor  11′ x 15′
Shipping Included. Paid thru PayPal
0 notes
lucidpainter · 8 years
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Wheel of Fortune
Age AsOldAsTime
Oh what a sly one he is. He can be the best of days or the worst of days. He is controls the tricks and the treats. He summons your alarm to go off late or a unexpected $20 in the laundry. Let the Wheel always turn in your favor.
Watercolor  11′ x 15′
$50 Framed Original
$40 Original
$25 Print
Shipping Included. Paid thru PayPal
0 notes
lucidpainter · 8 years
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Age 44
She is balanced and sure of every choice she makes. Diplomatic and true. On one hand she can solve any issue affront. On the other hand, she loves to love and does anything for the better of it. Carpe Diem
Watercolor  11′ x 15′
$50 Framed Original
$40 Original
$25 Print
Shipping Included. Paid thru PayPal
0 notes
lucidpainter · 8 years
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Age 28
He knows better, hes seen better, but he refuses to do better. Now hes stuck here letting time and life pass him by. Maybe the fire flies will give him a spark of inspiration.
Watercolor  11′ x 15′
Shipping Included. Paid thru PayPal
0 notes
lucidpainter · 8 years
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Age 101
Since conception, the biggest change in the human life, comes death. May the transition be quick, easy, and smooth...
Watercolor  11′ x 15′
$50 Framed Original
$40 Original
$25 Print
Shipping Included. Paid thru PayPal
0 notes
lucidpainter · 8 years
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Age 33
She is even and still. Like a sweet, calm, spring wind, or a musky fall breeze. She is silence and a million sounds at once. Dusk or Dawn? Do you speak or just watch?
Watercolor  11′ x 15′
$50 Framed Original
$40 Original
$25 Print
Shipping Included. Paid thru PayPal
0 notes