luciesbabyboy · 2 years
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Friend did this to me earlier today. Still laughing about it
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luciesbabyboy · 2 years
She lay there in bed on her back staring at the ceiling in the dark. Her husband had his back to her, breathing steadily. She guessed he was asleep, or at least close to it. He shifted a slightly, causing the adult sized diaper he was wearing to crinkle under the coveres.
Her husband had recently confessed that he had a fetish for wearing diapers, and had enjoyed it for most of his life. They made him relaxed and comfortable and used to help him sleep more soundly, until he made himself stop. Now that they had been married for almost a year, he wanted to come clean and potentially make it a part of their life.
She had gone with it, but now, two weeks later she was still trying to wrap her head around the appeal of wearing a diaper and wanting to be like a helpless little child. They had been doing research together, but it was still a little mind-boggling. She learned about AB's and Mommies and everything in between, but wondered if that was meant for her. It was all so unusual.
And yet...
"I think you would actually make a fantastic mommy. But you gotta have an open mind about it. Don't worry though, babe. Take all the time you need."
She would think about it and think about it, and resist, and repeat. Maybe what she had to do was stop thinking so much.
She rolled over and touched her husband's shoulder. He started slightly and mumbled "Hey, babe."
"Hey, sweetheart."
"Can't sleep?"
"Not really. Can you?"
"Me neither. Come closer."
She scooted in and molded her body around her husband's back like a big spoon, wrapping her arm over him and kissing him on the back of his neck. His diaper pressed thickly into her lower abdomen.
"I keep thinking about this..." she trailed off.
"You mean me wearing a diaper in bed?"
"Yeah. It..."
"I can take a break if you want, babe. I know its a little weird for you..."
"No it's not that, actually it's..."
How could she explain how much it warmed her heart to see her husband sleep so peacefully for the first time, all traces of worry gone from his handsome face, not having to worry about wetting the bed at night, or disturb his sleep to go to the bathroom? How she loved seeing him give up all control of his body so he can have someone else take care of him for a change? How honored she felt that he trusted her with one of the deepest secrets of his heart?
"It's so white and puffy...it kinda makes your butt look like...like a marshmallow."
A pause, then he chuckled. "I guess you're right, it does look like a marshmallow! I never thought of that."
He was quiet for a moment before he said "I love marshmallows..."
He said it in such an innocent yet mischievous way, she was expected him to finish the sentence with "Mommy" and found herself disappointed that he did not. Strange.
She tentatively took her hand and caressed it down his side to the waist band of the diaper. She had never allowed herself to touch it before. She even asked him to wear under clothes until she got used to it, but he got hot in pajama pants, so he was just wearing a t shirt with the diaper.
Her hand continued down the side and around his bottom until her hand rested right in the middle of the thickest of the padding. "Are you comfy cozy, baby?"
A pause, before he answered. "Yes," he breathed into the darkness.
Instinctively, she gently patted his bottom like an adult would pat a precocious little child on the head. She heard him gasp.
"Is this okay?" She asked tentatively.
"That's great!" He gasped.
"Is it a...turn on?"
"Oh, yes..."
She was strangely turned on too, noticing the sudden surge of moisture gathering between her legs accompanied by horniness. She had an urge to repeatedly press her pubis against the padding in front of her.
"Have you wet your diaper tonight?"
"I think so..."
"I think so what?"
"I think so...Mommy?"
She was suddenly so proud that he gave her the right answer, she squeezed him tight and repeated kissed his cheek.
"That's right, baby! Good answer! Can Mommy check you?"
Loving how she was opening up to the dynamic her husband said "yes, please, Mommy."
Still spooning him, her hand traveled from the back of his diaper to his front and grasped a handful of the swollen padding, and something else swollen and stiff inside it.
"Oh, baby," she whispered in his ear, "you've got a big boy penis in that diaper!"
"That's cuz my Mommy is pretty."
"Aww, she is?" Her clit started tingling, and her pussy was getting wetter and wetter. She kept gently grinding into him.
"Yes, she's pretty and sexy and she has nice boobies..." his voice was getting higher and higher, and he started inching the blanket over his face in embarrassment.
"Aw, baby you're so sweet! Give me a big hug!"
She pushed his shoulder down so he was lying face up and she straddled on top of him, wrapping her arms around him, and he hugged her back. Her pussy was pressed right over the diaper now, leaving a slick on the material.
She sat up on top of him. They could just barely see each other in the dimness of the room. Her husband started tugging at the top of her nightgown.
"What's wrong, baby?" She asked.
"Can I have some milk, Mommy?"
"Sure, baby, you hungry? Here..." she pulled the straps of her nightgown down, revealing her breasts and allowing her husband to take one nipple in his mouth, feigning nursing, and kneaded the other gently in his hand. She held his head up against her chest, hovering over him and kissing his hair.
She didn't understand how, but the neediness and the innocence were making her feel so good, and she could feel warmth and sensation building in her core. "Does this make you happy, baby?"
"Yes, Mommy," he said, lips still wrapped around her nipple.
"Do you like it when I pat you on the butt?" She asked as she reached between her legs. Her finger found her clit and started working it in circles, enhancing the pleasure building steadily.
"I do, Mommy," he wined, very needy and eager to please.
"Good, baby" she gasped, the orgasm steadily approaching now. "You're such a sweet little boy. And so helpless."
"I am, Mommy. I need you."
"You're just a little baby who needs Mommy's help with everything. And you can't even use the potty like a grown up, can you" she continued in a sing-songy voice while her finger worked faster and faster, her hips thrusting against the diaper. Her Littles lips were still sucking hungrily on her nipple, enhancing the sensations growing and building between her legs and she felt his hardness in his diaper.
"No, Mommy, I can't. I want my Mommy all the time..." he whimpered and sucked and whimpered and sucked.
Finally, the orgasm exploded from inside her, filling her body with warmth and light and love, and she cried out with joy before she fell onto her husband's chest. She panted as his arms wrapped around her and he stroked her hair. She never felt anything like this before.
They lay together in silence for a few minutes, savoring the aftermath of the orgasm.
Finally, he asked "I take it you're used to it now?"
She laughed and said "I guess you could say that!"
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luciesbabyboy · 2 years
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luciesbabyboy · 2 years
Underwear inspection!
Momma asked for a picture of my underwear tonight. Embarrassing stains so I got told to clean up, powder up and wrap up!
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luciesbabyboy · 3 years
Little things
-Make me ask you to go potty. If I don’t, punish me. Remind me to go. -Check me to see if I’m wet, even if I’m not diapered. Even in public. -Embarrass the fuck out of me, it’s hot. -Stand me in the corner when im bad. -Make me stand there till I wet my diaper. -Grab my butt whenever you like. -Force me into diapers. -Spank me and tell me how naughty I am. -Make me call you mommy all the time. -Tease me, whenever you want. -Make me ask and beg for everything. -Tell me off for playing or coming without permission. -Ask me if I’ve had any accidents lately.
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luciesbabyboy · 3 years
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luciesbabyboy · 3 years
The Letter.
Something momma and me wrote together, the background to this is fact, the solution is pure fantasy. But OMG this was such fun to write together.
Steve came home to an empty house after 21 days working away. It had been the longest stretch working away and he was completely broken. His wife had sent him a message earlier saying she was sorry she wouldn’t be there when he got home from his flight, but not to worry she would be home at 9pm, she was just having coffee with an old friend.
He made himself a cup of tea and sat down on the sofa and flicked on the TV. His eye was drawn to the fireplace and an plain white envelope with “Darling, please read me” written in his wife’s handwriting
Having picked it up he returned to the sofa and gently prised open the envelope, his nostrils caught the sent of his wifes perfume and he smiled at the thought of her. He opened the letter and began to read.
First, let me tell you how much I love you and how proud of you I am for everything you do. You make me feel so loved and our time apart is only made so much better when we are together. However, I’m really worried about you. I know you’re not telling me the whole truth about the hours you are putting in, but I know as you read this letter that you are completely destroyed mentally and physically and its will take you days to recover. But you’re not recovering, you’re surviving, you’re not eating properly, you’re not getting the sleep you need, you’re not getting any exercise, you’re waking up, going to work, eating crap to feed your depleted energy, you’re working 15 hours a day and 7 days a week and you’ve just done this for 21 days. How you’re not in hospital I really don’t know.
 What you have done at that business, is beyond remarkable, you’ve single handed built it to an extremely successful, profitable business, but you have to look after yourself. If you don’t I fear you’ll self implode. I’ve seen you when you come home from a tough period away and I can tell you’re just minutes from going down the drain. How you recover enough to face another week is beyond me.
 We need to get you back to where you were mentally and physically 4 years ago, cooking and eating great healthy food, loving life, exercising and reading....remember how you used to soak up books, almost a book every week, and we used to sit listening to classic alums on the record player. Now you just sit down and because you’re exhausted you don’t engage with much. I understand, but we used to have so much fun, we’d spend time with friends and family or just being on our own.
 I know you’re at breaking point, and I fear that any day I’m going to get a call from your work saying you’ve had a heart attack or a mental breakdown. Thats why, this week, I contacted your CEO and she agrees with me. Again she is amazed at what you have achieved for the company and the group, but she agrees that you’re on the verge. The business will cope, you’ve built the foundations, you have got the staff in there running it, you now need to step away and relax.
 So from this weekend, with your bosses blessing, you have a 10 week leave of absence. We have 10 weeks to reset you, to get you back into a mental state that gives me confidence that you’ll not kill yourself before your next birthday.
 And I know exactly how to rest you “little man” 😊
 On the other side of this letter is a 10 week program to take you back to basics, to allow your brain and body to dump all of that stress and then to slowly build you back up. You will, if you agree, give up all responsibilities and I will make sure you are looked after like the gorgeous little man you are.
 Weeks 1 & 2
                Regressed to a 9 month old. Momma will take care of your every need, she will bathe you, feed you, clothe you, read you bed time stories, cuddle you, change your nappies, love you unconditionally.
                During this period, you are not allowed to walk, talk (9 month olds can’t do either), you communicate by using your hands and either crying or babbling. Just like a little baby. You are allowed to crawl around the house, but you are to use your nappies for their true intended purpose. No phones or computers and no tv except early learning tv like sesame street and in the night garden. Early bed times and day time naps. Me feeding you with a spoon, having all your drinks in baby bottles. Millions of cuddles on the sofa.
 Weeks 3 & 4
                My little man is now a proper handful as a 2 year old: You can toddle around the house and can use big words, but you still need momma for cuddles and everything else in weeks 1 & 2. You’re still not able to use the toilet, you can watch a few more interesting things on tv and you can play with lego and cars and colour with crayons. Your food is a less babyish, and you love food time and getting all messy with eating with your hands. You need to ask momma for everything you need, even though you can reach the counter top, cookies and treats are off limits without asking. Time out on the naughty step if you get caught doing something momma has said you can’t.
 Weeks 5 & 6
                Oh my, what a cute little 3 year old you are. So independent, but so naughty, trying to do things yourself and getting into all kinds of scrapes. Momma still has to tie your shoe laces and get you dressed and you still have problems with the potty, so momma is keeping you in nappies for a little while longer. But you’re old enough now to let momma know when you need to go poopy. Where she can undo your nappy and sit you on the big boy potty and wipe your cute little bottom after, and put you in a fresh nappy. You’ll be in a lot of trouble if you forget to tell momma you need to go number two and momma will smack that poopy bottom and make you sit in a dirty nappy to remind you what a dirty boy you are. We can now watch Disney cartons together and you’re learning your abc’s and numbers so well. You still need nap times, and momma needs to still take you for a bath, but can leave you to play with your bath time toys.
 Weeks 7 & 8
                 6 months older and such a handful for this momma. You’re getting much better at potty time, so momma has decided to let you wear pull ups. You need to tell momma when you need to go potty and she will pull your trousers and pull ups down and sit you on the big plastic potty. Little boys who are potty training still need nappies at night and you’ll be wrapped up tightly in a big fluffy nappy after bath time every night. Of course I’m sure you’ll forget about needing to go potty which is why momma will constantly ask you if you need to go, however if you say no and then wet your pull ups, you can expect momma to pull those down and put you over her knee for a well earned bare botty spanking. Momma is going to be strict with you and any rule breaking will result in a red bottom and corner time. But now you’re older you can help momma bake cookies and cakes and she’ll let you lick the spoon. Lots of cuddles with my little man and you can help momma around the house. You’ll look so cute in just your Spider man pullups and dinosaur t-shirts. It makes momma’s job of checking you for wetness so much easier
 Weeks 9 & 10
                Oh my you’ve grown up and momma is getting you ready to go “back to school” You’re nearly fully potty trained with only the occasional wetting accident. So momma has gone out and bought you some proper big boy briefs. They have lots of cool designs on them. Spiderman obviously, I’ve got several pairs of them, some other marvel prints and some basic plain colours so you can feel like a big boy when we go out. Momma is still going to ask you if you need the potty, especially if she sees you doing your little potty dance. As you’re bigger now, you have lots more responsibilities, you are big enough to put away your toys after play time is over, you can read books by yourself. You help momma clean up the house and do the laundry. And you can help her big person cooking. We have put the big plastic potty away in the cupboard and now you’re using the big boy toilet all by yourself and wiping our bottom properly after poopies. Momma is so proud of your journey to being a proper little man, but understands you still get into mischief. You sometimes still have little wet accidents in your big boy pants and that means momma will turn that cute little bottom of your red and put you back in a nappy for the rest of the day as punishment. You can go the whole night without wetting your night time nappy, but momma knows you sleep more soundly having one on, so she still gets you properly wrapped up for bed every night.
So that’s it my love. I need you to be better, to get you’re head in the correct space you can be a proper functioning adult. We’re going to have so much fun over the next 10 weeks. I’ll take you to the park, we’ll go for picnics and walk the dog and feed the ducks. You’ll get an allowance to spend on sweeties at the shops if you’ve been a good boy. You’ll get to go shopping with momma and she’ll make sure your bottom is checked when we’re out for wetness.
 Now the bad news. You’re not allowed any alcohol for the whole 10 weeks. You have to do everything momma says without questions. Any breaking of my rules will result in you getting a proper hard bare bottom spanking. You are never allow to touch your nappy at any time or play with what is in it 😊 Which brings me to “Mommas needs” Obviously momma has needs, that only a grown up can provide, seeing you naked 4 or 5 times a day as I change your nappy, or bathe you, or even when I turn that tight little butt of yours over my knee will inevitably make momma hot in all kinds of places. Therefore momma is going to need you to fix this her whenever she needs to satisfy her needs. I will take you out of your nappy and you will be allowed to be a proper man, then straight after we’ll go back to our plan.
 If you agree to this plan, and giving me full responsibility for you over the next 10 weeks, just send me a text with a “Baby emoji” and the words “I’m ready momma”
Love you so much baby boy.
 Your darling wife.
 He let this sink in for a moment, and an emotional wave came over him. He felt so loved in that very moment that he started to cry, all the stress that had built up was too much for him. With tears in his eyes he reached for his phone and sent the message his wife needed to see.
 His phone immediately buzzed back with a heart emoji and 10 seconds later buzzed back again with the following message:
 “Finally and you’re not going to like this one little bit. When I get home, I want you standing in the corner in just your underwear. I want you to get a high backed chair from the dining room and place it in the middle of the lounge. You will also need to get the paddle, the hairbrush and the cane from under the bed. I know you have constantly lied to me about the hours you are doing and I know you’ve been going back into work when you said you are tucked up in bed. So I’m going to really punish you for this behaviour so you remember what happens to naughty boys who lie to me. This is not going to be a normal spanking where I turn your bottom red and then we make love afterwards. I’m going to teach you a lesson through your bottom that you will hopefully remember. If you end up sobbing and begging me to stop then I know its working, but only I will decide when the punishment is over. You will be so thankful to be put back into nappies tonight to protect a very sore bottom when you sit down over the next few days. I’m sorry baby, but I have to show you that lies and sneaking around are not good for our relationship and I’m only doing this for your own good. Love you, see you in 30 minutes. Don’t disobey me or it will 10 times worse.
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luciesbabyboy · 3 years
Shopping trip
During an evening of cuddles with momma where we’re just talking about stuff that normal couples do, its more intimate becasue she’s put me in a nappy and stuck a dummy in my mouth, so its more of momma talking baby listening. During this momma admits a massive fantasy of hers about having sex in public.....OMG, spitting my dummy out in shock, whats happening to momma? shedding her “puritan” ways and living the dream.....Ans she asks me if I’d like to incorporate it into a story for her to read....so here is my best shot....Just fantasy you understand, but can’t help thinking what if????
So you tell me that we need to go to M&S to buy you some more panties, as you feel you need a little lift.
We get in the car and drive to the store and within minutes we are inside looking at some very sexy panties.
You hold up a couple of white and blue satin full back panties with lace on the leg trims and I nod in agreement, they look lovely.
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Instead of walking to the cashier you ask me to follow you into the changing rooms, they are not attended so we walk into the last one and you close the door.
You then start to undo my belt, whilst slowly kissing me passionately on the mouth.
You pull away as my jeans fall to the floor and you tell me to strip naked. My excitement is clearly viable as the front of my pants, you look down and gently grab my cock and run the front of my underwear to get it even more hard.
Once naked you hand me the blue panties and tell me to put them on, quickly I raise them above my knees and over my raging hard cock and snap the elastic onto my waist.
You spin me around so you can admire my bottom tightly wrapped in pale blue knickers.
You tell me to bend over the bench and stick my arse in the air, feeling your hands run up and down my legs and cupping my bum, I can hardly contain my excitement on this.
I hear you stand up and then I feel a swift sharp slap to the right side of my bottom, then quickly another to the left, you do this 20 times before pulling down the back of the knickers to reveal a pink bottom, then you repeat the 20 smacks, to my bare behind.
Pulling the knickers up slowly you allow me to catch my breath but you tell me to not turn around.
I hear you, in what I can only describe as you undressing.
You then tell me to turn around and I see that you’re wearing black stockings and suspenders, a black lacy thong and no bra. My cock at this stage is just oozing pre-cum and you can see it in the front of my pale blue knickers
“Tut-tut” you say, such a naughty panty boy, making a mess in his new knickers momma has picked out for him, good job I packed a big fluffy nappy for you to change into, especially if you cant keep new panties dry for 5 minutes”
You motion me to come closer to you and as I stand in front of you and you whisper in my ear “are you ready” At which point you elegantly lower yourself in front of me, expertly lowering my panties to my knees. My cock is now raging hard and inches from your lips, you lick them to make them wet and dart your tongue quickly over my exposed head. I shiver with anticipation as you gently circle your tongue around the rim of my cock.
You’re teasing me and you’re loving it, I can almost smell your wetness as you get more excited. Opening your mouth fully to take my whole cock in your mouth, its warmness is seeping into my body, your tongue  is circling my head as you bob gently back and forwards, your hands grabbing my freshly spanked arse and you gently run a finger down the crack to find my bottom hole, with a little lubrication you’re, circling your index finger around my bum hole whilst sucking my cock. I can feel myself getting close, it was never going to take long. You can feel me getting closer. My breathing is getting longer and beeper and more rapid.
I’m seconds away from exploding when you suddenly stop. You raise yourself to my face and gently stroke my cock whilst whispering in my ear “are you a good boy, sweetie, if you’re a good boy, then you’ll do exactly what I want you to do, do you want to cum, I bet you want to cum so hard don’t you?
With that thought circling my head you get down on your hands and knees and stick your bottom in the air, wiggling it at me as a sign. I can’t help myself and I get behind your and bury my face in your arse, licking the whole of your wet cunt from arsehole to clit, I suck on your juices and I feel your legs tremble, you’re closer than I thought, know that if I make you cum with just my mouth you’ll spank me later for disobeying your subliminal messages to me, I pull my face way from you, your juices running down my face. My cock, now on the retreat from cumming only minutes ago, enters your soaking wet pussy and I thrust hard and deep, I’m making you moan, and you’re biting your hand not to make too much noise. I can feel your rising orgasm through the tip of my penis, I fuck you harder and harder, my balls slapping your arse and my finger is circling your bum hole, just like you did to me. I can feel both of us getting to the point of no return, wanting to savour it, I slow down a little and feel you go over the edge, as your body and pussy starts to quiver. This in turns sends electronic messages to the tip of my cock and nothing can stop me now, I thrust one final time and explode what seems a months worth of cum  deep inside you.
I remain inside you feeling your pussy contract back and forth over my softening cock, milking every last drop of cum out of me. Finally I pull out of you and you let go a huge sigh of satisfaction.
Pulling your knickers back to the side we both stand up and I go to get dressed. Tutting loudly again, you pull out a purple nappy from your bag, tell me to lie down, and you expertly tighten it around my waist, pulling on my T-shirt on you collect all my other clothes and hand me the wet pale blue knickers. You then tell me to take them to the cash register and tell the lady you are sorry for messing them and would like to pay for them, and that you’re momma has put you back in nappies because you can’t control yourself.
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Bright pink with embarrassment I waddle off to the cashier who smirks at me and smiles and nods at you, I think that maybe this has been a whole set up. Patting my nappied bottom, you tell me its time to go home as you walk me back to the car with my purple nappy on full display....such a mean momma, but a sexy one at that and I do think how lucky I am to have you in my life.
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luciesbabyboy · 3 years
Been away too long!
Sorry, i’ve just been so busy at work, insanly long hours and no days off. Just haven’t had the energy to post anything for a while. Momma, still makes sure I’m looked after and we’re both still enjoying our dynamic. I’ve been working on a couple that are now ready to post. Hope you enjoy them. Keep happy & stay padded
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luciesbabyboy · 3 years
My perfect Saturday night with momma
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To, že je někdo roztomilý Počůránek ještě neznamená, že nemůže občas dostat na zadek, když si to zrovna zaslouží 😋. Nemám pravdu? 👸
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luciesbabyboy · 3 years
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cute boyfriend where art thou
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luciesbabyboy · 3 years
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luciesbabyboy · 3 years
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When one of your “vanilla” friends posts a meme you’ve only see circulating on your AB/DL media....
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luciesbabyboy · 3 years
Have ever loved someone so much you can feel your heart welling up every time you think of them ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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luciesbabyboy · 4 years
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Momma here! I’ve not posted at all but felt brave enough now after my little one convinced me I’ll be safe and anonymous.
My little man is poorly today, I noticed him getting the sniffles last night so I took his temperature and it was a little high. I gave him a couple of aspirin and made him drink lots of water, from his baba of course, then wrapped him up nice and tight in one of the new nappies I bought him. I usually like him all snuggled up in Crinklz, but I saw these (From Dotty Diaper Company) whilst browsing and they looked super cute. And OMG, they are super cute on his bottom, I can’t help but stare at him whilst he sleeps next to me.
This morning, I woke before he did, which is unusual as he is normally up with the birds, he has always cleaned up downstairs and when I wake up (if he is in little space) he’ll be watching Disney on the big TV, but this morning, he didn’t stir at all, sleeping on his tummy with a very soggy nappy between his legs. I felt his brow and he still had a little bit of a temperature so I went downstairs and let him sleep a little more. Around 10am I made blueberry pancakes and took them to him in bed. I put the tray on his lap and sat next to him in bed, I knew he was poorly as he hardly touched them, only eating a couple of them. I told him to lie down and  undid his wet nappy and cleaned him up, My heart melted as he barely had the strength to lift his bum off the bed so I could slip a fresh one under him, I put a couple of boosters in and smothered him with baby lotion and talcum powder, before securing it tightly.
I gave him a couple more aspirin and he drank a couple of bottles of water from his baba. I couldn’t leave him there all alone, so I climbed back into bed after making myself a large cup of coffee and he instantly snuggled onto my chest, I popped his binky back into his mouth and gently stroked his hair as he drifted back off to sleep.
It’s now mid-afternoon and he is feeling a little better. His temperature is down to normal, but he says he feels tired and weak. He is supposed to fly back to work tomorrow, but this Momma might keep him home for one more day to be super sure he is all well and mended.
I love our little time together, I’m not the greatest at engaging, but I have absolutely loved today, apart from my little man being poorly sick, but on the plus side, I’ve had a whole morning of cuddles and got to look after him just like a proper momma should.
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luciesbabyboy · 4 years
It's cold here atm and Momma came up with a fab idea to keep me all snuggly at night. Before getting ready for bed Momma puts my nappy on the radiator for ten minutes along with my onesie, and it feels like a warm hug all night long 🤗🤗🤗
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luciesbabyboy · 4 years
New Underwear!
“Hi baby boy, how was your day? Have you been good for momma?” She says as she enters the bedroom where she sees her little prince busy colouring his book laying on his tummy with wearing his new yellow underpants and t-shirt.
“Yes momma, look what I coloured” He eagerly holds his colouring book up to her so she can see
“That’s very good my favourite little man, well done for staying inside the lines, that’s excellent colouring”
His little face beams with pride
She comes and sits down on the bed next to him and her hand gently pats his upturned bottom
Its then she feels just a little bit of dampness on the seat of his pants
A stern look comes across her face as she asks him if he has had an accident
“No momma, I’ve been good”
“Baby, are you sure, I hope you’re not telling momma lies”
He tells her that he has not wet his pants (she senses a little bit of attitude in his voice) and that he is a big boy
“Okay baby, that’s okay, can you do something for momma? Can you go and get me some tissue form the bathroom so I can wipe my nose”?
She knows her little man loves un-rolling the toilet roll and doing nice things for his momma and she watches him run off to the bathroom
He comes back very quickly with a wad of tissue paper in his hands, he is such a silly little boy, he has fallen into her trap to catch him out. As he stands there in visibly wet pants, his eyes look over mommas’ shoulder to the damp spot on the bed cover where he has been laying for the past hour.
He hopes against all hope that she has not seen it, but she has and now he is in trouble.
She puts her hand underneath his new yellow pants and tuts
“Well, well, you DO have wet pants, that means you are one of two things little man. You are either a liar and you knew you wet your pants, or you are a little baby who does not know when he needs to go potty. Which one are you?”
He ums and ahhs, whilst shuffling his feet.
“I’m waiting for an answer Mister Man”
“I’m not a baby” he tells her.
“Well then, you are a little fibber, who wets himself then”
“You have to be one or the other. I think you are a little naughty baby boy who wets his new pants that I bought for him for being good and then he tells fibs”
She stands up and reaches for the hairbrush on her bedside table. Sits down and pats her knees
“Over you go “
“But momma, that’s not fair, I’m not a naughty baby”
She puts her hand back up to his wet pants and says,  “this tells me otherwise, now I’m going to count to three and if your bottom isn’t over my knees by the time I reach three, then you are going to be in a lot more trouble than you already are…One…Two…Th”
As she starts to say the number three he quickly lays over her lap which makes his new pants stretch tightly over his cute little bottom
“Now then, I’m going to spank you with my hand over your dirty wet pants to remind you what happens to little boys who wet themselves, then I’m going to pull those cute pants off and I’m going to spank you very hard on your bare bottom 30 times with momma’s little helper here. Obviously the 20 spanks I gave you last time didn’t get through to you”
He sighs and resigned to his fate mutters “okay”
After his spanking is finished, she tells him to go and stand in the corner while she gets some things ready.
“Right then little man, seeing you obviously like to wet your pants like a baby, I’m going to treat you just like one. I’ve bought a new cloth nappy and plastic panties and you are going to wear them for the rest of the day. Then before bed I’m going to give you a baby bath and wash you like a little baby. I’m then going to sit you on the potty and watch you until you go wee wees in the big boy toilet. After you have finished you will be to bed in a very think night-time nappy. If you can keep that dry through the night you will be allowed to wear pull ups for the rest of the next day, but heaven help you if I find even the smallest damp patch on them when I check. That means, sitting down to go potty and properly wiping yourself”
“Now come here and lay your red butt down on the bed so I can get you ready for bed”
As she rubs baby lotion into his bottom and his front, she tells him that he is also grounded for the rest of the day, that means he must stay in his bedroom until its bedtime. No phone or colouring books, and only Disney films on the tv. If momma comes up and catches him doing anything naughty like playing with cars or dinosaurs then she will pull his nappy down and make his bottom red all over again!
Finally patting him on his diapered bottom she kisses him on his forehead and cuddles him. He sulks and gets under the covers as he watches her put on a Disney movie and then she pops his pacifier into his grumpy mouth.
“I’ll be up in an hour to check on you little man, and bring you a snack and a bottle of juice to drink”
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